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London Police Anti-semitism nonsense


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The Met under fire for a cop telling a Jewish guy in a yamuka or whatever it's called he could not walk across the street during a anti Gaza War protest . 


Huh ? Seems to me the Jewish guy was   trying to bait the marchers, cause trouble. The always whining jews could claim they ( not the people in Gaza) are under attack .


Always looking for ways to claim to be the victims the Jews are now insisting the cops stopping the wanna be trouble maker was ((((ANTI-SEMITISM ))) !!!!!!


Oy vey 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, peglegtwo said:

The Met under fire for a cop telling a Jewish guy in a yamuka or whatever it's called he could not walk across the street during a anti Gaza War protest . 


Huh ? Seems to me the Jewish guy was   trying to bait the marchers, cause trouble. The always whining jews could claim they ( not the people in Gaza) are under attack .


Always looking for ways to claim to be the victims the Jews are now insisting the cops stopping the wanna be trouble maker was ((((ANTI-SEMITISM ))) !!!!!!


Oy vey 

You obviously have the right to your opinion .That Jewish fellow also had the right to stand and walk  were the fuck he liked without one of that Muslim nazi cunt sadiq  Khan's brown shirt cunts telling him he couldn't. You should be  bothered that freedom in this country is diminishing. Its fucking outrageous .

3 cunts on the site will now report me. 

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Gideon Falter is not just any Jewish cunt, he's been Chief Exec of the Campaign Against Antisemitism since 2014. (In his world, "antisemitism" applies to Jews only, obviously.) It is evident from the video that he has set out to foment trouble, walking against a pro-Palestinian march and bumping into people deliberately. The officers were quite right to stop him doing it again, even if they didn't express themselves perfectly.

Funnily enough, Falter very seldom seems to sport a kippah in public, but was wearing one as he attempted to wade into the marchers. Must have been a belt & braces measure in case his big hook nose and superior attitude weren't enough of a giveaway already.


For balance let me add that I think that any pro-Palestinian marches should be napalmed as a matter of course. 

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

You obviously have the right to your opinion .That Jewish fellow also had the right to stand and walk  were the fuck he liked without one of that Muslim nazi cunt sadiq  Khan's brown shirt cunts telling him he couldn't. You should be  bothered that freedom in this country is diminishing. Its fucking outrageous .

3 cunts on the site will now report me. 

You are wrong on this one.  He's a fucking troublemaker and part of the cuntdem that says ANY critcism of Jews or Israel is antisemitism.  Cunts.  The principle is he does not have the right to close down democratic demonstrations which are quite rightly getting on their nerves.  He is the nazi not the demonstrators. 

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

They should have let the cunt cross the road and stood their watching him get pummeled while quietly muttering, "I told you so, you fucking know-it-all Jewboy cunt"

He has got that Jew boy arrogance which wins them so many friends.   Part of their religion is a form of racial superiority - that's how our interpret "God's chosen people" it is inherently racialist and sinister. 

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29 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

He has got that Jew boy arrogance which wins them so many friends.   Part of their religion is a form of racial superiority - that's how our interpret "God's chosen people" it is inherently racialist and sinister. 

Lets be sensible about this and give him his due.

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4 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

The Met under fire for a cop telling a Jewish guy in a yamuka or whatever it's called he could not walk across the street during a anti Gaza War protest . 


Huh ? Seems to me the Jewish guy was   trying to bait the marchers, cause trouble. The always whining jews could claim they ( not the people in Gaza) are under attack .


Always looking for ways to claim to be the victims the Jews are now insisting the cops stopping the wanna be trouble maker was ((((ANTI-SEMITISM ))) !!!!!!


Oy vey 


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Guest entitled little cunt
44 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You are wrong on this one.  He's a fucking troublemaker and part of the cuntdem that says ANY critcism of Jews or Israel is antisemitism.  Cunts.  The principle is he does not have the right to close down democratic demonstrations which are quite rightly getting on their nerves.  He is the nazi not the demonstrators. 

The fact is that he should be able to walk where he wishes without fear of being attacked  just because he is Jewish. If it was black person,  Indian or Chinese person would that be OK to stop him ?.It is the responsibility  of Khan's idiotic police force to ensure the man isn't attacked , it is not their place to inhibit freedom of movement or expression.If he did that to a black person he'd be sacked within 24 hours .Muslims have done far more harm to the fabric of this country than Jews ever have .Jewish people on the whole mind their own business and cause no polarisation of society. Whilst all religion is utterly proposterous and ridicolous jews have no interest in promoting what they believe to non believers,  they don't want us dead basically. The sane can't be said for many flowers of Islam.They chant death to Jews , death to The USA , death to the UK death to anybody who doesn't  believe their medieval crackpot shit. That's the difference .Death.


