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52 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Go easy on poor old Ed. Typical of his ethnicity, he has an enormous knob, but untypically, he has no buttocks. As my grandad said to me " it's no good having a big chisel, if you aint got a mallet to bang it home"

Nope your nazi grandad said 

Es nützt nichts, einen großen Meißel zu haben, wenn man keinen Hammer hat, mit dem man ihn nach Hause schlagen kann.

eat cheese…

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I know this is a really common saying, but it’s complete gobbledygook. Makes no logical sense whatsoever. History back people were fucking stupid.

Forget this shit. I have a question, that I am sure you, and @King Billy, can answer for me.

This is purely theoretical, and I am asking for a friend.

If a body were wrapped in 4 layers of cling film, and 3 layers of bacofoil, then buried to a depth of 60cm in heavy clay soil, would it avoid detection by sniffer dogs and heat detecting equipment.

I thank you both in anticipation.


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19 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Forget this shit. I have a question, that I am sure you, and @King Billy, can answer for me.

This is purely theoretical, and I am asking for a friend.

If a body were wrapped in 4 layers of cling film, and 3 layers of bacofoil, then buried to a depth of 60cm in heavy clay soil, would it avoid detection by sniffer dogs and heat detecting equipment.

I thank you both in anticipation.


Burn it you stupid cunt.

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Burn it you stupid cunt.

Have the cadaver  become the president of the United States .They'll never know .

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 04/05/2024 at 16:52, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You bumder, you run a gay pub, dont you? Are you going to tell the board about your criminal record?

Wish I did .it would be way more fun and lucrative than what I do .My criminal record involves a Birmingham Bus driver,  a public convenience and an oversized yam.

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 minutes ago, Frank said:



RIP the Don.

Oddball  , Kelly's Heroes.Thats my other dog impression...woof ..woof .

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32 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Forget this shit. I have a question, that I am sure you, and @King Billy, can answer for me.

This is purely theoretical, and I am asking for a friend.

If a body were wrapped in 4 layers of cling film, and 3 layers of bacofoil, then buried to a depth of 60cm in heavy clay soil, would it avoid detection by sniffer dogs and heat detecting equipment.

I thank you both in anticipation.


It probably would, but a quick scan by anyone with a 40 quid, entry level metal detector, would even more quickly lead to your arrest, and incarceration for the remainder  of your miserable and totally pointless life. You’d be much better off if you made a full confession beforehand, then doing a deal to grass up everyone you know (your speciality) and let them all go to jail instead of yourself.
Hope that answers your question you grassing cunt.
No need to thank me.

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52 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

i've never liked you.

Now is that better with or without?  Now the left eye.  Better in or out?   About the same?   Just a slight change in your right eye.  Keep out of the sun: early cataracts.  See you in two years.   


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13 hours ago, Eddie said:

Enjoy Bali, just like Blackpool in the sun, positively a utopia for a admin clerk from down under, over crowded, traffic jams and plastic pollution on the streets and beeches, give those paper cuts a chance to heal. 

Let’s be brutally honest, you’ve had a good run ‘Doc’ but Roops has run rings around you since day one, given enough subtle warnings to drop the doc act however, your fragile ego wouldn’t allow, enjoy the multitude of stray dogs running around the beeches, if you get bitten, your wife will know what to do…






Ed I know you mean well, but you'll need to tighten up on the old grammar if you want your retorts to have any impact. I suggest you run any thoughts that might enter your tiny mind through ChatGPT. I know I do. 

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Ed I know you mean well, but you'll need to tighten up on the old grammar if you want your retorts to have any impact. I suggest you run any thoughts that might enter your tiny mind through ChatGPT. I know I do. 

The man is a loser. 

beeches indeed.

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23 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Forget this shit. I have a question, that I am sure you, and @King Billy, can answer for me.

This is purely theoretical, and I am asking for a friend.

If a body were wrapped in 4 layers of cling film, and 3 layers of bacofoil, then buried to a depth of 60cm in heavy clay soil, would it avoid detection by sniffer dogs and heat detecting equipment.

I thank you both in anticipation.


I don't think @Neilbothered with all that crap when getting shot of those prozzies? Mind you, fuck all can grow in his garden


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On 18/06/2024 at 18:52, Eddie said:

Say it ain’t so, LCS, admin? Bloody obvious as it was to everyone that you wasn’t a real doc, i did have you down as a jumped up nurse. To say I feel duped, an understatement.

I am that “jumped up” Nurse.

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