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8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The pride of the Swindon Moat House MENSA meeting (every third Tuesday, bring your own Ovaltine) speaks again. Two “bollox” and a “tbf”. Astounding. Far from “festering” I was “asleep”, because - and stand by your underwear drawer for this shocking news - I don’t live in the same time zone as you. I have to take particular issue with the idea that dental referrals to GP or A&E were done for good reason and usually followed exclusion of infection by anything more than a cursory glance in the appropriate orifice. My experience, and that of every colleague I ever spoke to, was that your former profession would be freaked out by such everyday issues as an extraction on apixaban, or prescribing Augmentin for someone on 5mg of Crestor daily. These issues of course both demand a same-day medical review and a letter in triplicate absolving the dental surgeon (Pah) of everything up to and including decapitation. Yet the whiff of a weighty chequebook, and its pass me the Botulinum toxin injection immediately and I’ll make sure you have a good going ptosis for six months. Pathetic.

Shame you had to drag my wife into this. You really shouldn’t comment on readers’ wives. Especially with your photographic track record.

I was going to say all that.

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6 hours ago, scotty said:

Speaking as a physician myself I can confirm that Roops suffers from Necessitas Ultimum Verbum, which is a compulsive disorder causing her irresistible urge to have the final word in any disagreement. 

I’ve suspected this for quite a while too, but I’m not a doctor, just a tinfoil hat wearing weirdo.

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17 minutes ago, King Billy said:

On our wedding night I’m going to let you look up my arse with a big mag-lite (as long as you promise not to fucking talk).



I’ve got a big Mag-lite, it’s the 4 D-cell one. The 5 cell one is ridiculous and would break your wrist if you tried to skull some cunt with it, which is why I carried it. I had a little ‘Led-Lenser’ LED one for seeing things in the dark. Oh, and another one that looked like a Led-Lenser but was actually a stun gun. Ask @scotty.

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12 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ve suspected this for quite a while too, but I’m not a doctor, just a tinfoil hat wearing weirdo.

Wasn’t Ned Kelly the inventor of the original tin foil hat? Obviously he used thicker foil due to the shortage of metal squashing machinery that hadn’t been invented.

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6 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Oh, and another one that looked like a Led-Lenser but was actually a stun gun. Ask @scotty.

Ah, yes. The notorious self-tasering incident and resultant loss of bladder control. 

It wasn't all bad, Eric. Think of it as preparation for age related prostate leakage. 👍

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17 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The pride of the Swindon Moat House MENSA meeting (every third Tuesday, bring your own Ovaltine) speaks again. Two “bollox” and a “tbf”. Astounding. Far from “festering” I was “asleep”, because - and stand by your underwear drawer for this shocking news - I don’t live in the same time zone as you. I have to take particular issue with the idea that dental referrals to GP or A&E were done for good reason and usually followed exclusion of infection by anything more than a cursory glance in the appropriate orifice. My experience, and that of every colleague I ever spoke to, was that your former profession would be freaked out by such everyday issues as an extraction on apixaban, or prescribing Augmentin for someone on 5mg of Crestor daily. These issues of course both demand a same-day medical review and a letter in triplicate absolving the dental surgeon (Pah) of everything up to and including decapitation. Yet the whiff of a weighty chequebook, and its pass me the Botulinum toxin injection immediately and I’ll make sure you have a good going ptosis for six months. Pathetic.

I ceased dental surgery before Apixaban (an effective anticoagulant m'lud) came on to the market nevertheless I've kept up to speed with dental matters out of professional curiosity. As with the expedient to facilitate x-ray captures there are simple protocols for treating patients who are prescribed the drug usually by timing a surgical procedure shortly before the patient takes his next pill or in extreme cases, not taking Apixaban 24-36 hours before surgery. Simple and no drama. Your problem is you churn out manufactured drama fuelled by exaggerated anecdotes. This current spat started when you overacted to my innocuous observation that GP's are not licenced to prescribe antibiotics for dental issues. Clearly you are useless in an emergency and I pity the poor sod suffering a sudden medical event when you put your hand up when a theatre or airline cabin attendant asks for any doctor present to reveal his presence.

17 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Shame you had to drag my wife into this. You really shouldn’t comment on readers’ wives. Especially with your photographic track record.

