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Scotland doing well

Guest entitled little cunt

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28 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Explain Saucepants, then.

He’s a genuinely nasty little cunt. No better than paedo Pete and deserving of contempt. The rest of us here are a family of sorts. We all act like wrongun’s for comedic effect, but real wrongun’s like Saucepants aren’t fucking welcome or wanted. 
 Looking back, if I had to pick a former member most likely to end up on a nonce wing. It’d be Gurt.

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52 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Explain Saucepants, then.

Eric’s mellowed, Baws…as has Ape and RK and Stubbs is probably in Rafah, torturing…well, everything. Fact is, 3 years ago and more, this little cripple elc would’ve been waking up with soiled sheets and glancing over his shoulder on the way to the bus stop en route to his job, in the pigeon plucking factory. He needs to shut the fuck up, and pronto. Patience is an exhaustable commodity.

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1 minute ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Eric’s mellowed, Baws…as has Ape and RK and Stubbs is probably in Rafah, torturing…well, everything. Fact is, 3 years ago and more, this little cripple elc would’ve been waking up with soiled sheets and glancing over his shoulder on the way to the bus stop en route to his job, in the pigeon plucking factory. He needs to shut the fuck up, and pronto. Patience is an exhaustable commodity.

Nobody’s mellowed really. You just look back on your first few months here differently because you’ve still got the PTSD. 
 I was worse to be honest. The first year I was here, I had Frank, Decs, Bubba, Quincy, Stickers and Gurt trying to kill me. Ape thought I was a total cunt until it became obvious that I was the only one here who understood Flidspack. 
 I didn’t know how this place worked, but I learned a lot faster than these two Hinge & Bracket cunts.

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I realise that. I call you a cunt often enough .Banter ,argument and difference of opinion is one thing but when some wrong'un  gets so worked up and threatens another that's taking it all a little too far .

I'm going to fucking kill you and then take over your business. 

You utter cunt.

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

That's his normal response. He was on about having my email address and how he was going to do this and that .Fucking nutter .I think he's actually totally lost it .

You sound a bit worried. Lol.

I've already made enquiries, you better keep quiet. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You sound a bit worried. Lol.

I've already made enquiries, you better keep quiet. 

Ooo ,secret agent .You fucking weirdo .You better be quiet yourself, the shadowy gate keepers  might look on your hardrive, I bet its not just Harry Potters 100 greatest moments on there. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'm going to fucking kill you and then take over your business. 

You utter cunt.

Are you ? Tell me , do you have a full and rewarding life ?.

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The threats aren’t real. It’s part of the vibe here. Frank will threaten to sneak into your house and get into bed with you. Fender will threaten to claw hammer your bloodline into oblivion. Stubby will tell you to drink bleach and jump in a woodchipper.

 But *every single one of them* would be devastated if you actually killed yourself because of something they said. It’s why this place exists. We express a form of humour that can be mistaken for hatred or malice. But it isn’t. Unless you lighten up and accept it, you won’t be happy here. 
*maybe not Frank.

I accept that and dish out a bit myself .There are limits . OCR has genuine mental problems and  is delusional .Its not good a person like him to be on this site .They have no control in or of  their life and that manifests itself into his behaviour .It doesn't get better,  it gets worse. It's bad for him , not any other cunt .His account should be closed down for his own well being .

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Ooo ,secret agent .You fucking weirdo .You better be quiet yourself, the shadowy gate keepers  might look on your hardrive, I bet its not just Harry Potters 100 greatest moments on there. 

What are you trying to say? You thick cunt.

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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I accept that and dish out a bit myself .There are limits . OCR has genuine mental problems and  is delusional .Its not good a person like him to be on this site .They have no control in or of  their life and that manifests itself into his behaviour .It doesn't get better,  it gets worse. It's bad for him , not any other cunt .His account should be closed down for his own well being .

