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Privatised Utilities

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I'm not a (particularly) stupid man but no-one has ever made me understand, beyond Tory doctrine, what was the use of privatising and selling off our infrastructure. It seems now that, after years of neglect and underinvestment, Thames Water is going tits up; the business shits who have been milking it will not cough up to maintain their investment and the government will have to step in to ensure that Londoners will be able to wash. I'm sure that other companies will follow.

There was a similar debacle with energy companies recently; greedy chancers had been bleeding the system until the well dried up and the stinking mess was exposed.

Obviously those in charge will escape with their fortunes intact.

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Feargal Sharkey is my hero on this fucking issue of IRRESPONSIBLE UNREGULATED ILLEGALLY PRIVATISED water companies. Calling Anglia or Thames Water a company is a bit like calling the Mafia or the Kray Twins a licensed charity. In reality they are highway robbers who are now trying to convince the British public sheltering from relentless heavy rain that there is potentially a water shortage in this country. 

Feargal hit the nail on the head when he asked a very simple question. "What have they done with the £36 billion in profit they've made since privatisation?"

Cos all they fucking say when criticised for sewage spilling in rivers and the beaches is bills have got to go up 150% to pay for investment. 

I also notice that when forced to build new infrastructure (as currently on the Thames at what used to be Chambers Wharf Cold Stores in Bermondsey) they follow the Victorian example of dumping sewage treatment plants and other dirty trades like the leather tanning, in the poorest areas so the housing association and council tenants who live there can enjoy having Bob Geldolf's and his Chelsea neighbours shit processed at the bottom of their street. 


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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

By Geldof's shit do you mean the hits of the Boomtown Rats?

Unless brown was one of the coloured vinyls I don't mean that. Geldolf is a sort of trigger with you isn't it?  Please share, especially anything to do with Paula Yates. 

Hughie Green was my father. 

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We are the only country in the world that has sold off it's water, energy etc etc... There can be no benefit in privatising utilities, profit is there motivation for investing and upkeep and maintenance is way down the list of priorities. I was watching the news the other day and it showed a beautiful river flooded with various sewage and obviously tonnes of shit (@and was the only one swimming in and gulping it up, they had to drag him out). I like a swim in the sea in Devon or Cornwall but I'm not sure anymore, I don't want some floater around me in the sea... I realised a long time ago that the water companies are not allowed to disconnect your water supply (clean water being a necessity or something) so me not being one to be ripped off have never paid a water bill, ever. I usually give some down and out a couple of quid and put their name on it. Lol. 

Wessex water are owned by YTL (Malaysian) and Thames Waters shareholders include Canadian pension fund Omers and China's Sovereign Wealth Fund. 

They can all go fuck themselves. The money is better in my pocket than theirs. I should start a Raas Money Saving Expert YouTube channel. Lol

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Most of them don’t bother.

Sikhs are very clean good people .The rest are cunts .

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Unless brown was one of the coloured vinyls I don't mean that. Geldolf is a sort of trigger with you isn't it?  Please share, especially anything to do with Paula Yates. 

Hughie Green was my father. 

He was a slanty mouthed dark horse .

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4 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Do you think it would be okay for me to take a shit on the door step of Anglian Waters' head office on the way home from the pub tonight??

Wouldn't it make more sense to take a shit in the CEO's mouth?

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

We are the only country in the world that has sold off it's water, energy etc etc... There can be no benefit in privatising utilities, profit is there motivation for investing and upkeep and maintenance is way down the list of priorities. I was watching the news the other day and it showed a beautiful river flooded with various sewage and obviously tonnes of shit (@and was the only one swimming in and gulping it up, they had to drag him out). I like a swim in the sea in Devon or Cornwall but I'm not sure anymore, I don't want some floater around me in the sea... I realised a long time ago that the water companies are not allowed to disconnect your water supply (clean water being a necessity or something) so me not being one to be ripped off have never paid a water bill, ever. I usually give some down and out a couple of quid and put their name on it. Lol. 

