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Well, knock me down with a feather cover me in honey and feed me to the two faced piranhas in the British media!

A couple of weeks ago they were all over the 150 inncents slain in the Russian concert terrorist attack. Every angle covered by the "journalists" was an oblique attack on Russia and Putin sucking  as much propaganda value from it while trying to maintain some appearance of sympathy and outrage. 

Now it's fuck my old boots with nobs on time (again, again and once again) with the NHS.  They are letting us know something we knew already like banging your head against a brick wall causes a fucking headache: the NHS first port of call is LETTING US DOWN BADLY.  All this while slitty eyed Charles and Lizard Kate Social climbng Middleton enjoy the BEST health care money can buy. 


So the British government doesn't deserve the same treatment as Putin gets for up to 250 innocents dying because they were properly treated in time  i. e. died from neglect. That's 12,500 per year. 

So the American government doesn't get blamed for the estimated 29,000 gun related deaths per year in the USA? 🤔 


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The NHS situation is like walking a tightrope at the moment. It isn't good enough by far, but trusting the fucking government to improve any aspect of it is asking for trouble.

They'll fuck it up. They want it to fuck up anyway, it would bring them one step closer to their ultimate goal of an America style private healthcare system where cunts have to pay for health insurance and they get a cut of the profit.

It might be worth it just to see all the illegals capsizing in the channel as they try to pull u turns in their dinghies though. 

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

The NHS situation is like walking a tightrope at the moment. It isn't good enough by far, but trusting the fucking government to improve any aspect of it is asking for trouble.

They'll fuck it up. They want it to fuck up anyway, it would bring them one step closer to their ultimate goal of an America style private healthcare system where cunts have to pay for health insurance and they get a cut of the profit.

It might be worth it just to see all the illegals capsizing in the channel as they try to pull u turns in their dinghies though. 

Except the irrelevant last paragraph a BIG LIKE (what are you going to do with it this BH Monday spend it all at once?) 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Well, knock me down with a feather cover me in honey and feed me to the two faced piranhas in the British media!

A couple of weeks ago they were all over the 150 inncents slain in the Russian concert terrorist attack. Every angle covered by the "journalists" was an oblique attack on Russia and Putin sucking  as much propaganda value from it while trying to maintain some appearance of sympathy and outrage. 

Now it's fuck my old boots with nobs on time (again, again and once again) with the NHS.  They are letting us know something we knew already like banging your head against a brick wall causes a fucking headache: the NHS first port of call is LETTING US DOWN BADLY.  All this while slitty eyed Charles and Lizard Kate Social climbng Middleton enjoy the BEST health care money can buy. 


So the British government doesn't deserve the same treatment as Putin gets for up to 250 innocents dying because they were properly treated in time  i. e. died from neglect. That's 12,500 per year. 

So the American government doesn't get blamed for the estimated 29,000 gun related deaths per year in the USA? 🤔 


Falling down the stairs is pretty high on the list of embarrassing deaths. 1 million injuries and a whopping 12,000 deaths per annum.Mostly its old cunts who are probably pushed by relatives wanting the house or pissheads .Infact I think odd deaths is worth a post all of its own.

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Infact I think odd deaths is worth a post all of its own.

Only elc could make his first comment on new topic and inspire himself to write another (shit) great nomination... according to himself. 

Have you got any holidays coming up elc? Are you planning on shutting the fuck up and/or fucking off anytime soon? 


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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Falling down the stairs is pretty high on the list of embarrassing deaths. 1 million injuries and a whopping 12,000 deaths per annum.Mostly its old cunts who are probably pushed by relatives wanting the house or pissheads .Infact I think odd deaths is worth a post all of its own.

And strangely I think you will do it.... 

Stair accidents can happen to anybody of any age which is why I have a spare battery at  various points on my Stannah.  The Stannah ejects me into the electric wheelchair which carries me down the Council installed ramp to the NHS mobility scooter. I'm 23 years old and as fat as arseholes.  I expect to be supported like this for at least 30 years until I die slowly and very expensively of diabetes. 

Have a ♥️!  

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I wouldn't fucking worry about 250 cunts dying each week because they're being replaced by brown bastard rag-heads in dinghies at a rate of about 450 per day. Although, we've been told that a lot of these are doctors and will be providing treatment rather than receiving it.

Fucking load of bollocks.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

And strangely I think you will do it.... 