So you live together don't you.  Who is the dominant one?  Just want to know for future reference. Seating arrangements at parties.  Filling in hospital forms.  The usual stuff involving Mr and Mrs. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

So you live together don't you.  Who is the dominant one?  Just want to know for future reference. Seating arrangements at parties.  Filling in hospital forms.  The usual stuff involving Mr and Mrs. 

I do think that once Scotland is free from the tyranny of England and the immigrants are free to go and live there and be welcomed by the indigenous Scots, Scotland will be much better off.

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13 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The threats aren’t real. It’s part of the vibe here. Frank will threaten to sneak into your house and get into bed with you. Fender will threaten to claw hammer your bloodline into oblivion. Stubby will tell you to drink bleach and jump in a woodchipper.

 But *every single one of them* would be devastated if you actually killed yourself because of something they said. It’s why this place exists. We express a form of humour that can be mistaken for hatred or malice. But it isn’t. Unless you lighten up and accept it, you won’t be happy here. 
*maybe not Frank.

Do you mean that @Wolfie does not genuinely hate me .. surely not :(

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14 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The threats aren’t real. It’s part of the vibe here. Frank will threaten to sneak into your house and get into bed with you. Fender will threaten to claw hammer your bloodline into oblivion. Stubby will tell you to drink bleach and jump in a woodchipper.

 But *every single one of them* would be devastated if you actually killed yourself because of something they said. It’s why this place exists. We express a form of humour that can be mistaken for hatred or malice. But it isn’t. Unless you lighten up and accept it, you won’t be happy here. 
*maybe not Frank.

I would always camp out in their garden hedges before making a move into the bedroom. 

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16 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

That's his normal response. He was on about having my email address and how he was going to do this and that .Fucking nutter .I think he's actually totally lost it .

There is nothing 'normal' about him, he's an insipid little glove puppet, pretending to be some Windrush refugee, with a crack habit.

And yes, he has lost it, because I doubt he ever had it in the first place, and the cunt wouldn't know where to look to find it even if he wanted it.

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3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I do think that once Scotland is free from the tyranny of England and the immigrants are free to go and live there and be welcomed by the indigenous Scots, Scotland will be much better off.

I agree.  England fears an independent successful Scotland like nothing else.  The fucking monarchy is this constitutional plaster holding what are basically colonised territories together.  The colonisers both originate in 1066 and the abolition of the Anglo Saxon Celtic kingdoms.  They reside today in the aristocracy and the City of London.  Both are distinguished by bloodlines and heredity as displayed in heraldry and coats of arms which badically say one thing.   Fuck off you plebs and serfs this is all mine. 

Charles fucking King of Scotland?   What a fucking cheek. 

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6 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I do think that once Scotland is free from the tyranny of England and the immigrants are free to go and live there and be welcomed by the indigenous Scots, Scotland will be much better off.

I thought you lived in Devon, Pen? Nevertheless, an obvious misspelling.

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Guest entitled little cunt
20 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'm going to fucking kill you and then take over your business. 

You utter cunt.

Tut tut tut .Reported. Threatening behaviour. 

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8 hours ago, and said:

There is nothing 'normal' about him, he's an insipid little glove puppet, pretending to be some Windrush refugee, with a crack habit.

And yes, he has lost it, because I doubt he ever had it in the first place, and the cunt wouldn't know where to look to find it even if he wanted it.

What are you on about? You paranoid, delusional idiot.

Dear oh dear. 


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18 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I accept that and dish out a bit myself .There are limits . OCR has genuine mental problems and  is delusional .Its not good a person like him to be on this site .They have no control in or of  their life and that manifests itself into his behaviour .It doesn't get better,  it gets worse. It's bad for him , not any other cunt .His account should be closed down for his own well being .

Reported for wishing a ban on another account. 

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47 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

What does weeny biy mean? Don't think I've forgotten about your totally unprovoked attack on me the other day, Pen. 

You shit stirring cunt. 

Paranoia is disabling .. do you get PIPs for anxiety?

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