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56 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Digging out spouses now are we…cuntess? Odd isnt it, given how precious you got when I suggested had your husband acquainted you with the hairy side of his hand it would have saved us all a lot of trouble? 
Far too much to say for yourself & blissfully unaware of when you’ve been humiliated…again.

Indeed soy-boy, you were so impressed by the cutting-edge humour of your fourth-form wit you said it on four different threads (not including above quote) and on each occasion I made no reference to it so I don't know why you think I was "precious" let alone humiliated. Look, I get it - your testicles are the size of cashew nuts and you feel the need to compensate but really, lying and making things up won't get you far especially when you hop onto any coattail that passes your way for no other reason to brownnose, you obsequious little ponce.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed soy-boy, you were so impressed by the cutting-edge humour of your fourth-form wit you said it on four different threads (not including above quote) and on each occasion I made no reference to it so I don't know why you think I was "precious" let alone humiliated. Look, I get it - your testicles are the size of cashew nuts and you feel the need to compensate but really, lying and making things up won't get you far especially when you hop onto any coattail that passes your way for no other reason to brownnose, you obsequious little ponce.


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On 17/06/2024 at 10:37, Mrs Roops said:

I ceased dental surgery before Apixaban (an effective anticoagulant m'lud) came on to the market nevertheless I've kept up to speed with dental matters out of professional curiosity. As with the expedient to facilitate x-ray captures there are simple protocols for treating patients who are prescribed the drug usually by timing a surgical procedure shortly before the patient takes his next pill or in extreme cases, not taking Apixaban 24-36 hours before surgery. Simple and no drama. Your problem is you churn out manufactured drama fuelled by exaggerated anecdotes. This current spat started when you overacted to my innocuous observation that GP's are not licenced to prescribe antibiotics for dental issues. Clearly you are useless in an emergency and I pity the poor sod suffering a sudden medical event when you put your hand up when a theatre or airline cabin attendant asks for any doctor present to reveal his presence.

The question I posed was about you not your wife. That said I call out BS and your trademark hypocrisy. You've been content to "drag" your wife into the mix when it suits you...

" ...I send my Nordic-looking wife who is a Government-approved whippersnapper"

"...my idiot but endearingly keen wife..."

"...Me and the wife are hitting the road shortly..."

"...My wife's heritage is European..."

"...it's the wife's fault really..."

"...also guarantees me a reward nosh from the wife..."

Trust me, this was a small selection of your wifely output.

As I intimated previously you should've kept quiet and spared us the overblown synthetic outrage, exaggerated anecdotes, ridiculous and baseless royal conspiracies, though thankfully we've been spared the 'houseguest's' opinion lately, and tuck your brittle ego between your legs.

Enjoy your retirement in the middle of nowhere.


On 17/06/2024 at 15:24, Mrs Roops said:

Dream on soy-boy, the only thing you've ever royally fucked is your own shoulder, ya poncing finger-fantasist. :rolleyes:

How's the 'No Inter-member Acrimony' declaration going, love?

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53 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


How's the 'No Inter-member Acrimony' declaration going, love?

Well of course you naturally emerge from the woodwork...

I presume you're erroneously alluding to rule 7, in which case I haven't fomented anything or pursued a vendetta, so I have to ask, what's your defence?

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7 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’m no medical practicioner, but what’s the name of that procedure whereby a doctor removes one’s cunt with his hobnailed boot, darling?

Don't worry, I have no intention in kicking you off the site*.


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2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well of course you naturally emerge from the woodwork...

I presume you're erroneously alluding to rule 7, in which case I haven't fomented anything of pursued a vendetta, so I have to ask, what's your defence?

Rules are irrelevant, because you've already succeeded in making yourself appear a hypocrite by not conforming to your own announcement.

Even when you're wrong, you're right.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

A point of order if I may, but I hardly think that a retired NHS administrator who frequently refers to women as slags, tarts or bints is in a position to assume I'm a man-hater.

Anyone might think you're a brittle and thin-skinned drama queen. Just sayin'.

Say it ain’t so, LCS, admin? Bloody obvious as it was to everyone that you wasn’t a real doc, i did have you down as a jumped up nurse. To say I feel duped, an understatement.

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35 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Rules are irrelevant, because you've already succeeded in making yourself appear a hypocrite by not conforming to your own announcement.

Even when you're wrong, you're right.

Strange, you go full-on barrack-room lawyer but when your balls are caught in a vice the rules you cite are "irrelevant"

In fact the only announcement made was when the Open Corner and Archive was created. For a short while the owners stipulated that inter-member acrimony be confined to the Open Corner but that required an on-site mod presence 24/7 to enforce which was (a) impracticable and (b) verrry unpopular. Eventually it was announced that threads about current punters could only posted to the Open Corner.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Rules are irrelevant, because you've already succeeded in making yourself appear a hypocrite by not conforming to your own announcement.

Even when you're wrong, you're right.

Are you a crusty old bachelor?

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42 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

There's more than one owner? I knew @Frank co-owned the site. I now understand how he's been able to derail threads, never post nominations, pursue vendettas and act like stupid cunt without any repercussions. 

What a pile of cunt. 



I know exactly where you live. 

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6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Is that right, Frank? Do me a favour... Deliveroo me some fried chicken, a bottle of rum and then kill yourself. 

You put a return label on the package when you sent the letter bomb to @Frank you fool.

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Says the bellend that's posted approximately 70 totally shit nominations and 2700 spastic comments in less than a year... You clearly went to the Pen school of no self awareness. 


Talking of shit nominations and comments have you looked at your own ? Fuck me you accuse others of no self awareness , that's a bit fucking rich you little gutter snipe. 

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, thanks for the garrulous whingefest. I trust the "idiot but endearingly keen" wife has applied a restorative balm (try Lamelle - the bandage in a bottle) and that you're suitably rested. 

A point of order if I may, but I hardly think that a retired NHS administrator who frequently refers to women as slags, tarts or bints is in a position to assume I'm a man-hater.

Anyone might think you're a brittle and thin-skinned drama queen. Just sayin'.

The only thing I’d like to administer in your case is one of @scotty’s specials you filthy fucking hypocrite.

I see you. We all do. 

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