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Jewish Hypocrisy Exposed

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7 Aid Workers killed by out-of-control Israeli army.  Three were British, UK government uncharacteristically quiet! 


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 

A Zionist state is OK'd by London/Washington and actively supported.   Our "support" for Palestinian state today is just empty words and "good" men doing nothing.  Any real support is branded as "terrorist" or "extremist" or "nazi".  



The Balfour Declaration was a letter written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lionel Walter Rothschild, in which he expressed the British government's support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.



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Guest entitled little cunt
10 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

7 Aid Workers killed by out-of-control Israeli army.  Three were British, UK government uncharacteristically quiet! 


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. 

A Zionist state is OK'd by London/Washington and actively supported.   Our "support" for Palestinian state today is just empty words and "good" men doing nothing.  Any real support is branded as "terrorist" or "extremist" or "nazi".  



The Balfour Declaration was a letter written by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lionel Walter Rothschild, in which he expressed the British government's support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.



I didn't notice the good men of Hamas appealing to its more sick members  not to attack and murder 200 kids at a rock concert. They  also didn't try to stop the taking of hostages , many of whom were young girls and women and  were raped and murdered. So yes , you're quite right that evil will persist when good men do nothing. If a group of British do gooders want to go to visit  a war zone with artillery,  drones and small arms fire going off everywhere is it any surprise they're caught up in it .There's a few hungry mouths to feed in the UK if they're that bothered .I guess delivering aid to Hull isn't such a good story down the pub.

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14 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I didn't notice the good men of Hamas appealing to its more sick members  not to attack and murder 200 kids at a rock concert. They  also didn't try to stop the taking of hostages , many of whom were young girls and women and  were raped and murdered. So yes , you're quite right that evil will persist when good men do nothing. If a group of British do gooders want to go to visit  a war zone with artillery,  drones and small arms fire going off everywhere is it any surprise they're caught up in it .There's a few hungry mouths to feed in the UK if they're that bothered .I guess delivering aid to Hull isn't such a good story down the pub.

I agreed with most of what you said except the end bit about Hull where you are over egging your argument, but that's because it doesn't undermine my case against Israel and the course it's now on which was just caused by the August atrocities by Hamas but is the culmination of Gurion and the birth of Israel from Palestinian land. 

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46 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I agreed with most of what you said except the end bit about Hull where you are over egging your argument, but that's because it doesn't undermine my case against Israel and the course it's now on which was just caused by the August atrocities by Hamas but is the culmination of Gurion and the birth of Israel from Palestinian land. 

I hate those Palestinians only slightly less than I hate those Jews, only slightly less than I hate withers. 

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8 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I hate those Palestinians only slightly less than I hate those Jews, only slightly less than I hate withers. 

The last time you unfurled that argument on me you included yourself adding that you hated yourself even more. 

Are you related to Frank Bruno? 

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1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

That is Withers with a capital W. Got it now, you flat arsed chancer. 

Withers, what do you make of Franks obsession with umbrellas? Is he the only man who could open one fully up his arse hole? 

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12 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I agreed with most of what you said except the end bit about Hull where you are over egging your argument, but that's because it doesn't undermine my case against Israel and the course it's now on which was just caused by the August atrocities by Hamas but is the culmination of Gurion and the birth of Israel from Palestinian land. 

For you the issue is that you  are stereotypical guilt ridden white chancer.

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

For you the issue is that you  are stereotypical guilt ridden white chancer.

Is Gurion a character from game of thrones 

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Is Gurion a character from game of thrones 

He's one of those dead cunts who get airports named after them, for some reason or other...


John Lennon

George Best


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2 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

For you the issue is that you  are stereotypical guilt ridden white chancer.

Is this "Issue" No 52 of The Oldie Magazine?  And was "guilt" a typo for "quilt" as in 

"Oh Milton would thou showst yourself now! 

It's a bit parky put a quilt on! 

Just a surmise, a jest, a teaser, hmmm my skinny latte is coming.  Isn’t Bath pretty in the rain! 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Is this "Issue" No 52 of The Oldie Magazine?  And was "guilt" a typo for "quilt" as in 

"Oh Milton would thou showst yourself now! 

It's a bit parky put a quilt on! 

Just a surmise, a jest, a teaser, hmmm my skinny latte is coming.  Isn’t Bath pretty in the rain! 


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21 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Is this "Issue" No 52 of The Oldie Magazine?  And was "guilt" a typo for "quilt" as in 

"Oh Milton would thou showst yourself now! 

It's a bit parky put a quilt on! 

Just a surmise, a jest, a teaser, hmmm my skinny latte is coming.  Isn’t Bath pretty in the rain! 

Poo to you and your kind.

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28 minutes ago, Mike Hunt said:

Anyone else remember the jubilant reaction footage from the Palestinians on 9/11? 

Fuckwitted Palestinian women laughing and dancing .. I also remember a Muslim woman screaming with joy when her son killed himself and other people in a suicide bombing.

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1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

You take that back, you fucking cunt, Puff the Magic Dragon was real!

It had halluciantory Chasing The Dragon overtones.  Where have you been -  locked up in a Mothercare play pen all your life? 

Pacino: 'How I am going to get to frigging bed Mike'? '

Caine: 'Al, that's a play pen you've got' 

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36 minutes ago, peglegtwo said:

Hypocrisy is very Jewish , never stop whining about the holocaust but no running one of their own in Gaza

It says something when you hear Nick Ferrari on LBC tell the Israeli spokesperson put up to deal with this outrage called by them a "mistake" (not a single apology) "You don't want to listen whatever anybody says to you." 

The Zionist govt has dismantled the whole system of "victim status" to which the Jews tried to attach unique special status over the years since the War through it's counter productive OTT military. 

What's deeply troubling is the way our govt which is only too ready to start intervening in Syria and Yugoslavia and Ukraine is completely OK with all of this. 

The conclusion I draw is that behind Washington and London lies a Jewish hand pulling the strings, the only string I see is money. 

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5 hours ago, Mike Hunt said:

Anyone else remember the jubilant reaction footage from the Palestinians on 9/11? 

Granted, but wouldn't you celebrate the deaths of those from a Jewish-controlled superpower which supplied the bombs that killed your family?

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