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On 03/05/2024 at 05:58, Dyslexic cnut said:

Neil. This is a beautiful nom. (Unless Baws goes all ‘historical’ on you.) What a vile bunch of cunts these gob-doctors really are. Back in the day, your GP catered for all health issues, then these shitcunts were  let loose. My old man always commented that when you went to the posh side of town for medical treatment, the doctors had Jags but the  Gob doctors had Bentleys (like mine.) 

Way back in the dawn of time my then GP Trainer told me it was probably a good move to buy a shitbox (but reliable) car for the working week because pulling up on some rundown Council estate to do a home visit (remember them?) in your gleaming BMW not only gave the wrong impression, but you’d spend much of your time looking out of the window at circling urchins rather than tending to the supposedly ill punter. So I drove a Ford Fiesta for much of my career, and only had a proper motor for the weekends and holidays. True enough I stopped caring about the public image in the fag end of my stethoscope years, and it was intriguing how many of the regulars noticed the “new car, doc?” when I succumbed to full time badge snobbery. 

Dentists are smart (some are even allowed in Mensa). They’ve managed to carve out a niche for themselves somewhere between genuine pathology and the booming health/wellness/cosmetic industry. 90 percent of their day is clean and polish nonsense, much of which can be farmed out to hygienists while they have a quick grope of their young dental nurse. Anything remotely tricky or suspicious gets booted to OMF at the hospital, you need to “see your GP for antibiotics” or “to check if your INR is compatible with a filling”, but while you wait for some arsey overworked medic to tut about only having one bit of the body to manage, they might flog you a bit of Botox for your crows feet. I knew one bloke who did homeopathy while you were in the chair too. Fifty quid for few spots of Evian on your gums was a bloody good scam to be in when you had school fees to pay. The implant, whitening and and Invisalign trends must be manna from heaven for these grasping twats. 

The NHS Tariff for dental work is terrific work from the BDA. @Neil might be interested to note that while it cost £225 quid for a five minute extraction, his GP will have been paid about half that for a potentially unlimited number of appointments over 12 months. It won’t always be that way though. The nice Mr Streeting will oversee the end of UK General Practice as it was. Good luck. 

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29 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The nice Mr Streeting will oversee the end of UK General Practice as it was.

That should put the brakes on the NHS policy of murdering vast swathes of the population and bring the excess death count down to pre ‘Covid scamdemic’ levels hopefully. I’m not sure how Billy Boy Gates will react to this unauthorised spanner in the works of his masterplan though.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

That should put the brakes on the NHS policy of murdering vast swathes of the population and bring the excess death count down to pre ‘Covid scamdemic’ levels hopefully. I’m not sure how Billy Boy Gates will react to this unauthorised spanner in the works of his masterplan though.

Ever reliable Neil. I passed our local Pureblood t-shirted fanatic the other day on Murray Street, he was dishing out Chemtrail leaflets and bellowing through his megaphone that the mRNA in the vaccines and microplastics in our testicles were a secret plot to feminise us all. I was so discombobulated by the experience that I bought the wrong shade of lipstick. 

Lovin’ your work.

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There seems to be a shortage of everything in this country except low quality fatty sugary supermarket food and cunts

I'm not sure what combination of these factors

# Thatcherite privatisation

# Lack of Dental training (even this is privatised - the cost) 

# Over population and immigrants 

# The culture of guilt and snobbery that has pervaded basic dental services*

* In effect

It'se painfully obvious with the posters  always YOUR FAULT you are sitting in a dentists chair in pain - you didn’t brush, you did this or didn't do that

You are second rate to private treatment and that fact is made clear right from the start, online, reception posters 

The culture of perpetual youth and image via films, media, social media, advertising (largely imported from the USA) defines anybody with dental problems or less than perfect or very good (abnormally good in most cases) teeth as subhuman pathetic and to be pitied as somehow failurrs in life.




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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Ever reliable Neil. I passed our local Pureblood t-shirted fanatic the other day on Murray Street, he was dishing out Chemtrail leaflets and bellowing through his megaphone that the mRNA in the vaccines and microplastics in our testicles were a secret plot to feminise us all. I was so discombobulated by the experience that I bought the wrong shade of lipstick. 

Lovin’ your work.

It will be the gay nano bots worming their way to your brain, LC. One has to stay vigilant these days.