Wessex water are owned by YTL (Malaysian) and Thames Waters shareholders include Canadian pension fund Omers and China's Sovereign Wealth Fund. 

They can all go fuck themselves. The money is better in my pocket than theirs. I should start a Raas Money Saving Expert YouTube channel. Lol

Its too late .pension funds have got their fingers into the pie .Nothing will change now .If the great socialist with big tits, Ms.Raynor   actually had any balls between her legs she won't give a fuck if the pension companies screamed poverty , all they're  worried about is votes, the status quo and their own selfish ends .

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46 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Its too late .pension funds have got their fingers into the pie .Nothing will change now .If the great socialist with big tits, Ms.Raynor   actually had any balls between her legs she won't give a fuck if the pension companies screamed poverty , all they're  worried about is votes, the status quo and their own selfish ends .

Status Quo was prob her favourite rock band. The one that I couldn't stand (older but the same as Raynor) was greedy gobs Emily Thornbury with her distinctly capitalist property portfolio. Tessa Jowrll with her corrupt hubbie was a fucking shit too. Still older, fucking dear old Gwyneth Dunwoody was a little private landlord with numetous rented properties. The real antique all luvvie dubbie leftie capitalist BBC cunt Joan Bakewell has a nice line in renting out property. Then the fucking Liberal scatty brained female... the only fucking half decent woman in politics has been Mo Mowlem. The rest have been greedy selfish shits. Oh and perhaps Barbara Castle in the Wilson years from what I gather. 

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7 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Feargal Sharkey is my hero on this fucking issue of IRRESPONSIBLE UNREGULATED ILLEGALLY PRIVATISED water companies. Calling Anglia or Thames Water a company is a bit like calling the Mafia or the Kray Twins a licensed charity. In reality they are highway robbers who are now trying to convince the British public sheltering from relentless heavy rain that there is potentially a water shortage in this country. 

Feargal hit the nail on the head when he asked a very simple question. "What have they done with the £36 billion in profit they've made since privatisation?"

Cos all they fucking say when criticised for sewage spilling in rivers and the beaches is bills have got to go up 150% to pay for investment. 

I also notice that when forced to build new infrastructure (as currently on the Thames at what used to be Chambers Wharf Cold Stores in Bermondsey) they follow the Victorian example of dumping sewage treatment plants and other dirty trades like the leather tanning, in the poorest areas so the housing association and council tenants who live there can enjoy having Bob Geldolf's and his Chelsea neighbours shit processed at the bottom of their street. 


I haven’t paid a water bill for more than ten years. I regularly get demands for money from the company that allegedly supply the h2o to my abode. At first they simply demanded payment but after about 2 years the letters became addressed to ‘The occupier’, much like the TV Licensing threatening junk mail which are immediately dispatched to the bin too.

No one should succumb to either of these extortion rackets. Your water supply cannot be cut off as water is essential to sustain human life, falls free from the sky, and is not the property of any corporation to sell to the public, much less under the threat of legal action if you choose not to pay.

Just like all these private parking companies (former wheelclamping cowboys) who rely on the publics terror at finding a threatening letter on the doormat and paying up, these water companies will do nothing more than churn out computer generated mail to any address that isn’t signed up and paying up.

And as for the Thames being pumped full of shit…..so fucking what? The whole of London has been overrun with third world shit people for the last 50 years, so why would anyone expect the river not to resemble The Ganges where most of them used to shit in every morning before our traitorous politicians bent over backwards inviting them to come here for their daily vindaloo dump?

Fuck Saddique Khan the pygmy paedo (allegedly)  cunt.



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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I haven’t paid a water bill for more than ten years. I regularly get demands for money from the company that allegedly supply the h2o to my abode. At first they simply demanded payment but after about 2 years the letters became addressed to ‘The occupier’, much like the TV Licensing threatening junk mail which are immediately dispatched to the bin too.

