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Russian Concert


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What a fucking night it is in Mother Russia. A bunch of mysterious cunts have walked into a packed concert hall and shot everyone to shit.

ISIS claims responsibility, but they're attention seeking little cunts who'll claim anything these days for the chance to suck Allah's cock.

Russia really wants it to be Ukraine responsible for the attack, almost perversely so, but Action Man isn't having any of it and Ukraine is denying having any connection.

Europe is finding itself in the awkward position of trying to sound sympathetic over the deaths of unarmed Russian civilians despite spending the last few months bigging each other up and super seriously threatening to send troops in to Ukraine, but only to help little old ladies across roads and walk dogs, honest.

And the good old USA of all fucking places predicted and warned Americans working and living in Russia about this exact fucking thing kicking off a while back.

It's all very fucking sketchy. If this was just some rowdy ragheads, they're going to get so much virgin cock in Valhalla or wherever they go after they blow themselves up.

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Of course, completely overshadowed on the BBC by whatever fucking Royal has been licking used graphite rods this week, its only an event that could kick off world war fucking three in several different ways.

I wonder what Harry and Kate have to say about all this?

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Guest entitled little cunt

I doubt muslims will  be celebrating Ramadan in public over in mother Russia .Might cause a bit of bother. The Russians are the only lot who stands up to Islam. Putin will deal with them in the only way they understand .They have sown the wind , they shall reap the whirlwind .

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Just now, entitled little cunt said:

I doubt muslims will  be celebrating Ramadan in public over in mother Russia .Might cause a bit of bother. The Russians are the only lot who stands up to Islam. Putin will deal with them in the only way they understand .They have sown the wind , they shall reap the whirlwind .

Could be just the excuse he's after for just a tiny little tactical nuke in Ukraine though if he decides to spin it that way. Or mobilization.

Reports of the vehicle used by the attackers confirm Ukraine plates - absolutely not evidence in any way, probably just a false flag by mischievous terrorists - but he could use it. He's used much less in the past and has a fresh election to exploit.

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Roadkill said:

Could be just the excuse he's after for just a tiny little tactical nuke in Ukraine though if he decides to spin it that way. Or mobilization.

Reports of the vehicle used by the attackers confirm Ukraine plates - absolutely not evidence in any way, probably just a false flag by mischievous terrorists - but he could use it. He's used much less in the past and has a fresh election to exploit.

Chechun islamists I reckon. They've been wanking around Russia for decades .if Putin does flatten Ukraine at keast it'll put an end to it and the BBC will have to find another cause to disinform us about .I've noticed that every Ukranian woman "seeking friend in Europe " looks like a supermodel. Working on the family pig farm , poor dental hygiene and a  bottle of Vodka a day doesn't seem to effect their beauty in any way .

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Chechun islamists I reckon. They've been wanking around Russia for decades .if Putin does flatten Ukraine at keast it'll put an end to it and the BBC will have to find another cause to disinform us about .I've noticed that every Ukranian woman "seeking friend in Europe " looks like a supermodel. Working on the family pig farm , poor dental hygiene and a  bottle of Vodka a day doesn't seem to effect their beauty in any way .

Don't trust what you see on the internet. A punter on here adopted one (I can't remember who) and she turned out to be a right pig faced little gremlin.

I think it's just a fast one to get the Chernobyl mutants out of the gene pool.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

Don't trust what you see on the internet. A punter on here adopted one (I can't remember who) and she turned out to be a right pig faced little gremlin.

I think it's just a fast one to get the Chernobyl mutants out of the gene pool.

Walking around my local supermarket all I hear is some weird fucling Russian dialect and their ferral fucking kids running about .Its like living in fucking vladivostock. I remember a time we treated that lot as the enemy now they own Mayfair , the london District not the flange flash magazine .

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Just now, entitled little cunt said:

Walking around my local supermarket all I hear is some weird fucling Russian dialect and their ferral fucking kids running about .Its like living in fucking vladivostock. I remember a time we treated that lot as the enemy now they own Mayfair , the london District not the flange flash magazine .