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

That should put the brakes on the NHS policy of murdering vast swathes of the population and bring the excess death count down to pre ‘Covid scamdemic’ levels hopefully. I’m not sure how Billy Boy Gates will react to this unauthorised spanner in the works of his masterplan though.

One should be weary of a rich wanker whose products are worse at every “upgrade”.

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13 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

“see your GP for antibiotics”

Before anyone thinks they will save a bit money by running to the GP or prescribing pharmacist I would point out that neither health professional is licenced to prescribe antibiotics for teeth abscesses/toothache. A&E doctors can prescribe same but only if the patient is in A&E for another reason. A example would be a patient diagnosed with arrhythmia which has been exacerbated by tooth infection.

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20 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Ever reliable Neil. I passed our local Pureblood t-shirted fanatic the other day on Murray Street, he was dishing out Chemtrail leaflets and bellowing through his megaphone that the mRNA in the vaccines and microplastics in our testicles were a secret plot to feminise us all. I was so discombobulated by the experience that I bought the wrong shade of lipstick. 

Lovin’ your work.

I’m sure Neil will take note of your comments (if he confuses himself with me and reads this) Doc.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Before anyone thinks they will save a bit money by running to the GP or prescribing pharmacist I would point out that neither health professional is licenced to prescribe antibiotics for teeth abscesses/toothache. A&E doctors can prescribe same but only if the patient is in A&E for another reason. A example would be a patient diagnosed with arrhythmia which has been exacerbated by tooth infection.

Thanks for clearing that up for everyone Professor Whitty.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Before anyone thinks they will save a bit money by running to the GP or prescribing pharmacist I would point out that neither health professional is licenced to prescribe antibiotics for teeth abscesses/toothache. A&E doctors can prescribe same but only if the patient is in A&E for another reason. A example would be a patient diagnosed with arrhythmia which has been exacerbated by tooth infection.

Funny then how I never knew of a dentist happy to whip out their pen for some Flagyl, preferring instead send the poor sod to us, whining about their golf-ball sized oral mass while bearing a note pinned to them fretting about the fact they had a rash for 24 hours in 1965. The level of clinical risk you lot were prepared to carry in return for your King’s ransom was a joke. Midwives were bolder decision makers, and that’s saying something. No doubt you were different, a beacon of evidence-based multidisciplinary intervention for miles around I’m sure. Definitely not a frustrated drill and fill peddler who realised all too quickly she had wasted the best years of her intellectual life training to hand out warm pink squash. 

No wonder you moved on to become a poor man’s Deborah Meaden or whatever it is you are this week.

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Funny then how I never knew of a dentist happy to whip out their pen for some Flagyl, preferring instead send the poor sod to us, whining about their golf-ball sized oral mass while bearing a note pinned to them fretting about the fact they had a rash for 24 hours in 1965. The level of clinical risk you lot were prepared to carry in return for your King’s ransom was a joke. Midwives were bolder decision makers, and that’s saying something. No doubt you were different, a beacon of evidence-based multidisciplinary intervention for miles around I’m sure. Definitely not a frustrated drill and fill peddler who realised all too quickly she had wasted the best years of her intellectual life training to hand out warm pink squash. 

No wonder you moved on to become a poor man’s Deborah Meaden or whatever it is you are this week.

While I can understand your professional approach LCS, some of us in the medical field view the outlook for long term care a little differently. Obviously, the Logan's Run aim of 21 years is the aspiration, but someone had to start the ball rolling with age-related morphine based pain relief free at the point of delivery. And despite the vilification heaped on oneself by a hostile media, I like to think I played my part. 

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12 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Funny then how I never knew of a dentist happy to whip out their pen for some Flagyl, preferring instead send the poor sod to us, whining about their golf-ball sized oral mass while bearing a note pinned to them fretting about the fact they had a rash for 24 hours in 1965. The level of clinical risk you lot were prepared to carry in return for your King’s ransom was a joke. Midwives were bolder decision makers, and that’s saying something. No doubt you were different, a beacon of evidence-based multidisciplinary intervention for miles around I’m sure. Definitely not a frustrated drill and fill peddler who realised all too quickly she had wasted the best years of her intellectual life training to hand out warm pink squash. 

No wonder you moved on to become a poor man’s Deborah Meaden or whatever it is you are this week.