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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Gideon Falter is not just any Jewish cunt, he's been Chief Exec of the Campaign Against Antisemitism since 2014. (In his world, "antisemitism" applies to Jews only, obviously.) It is evident from the video that he has set out to foment trouble, walking against a pro-Palestinian march and bumping into people deliberately. The officers were quite right to stop him doing it again, even if they didn't express themselves perfectly.

Funnily enough, Falter very seldom seems to sport a kippah in public, but was wearing one as he attempted to wade into the marchers. Must have been a belt & braces measure in case his big hook nose and superior attitude weren't enough of a giveaway already.


For balance let me add that I think that any pro-Palestinian marches should be napalmed as a matter of course. 

The bloke’s a shit-stirrer but now, the Times (front page) and others in the meedja are calling for the Head of the Met to be sacked. There are 46k police officers in the Met. They’re paid shit wages and they’ve always been the worst Force in the UK. Therefore, it will always have a percentage of idiots. One such ‘ mis-spoke’ to this conniving little cunt and now the Commissioner should be summarily dismissed. By that rationale, should a Hindu Keralan cleaner in a south of Dublin factory, move a Muslim prayer mat so that it faces west…would it be fair for the nation to then call for the sacking and public humiliation of the CEO of that huge international business and all round global industrial leader? @Mrs Roops?

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Guest entitled little cunt
12 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

The bloke’s a shit-stirrer but now, the Times (front page) and others in the meedja are calling for the Head of the Met to be sacked. There are 46k police officers in the Met. They’re paid shit wages and they’ve always been the worst Force in the UK. Therefore, it will always have a percentage of idiots. One such ‘ mis-spoke’ to this conniving little cunt and now the Commissioner should be summarily dismissed. By that rationale, should a Hindu Keralan cleaner in a south of Dublin factory, move a Muslim prayer mat so that it faces west…would it be fair for the nation to then call for the sacking and public humiliation of the CEO of that huge international business and all round global industrial leader? @Mrs Roops?

 I know what youre saying  but i think you're missing the  essential point .Was this person treated differently because he is Jewish ? it does  seem to be the case .The plod wouldn't have treated a dusky in the same manner .That's what tbe danger is here .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

The fact is that he should be able to walk where he wishes without fear of being attacked  just because he is Jewish. If it was black person,  Indian or Chinese person would that be OK to stop him ?.It is the responsibility  of Khan's idiotic police force to ensure the man isn't attacked , it is not their place to inhibit freedom of movement or expression.If he did that to a black person he'd be sacked within 24 hours .Muslims have done far more harm to the fabric of this country than Jews ever have .Jewish people on the whole mind their own business and cause no polarisation of society. Whilst all religion is utterly proposterous and ridicolous jews have no interest in promoting what they believe to non believers,  they don't want us dead basically. The sane can't be said for many flowers of Islam.They chant death to Jews , death to The USA , death to the UK death to anybody who doesn't  believe their medieval crackpot shit. That's the difference .Death.


Fucking take a reality check.   Yeah, I can't walk about the street at 1.00am with my tits hanging out and no knickers under a pair of arse cheeked leotards without being harrassed and sexually abused.   London is a NO GO ZONE.   Yeah, I am a fucking cocky pushy Jew I can't walk through a pro Palestinian demo at a very sensitive time and the copper was a racist.   Loobdon is a NO GO ZONE!   Use a bit of common. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

Fucking take a reality check.   Yeah, I can't walk about the street at 1.00am with my tits hanging out and no knickers under a pair of arse cheeked leotards without being harrassed and sexually abused.   London is a NO GO ZONE.   Yeah, I am a fucking cocky pushy Jew I can't walk through a pro Palestinian demo at a very sensitive time and the copper was a racist.   Loobdon is a NO GO ZONE!   Use a bit of common. 

Harold , was the bloke treated differently because he's Jewish? Would a black or Muslim be treated in the same manner? Its a question rather than a statement .

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23 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Harold , was the bloke treated differently because he's Jewish? Would a black or Muslim be treated in the same manner? Its a question rather than a statement .

I doubt very much any difference.  Whatever you think this little cunt has single handedly done as much damage to the Jewish community in Britain as Netanyahu.  You have to ask yourself how much of this amateur agent provocateur activoty by Jewish militants with their brains in their arse is being waved on in Tel Aviv.  It's been completely counterproductive.  In fact the cunt's groveled off by accepting an apology which is probably one of a thousand the Met issues every day. 