No one should succumb to either of these extortion rackets. Your water supply cannot be cut off as water is essential to sustain human life, falls free from the sky, and is not the property of any corporation to sell to the public, much less under the threat of legal action if you choose not to pay.

Just like all these private parking companies (former wheelclamping cowboys) who rely on the publics terror at finding a threatening letter on the doormat and paying up, these water companies will do nothing more than churn out computer generated mail to any address that isn’t signed up and paying up.

And as for the Thames being pumped full of shit…..so fucking what? The whole of London has been overrun with third world shit people for the last 50 years, so why would anyone expect the river not to resemble The Ganges where most of them used to shit in every morning before our traitorous politicians bent over backwards inviting them to come here for their daily vindaloo dump?

Fuck Saddique Khan the pygmy paedo cunt.



Billy your interest in the Thames leads me to believe you reside in a luxury Docklands flat with all cons (pool, gym, 24hr concierge and soft tissue manipulation which sometimes involves your flacid ten inch cock) ptobably discovered for you by C4's Phil Spencer and pay for it through the proceeds of renting out half of Belfast to barely literate potato munchers from the south fleeng the Varadkar regime of jock strap austerity. 

Please let me know you're bigger than that.  (I mean not the ten inches before you start up) 

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Status Quo was prob her favourite rock band. The one that I couldn't stand (older but the same as Raynor) was greedy gobs Emily Thornbury with her distinctly capitalist property portfolio. Tessa Jowrll with her corrupt hubbie was a fucking shit too. Still older, fucking dear old Gwyneth Dunwoody was a little private landlord with numetous rented properties. The real antique all luvvie dubbie leftie capitalist BBC cunt Joan Bakewell has a nice line in renting out property. Then the fucking Liberal scatty brained female... the only fucking half decent woman in politics has been Mo Mowlem. The rest have been greedy selfish shits. Oh and perhaps Barbara Castle in the Wilson years from what I gather. 

I once danced infront of shirly Williams. She was in a mayoral car with flags on the front .She was none too pleased that her progress was slowed. The biggest cunt female  politician has to be  Barbera  fucking Follett.  How useless she was .Obviously got a bit bored on the old man's money  and thought she'd change the world .The useless bint would have trouble cleaning her fridge so improving people's lot through politics was never going to work for the cunt .The husband was the Harold Robbins of the thriller world .Most of his work was pulped and turned into arse wipe .

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I once danced infront of shirly Williams. She was in a mayoral car with flags on the front .She was none too pleased that her progress was slowed. The biggest cunt female  politician has to be  Barbera  fucking Follett.  How useless she was .Obviously got a bit bored on the old man's money  and thought she'd change the world .The useless bint would have trouble cleaning her fridge so improving people's lot through politics was never going to work for the cunt .The husband was the Harold Robbins of the thriller world .Most of his work was pulped and turned into arse wipe .

Do you fancy yourself as a carpetbagger?  I was surprised this was made into a rather boring movie in the sixties saw it on TPTV.  The Grifters with Angelica Huston and John Cusak is a fucking great film. 

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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I once danced infront of shirly Williams. She was in a mayoral car with flags on the front .She was none too pleased that her progress was slowed. The biggest cunt female  politician has to be  Barbera  fucking Follett.  How useless she was .Obviously got a bit bored on the old man's money  and thought she'd change the world .The useless bint would have trouble cleaning her fridge so improving people's lot through politics was never going to work for the cunt .The husband was the Harold Robbins of the thriller world .Most of his work was pulped and turned into arse wipe .

Mickey Spillane on writing 

Explaining the extraordinary appeal of his novels, Spillane simply said, "People like them." He countered his critics by saying they were jealous of his success. "I'm a writer, not an author," was Spillane's mantra all through his literary life. "The difference is a writer makes money." As late as 1999 Spillane told an audience at London's National Film Theatre, "Authors write, writers get paid." When he was asked about his literary influences, Spillane replied, "Dollars".

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