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Lá le Pádrig áthas


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On 26/03/2024 at 16:56, PANZER MURPHY said:

.if ya visit the ulster folk park museum and see the recreation of an early 20th century poor Catholic hut with hapes of kids..and then see the moderately prosperous protestant family with two spotlessly clean kids..

It’s not rocket science Mick. The absence of a bathroom (or any personal hygiene infrastructure) in the disgusting Catholic hovels meant there was always room for a few dozen filthy unwashed mongoloid sprogs (usually all fathered by the local priest) to lollop around (Bobby Sands style) in their own shite, whereas the average vastly more civilised, educated and  clean Proddy family home had at least one interior bathroom, an outside toilet for the use of fenian employees and a tin bath under the stairs for special occasions.


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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

It’s not rocket science Mick. The absence of a bathroom (or any personal hygiene infrastructure) in the disgusting Catholic hovels meant there was always room for a few dozen filthy unwashed mongoloid sprogs (usually all fathered by the local priest) to lollop around (Bobby Sands style) in their own shite, whereas the average vastly more civilised, educated and  clean Proddy family home had at least one interior bathroom, an outside toilet for the use of fenian employees and a tin bath under the stairs for special occasions.


Dont forget the thousands of dead beat dadas like yerself bally baby that married fast and abandoned faster..with lots of estranged children who've no interest in you or yer truly awful culture ...you too played a part in the downfall of the protestant state for a protestant peepil..lol


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16 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Dont forget the thousands of dead beat dadas like yerself bally baby that married fast and abandoned faster..with lots of estranged children who've no interest in you or yer truly awful culture

You say ‘married fast’ but that sort of talk is so last week in todays progressive woke Ireland Panzybuggerbaby.

Surely you must  know that ‘a durable relationship’ is the new-speak definition of family life in Ireland that Leo the charwallah faggot and his cabal of WEF puppets will eventually get changed into your constitution, no matter how many times you say no?

Wake up you stupid cunt. Your rulers despise you as much as ours do us. One day you’ll wake up with your rusty saxophone inserted right up to the mouthpiece in your arse and a queue of slobbering Muslims fighting over who’s next to fuck your illiterate gob. I expect you’ll scream out for the good old days when the Black and Tans enforced law and order in the ‘Island of Ireland’ lolololol, before we fucked off and left you (like every one of our colonies) to slide back down as a nation into the open sewer which we tried to rescue you from. 
Michael Collins was a cunt.

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

You say ‘married fast’ but that sort of talk is so last week in todays progressive woke Ireland Panzybuggerbaby.

Surely you must  know that ‘a durable relationship’ is the new-speak definition of family life in Ireland that Leo the charwallah faggot and his cabal of WEF puppets will eventually get changed into your constitution, no matter how many times you say no?

Wake up you stupid cunt. Your rulers despise you as much as ours do us. One day you’ll wake up with your rusty saxophone inserted right up to the mouthpiece in your arse and a queue of slobbering Muslims fighting over who’s next to fuck your illiterate gob. I expect you’ll scream out for the good old days when the Black and Tans enforced law and order in the ‘Island of Ireland’ lolololol, before we fucked off and left you (like every one of our colonies) to slide back down as a nation into the open sewer which we tried to rescue you from. 
Michael Collins was a cunt.

Kmeer..dont mind any of that..word onde strasse is that a certain prominent high rankin one of yer lot in stormont has had collar felt for ..reasons...as the corners purveyor o filth was wondering which one of the brethren it may be..lol


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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Wee jeff..whoda thunk it..all that marchin to church down the queen's highway n praisin jeebaz n the queen..all the signs were there..lol


DUP…..’Drop ur pants’ 🫣

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4 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Its Paddastrophic baby..good friday became great friday..lol


You sick perverted bastard. Let’s just hope that the poor unfortunate ‘victims’ see your demonic hysterical glee and admit that they made it all up.

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Ah now bally baby..there must be a little wry smile on that pinched tattooed face of yers at the notion of a stalwart Christian brethren that marched to church with his sash all washed n pressed and then marched home to allegedly commit certain deeds..lol


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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ah now bally baby..there must be a little wry smile on that pinched tattooed face of yers at the notion of a stalwart Christian brethren that marched to church with his sash all washed n pressed and then marched home to allegedly commit certain deeds..lol


Listen up PANZYMUSHFORBRAINSBABY.  If it transpires that J-Don has indeed been historically dipping his wick into some unconsenting vessel, then I’m all for him being punished appropriately in accordance with the law. 
However at the moment he is ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and rightly so (a concept which  Irish republicans haven’t ever taken onboard).

This unexpected event rings a few alarm bells with me though.