Stair accidents can happen to anybody of any age which is why I have a spare battery at  various points on my Stannah.  The Stannah ejects me into the electric wheelchair which carries me down the Council installed ramp to the NHS mobility scooter. I'm 23 years old and as fat as arseholes.  I expect to be supported like this for at least 30 years until I die slowly and very expensively of diabetes. 

Have a ♥️!  

Too many Mrs.Molleys chocolate Swiss rolls from Tesco .£1.75 for a jumbo one and surprisingly delicious. Ideal for tiffin.

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Guest entitled little cunt
54 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I wouldn't fucking worry about 250 cunts dying each week because they're being replaced by brown bastard rag-heads in dinghies at a rate of about 450 per day. Although, we've been told that a lot of these are doctors and will be providing treatment rather than receiving it.

Fucking load of bollocks.

Older immigrants are more fucked off about those Dinghy cunts than the indigenous population.Those from Italy , Greece,  Cyprus,   China,  Hong  Kong , India , Pakistan have in general worked hard and built businesses. Many worked their nuts off and integrated into society. Those from one  partucular continent are a different kettle of fish that's for certain. Many immigrants dont like to see these chancers arriving here and getting preferential treatment .Its fucks them off as much as it does the  Millwall fan type. 

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23 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Older immigrants are more fucked off about those Dinghy cunts than the indigenous population.Those from Italy , Greece,  Cyprus,   China,  Hong  Kong , India , Pakistan have in general worked hard and built businesses. Many worked their nuts off and integrated into society. Those from one  partucular continent are a different kettle of fish that's for certain. Many immigrants dont like to see these chancers arriving here and getting preferential treatment .Its fucks them off as much as it does the  Millwall fan type. 

You're not wrong. Where I grew up we had a large Greek Cypriot, Italian and Maltese community from the 1950s onwards. They all had their own businesses, married local women, spoke the language, invested in the community and their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are indistinguishable from the locals.

In the early 2000s the floodgates opened and the area was flooded with eastern Europeans, Portuguese, Kosovans, Albanians and Romanians. Some of them were ok, but the difference between them and the 1950s immigrants was palpable and the tensions are still there.

I think that demonstrates that the British people are welcoming and ready to embrace outsiders who work hard and integrate into the local fabric of society. It's totally on the incomers to do this and if they don't then they can't complain when tensions subsequently arise.

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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You're not wrong. Where I grew up we had a large Greek Cypriot, Italian and Maltese community from the 1950s onwards. They all had their own businesses, married local women, spoke the language, invested in the community and their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are indistinguishable from the locals.

In the early 2000s the floodgates opened and the area was flooded with eastern Europeans, Portuguese, Kosovans, Albanians and Romanians. Some of them were ok, but the difference between them and the 1950s immigrants was palpable and the tensions are still there.

I think that demonstrates that the British people are welcoming and ready to embrace outsiders who work hard and integrate into the local fabric of society. It's totally on the incomers to do this and if they don't then they can't complain when tensions subsequently arise.

The East London Bangladeshi community/enclave grew out of one or two families re-settled here, who were tea pickers for Mr Tetley around Indian independence. Simple acts of patronising humanitarianism by the British East India Company Upper Classes and across the rest of the old British Empire has resulted in what they are used to - a divided society they run like a colony for their own benefit. 

1066 and all that.  It's true that's when the cunts over you and me today started from.  Look at the hereditary peerage in the Lords - all Norman Conquest lizards and their supporters. 

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On 01/04/2024 at 14:40, ChildeHarold said:

Well, knock me down with a feather cover me in honey and feed me to the two faced piranhas in the British media!

A couple of weeks ago they were all over the 150 inncents slain in the Russian concert terrorist attack. Every angle covered by the "journalists" was an oblique attack on Russia and Putin sucking  as much propaganda value from it while trying to maintain some appearance of sympathy and outrage. 

Now it's fuck my old boots with nobs on time (again, again and once again) with the NHS.  They are letting us know something we knew already like banging your head against a brick wall causes a fucking headache: the NHS first port of call is LETTING US DOWN BADLY.  All this while slitty eyed Charles and Lizard Kate Social climbng Middleton enjoy the BEST health care money can buy. 


So the British government doesn't deserve the same treatment as Putin gets for up to 250 innocents dying because they were properly treated in time  i. e. died from neglect. That's 12,500 per year. 

