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School Run Traffic and Kids in General


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I hate these little fuckers. During the holidays, they're driven out to any usually enjoyable location just to pry them away from the Xbox or distract them from joining a gang and stabbing each other.

They seem to have two settings in public - wildly hyperactive and screaming, running about and being a general nuisance, or in a huff, detesting the world and screaming or crying loudly, pouting into their ridiculously expensive phone.

Their parents hate them too, you can see it in their dead, devoid of hope eyes. They know this is their life for the next 18 years and it triggers some sort of shell shock reaction - they're walking around, but they're not really present - they're just dream walking from location to location, occasionally snapping out of it to unleash the full strength of their deep, vitriolic hatred towards the offending offspring, but they always drift back into the dream state defence mechanism. I genuinely think they get some sort of sick gratification from contaminating the rest of society with the presence of their badly behaved broods, letting them eat at all of the restaurants and cafes until the only thing they have in stock after 11 AM within a ten mile radius is sparkling water and bruised oranges. Misery loves company.


I think the same motivation comes into play when the little shits are back in school where they belong. The same parents continue the cycle of spreading their misery by passive aggressively blocking every road and side street with Nissan Qashquais under the guise of caring for their children and wanting to pick them up from school. It's all bollocks of course, as any child getting picked up from school in the (visibly sticky) family car is, without fail, a spherical, wheezing lump of flesh in a school uniform.

If they really cared they would make them walk home. True, they might join a gang or get stabbed doing that, but at least they'd burn a few calories off in the process.

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I hate these little fuckers. During the holidays, they're driven out to any usually enjoyable location just to pry them away from the Xbox or distract them from joining a gang and stabbing each other.

They seem to have two settings in public - wildly hyperactive and screaming, running about and being a general nuisance, or in a huff, detesting the world and screaming or crying loudly, pouting into their ridiculously expensive phone.

Their parents hate them too, you can see it in their dead, devoid of hope eyes. They know this is their life for the next 18 years and it triggers some sort of shell shock reaction - they're walking around, but they're not really present - they're just dream walking from location to location, occasionally snapping out of it to unleash the full strength of their deep, vitriolic hatred towards the offending offspring, but they always drift back into the dream state defence mechanism. I genuinely think they get some sort of sick gratification from contaminating the rest of society with the presence of their badly behaved broods, letting them eat at all of the restaurants and cafes until the only thing they have in stock after 11 AM within a ten mile radius is sparkling water and bruised oranges. Misery loves company.


I think the same motivation comes into play when the little shits are back in school where they belong. The same parents continue the cycle of spreading their misery by passive aggressively blocking every road and side street with Nissan Qashquais under the guise of caring for their children and wanting to pick them up from school. It's all bollocks of course, as any child getting picked up from school in the (visibly sticky) family car is, without fail, a spherical, wheezing lump of flesh in a school uniform.

If they really cared they would make them walk home. True, they might join a gang or get stabbed doing that, but at least they'd burn a few calories off in the process.

Children should be kept in cages .The little cunts .Screaming their fucking heads off and completely out of control with parents with no idea at all.I can't tell diddums to be quiet , it will stifle creativity .Fuck off. I would have been battered from here to next week  for showing up my mum like that .Most of them are ugly fat little fucks as well .The cunts get given a menu for tea .Pathetic. 40 years ago , if you didn't eat , you went hungry and a sublimg grabbed your food and scoffed it .

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4 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I hate these little fuckers. During the holidays, they're driven out to any usually enjoyable location just to pry them away from the Xbox or distract them from joining a gang and stabbing each other.

They seem to have two settings in public - wildly hyperactive and screaming, running about and being a general nuisance, or in a huff, detesting the world and screaming or crying loudly, pouting into their ridiculously expensive phone.

Their parents hate them too, you can see it in their dead, devoid of hope eyes. They know this is their life for the next 18 years and it triggers some sort of shell shock reaction - they're walking around, but they're not really present - they're just dream walking from location to location, occasionally snapping out of it to unleash the full strength of their deep, vitriolic hatred towards the offending offspring, but they always drift back into the dream state defence mechanism. I genuinely think they get some sort of sick gratification from contaminating the rest of society with the presence of their badly behaved broods, letting them eat at all of the restaurants and cafes until the only thing they have in stock after 11 AM within a ten mile radius is sparkling water and bruised oranges. Misery loves company.


I think the same motivation comes into play when the little shits are back in school where they belong. The same parents continue the cycle of spreading their misery by passive aggressively blocking every road and side street with Nissan Qashquais under the guise of caring for their children and wanting to pick them up from school. It's all bollocks of course, as any child getting picked up from school in the (visibly sticky) family car is, without fail, a spherical, wheezing lump of flesh in a school uniform.

