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David Beckham , walkers crisps and thick football supporters

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 26/04/2024 at 11:03, ChildeHarold said:

That's what MacMillan said abiut Thatcher.   Hey Jude!   Labour has suddenly rustled up cash to

re-nationalise the railways.   Add that to Shamima's welcome home party in Downing Street to be celebrated live on tv and across the shitholes of Britain, plus all the other fakery.   This country with its pothole cities will be in the same mess in ten years time. 

No , it'll be worse .Stammer ,Abbott, lammy , Rayner and Chakrabati all in charge .Fuck that .It's going to be a fucking dogs dinner .

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31 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

No , it'll be worse .Stammer ,Abbott, lammy , Rayner and Chakrabati all in charge .Fuck that .It's going to be a fucking dogs dinner .

One thing's for sure.  None of the tory mind fuck ideas that have ruined this country will be challenged or tory policies reversed.   Insufficient tax will be raised to change the state of public services and health in this country.  The rich and powerful will still get away with paying less than the shelf stacker.  It will be a blank cheque for cheap side issues, women, disabled, ethnics etc.   Nothing fundamental will change for the better.  There will be no admittance that Brexit is a fucking pile of shit and needs to be reversed.   It will be a spineless grey world.  A fuckng group of so called Labour politician self seekers who cannot even declare support for international workers day on May 1st.  A fucking bunch of coward lizards. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
48 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

One thing's for sure.  None of the tory mind fuck ideas that have ruined this country will be challenged or tory policies reversed.   Insufficient tax will be raised to change the state of public services and health in this country.  The rich and powerful will still get away with paying less than the shelf stacker.  It will be a blank cheque for cheap side issues, women, disabled, ethnics etc.   Nothing fundamental will change for the better.  There will be no admittance that Brexit is a fucking pile of shit and needs to be reversed.   It will be a spineless grey world.  A fuckng group of so called Labour politician self seekers who cannot even declare support for international workers day on May 1st.  A fucking bunch of coward lizards. 

The labour cabinet be welcoming illegals with a hug on the beaches .I hope Angela dresses in a more  Conservative manner or she'll get a bit of a shock. Those uncivilised doctors and engineers  will be wide eyed and reckless and wanting to take her up the groyne .800 in the past couple of days.Thats a few more hotel rooms to find , 3 Square  meals a day and pocket money , not bad ehh?.

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22 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The labour cabinet be welcoming illegals with a hug on the beaches .I hope Angela dresses in a more  Conservative manner or she'll get a bit of a shock. Those uncivilised doctors and engineers  will be wide eyed and reckless and wanting to take her up the groyne .800 in the past couple of days.Thats a few more hotel rooms to find , 3 Square  meals a day and pocket money , not bad ehh?.

The mainstream is really fu king sick to the back teeth with the immigation level into England, specifically the south of England, cos none no siree not any of the cunts want to go outside the M25.   There has been a highly visible diaspora of Nigerians from south London into the East Midlands in last couple of years and it has been a joint operation of housing departments, social services and the DWP with the obvious inducement of housing on offer.   So areas have gone from having few if any blacks to a significant number (all with two, three or more kids) of them driving cars, shopping, etc etc  I am going to assume just as a hunch, those that agree to relocate out of London get a nice one off grant of a few grand to cover "expenses". 

Compare that to the average self employed guy paying his stamp, fallen on hard times and HE is TREATED if he goes to the DWP for help. 

They'd tell him to fuck off and see him rot on the street, homeless living in the back of a car. 

That's why a Labour government that comes in fucking light on immigration will not survive a year because people are looking for more than talk or promises or excuses. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Prints Harry said:

Apparently this dog looks like Harry Styles


Very handsome , the dog that is .

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 03/05/2024 at 20:08, ChildeHarold said:

The mainstream is really fu king sick to the back teeth with the immigation level into England, specifically the south of England, cos none no siree not any of the cunts want to go outside the M25.   There has been a highly visible diaspora of Nigerians from south London into the East Midlands in last couple of years and it has been a joint operation of housing departments, social services and the DWP with the obvious inducement of housing on offer.   So areas have gone from having few if any blacks to a significant number (all with two, three or more kids) of them driving cars, shopping, etc etc  I am going to assume just as a hunch, those that agree to relocate out of London get a nice one off grant of a few grand to cover "expenses". 