The question I posed was about you not your wife. That said I call out BS and your trademark hypocrisy. You've been content to "drag" your wife into the mix when it suits you...

" ...I send my Nordic-looking wife who is a Government-approved whippersnapper"

"...my idiot but endearingly keen wife..."

"...Me and the wife are hitting the road shortly..."

"...My wife's heritage is European..."

"...it's the wife's fault really..."

"...also guarantees me a reward nosh from the wife..."

Trust me, this was a small selection of your wifely output.

As I intimated previously you should've kept quiet and spared us the overblown synthetic outrage, exaggerated anecdotes, ridiculous and baseless royal conspiracies, though thankfully we've been spared the 'houseguest's' opinion lately, and tuck your brittle ego between your legs.

Enjoy your retirement in the middle of nowhere.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:


As I intimated previously you should've kept quiet and spared us the overblown synthetic outrage, exaggerated anecdotes, ridiculous and baseless royal conspiracies, though thankfully we've been spared the 'houseguest's' opinion lately, and tuck your brittle ego between your legs.

Enjoy your retirement in the middle of nowhere.

@Last Cunt Standing, surely you're not considering a move to Wales, are you?

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I ceased dental surgery before Apixaban (an effective anticoagulant m'lud) came on to the market nevertheless I've kept up to speed with dental matters out of professional curiosity. As with the expedient to facilitate x-ray captures there are simple protocols for treating patients who are prescribed the drug usually by timing a surgical procedure shortly before the patient takes his next pill or in extreme cases, not taking Apixaban 24-36 hours before surgery. Simple and no drama. Your problem is you churn out manufactured drama fuelled by exaggerated anecdotes. This current spat started when you overacted to my innocuous observation that GP's are not licenced to prescribe antibiotics for dental issues. Clearly you are useless in an emergency and I pity the poor sod suffering a sudden medical event when you put your hand up when a theatre or airline cabin attendant asks for any doctor present to reveal his presence.

The question I posed was about you not your wife. That said I call out BS and your trademark hypocrisy. You've been content to "drag" your wife into the mix when it suits you...

" ...I send my Nordic-looking wife who is a Government-approved whippersnapper"

"...my idiot but endearingly keen wife..."

"...Me and the wife are hitting the road shortly..."

"...My wife's heritage is European..."

"...it's the wife's fault really..."

"...also guarantees me a reward nosh from the wife..."

Trust me, this was a small selection of your wifely output.

As I intimated previously you should've kept quiet and spared us the overblown synthetic outrage, exaggerated anecdotes, ridiculous and baseless royal conspiracies, though thankfully we've been spared the 'houseguest's' opinion lately, and tuck your brittle ego between your legs.

Enjoy your retirement in the middle of nowhere.

I’ve royally fucked you before regarding the paucity of your geographical acumen you thick bint. Let me think, (strokes beard)… WA, Perth, the Margaret River area or…Llandudno? Could you be more clueless?

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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’ve royally fucked you before regarding the paucity of your geographical acumen you thick bint. Let me think, (strokes beard)… WA, Perth, the Margaret River area or…Llandudno? Could you be more clueless?

Dream on soy-boy, the only thing you've ever royally fucked is your own shoulder, ya poncing finger-fantasist. :rolleyes:

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14 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I ceased dental surgery before Apixaban (an effective anticoagulant m'lud) came on to the market nevertheless I've kept up to speed with dental matters out of professional curiosity. As with the expedient to facilitate x-ray captures there are simple protocols for treating patients who are prescribed the drug usually by timing a surgical procedure shortly before the patient takes his next pill or in extreme cases, not taking Apixaban 24-36 hours before surgery. Simple and no drama. Your problem is you churn out manufactured drama fuelled by exaggerated anecdotes. This current spat started when you overacted to my innocuous observation that GP's are not licenced to prescribe antibiotics for dental issues. Clearly you are useless in an emergency and I pity the poor sod suffering a sudden medical event when you put your hand up when a theatre or airline cabin attendant asks for any doctor present to reveal his presence.

The question I posed was about you not your wife. That said I call out BS and your trademark hypocrisy. You've been content to "drag" your wife into the mix when it suits you...

" ...I send my Nordic-looking wife who is a Government-approved whippersnapper"

"...my idiot but endearingly keen wife..."

