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Zionazi's Murder 7 Food Aid Workers in Gaza


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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Herr Flick and Helga. 

Helga was always running around in stockings . She was a card , bless her .

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Guest entitled little cunt
17 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I have answered you question by default .. whatever their faults I have never had a Jew try to convert me to his faith. Many Jews are oyal citizens indeed patriot of the ou tries where they live .. some though do have a belief in there being Jewish Homeland .. I have though had Muslims try to convert me to their faith, I have also had Muslims tell me that "we are all Muslims" .. the Muslim faith is actually about converting everyone to Islam and eliminating those who do not convert and everywhere on Earth becoming a single Muslim country. TBH Islam like Christianity is simply an offshoot of Judaism.

I've had a Muslim charge me 4.25 for an out of date cheese and tomatoe sandwich and a star bar .The thieving flip flop wearing cunt .

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Guest entitled little cunt
20 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I have answered you question by default .. whatever their faults I have never had a Jew try to convert me to his faith. Many Jews are oyal citizens indeed patriot of the ou tries where they live .. some though do have a belief in there being Jewish Homeland .. I have though had Muslims try to convert me to their faith, I have also had Muslims tell me that "we are all Muslims" .. the Muslim faith is actually about converting everyone to Islam and eliminating those who do not convert and everywhere on Earth becoming a single Muslim country. TBH Islam like Christianity is simply an offshoot of Judaism.

I've had a Muslim charge me 4.25 for an out of date cheese and tomatoe sandwich and a star bar .The thieving flip flop wearing cunt .

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

Proud sponsor of Lewis Hamilton. 

How does 44 resemble the Swastika?  Do I need Specsavers?  Is there a sort of creeping realisation that sympathy for Jews cannot be taken for granted anymore so the state controlled Jewish interests resort to these patently far field tactics? 

Sheila Fogarty, that nodding dog on LBC, actually used the   "It only takes good men to do nothing... " argument to justify the egforts to restrict pro Palestinian anti Israel demos.  Not very convincingly.  Why doesn't the government stop the IDF in Haza - a foreign invasion committing genocide?  They were constipated over a ceasefire. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

How does 44 resemble the Swastika?  Do I need Specsavers?  Is there a sort of creeping realisation that sympathy for Jews cannot be taken for granted anymore so the state controlled Jewish interests resort to these patently far field tactics? 

Sheila Fogarty, that nodding dog on LBC, actually used the   "It only takes good men to do nothing... " argument to justify the egforts to restrict pro Palestinian anti Israel demos.  Not very convincingly.  Why doesn't the government stop the IDF in Haza - a foreign invasion committing genocide?  They were constipated over a ceasefire. 

The fuckers , are they at it in Haza aswell.

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

How does 44 resemble the Swastika?  Do I need Specsavers?  Is there a sort of creeping realisation that sympathy for Jews cannot be taken for granted anymore so the state controlled Jewish interests resort to these patently far field tactics? 

Sheila Fogarty, that nodding dog on LBC, actually used the   "It only takes good men to do nothing... " argument to justify the egforts to restrict pro Palestinian anti Israel demos.  Not very convincingly.  Why doesn't the government stop the IDF in Haza - a foreign invasion committing genocide?  They were constipated over a ceasefire. 

I think it was because it looked like the SS esses.

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6 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I think it was because it looked like the SS esses.

I still don't get it.  It's pathetic.  All of this is twiddle round the main question - Israel and Jews have trashed all the anti-semitism protection the poor little victim arguments they've been hiding behind since the 1940s. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I still don't get it.  It's pathetic.  All of this is twiddle round the main question - Israel and Jews have trashed all the anti-semitism protection the poor little victim arguments they've been hiding behind since the 1940s. 

Given the choice of a night out on the Town in Tel Aviv or Jeddah I think I know which one would be better .

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Guest entitled little cunt
12 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

How does 44 resemble the Swastika?  Do I need Specsavers?  Is there a sort of creeping realisation that sympathy for Jews cannot be taken for granted anymore so the state controlled Jewish interests resort to these patently far field tactics? 