Come now "Doctor", you would have been better served had you stuck with plan A - which was to say nothing. Instead you festered for seven hours, returned and let rip with yet another overblown and hysterical post. You spout bollox though tbf you write bollox very well. An x-ray of a suspect tooth takes a few minutes to capture and process. Consequently sending a patient who does not have an infected tooth to a doctor or A&E would be done for good reason. Do you get your third-hand medical anecdotes from your GP wife?

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1 hour ago, scotty said:

While I can understand your professional approach LCS, some of us in the medical field view the outlook for long term care a little differently. Obviously, the Logan's Run aim of 21 years is the aspiration, but someone had to start the ball rolling with age-related morphine based pain relief free at the point of delivery. And despite the vilification heaped on oneself by a hostile media, I like to think I played my part. 

@scotty coukd we put our intense dislike aside for a few moment for me to ask you if you could examine LCS's and Mrs R's responses to each other and produce a plain English explanation of what they are trying to say?

Kindest Regards.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Come now "Doctor", you would have been better served had you stuck with plan A - which was to say nothing. Instead you festered for seven hours, returned and let rip with yet another overblown and hysterical post. You spout bollox though tbf you write bollox very well. An x-ray of a suspect tooth takes a few minutes to capture and process. Consequently sending a patient who does not have an infected tooth to a doctor or A&E would be done for good reason. Do you get your third-hand medical anecdotes from your GP wife?

The pride of the Swindon Moat House MENSA meeting (every third Tuesday, bring your own Ovaltine) speaks again. Two “bollox” and a “tbf”. Astounding. Far from “festering” I was “asleep”, because - and stand by your underwear drawer for this shocking news - I don’t live in the same time zone as you. I have to take particular issue with the idea that dental referrals to GP or A&E were done for good reason and usually followed exclusion of infection by anything more than a cursory glance in the appropriate orifice. My experience, and that of every colleague I ever spoke to, was that your former profession would be freaked out by such everyday issues as an extraction on apixaban, or prescribing Augmentin for someone on 5mg of Crestor daily. These issues of course both demand a same-day medical review and a letter in triplicate absolving the dental surgeon (Pah) of everything up to and including decapitation. Yet the whiff of a weighty chequebook, and its pass me the Botulinum toxin injection immediately and I’ll make sure you have a good going ptosis for six months. Pathetic.

Shame you had to drag my wife into this. You really shouldn’t comment on readers’ wives. Especially with your photographic track record.

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4 hours ago, Prints Harry said:

@scotty coukd we put our intense dislike aside for a few moment for me to ask you if you could examine LCS's and Mrs R's responses to each other and produce a plain English explanation of what they are trying to say?

Kindest Regards.

Speaking as a physician myself I can confirm that Roops suffers from Necessitas Ultimum Verbum, which is a compulsive disorder causing her irresistible urge to have the final word in any disagreement. 

LCS is rather more difficult to diagnose. I suspect that he does indeed have the medical background he claims, but long years spent in the outback and copious alcoholic intake may have combined to corrupt his mental faculties. 

My suggestion for treatment in both cases is the same, ie my usual one. While I hesitate to be seen as a one trick pony, I stand by my tried and trusted methods, sharpened hypodermic at the ready.

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On 15/06/2024 at 10:56, ChildeHarold said:





I should imagine that Roops has very good teeth then.

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23 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Funny then how I never knew of a dentist happy to whip out their pen for some Flagyl, preferring instead send the poor sod to us, whining about their golf-ball sized oral mass while bearing a note pinned to them fretting about the fact they had a rash for 24 hours in 1965. The level of clinical risk you lot were prepared to carry in return for your King’s ransom was a joke. Midwives were bolder decision makers, and that’s saying something. No doubt you were different, a beacon of evidence-based multidisciplinary intervention for miles around I’m sure. Definitely not a frustrated drill and fill peddler who realised all too quickly she had wasted the best years of her intellectual life training to hand out warm pink squash. 

No wonder you moved on to become a poor man’s Deborah Meaden or whatever it is you are this week.

Nice one Doc. 🤣

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Come now "Doctor", you would have been better served had you stuck with plan A - which was to say nothing. Instead you festered for seven hours, returned and let rip with yet another overblown and hysterical post. You spout bollox though tbf you write bollox very well. An x-ray of a suspect tooth takes a few minutes to capture and process. Consequently sending a patient who does not have an infected tooth to a doctor or A&E would be done for good reason. Do you get your third-hand medical anecdotes from your GP wife?

On our wedding night I’m going to let you look up my arse with a big mag-lite (as long as you promise not to fucking talk).



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