"...Me and the wife are hitting the road shortly..."

"...My wife's heritage is European..."

"...it's the wife's fault really..."

"...also guarantees me a reward nosh from the wife..."

Trust me, this was a small selection of your wifely output.

As I intimated previously you should've kept quiet and spared us the overblown synthetic outrage, exaggerated anecdotes, ridiculous and baseless royal conspiracies, though thankfully we've been spared the 'houseguest's' opinion lately, and tuck your brittle ego between your legs.

Enjoy your retirement in the middle of nowhere.

It is of course well-established that replying to you is a pointless exercise given your terminal case of last-word syndrome. But honestly there is so much garbage here it can’t be just shrugged off. You’ve kept up to speed with dentistry since you left out of professional curiosity. Course you have. I’m surprised personally you’re not still doing the odd session here and there between board meetings at the IMF and drafting the letters page in Asperger’s Weekly.

Then you leap to the conclusion that I’m useless in an emergency, with logic I’m afraid I cannot follow, pitying anyone who might fall ill in my company. I no longer hold a medical licence and my ALS certificate is long since lapsed, but if ever we were on the same plane I’d hope I’d be a bit more use than some sharp-elbowed Ginger tart who’d run to the back of the aircraft clutching her dental floss demanding she be let through to tend to the stricken passenger. The poor sod would presumably be subject to a multi-page lecture on why his chest pain couldn’t possibly be cardiac in nature because our Dental hero had been keeping up to date on all manner of bridgework out of professional curiosity, diagnosing they needed to stop exhibiting their synthetic and exaggerated pain, and resume their economy seat like a good little emasculated pleb. My point was only that you lot spend five years learning how to manage one bit of the body and most Doctors I know would conclude you can’t even do that comprehensively.

Others have already pointed out that “middle of nowhere” betrays a very poor understanding of the geography of Western Australia, quite unbecoming such a high-powered business mind accustomed to turning left from the airbridge. 

There then followed the usual guff about what you did or didn’t say about my wife, and you exhibit that powerful forensic brain once again with a barrage of quotes from prior posts in some feeble attempt at a Gotcha moment. That you struggle to make the distinction between me mentioning my wife, or anyone else in my family, to you dragging them up for rhetorical effect tells me a lot. You’ve clearly, and sadly, never been in a pub fight, which is a pity because you might by now have learned some manners. I’ve told you before that playing both referee and striker is an impossible conundrum even for you, but naturally, you know better. 

You sign off whining about hypocrisy, “bs” and my supposed brittle ego being tucked between my legs, all of which I’d expect from a man-hating Welsh bint whose sense of self-importance is outweighed only by her professional frustration and resulting insecurity. You should seek help. But while you’re waiting for your moment of epiphany, perhaps add to the general levity and get the Polaroids out again. 

Christ knows the place could do with a laugh these days. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It is of course well-established that replying to you is a pointless exercise given your terminal case of last-word syndrome. But honestly there is so much garbage here it can’t be just shrugged off. You’ve kept up to speed with dentistry since you left out of professional curiosity. Course you have. I’m surprised personally you’re not still doing the odd session here and there between board meetings at the IMF and drafting the letters page in Asperger’s Weekly.

Then you leap to the conclusion that I’m useless in an emergency, with logic I’m afraid I cannot follow, pitying anyone who might fall ill in my company. I no longer hold a medical licence and my ALS certificate is long since lapsed, but if ever we were on the same plane I’d hope I’d be a bit more use than some sharp-elbowed Ginger tart who’d run to the back of the aircraft clutching her dental floss demanding she be let through to tend to the stricken passenger. The poor sod would presumably be subject to a multi-page lecture on why his chest pain couldn’t possibly be cardiac in nature because our Dental hero had been keeping up to date on all manner of bridgework out of professional curiosity, diagnosing they needed to stop exhibiting their synthetic and exaggerated pain, and resume their economy seat like a good little emasculated pleb. My point was only that you lot spend five years learning how to manage one bit of the body and most Doctors I know would conclude you can’t even do that comprehensively.

Others have already pointed out that “middle of nowhere” betrays a very poor understanding of the geography of Western Australia, quite unbecoming such a high-powered business mind accustomed to turning left from the airbridge. 