Compare that to the average self employed guy paying his stamp, fallen on hard times and HE is TREATED if he goes to the DWP for help. 

They'd tell him to fuck off and see him rot on the street, homeless living in the back of a car. 

That's why a Labour government that comes in fucking light on immigration will not survive a year because people are looking for more than talk or promises or excuses. 

Its too late .Diversity is strength apparently. If you're working class your salary has been eroded by these cunts to a level that makes working uneconomic. "Academics" wonder why so many  British born dont want to work . It's not worth them working .We have imported uncivilised uneducated individuals who were not wanted in their  country of birth to undertake all the jobs at half the wage  the British working classes once did .The British have been fucked over by the interests of business and woke left wing bollocks .ALL Illegals need to be deported .No appeal .No state legal aid .No hotel , No 3 meals a day .No pocket money .no rights in a country in which they have no right of stay .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Its too late .Diversity is strength apparently. If you're working class your salary has been eroded by these cunts to a level that makes working uneconomic. "Academics" wonder why so many  British born dont want to work . It's not worth them working .We have imported uncivilised uneducated individuals who were not wanted in their  country of birth to undertake all the jobs at half the wage  the British working classes once did .The British have been fucked over by the interests of business and woke left wing bollocks .ALL Illegals need to be deported .No appeal .No state legal aid .No hotel , No 3 meals a day .No pocket money .no rights in a country in which they have no right of stay .

The mechanism is quite simple.   Immigrant person gets housed by Southwark or Lambeth.   How or why I don’t know.  They frequently travel backwards and forwards.   Where they get the money I don’t know.  They bring a wife in from abroad.   They then have a child.  They soon add to that with another.   Social housing more than one beds are impossible to get.   They want a bigger flat.   Soon there are two adults and three kids in a one bed flat.  The concept of self control or birth control is culturally alien.   The Housing Department which is sympathetically manned by many stafc of the same background helpfully suggest a scheme whereby they are offered a larger flat PLUS a relocation package of say £10k to an area outside of the south east and London where housing costs are much less (50% at least).  The evidence for this is before my eyes.   Couples in their late twenties or thirties, with two children of school age, plus one in a pram, and the woman usually carrying another.  Very often they have a decent £10k secondhand car.   They're clearly old hands who have been using the system for a good number of years already.  

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Guest entitled little cunt
22 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The mechanism is quite simple.   Immigrant person gets housed by Southwark or Lambeth.   How or why I don’t know.  They frequently travel backwards and forwards.   Where they get the money I don’t know.  They bring a wife in from abroad.   They then have a child.  They soon add to that with another.   Social housing more than one beds are impossible to get.   They want a bigger flat.   Soon there are two adults and three kids in a one bed flat.  The concept of self control or birth control is culturally alien.   The Housing Department which is sympathetically manned by many stafc of the same background helpfully suggest a scheme whereby they are offered a larger flat PLUS a relocation package of say £10k to an area outside of the south east and London where housing costs are much less (50% at least).  The evidence for this is before my eyes.   Couples in their late twenties or thirties, with two children of school age, plus one in a pram, and the woman usually carrying another.  Very often they have a decent £10k secondhand car.   They're clearly old hands who have been using the system for a good number of years already.  

Fucking outrageous.what do they actually offer this country ?What do they give to this country ?.Sod all.No wonder the cunts make their way through Europe to get to the UK.Many thick British actually support illegals. They don't give a fuck about schools , hospitals and  doctors surgeries being at breaking point .They dont care the majority of illegals are young male misogynistic  pigs who believe women and underage  girls are there for their use .It just so happens sexual assaults are at an all time high .Quelle  fucking surprise .It doesn't help that  many British parents seem quite happy to send their daughters to school looking like prostitutes , short skirts , full make up and fucking false eyelashes. What a bunch of fucking muppets .The schools say nothing just  in case  parents are offended by being told to dress their fucking children appropriately. This country needs a revolution not a fucking  election.


