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Grand national cunts

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

Its that time of year again .This great animal loving nation will no doubt murder a few more horses live on television .The  crowds will cheer at the crack of neck or leg bones  and either drown their sorrows in champagne or drink to their shrewd winning knowledge of the "sport ".The large bookmakers will be counting their billions as the bodies of the victims are put in a hole or sent up a chimney .The clerk of the course a Ms.  Sulekha Varma has stated there are risks in all sports and  oddly gave F1 as an example .What the cunt Varma failed to  acknowledge is that the chariot on which some thick  4ft anorexic paddy mounts and  whips half to death has no option other than to run for its fucking life .A V10 Ferrari F1 car doesn't feel pain or fear , it's just a very expensive inanimate object driven by a rich narcissistic spoilt little cunt .

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15 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Its that time of year again .This great animal loving nation will no doubt murder a few more horses live on television .The  crowds will cheer at the crack of neck or leg bones  and either drown their sorrows in champagne or drink to their shrewd winning knowledge of the "sport ".The large bookmakers will be counting their billions as the bodies of the victims are put in a hole or sent up a chimney .The clerk of the course a Ms.  Sulekha Varma has stated there are risks in all sports and  oddly gave F1 as an example .What the cunt Varma failed to  acknowledge is that the chariot on which some thick  4ft anorexic paddy mounts and  whips half to death has no option other than to run for its fucking life .A V10 Ferrari F1 car doesn't feel pain or fear , it's just a very expensive inanimate object driven by a rich narcissistic spoilt little cunt .

Monbeg Genius has been withdrawn. I swear too God, @Eddie, these cunts are gonna get it in the ear. 


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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

It's that time of year again. This great animal loving nation will no doubt murder a few more horses live on television

In a nod to historical precedent, let's hope they mow down some tofu-munching Extinction Rebellion wankers first.


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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Its that time of year again .This great animal loving nation will no doubt murder a few more horses live on television .The  crowds will cheer at the crack of neck or leg bones  and either drown their sorrows in champagne or drink to their shrewd winning knowledge of the "sport ".The large bookmakers will be counting their billions as the bodies of the victims are put in a hole or sent up a chimney .The clerk of the course a Ms.  Sulekha Varma has stated there are risks in all sports and  oddly gave F1 as an example .What the cunt Varma failed to  acknowledge is that the chariot on which some thick  4ft anorexic paddy mounts and  whips half to death has no option other than to run for its fucking life .A V10 Ferrari F1 car doesn't feel pain or fear , it's just a very expensive inanimate object driven by a rich narcissistic spoilt little cunt .

What fucks me off is not being able to get into the bookies to place my weekly Yankee because it's full of those cunts having their annual punt on this.

I fancy  Nassalam as a cheeky side bet.


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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, Frank said:

Monbeg Genius has been withdrawn. I swear too God, @Eddie, these cunts are gonna get it in the ear. 


Who's the fat bloke , he looks like a Dr.Who character.Is he loaded by any chance .

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

In a nod to historical precedent, let's hope they mow down some tofu-munching Extinction Rebellion wankers first.


I couldn't give a fuck how many humans die , save the fucking horses .Hopefully they'll run through the baying mob at full fucking pelt like an out of control freight train. They'll be blood covered  Rolex's and vulgar clothing everywhere .Now that I would watch. 

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Horses are like cars, great when they run well but you just fuck em off when they start letting you down. I see I Maximus won so why the long face?

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I couldn't give a fuck how many humans die , save the fucking horses .Hopefully they'll run through the baying mob at full fucking pelt like an out of control freight train. They'll be blood covered  Rolex's and vulgar clothing everywhere .Now that I would watch. 

Just imagine how many scousers will be wiped out. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
12 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Just imagine how many scousers will be wiped out. 

Liverpool.Famous for drive by shootings, a flemmy accent , the cavern club that isn't actually the cavern club , no grasses , Ken Bigley  and that famous mop top quartet who changed the world forever , Gerry and the pace makers. 

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15 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Never mind that shit, Big Bollock, have you got a job yet? Also, have they repossessed the bungalow?

Of course I have, the cream always rises to the top and I'm feeling like I've just stepped out of Bobby Ewings shower. Pay increase this month too. No chance of repossessing the bungalow as I own it but I'm thinking of getting out of the rental market because it's not as tax efficient anymore - what do you think?

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3 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Of course I have, the cream always rises to the top and I'm feeling like I've just stepped out of Bobby Ewings shower. Pay increase this month too. No chance of repossessing the bungalow as I own it but I'm thinking of getting out of the rental market because it's not as tax efficient anymore - what do you think?

It's good to hear you're getting your life back on track, Big Bollock. Did you buy a bungalow so you could stagger around drunk and not fall down stairs?

Anyways, renting is a fucking nuisance these days, I'm thinking of getting a working girl or two working from my Flat... No tenancy agreements, no tenants rights, cash (no trail) and no phonecalls about the something needing fixing. 

What do you think?

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12 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

It's good to hear you're getting your life back on track, Big Bollock. Did you buy a bungalow so you could stagger around drunk and not fall down stairs?

Anyways, renting is a fucking nuisance these days, I'm thinking of getting a working girl or two working from my Flat... No tenancy agreements, no tenants rights, cash (no trail) and no phonecalls about the something needing fixing. 

What do you think?

Did your horse fall at the first jump?

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8 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

Did your horse fall at the first jump?

I was born in the year of the Horse.  Horses are beautiful and powerful, like me. I'm not really a gambling man and don't like seeing the Horses raced to near death at times, by some midget Paddy cunt. 

Do you know what I mean?


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4 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I was born in the year of the Horse.  Horses are beautiful and powerful, like me. I'm not really a gambling man and don't like seeing the Horses raced to near death at times, by some midget Paddy cunt. 

Do you know what I mean?


I will let you into an evil little secret .. I despise steeple chasing along with all other "sports" that involve pain and injury to horses.

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