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Bolognaise recipe

Guest entitled little cunt

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14 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

You've just consigned the entire  Italian population to a life of homosexuality. Fucking middleclass cunts ruin everything .Cunt establishments in Blackheath  charging 20 quid for a glorifried  fry up .There was a greasy spoon in Bethnal Green years back .The food after a session the night before was a life saver .I sat opposite mad Frankie  Fraser in there one Sunday morning  .He sat looking at me with menace .Although he was a real old man dressed immaculately , he still  frightened  me half to death .

He weren't much cop without a weapon and two burly cunts to hold you down. 


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Guest entitled little cunt
8 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You'll be telling us all you or your Dad 'knew the Krays' next, most likely in a nomination. You utter bellend. 

No not at all.I think you're mentally ill.


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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

He weren't much cop without a weapon and two burly cunts to hold you down. 


He scared me that's for sure.

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12 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You'll be telling us all you or your Dad 'knew the Krays' next, most likely in a nomination. You utter bellend. 

I can’t see any of Pen’s posts, Raaso. Has he put his own recipe for Bollocknaise sauce up yet? Lol.

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47 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You'll be telling us all you or your Dad 'knew the Krays' next, most likely in a nomination. You utter bellend. 

You could leave yer back doors open in them days though  (unless Ronnie was about, but he’d have smashed them in anyway).

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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

You could leave yer back doors open in them days though  (unless Ronnie was about, but he’d have smashed them in anyway).

There is definitely some sort of vacuum when you're about.  We need more Old Bill to make the cunts think twice.  

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

There is definitely some sort of vacuum when you're about.  We need more Old Bill to make the cunts think twice.  


10 hours ago, King Billy said:

You could leave yer back doors open in them days though  (unless Ronnie was about, but he’d have smashed them in anyway).

I do wonder what they would do to the  gangs of  shop lifting and stabbing savages .The Albanian begging gangs and the cunts who break into tradesmen vans would be dealt with if they were around now .It would be interesting to have a time machine and  transport the 50s and 60s crims and hoods to today's London and see what would happen.I don't think Mr.Khan would be around for long .

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:


I do wonder what they would do to the  gangs of  shop lifting and stabbing savages .The Albanian begging gangs and the cunts who break into tradesmen vans would be dealt with if they were around now .It would be interesting to have a time machine and  transport the 50s and 60s crims and hoods to today's London and see what would happen.I don't think Mr.Khan would be around for long .

We grant citizenship to these murderous fucking pigs. We bend over backwards to accommodate their beliefs and disgusting medieval practices… yet serving members of the Gurkha regiment who fight and die for this country, aren’t allowed to live in it. 
That pretty much sums up where we’re at.

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6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

We grant citizenship to these murderous fucking pigs. We bend over backwards to accommodate their beliefs and disgusting medieval practices… yet serving members of the Gurkha regiment who fight and die for this country, aren’t allowed to live in it. 
That pretty much sums up where we’re at.

Not to mention the LB…3/4 of which resembles a sex offenders list.

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:


I do wonder what they would do to the  gangs of  shop lifting and stabbing savages .The Albanian begging gangs and the cunts who break into tradesmen vans would be dealt with if they were around now .It would be interesting to have a time machine and  transport the 50s and 60s crims and hoods to today's London and see what would happen.I don't think Mr.Khan would be around for long .

A lot of money has been made out of time travel fiction.    Getting older means we have reference points.  But are the objective?   Any comparisons we make are going to be coloured by our own subjective outlook and attitudes and also by the peculiar slice of life we experienced.  In effect, it would be a highly selective opinion.   The main trend I despise is this tory right wing ideology that you can create individual resilience and success by robbing the public sector which provides all our essential needs.  That was the Thatcherite credo which has continued in one shape or another across politics.   Mosr recently the tories are planning a Dickensian cut to mental health benefits presumably to force people into low paid work replacing them with the sort of "self help" "talk" sessions "Arbeit ist Frei" that philosophy is used in the context of raising the state pension age.  You always have a well caked middle class spouter espousing the joys of work and boadting tjey will "never retire".   These cunts are worse than the Moors Murderers.  Another example is the whole higher education student loan funding model.   Housing USED to be an avenue for getting on with reasonable house prices, affordable mortgages.  Now virtually everybody except the very bottom rung plus adylum seekers are FORCED into some sort of private housing scheme either enriching buy to let rentiers, greedy corrupt Housing Associations or Banks and Bulding Societies - all Thatchers children.  The really despicable thing is the reverse effect of Thatcherism.   The so called "individual sufficiency and success" it has achieved has resulted in closing the door firmly shut on kids whose parents haven't taken a double or triple helping of the country's wealth - educational opportunity, job choices, enriching travel experience, housing, health options.   How many of our kids are not getting a fair share of life chances in this fucking shit hole of a country?   Mr prosperous White Van Man is tearing recklessly from job to job to pay for his dental treatment over a minefield of dangerous pot holed roads.  If he has an accident and goes to hospital, what can the cunt expect? 

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17 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

No not at all.I think you're mentally ill.


Correct, too much Ganja tends to cause those sort of problems, that's always the excuse when they go on a stabbing spree. 🐵🔪

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2 hours ago, and said:

Correct, too much Ganja tends to cause those sort of problems, that's always the excuse when they go on a stabbing spree. 🐵🔪

That’s worrying. I probably smoke too much ganja, and I have never stabbed anybody. But have technically been stabbed twice myself.
 I’m doing it all wrong.

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41 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That’s worrying. I probably smoke too much ganja, and I have never stabbed anybody. But have technically been stabbed twice myself.
 I’m doing it all wrong.

Are you black?

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On 27/04/2024 at 17:35, entitled little cunt said:

So many cunts think they can cook a decent bolognaise.I'm inviting you cunts to wave your cocks about and say what makes the best tasting sauce. Men's love juice or fanny batter ( I realise this description is from another member and I bow to their descriptive brilliance  ) will not be accepted. For me it's carrot , celery,  tomatoes , Basil,  thyme , stock juice, tomato puree, mince beef , fried bacon , red wine .Bay leafs .A little  bit of cayenne pepper.Do your fucking worst you bunch of degenerates. 

You absolute fucking wanker. This is all wrong.


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