So the American government doesn't get blamed for the estimated 29,000 gun related deaths per year in the USA? 🤔 


I’ve been calling out the huge increase in all causes excess deaths (compared to the previous five year average) in almost every country in the world for quite some time now H. It’s a taboo subject that no government wants to discuss, never mind investigate. The same governments that swallowed the Covid scam hook line and sinker, then recklessly (I would say criminally) sent the world skint by locking their citizens up in their homes, closing down millions of small businesses, printing billions of pounds or dollars of non existent cash to pay the mask mandated fools to stay at home. And then the icing on the cake, just to leave no one in any doubt as to the level of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that every one of these demons possess, they banned any existing (and previously regarded as totally safe, but unfortunately patent expired and therefore suddenly deemed as extremely dangerous) medications that many doctors were having excellent results with, then they gave Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zenneca etc. enormous amounts of our cash and total immunity from future legal action, then with the full on coercion and intimidation tactics of the Westminster cabal and their cheerleaders in the MSM, implemented the raison d’etre and rolled out the experimental, barely tested (compared to any so called vaccine in history) miracle cures, which have now been shown to neither stop the jabbed up (and masked up) guinea pigs from catching or spreading the ‘deadly virus’ which has also now been revealed to be no more deadly than a right hook from that limp wristed cock magnet cunt Benjamin Butterworth. But on the positive side, Billy boy Gates and Tony B Liar etc have made a hell of a lot of money from their wise (totally lucky) investments in the big pharma companies which came to the rescue and made sure a few Grannies survived.

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23 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ve been calling out the huge increase in all causes excess deaths (compared to the previous five year average) in almost every country in the world for quite some time now H. It’s a taboo subject that no government wants to discuss, never mind investigate. The same governments that swallowed the Covid scam hook line and sinker, then recklessly (I would say criminally) sent the world skint by locking their citizens up in their homes, closing down millions of small businesses, printing billions of pounds or dollars of non existent cash to pay the mask mandated fools to stay at home. And then the icing on the cake, just to leave no one in any doubt as to the level of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that every one of these demons possess, they banned any existing (and previously regarded as totally safe, but unfortunately patent expired and therefore suddenly deemed as extremely dangerous) medications that many doctors were having excellent results with, then they gave Pfizer, Moderna, Astra Zenneca etc. enormous amounts of our cash and total immunity from future legal action, then with the full on coercion and intimidation tactics of the Westminster cabal and their cheerleaders in the MSM, implemented the raison d’etre and rolled out the experimental, barely tested (compared to any so called vaccine in history) miracle cures, which have now been shown to neither stop the jabbed up (and masked up) guinea pigs from catching or spreading the ‘deadly virus’ which has also now been revealed to be no more deadly than a right hook from that limp wristed cock magnet cunt Benjamin Butterworth. But on the positive side, Billy boy Gates and Tony B Liar etc have made a hell of a lot of money from their wise (totally lucky) investments in the big pharma companies which came to the rescue and made sure a few Grannies survived.

The financial octopus of covid is the same as a major war - this was an unprecedented opportunity to make a fortune.  On the other hand I think the excess death situation in A&Es is something, alongside a failing health service, is something the tories to their eternal shame have just allowed every year they've been in power.  They deserve political extinction on this issue alone and it's only one of several. 

I now hear Hertfordshire is being offered a private ambulance service (£99) when people dial 999.

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3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The financial octopus of covid is the same as a major war - this was an unprecedented opportunity to make a fortune.  On the other hand I think the excess death situation in A&Es is something, alongside a failing health service, is something the tories to their eternal shame have just allowed every year they've been in power.  They deserve political extinction on this issue alone and it's only one of several. 

I now hear Hertfordshire is being offered a private ambulance service (£99) when people dial 999.

£99? Boots are selling the latest Pfizer jab for exactly that price (fact check it), so that would be 99+99= £198 just to self poison oneself and pay for a lift to A and E where you can wait for about two years to be seen, once the ugly cunts have perfected their latest tik tok dance routine and then if you’re lucky they’ll slap a ‘do not resuscitate’ sticker on your forehead and chuck you in the skip on their way out to the picket line for a few new selfies to post on Facebook in one of their ‘FUCK THE TORIES’ groups. 
Nurses used to be well fuckable and always up for a bit of Irish cock when I was a youngster. Wtf has happened to the NHS nowadays, infested with purple haired cock blocking fat lezzers with LGBTQ+ etc. etc. etc. rainbow lanyards hanging round their scrawny Turkey necks, most of which would burst if a half decent cock tried to slither its way downwards. 
And most of them stink too.


