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Narc cunts but wedding must have

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

What the fuck is it with millennial  gen z types .Many of  these useless pricks who are constantly crying about their mental health woes seen intent on spending 20k on their wedding. Fucking inch thick foundation wearing pumped up lipped  fuck ups .The groom is always some steroid popping gym cunt called Joshie or jake who in a year will be caught wearing his new brides knickers or shagging her best mate .What happened to getting your mates together, renting the working mens club , getting pissed , dropping your trousers , the bride and grooms fathers getting into an old man  fight , getting home,  collapsing on the bed  half undressed then getting a full English in Bethnal Green the following morning The good old days .1500 quid max .Now it has to be  a  château in a deserted part of France run by ex right to buy dwellers who did well on their 3 bed semi in Hounslow .It's all a load of utter wank.They all think they're fucking film stars, most of the cunts are too thick to get a job selling ice cream during tbe interval  in the local flea pit .Cunts . 


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41 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

What the fuck is it with millennial  gen z types .Many of  these useless pricks who are constantly crying about their mental health woes seen intent on spending 20k on their wedding. Fucking inch thick foundation wearing pumped up lipped  fuck ups .The groom is always some steroid popping gym cunt called Joshie or jake who in a year will be caught wearing his new brides knickers or shagging her best mate .What happened to getting your mates together, renting the working mens club , getting pissed , dropping your trousers , the bride and grooms fathers getting into an old man  fight , getting home,  collapsing on the bed  half undressed then getting a full English in Bethnal Green the following morning The good old days .1500 quid max .Now it has to be  a  château in a deserted part of France run by ex right to buy dwellers who did well on their 3 bed semi in Hounslow .It's all a load of utter wank.They all think they're fucking film stars, most of the cunts are too thick to get a job selling ice cream during tbe interval  in the local flea pit .Cunts . 


I fucking despise the millennial generation. Since when did ‘working in a cafe’ start being described as being a ‘Barista’?

They have to have everything they want because the internet tells them that they, and they alone are the most important thing in the universe bar none. 
 As soon as they turn 17, their parents buy them a Nissan Cumquat with 36 airbags, a 6 foot crumple zone at either end and a computer which calls the police if any white heterosexual men approach the vehicle.

 The upshot is that the deliberately dumbed down education system has produced a generation of low IQ drones that only have the capacity to focus on their own personal gratification.

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34 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I fucking despise the millennial generation. Since when did ‘working in a cafe’ start being described as being a ‘Barista’?

They have to have everything they want because the internet tells them that they, and they alone are the most important thing in the universe bar none. 
 As soon as they turn 17, their parents buy them a Nissan Cumquat with 36 airbags, a 6 foot crumple zone at either end and a computer which calls the police if any white heterosexual men approach the vehicle.

 The upshot is that the deliberately dumbed down education system has produced a generation of low IQ drones that only have the capacity to focus on their own personal gratification.

A large part of the problem is that almost every job require you to have some sort of university qualification which will involve attending a course (or fake apprenticeship) that will leave you saddled with a debt of at least £21k .. there is little wonder that they feel entitled and have expectations far beyond their true abilities.

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Going back to the early 2000s another generation appeared on the job market, these had often remained in school or attended college until they were to 20 years old .. they were mostly born around the late 1970s/early 1980s .. many of them had the expectation of a good job straight out of college but the job marked was saturated and also cunts from elsewhere in the UK turned up in the UK. Many of the UK cunts simply would turn down any job that was below their expectations and often by the early 2000s they were in their early 20s and had no employment experience, they also had the opinion that if they accepted a lowly graded job it would mean that any future employed would believe that they were sub standard and would not employ them .. there are few of these cunts still around now in their mid 40s who have almost no employment history .. these I suppose are victims of the early Tony Blair "Educashun! Educashun" years.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Yes, that describes this nomination perfectly. Give it a rest, elc, you're flooding the board with shite every day. 

Fuck off. 

Dont read it  then .It's quite fucking simple , so are you .

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Guest entitled little cunt
56 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

A large part of the problem is that almost every job require you to have some sort of university qualification which will involve attending a course (or fake apprenticeship) that will leave you saddled with a debt of at least £21k .. there is little wonder that they feel entitled and have expectations far beyond their true abilities.

And they're cunts .

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3 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Dont read it  then .It's quite fucking simple , so are you .

Break this statement down, elc. Are you saying I'm simple, you are simple and is 'so are you' some sort of childish retort? You're clearly a bitter, angry little man who hasn't got over being treated like the spastic you were at school and now, all these years later, hate the world you live in. All you do is moan and try to drag the entire membership down to your bitter level with your relentless nominations about whatever has pissed you off that particular day. I'm sure you would reluctantly agree with me when I say you'd be better off dead, wouldn't you elc? Lol. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Dont read it  then .It's quite fucking simple , so are you .


