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‘ROLL UP! ROLL UP! Get your mRNA Covid 19 🤣booster, seasonal flu and…….wait for it brand new experimental mRNA skin cancer jabs NOW!’

King Billy

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8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Did you ever read bedtime stories to your kids?  

At the time he posted that it was still Sunday and today (Monday) is a bank holiday, so there is no post .. more proof that DC does not live in the real world .. plus these days you would more likely get a text.

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9 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Interesting times ahead for you, shitcunt. A couple of old boys have not long logged on. Good fucking luck, spastic twatfuck.

Cease and desist. Final warning. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Don't get too excited Billy.  We ALL KNEW when AstraZeneca was hailed as a great breakthrough a world first when it announced its vaccine IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE AND ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF DON'T BUY BRITISH. 

So don't fucking rewrite the history of Covid. 

It was a time of  major reset .The establishment has made the general public afraid of their own shadow .It instilled mental illness into the minds of the general public .Companies can rip us off for millions and there's nothing you can do otherwise your credit score is harmed . As individual's it was instilled .You are insignificant  You are weak.Accept everything we say .It' was mass psychcosis. Covid was the icing on the cake .Johnson telling us not to go out and police arresting those who went for a walk in the park.Even the zombie knife stabbers of Hackney didn't go out incase they caught a cold .The state became the harbinger  of doom and  at the same time, and a savoiur .Its control. Every dictatorship uses the same ploy from Cesar to Putin.They made sure the bug was embedded in society before they acted .To put it into perspective , years on from when the world caught a cold,  how much more expensive is it to just live,  to keep the wolves from the door ?.The rich got very rich indeed , especially the polititions and their mates .The poor are getting poorer .Johnson was doing his vinegar stroke up his missus yet again whilst getting pissed with his mates and  a minister was fingering a shop owners wife on cctv.Stay indoors , do not go out side .You'll die and so will your 90 year old grandma with Alzheimers .Well what a fucking shocker , I thought she'll live for ever .I'm going to start a pressure group .Stop the deaths of very old people who dont know what day of the week it is .Its all the fault of God and that devilish ageing process, oh and the chinese .

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13 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

It was a time of  major reset .The establishment has made the general public afraid of their own shadow .It instilled mental illness into the minds of the general public .Companies can rip us off for millions and there's nothing you can do otherwise your credit score is harmed . As individual's it was instilled .You are insignificant  You are weak.Accept everything we say .It' was mass psychcosis. Covid was the icing on the cake .Johnson telling us not to go out and police arresting those who went for a walk in the park.Even the zombie knife stabbers of Hackney didn't go out incase they caught a cold .The state became the harbinger  of doom and  at the same time, and a savoiur .Its control. Every dictatorship uses the same ploy from Cesar to Putin.They made sure the bug was embedded in society before they acted .To put it into perspective , years on from when the world caught a cold,  how much more expensive is it to just live,  to keep the wolves from the door ?.The rich got very rich indeed , especially the polititions and their mates .The poor are getting poorer .Johnson was doing his vinegar stroke up his missus yet again whilst getting pissed with his mates and  a minister was fingering a shop owners wife on cctv.Stay indoors , do not go out side .You'll die and so will your 90 year old grandma with Alzheimers .Well what a fucking shocker , I thought she'll live for ever .I'm going to start a pressure group .Stop the deaths of very old people who dont know what day of the week it is .Its all the fault of God and that devilish ageing process, oh and the chinese .


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3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

At the time he posted that it was still Sunday and today (Monday) is a bank holiday, so there is no post .. more proof that DC does not live in the real world .. plus these days you would more likely get a text.

But posterity would be robbed of a handwritten document of national importance. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:


Go to bed if you're tired .Do you masturbate too much ?.Tiredness during the day is a dead giveaway .You must be positively  nocturnal. 

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On 05/05/2024 at 21:30, Eddie said:

ELC, I hate immigrants, although as I am planning to retire abroad I will be an immigrant, just as well I despise myself. 

I hope it's not in France. We are busy enough as it is, sending your type across the channel. lol lol.

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1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

I hope it's not in France. We are busy enough as it is, sending your type across the channel. lol lol.

Of course it won’t be fucking France, that stink hole is even more of a dump thank here, I was rather hoping the new wave of cancer would have taken you by now, at least tell me the chemo has left you as bald as stubby bloody pecker? 

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On 05/05/2024 at 17:15, Wolfie said:

Could this mean coronavirus was no more of a threat than seasonal flu, and the situation was exploited to increase underdeveloped vaccinations to make some people rich? Could @King Billy have been right all along?


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On 05/05/2024 at 20:16, Penny Farthing said:

I am going to bed presently.

Uncanny, eh?

On 05/05/2024 at 20:31, Wolfie said:

I hope you sleep well, and never wake.


6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Please don’t wake up tomorrow (or ever).


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On 05/05/2024 at 22:20, ChildeHarold said:

Don't get too excited Billy.  We ALL KNEW when AstraZeneca was hailed as a great breakthrough a world first when it announced its vaccine IT WAS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE AND ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF DON'T BUY BRITISH. 

So don't fucking rewrite the history of Covid. 

I’ve yet to hear of anyone who regrets not having queued up in the rain, with a sleeve rolled up, to be injected with an experimental gene therapy, for a virus which is now acknowledged to be less deadly than the seasonal flu, but maybe I’ve been fortunate to mix with smarter people than all the gullible, subservient cunts like you. Perhaps you shouldn’t believe everything the BBC etc. tell you is real. 😷💉

Fuck off. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, King Billy said:

I’ve yet to hear of anyone who regrets not having queued up in the rain, with a sleeve rolled up, to be injected with an experimental gene therapy, for a virus which is now acknowledged to be less deadly than the seasonal flu, but maybe I’ve been fortunate to mix with smarter people than all the gullible, subservient cunts like you. Perhaps you shouldn’t believe everything the BBC etc. tell you is real. 😷💉

Fuck off. 

The most entertaining thing about covid were those two pissed up lads cuddling up to Chris Whitty.Fucking priceless .It was the perfect example of middle-class awkwardness by an individual who has never had sex but had virtual control of the nation.Thats how fucked up it  all was .The owner of Oliver Boner didn't have a nice time either .

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On 06/05/2024 at 13:29, ChildeHarold said:


Billy it's such a shame to see the big money jobs have dried up and you're having to do this sort of shit.  LOL

PS Fuck off

I sold 24 Christmas trees today, every one for cash. Not bad for the 8th May?
I’m now in the car park of my local in my imaginary M4, enjoying a cold pint of Stella, while having my cock sucked by the landlords 19 year old daughter.

What do you have to say about that?

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25 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Uncanny, eh?



Great minds think alike Wolfie, although I reckon it would be hard to find anyone on here who didn’t have the exact same thought (except Frank who’d happily swallow every inch (metre) of Pens giant dick whether the ridiculous old tranny freak was dead or alive).

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Guest entitled little cunt
52 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I sold 24 Christmas trees today, every one for cash. Not bad for the 8th May?
I’m now in the car park of my local in my imaginary M4, enjoying a cold pint of Stella, while having my cock sucked by the landlords 19 year old daughter.

What do you have to say about that?

Will you kindly not refer to my daughter in that fashion. Your rents going up.

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, King Billy said:

I’m ready for another pint. Hurry up.

Buy your own fucking pint .

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