I wouldn't know, I live in Newcastle. The Mackems tend to eat anyone trying to enter from the south and the Scots get them addicted to heroin before they can make it here from the north.

The one's trying to enter by the east take one look at Tynemouth and drown themselves in self defense and I think the Roman Legions are still in control of the west approaches - no cunt ever comes from that direction and no cunt has ever bothered to check.

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Guest entitled little cunt
46 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I wouldn't know, I live in Newcastle. The Mackems tend to eat anyone trying to enter from the south and the Scots get them addicted to heroin before they can make it here from the north.

The one's trying to enter by the east take one look at Tynemouth and drown themselves in self defense and I think the Roman Legions are still in control of the west approaches - no cunt ever comes from that direction and no cunt has ever bothered to check.

I'm moving  up there .I've had enough of Tesla driving mums net cunts down south,  and that's just the blokes .The women are right cunts as well strutting about like their shit doesn't stink .

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7 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Chechun islamists I reckon. They've been wanking around Russia for decades .if Putin does flatten Ukraine at keast it'll put an end to it and the BBC will have to find another cause to disinform us about .I've noticed that every Ukranian woman "seeking friend in Europe " looks like a supermodel. Working on the family pig farm , poor dental hygiene and a  bottle of Vodka a day doesn't seem to effect their beauty in any way .

These cunts are probably the most millitant Isamists of all and Putin has played with fire and used them in his fight against The Ukraine and in his security apparatus .. what makes it worse is that they are not of eastern origin, mostly gingers i.e. Caucasian Nordic types who somehow got converted to Islam. The old Soviet state kept a very firm lid on these cunts and would likely have sorted them in Afghanistan if the west had not funded and armed the Islamist warlord there back in the 1980s.

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12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

What a fucking night it is in Mother Russia. A bunch of mysterious cunts have walked into a packed concert hall and shot everyone to shit.

ISIS claims responsibility, but they're attention seeking little cunts who'll claim anything these days for the chance to suck Allah's cock.

Russia really wants it to be Ukraine responsible for the attack, almost perversely so, but Action Man isn't having any of it and Ukraine is denying having any connection.

Europe is finding itself in the awkward position of trying to sound sympathetic over the deaths of unarmed Russian civilians despite spending the last few months bigging each other up and super seriously threatening to send troops in to Ukraine, but only to help little old ladies across roads and walk dogs, honest.

And the good old USA of all fucking places predicted and warned Americans working and living in Russia about this exact fucking thing kicking off a while back.

It's all very fucking sketchy. If this was just some rowdy ragheads, they're going to get so much virgin cock in Valhalla or wherever they go after they blow themselves up.

Whoever they were, you have to admit it was a concerted effort on their part.

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12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Of course, completely overshadowed on the BBC by whatever fucking Royal has been licking used graphite rods this week, its only an event that could kick off world war fucking three in several different ways.

I wonder what Harry and Kate have to say about all this?

You’re much closer to Sheffield than most of us. You’ll have first pickings of the radioactive sheep guts.

 Every mushroom cloud has a silver lining.

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7 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You’re much closer to Sheffield than most of us. You’ll have first pickings of the radioactive sheep guts.

 Every mushroom cloud has a silver lining.

I'll set up a Cunt Bunker in Hartlepool. We can all regroup there in the event of nuclear apocalypse and become sheep gut warlords, raiding the coast for supplies using the tall ships crewed by mutated channel hoppers and completely unaffected Mackems.

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Russia reporting all gunmen involved in the attack have been arrested. According to Russian intelligence they tried to flee to Ukraine and some border guards appeared to be preparing to let them through.

This fucking stinks of fuckery. Don't ragheads usually prefer to go out with a bang instead of running for the nearest border?

Probably still Islam wankers, but they might be wise to the fact that getting captured and claiming allegiance with Ukraine could result in a lot more infidel deaths with one side so desperate to blame their actively engaged enemy.