14 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Dont read it  then .It's quite fucking simple , so are you .


2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Yes, that describes this nomination perfectly. Give it a rest, elc, you're flooding the board with shite every day. 

Fuck off. 

Infact I'm trying to decipher jyst what part of my post trapped one of your nerves .Have you bought a chateau in an area of France where the few toothless demented natives still believe they're under German occupation and "Les Anglais"are cheap wine lushes who should be separated from what little money they have or is there a deepe, more personal reason for your hostility. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Break this statement down, elc. Are you saying I'm simple, you are simple and is 'so are you' some sort of childish retort? You're clearly a bitter, angry little man who hasn't got over being treated like the spastic you were at school and now, all these years later, hate the world you live in. All you do is moan and try to drag the entire membership down to your bitter level with your relentless nominations about whatever has pissed you off that particular day. I'm sure you would reluctantly agree with me when I say you'd be better off dead, wouldn't you elc? Lol. 

Blimey , you're quite right .You know what , your wise, illuminating surgeon like forensic telling of my life is really quite amazing .You are obviously a clever type who is able to read between the lines , a regular  sherlock Holmes of the cunt world. Your  superior position in all matters , especially that involving  literary oddities  is obvious by the use of the abbreviation  "lol" at the end of you thesis like response. 

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18 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Blimey , you're quite right .You know what , your wise, illuminating surgeon like forensic telling of my life is really quite amazing .You are obviously a clever type who is able to read between the lines , a regular  sherlock Holmes of the cunt world. Your  superior position in all matters , especially that involving  literary oddities  is obvious by the use of the abbreviation  "lol" at the end of you thesis like response. 

He was born circa 1980 .. he has never had a job because he thinks that any job is below him. He is probably very fat and flatulent.

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Yes, that describes this nomination perfectly. Give it a rest, elc, you're flooding the board with shite every day. 

Fuck off. 

He is right though, OCR. These thick as fuck cunts plough Ks into one day where the orange,  pilchard lipped tartlet wants to be a princess for a day to marry Wayne with the tattoos, muscles and Hitler youth haircut and lavish a years salary on an over the top piss up for all their pilchard lipped, orange, tattood chavvies to get pissed. The pykies are the worst I admit, but at least the bare knuckle car park straightener between the mums is usually better than the DJ.

Cushti Bok 

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I fucking despise the millennial generation. Since when did ‘working in a cafe’ start being described as being a ‘Barista’?

They have to have everything they want because the internet tells them that they, and they alone are the most important thing in the universe bar none. 
 As soon as they turn 17, their parents buy them a Nissan Cumquat with 36 airbags, a 6 foot crumple zone at either end and a computer which calls the police if any white heterosexual men approach the vehicle.

 The upshot is that the deliberately dumbed down education system has produced a generation of low IQ drones that only have the capacity to focus on their own personal gratification.

They got rid of the 'O' level and brought in a made up qualification because 'O' was too hard. I reckon if I was a student now I would be dripping with qualifications. In my day you had to delve through fuck knows how many library books I nicked, sorry, borrowed from the library, making notes and then write a thesis in long hand. I once literally spent a week in the library doing work for my exams. Nowadays it's all on line and alla they do is type it out or cut and paste it (do teenagers know how a fucking pen works?).  And don't get me started on pointless fucking degrees. My son has a first in Geography and he's a postman. Which I suppose is useful to a postman.

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Dont read it  then .It's quite fucking simple , so are you .


50 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Break this statement down, elc. Are you saying I'm simple, you are simple and is 'so are you' some sort of childish retort? You're clearly a bitter, angry little man who hasn't got over being treated like the spastic you were at school and now, all these years later, hate the world you live in. All you do is moan and try to drag the entire membership down to your bitter level with your relentless nominations about whatever has pissed you off that particular day. I'm sure you would reluctantly agree with me when I say you'd be better off dead, wouldn't you elc? Lol. 


46 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:



Infact I'm trying to decipher jyst what part of my post trapped one of your nerves .Have you bought a chateau in an area of France where the few toothless demented natives still believe they're under German occupation and "Les Anglais"are cheap wine lushes who should be separated from what little money they have or is there a deepe, more personal reason for your hostility. 


35 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Blimey , you're quite right .You know what , your wise, illuminating surgeon like forensic telling of my life is really quite amazing .You are obviously a clever type who is able to read between the lines , a regular  sherlock Holmes of the cunt world. Your  superior position in all matters , especially that involving  literary oddities  is obvious by the use of the abbreviation  "lol" at the end of you thesis like response. 

