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Narc cunts but wedding must have

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt
24 minutes ago, Neil said:

The yoof are fucked, I've got one working with me still fucked up on last nights Ketamine. If I turn my back he's on his phone, he's never got a penny in his pocket,he wants paying daily cos 'I need some food' and he's a miserable little cunt to boot. He's family but today is the cunts last day,as I type he's asleep in the van,useless little cunt.

Their idea of a hero is some half human , half goat entity with an American nasel  voice on the latest computer game they've spunked their money on .We had Razzle readers wives , they've got porn addiction .Fuck me at 14 I was dehydrated looking at Vera from Wandsworth,  I made Huw fucking Edwards look like a Buddhist monk .Fucking porn addiction , it's called being young and male .cunts .They all think their going to get a job in the city, yeah right , well millennials, you're right it will be a job in the city , at cash converters on the  Tottenham Court Road .

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

In fairness, the residual chloroform fumes probably don't help.

That's murder

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I trained as a chef on a saveloy stall in East Street Market. Fuck off. 

I sold chestnuts from a coal stove in Kentish Town .They were really conkers. 

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3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Don't you think Wolfie's trying to steal some of Frank's thunder? After all without Frank he's like Ernie without Eric. 

He wishes he was that amusing.

He's more like Syd Little without Eddie Large.

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10 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I trained as a chef on a saveloy stall in East Street Market. Fuck off. 

3 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I sold chestnuts from a coal stove in Kentish Town .They were really conkers. 

Falafel's where it's at these days.


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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Falafel's where it's at these days.


Cunts  they are .Fucking vegan sausages .Have you read the ingredients? Sounds like they're made in the Union Carbide factory factory in Bhopal.They think they're being healthy .It's fucking hilarious .

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54 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I trained as a chef on a saveloy stall in East Street Market. Fuck off. 

Are you a "Clean and jerk" (Turk)? There was a stall down there back in the early 80s that also sold sarspirrila. The cunt on that looked like Kemal Attarturk. Was that you?

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

In fairness, the residual chloroform fumes probably don't help.

Fair comment I suppose. It's a good job I'm not into little boys as he'd wake up wondering why his arse was bleeding.

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:



Infact I'm trying to decipher jyst what part of my post trapped one of your nerves .Have you bought a chateau in an area of France where the few toothless demented natives still believe they're under German occupation and "Les Anglais"are cheap wine lushes who should be separated from what little money they have or is there a deepe, more personal reason for your hostility. 


2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Blimey , you're quite right .You know what , your wise, illuminating surgeon like forensic telling of my life is really quite amazing .You are obviously a clever type who is able to read between the lines , a regular  sherlock Holmes of the cunt world. Your  superior position in all matters , especially that involving  literary oddities  is obvious by the use of the abbreviation  "lol" at the end of you thesis like response. 

Two responses and quoting yourself, what's going on elc? You clearly struggled at school as evidenced with your awful punctuation and issues with the school system and Teachers. I find it quite funny that you write and articulate yourself worse than 90% of the foreigners you keep on about yet seem to think the entire membership wants even more of your playing to the cheap seats shite... I want to help you, elc but you need to admit you need help yourself. Do you have a genuine learning difficulty?

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


Two responses and quoting yourself, what's going on elc? You clearly struggled at school as evidenced with your awful punctuation and issues with the school system and Teachers. I find it quite funny that you write and articulate yourself worse than 90% of the foreigners you keep on about yet seem to think the entire membership wants even more of your playing to the cheap seats shite... I want to help you, elc but you need to admit you need help yourself. Do you have a genuine learning difficulty?

I'd genuinely feel terrible if I had any confrontation with someone with Down's syndrome in the real world, whereas here with ELC I can at least get a taste of what it might be like. 

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7 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

What the fuck is it with millennial  gen z types .Many of  these useless pricks who are constantly crying about their mental health woes seen intent on spending 20k on their wedding. Fucking inch thick foundation wearing pumped up lipped  fuck ups .The groom is always some steroid popping gym cunt called Joshie or jake who in a year will be caught wearing his new brides knickers or shagging her best mate .What happened to getting your mates together, renting the working mens club , getting pissed , dropping your trousers , the bride and grooms fathers getting into an old man  fight , getting home,  collapsing on the bed  half undressed then getting a full English in Bethnal Green the following morning The good old days .1500 quid max .Now it has to be  a  château in a deserted part of France run by ex right to buy dwellers who did well on their 3 bed semi in Hounslow .It's all a load of utter wank.They all think they're fucking film stars, most of the cunts are too thick to get a job selling ice cream during tbe interval  in the local flea pit .Cunts . 