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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, King Billy said:

£99? Boots are selling the latest Pfizer jab for exactly that price (fact check it), so that would be 99+99= £198 just to self poison oneself and pay for a lift to A and E where you can wait for about two years to be seen, once the ugly cunts have perfected their latest tik tok dance routine and then if you’re lucky they’ll slap a ‘do not resuscitate’ sticker on your forehead and chuck you in the skip on their way out to the picket line for a few new selfies to post on Facebook in one of their ‘FUCK THE TORIES’ groups. 
Nurses used to be well fuckable and always up for a bit of Irish cock when I was a youngster. Wtf has happened to the NHS nowadays, infested with purple haired cock blocking fat lezzers with LGBTQ+ etc. etc. etc. rainbow lanyards hanging round their scrawny Turkey necks, most of which would burst if a half decent cock tried to slither its way downwards. 
And most of them stink too.


My local A&E looks like a night out in Porto Prince and that's just the staff .

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

£99? Boots are selling the latest Pfizer jab for exactly that price (fact check it), so that would be 99+99= £198 just to self poison oneself and pay for a lift to A and E where you can wait for about two years to be seen, once the ugly cunts have perfected their latest tik tok dance routine and then if you’re lucky they’ll slap a ‘do not resuscitate’ sticker on your forehead and chuck you in the skip on their way out to the picket line for a few new selfies to post on Facebook in one of their ‘FUCK THE TORIES’ groups. 
Nurses used to be well fuckable and always up for a bit of Irish cock when I was a youngster. Wtf has happened to the NHS nowadays, infested with purple haired cock blocking fat lezzers with LGBTQ+ etc. etc. etc. rainbow lanyards hanging round their scrawny Turkey necks, most of which would burst if a half decent cock tried to slither its way downwards. 
And most of them stink too.


I'm trying to unpick the thread in your post with the largest pair of forceps in the world and the medical dedication of the Carry On team.   When I've delivered the argument I'!! wrap it in a rainbow blanket and call it Billy Junior. 

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

£99? Boots are selling the latest Pfizer jab for exactly that price (fact check it), so that would be 99+99= £198 just to self poison oneself and pay for a lift to A and E where you can wait for about two years to be seen, once the ugly cunts have perfected their latest tik tok dance routine and then if you’re lucky they’ll slap a ‘do not resuscitate’ sticker on your forehead and chuck you in the skip on their way out to the picket line for a few new selfies to post on Facebook in one of their ‘FUCK THE TORIES’ groups. 
Nurses used to be well fuckable and always up for a bit of Irish cock when I was a youngster. Wtf has happened to the NHS nowadays, infested with purple haired cock blocking fat lezzers with LGBTQ+ etc. etc. etc. rainbow lanyards hanging round their scrawny Turkey necks, most of which would burst if a half decent cock tried to slither its way downwards. 
And most of them stink too.


KB, to assist @Eddie with his research into Frank's sexual  proclivities, I have been contacting Central London A&E depts, to enquire if any male patient had been admitted with an open umbrella up the arse. All negative, except a triage nurse at the Chelsea & Westminster who said 'Frank hasn't arrived yet'.

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250 excess deaths per week seems to be a nice and convenient round number .. 13,000 excess deaths per year. Has there been a proper examination of the reasons for these "excess deaths" .. might not some of them occurred because the deathees were at a high risk of death because age, frailness or having engageg in high risk activities? Were successful attempts included or people dying from effects or side effects of alcohol or drug abuse. Have these cases of 95 years old Uncle George or Auntie Emma who might have waited and average time for an ambulance to arrive but died regardless (and actually of old age)? Relatives demanding answers to why a healthy 89 years old died when the answer is obvious to anyone with common sense.

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2 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

KB, to assist @Eddie with his research into Frank's sexual  proclivities, I have been contacting Central London A&E depts, to enquire if any male patient had been admitted with an open umbrella up the arse. All negative, except a triage nurse at the Chelsea & Westminster who said 'Frank hasn't arrived yet'.

I’m dusting off the Harley withers, whistable bound, I know you shouldn’t really eat oysters  if there is a ‘R’ in the month but wtf, I hope one kills me. 

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