Sheila Fogarty, that nodding dog on LBC, actually used the   "It only takes good men to do nothing... " argument to justify the egforts to restrict pro Palestinian anti Israel demos.  Not very convincingly.  Why doesn't the government stop the IDF in Haza - a foreign invasion committing genocide?  They were constipated over a ceasefire. 

I think the media got a bit mixed up with their WW2 insignia identification. The 44 looks very much like  SS used on uniforms and propaganda posters.The 22 year graduate cunts who write such shite are too busy at therapy , wanking their porn addiction off or playing computer games to learn a bit if history. Useless millennial  sheep like cunts .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

I think the media got a bit mixed up with their WW2 insignia identification. The 44 looks very much like  SS used on uniforms and propaganda posters.The 22 year graduate cunts who write such shite are too busy at therapy , wanking their porn addiction off or playing computer games to learn a bit if history. Useless millennial  sheep like cunts .

They are mindless word merchants trying to please the editor who in turn is a paid lackey of the Jewish aligned interest that owns controls the paper media outlet. 

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1 hour ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

Well, if you don't want to get killed, don't go to a fucking war zone to do your virtue signalling in the hope of getting sucked off by a raghead then. It's not rocket science.....

100% truth in this post .. cunt are conveniently ignoring what actually triggered (note the irony) the Israeli, They were holding a rock concert close the border (a bit iffy) but to be honest most normal younger people do like rock music. The miserable old Islamic cunts though saw it has a chance to attack the concert goers and to kidnap and kill some of them .. had the miserable cunts not done this there would have been nothing for Israel to respond to .. The shitbag Hamas militants further compounded this by building their main military headquarters and weapon storage facilities beneath hospitals to serve as human shields (this something that not so far as I am aware even the Nazi did). Hamas also have a stated intent to drive the Israelis i to the sea and/or exterminate them without any form of compromise .. very much akin to the Nazi philosophy. The Israelis  were actually willing to compromise. Historically Palestine has never been a state as such, it has always been a territory that was claimed and passed between the countries that surrounded it and there were always plenty of Jews there and indeed there used to be an analogy about all the Jews in Palestine .. the last time there was an actual state in what became Palestine was when the original Israel and Judea existed there two thousand years or more ago before the Roman eliminated the original Israel and did everything to drive the Jews out or eliminate them. Back to Hamas and current mess as said before if the Hamas fuckwits had not attacked the current mess would not have happened.

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

100% truth in this post .. cunt are conveniently ignoring what actually triggered (note the irony) the Israeli, They were holding a rock concert close the border (a bit iffy) but to be honest most normal younger people do like rock music. The miserable old Islamic cunts though saw it has a chance to attack the concert goers and to kidnap and kill some of them .. had the miserable cunts not done this there would have been nothing for Israel to respond to .. The shitbag Hamas militants further compounded this by building their main military headquarters and weapon storage facilities beneath hospitals to serve as human shields (this something that not so far as I am aware even the Nazi did). Hamas also have a stated intent to drive the Israelis i to the sea and/or exterminate them without any form of compromise .. very much akin to the Nazi philosophy. The Israelis  were actually willing to compromise. Historically Palestine has never been a state as such, it has always been a territory that was claimed and passed between the countries that surrounded it and there were always plenty of Jews there and indeed there used to be an analogy about all the Jews in Palestine .. the last time there was an actual state in what became Palestine was when the original Israel and Judea existed there two thousand years or more ago before the Roman eliminated the original Israel and did everything to drive the Jews out or eliminate them. Back to Hamas and current mess as said before if the Hamas fuckwits had not attacked the current mess would not have happened.