There then followed the usual guff about what you did or didn’t say about my wife, and you exhibit that powerful forensic brain once again with a barrage of quotes from prior posts in some feeble attempt at a Gotcha moment. That you struggle to make the distinction between me mentioning my wife, or anyone else in my family, to you dragging them up for rhetorical effect tells me a lot. You’ve clearly, and sadly, never been in a pub fight, which is a pity because you might by now have learned some manners. I’ve told you before that playing both referee and striker is an impossible conundrum even for you, but naturally, you know better. 

You sign off whining about hypocrisy, “bs” and my supposed brittle ego being tucked between my legs, all of which I’d expect from a man-hating Welsh bint whose sense of self-importance is outweighed only by her professional frustration and resulting insecurity. You should seek help. But while you’re waiting for your moment of epiphany, perhaps add to the general levity and get the Polaroids out again. 

Christ knows the place could do with a laugh these days. 

Someone's got a lot of time on their hands 

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18 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Dream on soy-boy, the only thing you've ever royally fucked is your own shoulder, ya poncing finger-fantasist. :rolleyes:

While I’m at it…no airline pilot or cabin crew member would ever make a p.a. asking for a ‘doctor’ you dopey-skank. The last thing you need when dealing with a seriously ill passenger 43k’ up, mid-Atlantic is some wanker with a doctorate in philosophy electrocuting themselves with a defib. It has happened before. The request is for a ‘current medical practitioner’ who’s credentials must be checked before you let him/her anywhere near the expiring chav who’s having a toxic shock episode due to having three gallons of silicone seal pumped into its brand new Brazilian buttocks. Admit it…you’ve just learned something haven’t you…cuntess?

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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It is of course well-established that replying to you is a pointless exercise given your terminal case of last-word syndrome. But honestly there is so much garbage here it can’t be just shrugged off. You’ve kept up to speed with dentistry since you left out of professional curiosity. Course you have. I’m surprised personally you’re not still doing the odd session here and there between board meetings at the IMF and drafting the letters page in Asperger’s Weekly.

Then you leap to the conclusion that I’m useless in an emergency, with logic I’m afraid I cannot follow, pitying anyone who might fall ill in my company. I no longer hold a medical licence and my ALS certificate is long since lapsed, but if ever we were on the same plane I’d hope I’d be a bit more use than some sharp-elbowed Ginger tart who’d run to the back of the aircraft clutching her dental floss demanding she be let through to tend to the stricken passenger. The poor sod would presumably be subject to a multi-page lecture on why his chest pain couldn’t possibly be cardiac in nature because our Dental hero had been keeping up to date on all manner of bridgework out of professional curiosity, diagnosing they needed to stop exhibiting their synthetic and exaggerated pain, and resume their economy seat like a good little emasculated pleb. My point was only that you lot spend five years learning how to manage one bit of the body and most Doctors I know would conclude you can’t even do that comprehensively.

Others have already pointed out that “middle of nowhere” betrays a very poor understanding of the geography of Western Australia, quite unbecoming such a high-powered business mind accustomed to turning left from the airbridge. 

There then followed the usual guff about what you did or didn’t say about my wife, and you exhibit that powerful forensic brain once again with a barrage of quotes from prior posts in some feeble attempt at a Gotcha moment. That you struggle to make the distinction between me mentioning my wife, or anyone else in my family, to you dragging them up for rhetorical effect tells me a lot. You’ve clearly, and sadly, never been in a pub fight, which is a pity because you might by now have learned some manners. I’ve told you before that playing both referee and striker is an impossible conundrum even for you, but naturally, you know better. 

You sign off whining about hypocrisy, “bs” and my supposed brittle ego being tucked between my legs, all of which I’d expect from a man-hating Welsh bint whose sense of self-importance is outweighed only by her professional frustration and resulting insecurity. You should seek help. But while you’re waiting for your moment of epiphany, perhaps add to the general levity and get the Polaroids out again. 

Christ knows the place could do with a laugh these days. 

Well, thanks for the garrulous whingefest. I trust the "idiot but endearingly keen" wife has applied a restorative balm (try Lamelle - the bandage in a bottle) and that you're suitably rested. 

A point of order if I may, but I hardly think that a retired NHS administrator who frequently refers to women as slags, tarts or bints is in a position to assume I'm a man-hater.