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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

I'd genuinely feel terrible if I had any confrontation with someone with Down's syndrome in the real world, whereas here with ELC I can at least get a taste of what it might be like. 

@Wolfie I always carry a pane of glass with me, hand it to them, and make an exit, whilst the're busy licking it.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I'd genuinely feel terrible if I had any confrontation with someone with Down's syndrome in the real world, whereas here with ELC I can at least get a taste of what it might be like. 

My money is on @entitled little cunt being either downs or being 74 years old with the educational age of a 9 year old. 

I've noticed you ask him for facts to back up his wild and ill informed rants and he fails to produce any. He's the type of cunt who hears something from his spastic cousin, exaggerates it all and tells it as fact to any idiot that'll listen. I used to think he was winding us all up with his awful punctuation, pretending to be a bit thick but lovable etc however he genuinely is a thick, bigoted and unlikeable cunt. 

I'd be surprised if anybody bothers with him in real life, hence his relentless, dreadful output on here. 

What a selfish cunt, I wish he'd fuck off. 

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I'd genuinely feel terrible if I had any confrontation with someone with Down's syndrome in the real world

How do you feel when you look in the mirror?

(asking for a friend)

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4 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'd be surprised if anybody bothers with him in real life, hence his relentless, dreadful output on here. 

What a selfish cunt, I wish he'd fuck off. 

You came back, though.

Obviously you can't get enough of him.

Typical Windrush, expecting everybody else to conform to your own petty agenda.

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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

You've always been good , honest  reliable back up .One question though,  you weren't the cunt who sold me a generator that never worked  out the back of a white transit are you ?

It was an alternator.

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11 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

It was an alternator.

Pen, I noticed you awarded a post of mine (which had a go at @and) a like recently and it's clear you've also had enough of the cunt as well. He's after your spot as the number one fucking idiot on here and I have every faith you'll defeat him and retain your rightful title. 

Get him, Pen. 

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5 hours ago, and said:

Excellent nom (as usual) keep up the good work! ✡️


5 hours ago, and said:

Most definitely, he's a bit peeved about not getting any of the Windrush compensation that he obviously thinks he's entitled to, BTW, 'entitled' is the problem, like all his kind, that's what they think, they're entitled to something, but it's off the back of somebody else, they don't want to put the graft in for it.


5 hours ago, and said:

Now Frank's been furloughed, he's definitely 'The Best' on here.


5 hours ago, and said:

He wishes he was that amusing.

He's more like Syd Little without Eddie Large.


21 minutes ago, and said:

How do you feel when you look in the mirror?

(asking for a friend)


14 minutes ago, and said:

You came back, though.

Obviously you can't get enough of him.

Typical Windrush, expecting everybody else to conform to your own petty agenda.

What a staggeringly stupid fucking cunt you are, churning out post after post of pathetic, mindless fucking idiocy. You’re a imbecile.

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6 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

He is right though, OCR. These thick as fuck cunts plough Ks into one day where the orange,  pilchard lipped tartlet wants to be a princess for a day to marry Wayne with the tattoos, muscles and Hitler youth haircut and lavish a years salary on an over the top piss up for all their pilchard lipped, orange, tattood chavvies to get pissed. The pykies are the worst I admit, but at least the bare knuckle car park straightener between the mums is usually better than the DJ.

Cushti Bok 

It's a sad sign of the times we live in, CG. I've noticed the trend of late with young women having bigger lips, massive eyelashes and generally looking vile. I'm proud to not actually have any tattoos, as when footballers start getting them you know it's no longer an option for the individual, stylish man, like myself.

Anyways, forget all that shit, how was/is the holiday going in Paphos? I'm sure there is no shortage of tattooed, thick men and women there making Britain proud. 

Did you find the beach where I fingered that Czech bird?

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