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4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Fucking outrageous.what do they actually offer this country ?What do they give to this country ?.Sod all.No wonder the cunts make their way through Europe to get to the UK.Many thick British actually support illegals. They don't give a fuck about schools , hospitals and  doctors surgeries being at breaking point .They dont care the majority of illegals are young male misogynistic  pigs who believe women and underage  girls are there for their use .It just so happens sexual assaults are at an all time high .Quelle  fucking surprise .It doesn't help that  many British parents seem quite happy to send their daughters to school looking like prostitutes , short skirts , full make up and fucking false eyelashes. What a bunch of fucking muppets .The schools say nothing just  in case  parents are offended by being told to dress their fucking children appropriately. This country needs a revolution not a fucking  election.


You see the problem is this in a nutshell.  They offer nothing and take everything.   Apart from introducing a fair slice of social and criminal problems not so much with the first generation of arrivals, but a good proportion of the subsequent generations grow up alienated unassimilated and clearly unable to compete in British society.  I am sick and tired of reading the local news back in London due to the catalogue of news items about crimes and photos of black faces.  It's monotonously predictable. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

You see the problem is this in a nutshell.  They offer nothing and take everything.   Apart from introducing a fair slice of social and criminal problems not so much with the first generation of arrivals, but a good proportion of the subsequent generations grow up alienated unassimilated and clearly unable to compete in British society.  I am sick and tired of reading the local news back in London due to the catalogue of news items about crimes and photos of black faces.  It's monotonously predictable. 

Until there's a proper honest debate and a spade  called a spade nothing will change. Its up to communities to recognise the problems within them and stop blaming every existential excuse they can think of. The cure is to be found  within .Realising  violence and misogynistic opinions are glamorised in certain cultures might be a good fucking start.

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Guest entitled little cunt

Football fans have set off flares in Kings Cross underground station.Why are football fans such thick cunts ? They shout and scream in voices a few octaves   lower than they normally grunt , then its we this and we that . WE? If they walk 100 yards the cunts are out of breath. Most of them are fat gutted  ugly thick cunts wearing football shirts stretched over their biafra  type distended guts filled with copious amounts of alcohol. The game should be banned .Every match day the taxpayer have to pay to poilce these neanderthal cunts .The fucking pricks  have to be kept apart like waring  tribes.The women supporters are  even worse .Why would any person want to be within 100 Miles of those cunts ?. They take their kids to witness the whole  uncivilised spectacle.What the fuck is that all about?.Little didums can't walk to school but it's OK to stand amongst thousands of angry , swearing,   shouting,  aggressive , thick  and pissed  males wanting to kill those at the other end of the stadium.Its child abuse .

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  • 2 months later...
On 21/04/2024 at 17:36, Guest entitled little cunt said:

David must have burnt his way through his  and his wife's millions at a vast rate of knots. He is now appearing in the Walkers Crisps advertising campaign  along with that french footballer who must also  be running short of euros  .It seems Walkers believe that the best way to approach the public is to assume we can all feel united by football and Mr.Beckham . Polititions are the same,  they love to state just what big fans they are of  football in the hope they appear somehow normal  .That most of them are up to their necks in gin , whores and gay sex scandles is ignored .What cunts they are .How much more does Beckham want ?, how much is enough?.Are there no limits to the depths  celebs will sink to to earn a few quid to add to their considerable fourtunes .It's fucking sick .Cunts .I'd fucking ban football , played by thick cunts for thick cunts .


He's now flogging Stella Artois. Nuff said.

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8 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Yeah, but can he get his head between his legs and lick his bollocks as well? Just like Harry. 

Don't know about that, but he probably doesn't take a dump in his own back yard, just like Harry.

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On 02/05/2024 at 20:23, Guest entitled little cunt said:

No , it'll be worse .Stammer ,Abbott, lammy , Rayner and Chakrabati all in charge .Fuck that .It's going to be a fucking dogs dinner .

Strangely prophetic, come back ELC, you were a soothsayer.

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4 hours ago, and said:

Strangely prophetic, come back ELC, you were a soothsayer.

Indeed, only a political mastermind the likes of which we've never seen could have predicted that the Onkyblock headed wanker would be about as useless at the job as a Kike giving away free money.

You stupid fucking cunt.

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22 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indeed, only a political mastermind the likes of which we've never seen could have predicted that the Onkyblock headed wanker would be about as useless at the job as a Kike giving away free money.

You stupid fucking cunt.

Absolutely, he made a refreshing change from the self-righteous windbaggery of the Boys Club political pundits.

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