Anyone might think you're a brittle and thin-skinned drama queen. Just sayin'.

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21 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

While I’m at it…no airline pilot or cabin crew member would ever make a p.a. asking for a ‘doctor’ you dopey-skank. The last thing you need when dealing with a seriously ill passenger 43k’ up, mid-Atlantic is some wanker with a doctorate in philosophy electrocuting themselves with a defib. It has happened before. The request is for a ‘current medical practitioner’ who’s credentials must be checked before you let him/her anywhere near the expiring chav who’s having a toxic shock episode due to having three gallons of silicone seal pumped into its brand new Brazilian buttocks. Admit it…you’ve just learned something haven’t you…cuntess?

Um...I can't say I have, but if its any consolation I've learnt you're a petty-minded pedant in addition to being a poncing soy-boy. Does that help?

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43 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

While I’m at it…no airline pilot or cabin crew member would ever make a p.a. asking for a ‘doctor’ you dopey-skank. The last thing you need when dealing with a seriously ill passenger 43k’ up, mid-Atlantic is some wanker with a doctorate in philosophy electrocuting themselves with a defib. It has happened before. The request is for a ‘current medical practitioner’ who’s credentials must be checked before you let him/her anywhere near the expiring chav who’s having a toxic shock episode due to having three gallons of silicone seal pumped into its brand new Brazilian buttocks. Admit it…you’ve just learned something haven’t you…cuntess?

Actually from experience they do make sometimes make such announcements, such staff are trained in what what they are supposed to say but "don't panic, don't panic!" mode does sometimes set in. I have had to make announcements requesting the attendance of someone with medical knowledge and we were told to be aware that a a range of people might have the relevant knowledge for a medical emergency .. a dentist would likely be such a person, even a nun might have the knowledge to save a life in an emergency .. it is "any port in a storm" .. this is one situation where I would concede to @Mrs Roops or even to the forum's own Doctor Death who would at least ease the passing of the unfortunate subject of the medical emergency. I did once have the pleasure of traveling as passenger many years ago on 1Mi14 at around 0330 as it passed over Shap at 80mph and the guard made a very inept announcement requesting a "DOCTOR".

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1 hour ago, Prints Harry said:

Actually from experience they do make sometimes make such announcements, such staff are trained in what what they are supposed to say but "don't panic, don't panic!" mode does sometimes set in. I have had to make announcements requesting the attendance of someone with medical knowledge and we were told to be aware that a a range of people might have the relevant knowledge for a medical emergency .. a dentist would likely be such a person, even a nun might have the knowledge to save a life in an emergency .. it is "any port in a storm" .. this is one situation where I would concede to @Mrs Roops or even to the forum's own Doctor Death who would at least ease the passing of the unfortunate subject of the medical emergency. I did once have the pleasure of traveling as passenger many years ago on 1Mi14 at around 0330 as it passed over Shap at 80mph and the guard made a very inept announcement requesting a "DOCTOR".

‘Actually…from experience’ fuck off you idiot. I’ll politely suggest that a medical emergency at 43000 feet, travelling at Mach .87 over the middle of the Atlantic/Pacific is somewhat fucking different than one on a British Rail train that can pull over into many stations/towns to be greeted by an ambulance. You prick. You’re a bloke, so drop the sisterhood routine with this silly little bint. It is a CAA directive…you do not,  under any circumstances, make a PA to request a ‘doctor’ EVER! No matter if its a lapsed, geographically challenged gob quack who has stayed ‘professionally interested’ out of , erm…’courtesy!’ . ‘Over Shap at 80mph’ indeed. Fucking moron.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, thanks for the garrulous whingefest. I trust the "idiot but endearingly keen" wife has applied a restorative balm (try Lamelle - the bandage in a bottle) and that you're suitably rested. 

A point of order if I may, but I hardly think that a retired NHS administrator who frequently refers to women as slags, tarts or bints is in a position to assume I'm a man-hater.

Anyone might think you're a brittle and thin-skinned drama queen. Just sayin'.

Digging out spouses now are we…cuntess? Odd isnt it, given how precious you got when I suggested had your husband acquainted you with the hairy side of his hand it would have saved us all a lot of trouble? 
Far too much to say for yourself & blissfully unaware of when you’ve been humiliated…again.

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