Firstly because he has been a Unionist MP for almost 30 years, and quite a divisive one within Ulster Unionism at that, so I find it very strange that his enemies weren’t able to neuter him previously as these allegations are said to relate to his activities many years ago. And 

Secondly, I’ve been told by a lifelong friend across the water that certain figures in the DUP are very very disillusioned, and even angry with him for the recent deal he brokered to allow the NIA to restart with the first ever Sinn Fein First Minister (Michelle O’Neil the slit eyed reptilian whore). 
I also find it strange that the exact charge (or charges) have not been revealed, just the date of the first court appearance (24th April). This in itself seems to lend itself to weeks of speculation, disinformation and misinformation ie the very thing that the media, the political establishment and their super rich puppetmasters have been relentlessly pushing as the biggest ‘threat to democracy’ ever faced.

It’s almost as if now that they’ve installed their ‘dusky’ leader of choice in England, Scotland and Wales (all 3 unelected to the post) in Tony Blairs devolved utopian U.K. that they’ve turned their attention to Stormont (the final piece in the jigsaw), but unable to find a suitable jihadi, spook, poof, lezzer, tranny or (insert any fucked up deviant or weirdo of your choice) to complete the full house, they’ve set about creating internal conflict and thereby fatally wounding the Unionists who they’ve betrayed for decades as thanks for their loyalty.

The so called ‘nationalists’ in the Republic (Sinn Fein etc.) have likewise let their mask slip and are fully onboard with mass Islamic immigration, declaring war on Irish patriots who dare to take to the streets when their children are raped or their neighbours are beheaded. According to Sinn Fein these angry people are ‘far right extremists’ and a ‘threat to democracy’ (notice a pattern emerging here?)

It’s time for the silent majority to wake the fuck up, take to the streets and oust every last one of these traitors before the chance is gone.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Fuck off.




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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Listen up PANZYMUSHFORBRAINSBABY.  If it transpires that J-Don has indeed been historically dipping his wick into some unconsenting vessel, then I’m all for him being punished appropriately in accordance with the law. 
However at the moment he is ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and rightly so (a concept which  Irish republicans haven’t ever taken onboard).

This unexpected event rings a few alarm bells with me though.

Firstly because he has been a Unionist MP for almost 30 years, and quite a divisive one within Ulster Unionism at that, so I find it very strange that his enemies weren’t able to neuter him previously as these allegations are said to relate to his activities many years ago. And 

Secondly, I’ve been told by a lifelong friend across the water that certain figures in the DUP are very very disillusioned, and even angry with him for the recent deal he brokered to allow the NIA to restart with the first ever Sinn Fein First Minister (Michelle O’Neil the slit eyed reptilian whore). 
I also find it strange that the exact charge (or charges) have not been revealed, just the date of the first court appearance (24th April). This in itself seems to lend itself to weeks of speculation, disinformation and misinformation ie the very thing that the media, the political establishment and their super rich puppetmasters have been relentlessly pushing as the biggest ‘threat to democracy’ ever faced.

It’s almost as if now that they’ve installed their ‘dusky’ leader of choice in England, Scotland and Wales (all 3 unelected to the post) in Tony Blairs devolved utopian U.K. that they’ve turned their attention to Stormont (the final piece in the jigsaw), but unable to find a suitable jihadi, spook, poof, lezzer, tranny or (insert any fucked up deviant or weirdo of your choice) to complete the full house, they’ve set about creating internal conflict and thereby fatally wounding the Unionists who they’ve betrayed for decades as thanks for their loyalty.

The so called ‘nationalists’ in the Republic (Sinn Fein etc.) have likewise let their mask slip and are fully onboard with mass Islamic immigration, declaring war on Irish patriots who dare to take to the streets when their children are raped or their neighbours are beheaded. According to Sinn Fein these angry people are ‘far right extremists’ and a ‘threat to democracy’ (notice a pattern emerging here?)

It’s time for the silent majority to wake the fuck up, take to the streets and oust every last one of these traitors before the chance is gone.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Fuck off.




KB do you advocate another high level plot against the Prime Minister of the UK (albeit unelected) along the lines of Harold (a tear in my eye now) Wilson?  Are you advocating a coup d'etat undertaken by the equally slitty eyed lizards of the Orange Order, the resurrected slitty eyed corpses of Mountbatten (reassembled of course) Prince Phil, MI6, the CIA and a half dozen posh cunts in the army? 

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27 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

KB do you advocate another high level plot against the Prime Minister of the UK (albeit unelected) along the lines of Harold (a tear in my eye now) Wilson?  Are you advocating a coup d'etat undertaken by the equally slitty eyed lizards of the Orange Order, the resurrected slitty eyed corpses of Mountbatten (reassembled of course) Prince Phil, MI6, the CIA and a half dozen posh cunts in the army? 