Alright gents?

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:




Alright gents?

You can fuck off as well .

Just joking.

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The yoof are fucked, I've got one working with me still fucked up on last nights Ketamine. If I turn my back he's on his phone, he's never got a penny in his pocket,he wants paying daily cos 'I need some food' and he's a miserable little cunt to boot. He's family but today is the cunts last day,as I type he's asleep in the van,useless little cunt.

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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

What the fuck is it with millennial  gen z types .Many of  these useless pricks who are constantly crying about their mental health woes seen intent on spending 20k on their wedding. Fucking inch thick foundation wearing pumped up lipped  fuck ups .The groom is always some steroid popping gym cunt called Joshie or jake who in a year will be caught wearing his new brides knickers or shagging her best mate .What happened to getting your mates together, renting the working mens club , getting pissed , dropping your trousers , the bride and grooms fathers getting into an old man  fight , getting home,  collapsing on the bed  half undressed then getting a full English in Bethnal Green the following morning The good old days .1500 quid max .Now it has to be  a  château in a deserted part of France run by ex right to buy dwellers who did well on their 3 bed semi in Hounslow .It's all a load of utter wank.They all think they're fucking film stars, most of the cunts are too thick to get a job selling ice cream during tbe interval  in the local flea pit .Cunts . 


Excellent nom (as usual) keep up the good work! ✡️

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Guest entitled little cunt
39 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

He is right though, OCR. These thick as fuck cunts plough Ks into one day where the orange,  pilchard lipped tartlet wants to be a princess for a day to marry Wayne with the tattoos, muscles and Hitler youth haircut and lavish a years salary on an over the top piss up for all their pilchard lipped, orange, tattood chavvies to get pissed. The pykies are the worst I admit, but at least the bare knuckle car park straightener between the mums is usually better than the DJ.

Cushti Bok 

You've always been good , honest  reliable back up .One question though,  you weren't the cunt who sold me a generator that never worked  out the back of a white transit are you ?

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

or is there a deepe, more personal reason for your hostility.

Most definitely, he's a bit peeved about not getting any of the Windrush compensation that he obviously thinks he's entitled to, BTW, 'entitled' is the problem, like all his kind, that's what they think, they're entitled to something, but it's off the back of somebody else, they don't want to put the graft in for it.

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4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

You've always been good , honest  reliable back up .One question though,  you weren't the cunt who sold me a generator that never worked  out the back of a white transit are you ?

Did it come with a dog? Theres always a dog thrown in when you deal with pikies selling moody goods.

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Did it come with a dog? Theres always a dog thrown in when you deal with pikies selling moody goods.

Yes and the cunt bit me .so it was you .I want my fucking 200 quid back but I'm keeping the dog .

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, and said:

Most definitely, he's a bit peeved about not getting any of the Windrush compensation that he obviously thinks he's entitled to, BTW, 'entitled' is the problem, like all his kind, that's what they think, they're entitled to something, but it's off the back of somebody else, they don't want to put the graft in for it.

I reckon the entire British nation need to awarded  compensation for  Windrush .

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

What the fuck is it with millennial  gen z types .Many of  these useless pricks who are constantly crying about their mental health woes seen intent on spending 20k on their wedding. Fucking inch thick foundation wearing pumped up lipped  fuck ups .The groom is always some steroid popping gym cunt called Joshie or jake who in a year will be caught wearing his new brides knickers or shagging her best mate .What happened to getting your mates together, renting the working mens club , getting pissed , dropping your trousers , the bride and grooms fathers getting into an old man  fight , getting home,  collapsing on the bed  half undressed then getting a full English in Bethnal Green the following morning The good old days .1500 quid max .Now it has to be  a  château in a deserted part of France run by ex right to buy dwellers who did well on their 3 bed semi in Hounslow .It's all a load of utter wank.They all think they're fucking film stars, most of the cunts are too thick to get a job selling ice cream during tbe interval  in the local flea pit .Cunts . 


You’re noms are getting better, keep it up! 😅 

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I fucking despise the millennial generation. Since when did ‘working in a cafe’ start being described as being a ‘Barista’?

They have to have everything they want because the internet tells them that they, and they alone are the most important thing in the universe bar none. 
 As soon as they turn 17, their parents buy them a Nissan Cumquat with 36 airbags, a 6 foot crumple zone at either end and a computer which calls the police if any white heterosexual men approach the vehicle.

 The upshot is that the deliberately dumbed down education system has produced a generation of low IQ drones that only have the capacity to focus on their own personal gratification.

I trained as a chef on a saveloy stall in East Street Market. Fuck off. 

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