Hamas cunts couldn't give a fuck that the only way Palastinians can make any money was to cross  the border and work in Israel  on a daily basis .The medieval backward Islamic  belief system that excludes 50% of the population from taking part in the economy is the main culprit .Israel Understandably  closed the border. Palastinians can't work , can't earn and the place turns to an even bigger  shithole than it was .It seems the world believes the only innocent party is Hamas .They're the cunts that have caused the current crisis .That geriatric imbecile Biden , the murmering dribbling creepy weirdo needs to keep his stale  old man  breath mouth shut or he'll have more  Jewish trouble on his own shores than he can deal with .The fucking idiot .

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 hours ago, Cap'n Cunt said:

Well, if you don't want to get killed, don't go to a fucking war zone to do your virtue signalling in the hope of getting sucked off by a raghead then. It's not rocket science.....

Apparently  according to the media they're  hero's. Hamas have been commandeering nearly all the aid convoys.If the Israelis notice a convoy is not keeping to an agreed direction of travel they quite rightly assume its been taken over  by Hamas and attacked .There is talk the particular convoy our heroes were part of was off a pre arranged course .How correct that is we'll probably never know because media is so biased .How rightminded British people can march in support of Hamas Terrorists is mind boggling. It is Hamas who are starving their own population. 

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Hamas attacked on October7 killing 1,200 then the israeli mass murder machine( did they get the idea from hitler ? )  went into action killing 33,000 Palestinians and relief workers .


This will continue on & on till we have a two state solution .

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

Hamas attacked on October7 killing 1,200 then the israeli mass murder machine( did they get the idea from hitler ? )  went into action killing 33,000 Palestinians and relief workers .


This will continue on & on till we have a two state solution .

What ? For fucks sake . Have you mot heard ? Your fucking Hamas are the ones who for years have  been categorically against a 2 state solution. Time and again  they called for the utter destruction of Israel , not even the dismantling of Israel but the destruction of it and its population.That Israel is stronger and far richer and able to wipe out  any middle eastern country seemed to escape their attention.They are thick cunts held back by a medieval,  unprogressive, violent  sexist cult of a belief system.A small people , a silly people .

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1 hour ago, peglegtwo said:

Both like it this way, the israelis love nothing better then murdering Arabs

Lions and Hyenas, they kill each other whenever possible, it's in their nature, it's how they were brought up. 

(you can't teach an old dog (cat) new tricks)

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

Let us not forget under Shamir israel helped start Hamas 


Israel could castrate Hamas by agreeing to a 2 state solution 


Both like it this way, the israelis love nothing better then murdering Arabs

Listen , you do not understand .HAMAS CALLS FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL. Hamas is not interested in a 2 state solution. Israel have gone to Hamas cap in hand offering peace in the past and talks about a 2 state solution. What did Hamas do,  they lobbed missiles over .Hamas doesn't want peace , should peace breakout Hamas would cease to exist .Its in their interest to continue  with violence , they do not give a fuck if it kills the very people they are supposed to represent , that is obvious. 



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Having seen the pictures of the 'aid convoy' trucks (which, incidentally, held three armed ex-soldiers for some inexplicable reason) I'm pretty impressed with the accuracy of the Israeli missiles. They don't fuck about, and they're quite good at what they do, I have to say.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 04/04/2024 at 17:32, peglegtwo said:

Let us not forget under Shamir israel helped start Hamas 


Israel could castrate Hamas by agreeing to a 2 state solution 


Both like it this way, the israelis love nothing better then murdering Arabs

Israel, or Jews like nothing better than making money.They prefer that to killing Arabs . Arabs are not worth much, not even to other Arabs . War is good business for a few but  not the many .The Jews would much prefer peace where they can  make money and progress .Their belief system does not hinder progress,the Muslim faith does.Its sexist , homophobic , misogynistic and violent. It's not the Jews or the USA or any other enemy they wish to use as the bogey man , its their own ridicolulus , medieval murderous belief system that fucks them over every time , they're just too thick to see it .Humza yousef, an otherwise intelligent person  actually promotes what he believes after 2000 years of seeing the contrary. That's how fixated these idiots are.

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