And don't Harold me.  I'm not your Harold.   I am a free man.   Run free my beautirs, run free and fast across the land.   Yippee! Hei! Ho!   😅 

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44 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Was the bloke treated differently because he's Jewish? Would a black or Muslim be treated in the same manner? Its a question rather than a statement.

You'd like to think that had it been a KKK march parading a burning cross down the street, the same copper would indeed have stopped a black man from wading into it.

In this case, the copper actually offered to safely escort the Jew to where he wanted to go, but that didn't suit his persecution narrative. I hope all these cunts jumping on the bandwagon now are burgled, beaten, and raped, and the Met don't bother showing up to investigate.

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9 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

You'd like to think that had it been a KKK march parading a burning cross down the street, the same copper would indeed have stopped a black man from wading into it.

In this case, the copper actually offered to safely escort the Jew to where he wanted to go, but that didn't suit his persecution narrative. I hope all these cunts jumping on the bandwagon now are burgled, beaten, and raped, and the Met don't bother showing up to investigate.

"persecution narrative". that is only half of it.  It's actually a strategy to camouflage with a smokescreen some pretty unappetising attitudes and activities on part of hard right Zionists.  The lid has blown off now and not before time.    We don't continuously have the Russians bleating about their millions dead so why give the Jews any more special treatment?   There must be an angle behind it. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
15 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

You'd like to think that had it been a KKK march parading a burning cross down the street, the same copper would indeed have stopped a black man from wading into it.

In this case, the copper actually offered to safely escort the Jew to where he wanted to go, but that didn't suit his persecution narrative. I hope all these cunts jumping on the bandwagon now are burgled, beaten, and raped, and the Met don't bother showing up to investigate.

Burgling,  beating  and raping are  the specialities of islamists who  committed the atrocities in Israel.How otherwise decent people can march in favour of Hamas is mind boggling.Those who don't support the  terrorists need to think carefully  about who they are marching with .It wasn't a kkk march , it wasn't a black person , it was a Jew .Jews who live in london fear walking on their own streets , Muslims hanging out of cars shouting abuse and threats  is an everyday occurance .Muslims have been emboldened and are taking over London. They have shown themselves to not be the best custodians of peace , tolerance and social tranquility. I'm certain we'll  all be reminded of that in the summer on the streets of  the UK and  in Paris .

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17 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Would a black or Muslim be treated in the same manner? Its a question rather than a statement .

23 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

It wasn't a KKK march , it wasn't a black person, it was a Jew.

If you want to have your points taken seriously, don't ask a question and then backtrack and complain when somebody answers it.

20 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

For balance let me add that I think that any pro-Palestinian marches should be napalmed as a matter of course. 

As I've already made clear, both here and on many other threads over the years, I'd like to see all of the Allah/Yahweh worshipping fucktards in the Middle East bombed back into the stone age (which isn't too far for most of them to go.) If every Mosque and Synagogue in London was likewise obliterated, so much the better.


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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

If you want to have your points taken seriously, don't ask a question and then backtrack and complain when somebody answers it.

As I've already made clear, both here and on many other threads over the years, I'd like to see all of the Allah/Yahweh worshipping fucktards in the Middle East bombed back into the stone age (which isn't too far for most of them to go.) If every Mosque and Synagogue in London was likewise obliterated, so much the better.


…and the Barbican.

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

…and the Barbican.


6 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

If you want to have your points taken seriously, don't ask a question and then backtrack and complain when somebody answers it.

As I've already made clear, both here and on many other threads over the years, I'd like to see all of the Allah/Yahweh worshipping fucktards in the Middle East bombed back into the stone age (which isn't too far for most of them to go.) If every Mosque and Synagogue in London was likewise obliterated, so much the better.



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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

…and the Barbican.

And the jehova witness church down the Road from where I live , they are very polite though and always wear nice suits  but  theyre a bit like  like Papa lazarue.Hello Dave , Do you want to be saved?

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7 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

And the jehova witness church down the Road from where I live , they are very polite though and always wear nice suits  but  theyre a bit like  like Papa lazarue.Hello Dave , Do you want to be saved?

The evangelicals can all be traced back to the USA and the Righteous Gemstones (John Goodman superb) 🙂 

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The evangelicals can all be traced back to the USA and the Righteous Gemstones (John Goodman superb) 🙂 

The righteous brothers, were they evangelicals ?.fucking hell , make it easy on yourself , God loves you.

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