If they really cared they would make them walk home. True, they might join a gang or get stabbed doing that, but at least they'd burn a few calories off in the process.

There was a big yellow sign outside my junior school that said: 


one of the kids added.. ‘drive over children’ with a black marker.

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41 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I favour freezing them at birth and thawing them out when they reach 35.

I favour dunking you in liquid nitrogen for a couple of hours, then shattering you using a cricket bat with a breeze block nailed to it.

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8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I hate these little fuckers. During the holidays, they're driven out to any usually enjoyable location just to pry them away from the Xbox or distract them from joining a gang and stabbing each other.

They seem to have two settings in public - wildly hyperactive and screaming, running about and being a general nuisance, or in a huff, detesting the world and screaming or crying loudly, pouting into their ridiculously expensive phone.

Their parents hate them too, you can see it in their dead, devoid of hope eyes. They know this is their life for the next 18 years and it triggers some sort of shell shock reaction - they're walking around, but they're not really present - they're just dream walking from location to location, occasionally snapping out of it to unleash the full strength of their deep, vitriolic hatred towards the offending offspring, but they always drift back into the dream state defence mechanism. I genuinely think they get some sort of sick gratification from contaminating the rest of society with the presence of their badly behaved broods, letting them eat at all of the restaurants and cafes until the only thing they have in stock after 11 AM within a ten mile radius is sparkling water and bruised oranges. Misery loves company.


I think the same motivation comes into play when the little shits are back in school where they belong. The same parents continue the cycle of spreading their misery by passive aggressively blocking every road and side street with Nissan Qashquais under the guise of caring for their children and wanting to pick them up from school. It's all bollocks of course, as any child getting picked up from school in the (visibly sticky) family car is, without fail, a spherical, wheezing lump of flesh in a school uniform.

If they really cared they would make them walk home. True, they might join a gang or get stabbed doing that, but at least they'd burn a few calories off in the process.

I avoid any form of outdoor activity during school holidays and think twice about driving between 2 and 4 in the afternoon.  What is entirely lacking in these cunts lives is pace of life. The pace which you choose to live which is reasonable and moderate and does not impinge on the wellbeing of others.  They can't self censor or do empathy.  Their Me, Me, Me self centred attitude is mirrored in the way they think and talk by the continuous use of "I" and "want" followed by "perfect" if it meets their approval even when its palpably shit on a stick. The Spanish Costas cater handsomely to the never ending supply of these little smartly turned out twenty somethings all ill bred, ill mannered and ignorant as pig shit with their fucking pink little noses turned up in the air at everyone else. 

This is the lifestyle to aspire to, the hamster wheel to clamber on, the lack of vocation career ladder to get their little claws into, the piss on your next door neighbour values to live and die by.  

That's why dictatorships make sense. 

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8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I hate these little fuckers. During the holidays, they're driven out to any usually enjoyable location just to pry them away from the Xbox or distract them from joining a gang and stabbing each other.

They seem to have two settings in public - wildly hyperactive and screaming, running about and being a general nuisance, or in a huff, detesting the world and screaming or crying loudly, pouting into their ridiculously expensive phone.

Their parents hate them too, you can see it in their dead, devoid of hope eyes. They know this is their life for the next 18 years and it triggers some sort of shell shock reaction - they're walking around, but they're not really present - they're just dream walking from location to location, occasionally snapping out of it to unleash the full strength of their deep, vitriolic hatred towards the offending offspring, but they always drift back into the dream state defence mechanism. I genuinely think they get some sort of sick gratification from contaminating the rest of society with the presence of their badly behaved broods, letting them eat at all of the restaurants and cafes until the only thing they have in stock after 11 AM within a ten mile radius is sparkling water and bruised oranges. Misery loves company.


I think the same motivation comes into play when the little shits are back in school where they belong. The same parents continue the cycle of spreading their misery by passive aggressively blocking every road and side street with Nissan Qashquais under the guise of caring for their children and wanting to pick them up from school. It's all bollocks of course, as any child getting picked up from school in the (visibly sticky) family car is, without fail, a spherical, wheezing lump of flesh in a school uniform.

If they really cared they would make them walk home. True, they might join a gang or get stabbed doing that, but at least they'd burn a few calories off in the process.

Do I detect a certain disenchantment with modern life RoadKill?  I would say another few billion of us the human race will just about finish this pale blue dot off. 

Carl Sagan was a cunt. 

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