On the other hand, if they were supported from inside Ukraine, Zelensky is fucked and the West has a lot of explaining to do - it's only OK to mass murder unarmed civilians with guided air to ground missiles - you're not allowed to just walk up and shoot them in the face.

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Guest entitled little cunt

Its going to get interesting. Putin isn't like the weak cunt windbags who rule over Europa .I dont think Putin stumbles when asked what a woman is .He's going to kick some arse and jolly good luck to him.I hope he wipes out who ever launched the attack and those who support them.I bet Zelensky is shitting himself , I hope for his sake his corrupt little fiefdom of shit  had nothing to do with what happened .

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

These cunts are probably the most millitant Isamists of all and Putin has played with fire and used them in his fight against The Ukraine and in his security apparatus .. what makes it worse is that they are not of eastern origin, mostly gingers i.e. Caucasian Nordic types who somehow got converted to Islam. The old Soviet state kept a very firm lid on these cunts and would likely have sorted them in Afghanistan if the west had not funded and armed the Islamist warlord there back in the 1980s.

Putin will fuck them. He's going to ruin their Ramadan. 


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Guest entitled little cunt
18 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Don't trust what you see on the internet. A punter on here adopted one (I can't remember who) and she turned out to be a right pig faced little gremlin.

I think it's just a fast one to get the Chernobyl mutants out of the gene pool.

You think you're going to get a Blonde vivacious beauty with a body to die for and what you get is a vodka swilling pig farming spanner who looks like a man and has the DNA  of a goat. It's worse than when fat ugly Scottish oil workers bought a Thai off the Internet and ended up  with Yoko.

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As soon as I heard this I thought "Aye aye, the little rascal is setting up the Ukrainians for a right kicking".

This smells like Isreal, with Hammas smashing the fuck out of that rock festival. Mossad were unaware of that going to happen? Bollocks. It gave old Netenyahoo Carte blanche to send in the troops to royally fuck the carpet kneelers. And it wouldn't surprise me if this is what Putin is doing. If the shit hits the fan, hopefully it will be before next saturday as I'm in Cyprus and that's where I'm staying if old blighty gets obliterated. Oopah! 

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

You think you're going to get a Blonde vivacious beauty with a body to die for and what you get is a vodka swilling pig farming spanner who looks like a man and has the DNA  of a goat. It's worse than when fat ugly Scottish oil workers bought a Thai off the Internet and ended up  with Yoko.

You're alright, ELC.

Bit gay for Putin, mind.

I get the impression you'd like nothing more than for him to stamp on your bollocks and spit in your face.

Not my thing personally, but apparently all of those manly Russian men in striped vests are into it as well, so what the fuck do I know?


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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, Roadkill said:

You're alright, ELC.

Bit gay for Putin, mind.

I get the impression you'd like nothing more than for him to stamp on your bollocks and spit in your face.

Not my thing personally, but apparently all of those manly Russian men in striped vests are into it as well, so what the fuck do I know?


Don't  you mean Daddy Putin? .Ive got a hammer and sickle tattooed on my hairy left arse cheek .I  have a swig of vodka for breakfast and have a love of totalitarian states .

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:


I predict a ramadan riot 

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

As soon as I heard this I thought "Aye aye, the little rascal is setting up the Ukrainians for a right kicking".

This smells like Isreal, with Hammas smashing the fuck out of that rock festival. Mossad were unaware of that going to happen? Bollocks. It gave old Netenyahoo Carte blanche to send in the troops to royally fuck the carpet kneelers. And it wouldn't surprise me if this is what Putin is doing. If the shit hits the fan, hopefully it will be before next saturday as I'm in Cyprus and that's where I'm staying if old blighty gets obliterated. Oopah! 

Watch your  wallet in Cyprus  the thieving cunts and they fuck anything that moves  the dirty grunting shit stabbers .There's only one thing Cypriots hate more than British northern expats with sunburnt heads and that's other Cypriots. You've been warned .If you loose your life savings to a Paphos estate agent called Lemonaris don't come crying to me. It's a sunny place for very shady cunts  that should be sunk into the sea with all its inhabitants.Nice food though . 

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