No need for anyone to get bent out of shape and take up arms H, as the takeover of what used to be Britain is already underway, thanks to the sandal wearing, bearded space fairies, the ones you can spot 5 times a day on their knees with their face on the pavement, making moaning sounds very similar to Drew when he’s face down, throwing up outside Witherspoons at chucking out time on Giro day.

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14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

No need for anyone to get bent out of shape and take up arms H, as the takeover of what used to be Britain is already underway, thanks to the sandal wearing, bearded space fairies, the ones you can spot 5 times a day on their knees with their face on the pavement, making moaning sounds very similar to Drew when he’s face down, throwing up outside Witherspoons at chucking out time on Giro day.

I was hoping I'd get a rare Like from you for my reply to your post in the Entitled "My Trip to India, Retracing Donovan's non-promotional purely accidental encounter with the Beatles" rant about post millenial tourism. I must say I found ELC'S central idea entirely solid and one that I share but as is so often the case he couches it in a blanket, a double 30 tog arctic winter duvet, of sentimental reminiscing, so you end up wanting to smash his head on a street bollard then dump the body down a dark alley overrun with rats and some of the population you are referring to.  LOL Harold the One Eyed Cunter of the Corner. 

By appointment to his Royal Highness King Billy, ChildeHarold purveyor of fine boredom since 1066

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4 hours ago, King Billy said:

Listen up PANZYMUSHFORBRAINSBABY.  If it transpires that J-Don has indeed been historically dipping his wick into some unconsenting vessel, then I’m all for him being punished appropriately in accordance with the law. 
However at the moment he is ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and rightly so (a concept which  Irish republicans haven’t ever taken onboard).

This unexpected event rings a few alarm bells with me though.

Firstly because he has been a Unionist MP for almost 30 years, and quite a divisive one within Ulster Unionism at that, so I find it very strange that his enemies weren’t able to neuter him previously as these allegations are said to relate to his activities many years ago. And 

Secondly, I’ve been told by a lifelong friend across the water that certain figures in the DUP are very very disillusioned, and even angry with him for the recent deal he brokered to allow the NIA to restart with the first ever Sinn Fein First Minister (Michelle O’Neil the slit eyed reptilian whore). 
I also find it strange that the exact charge (or charges) have not been revealed, just the date of the first court appearance (24th April). This in itself seems to lend itself to weeks of speculation, disinformation and misinformation ie the very thing that the media, the political establishment and their super rich puppetmasters have been relentlessly pushing as the biggest ‘threat to democracy’ ever faced.

It’s almost as if now that they’ve installed their ‘dusky’ leader of choice in England, Scotland and Wales (all 3 unelected to the post) in Tony Blairs devolved utopian U.K. that they’ve turned their attention to Stormont (the final piece in the jigsaw), but unable to find a suitable jihadi, spook, poof, lezzer, tranny or (insert any fucked up deviant or weirdo of your choice) to complete the full house, they’ve set about creating internal conflict and thereby fatally wounding the Unionists who they’ve betrayed for decades as thanks for their loyalty.

The so called ‘nationalists’ in the Republic (Sinn Fein etc.) have likewise let their mask slip and are fully onboard with mass Islamic immigration, declaring war on Irish patriots who dare to take to the streets when their children are raped or their neighbours are beheaded. According to Sinn Fein these angry people are ‘far right extremists’ and a ‘threat to democracy’ (notice a pattern emerging here?)

It’s time for the silent majority to wake the fuck up, take to the streets and oust every last one of these traitors before the chance is gone.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Fuck off.




I confess i didn't read any of that..im just wondering how many of the other brethren were fond of ityy biity titty or mikky..its always the sanctimonious ones eh..lol


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7 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I confess i didn't read any of that..im just wondering how many of the other brethren were fond of ityy biity titty or mikky..its always the sanctimonious ones eh..lol


I don't think Billy needs to worry his pretty little head .. sinny fain may be lefties but it is likely that the real republicans are right wing and will sort these mussies out and put them in their place  .. I know a few hard course Welsh Nats who are of the same frame and mind and don't do this diversity nonsense.

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17 hours ago, King Billy said:


Secondly, I’ve been told by a lifelong friend across the water that certain figures in the DUP are very very disillusioned, and even angry with him for the recent deal he brokered to allow the NIA to restart with the first ever Sinn Fein First Minister. 




Yer friend told ya all that...well that confirms his ability to see.. hear..and read...and is capable of forensic levels of political analysis...stoopid fuuk...lol


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The games up bally baby...everything that unionizm touches turns to shite..ya had a hundred years to make a go of it n y'all pissed it way drinkin n singing down the lodges with the brethren and then goin home n fukin the kids anyway its end of days bally..eat sensible n exercise..i want ya to see how it all pans out when ya can  finaly show yer face in east Belfast without the threat of a bullet in it over the missin heroin as ya fly into Martin Mc Guinness International Airport..lol


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On 17/03/2024 at 22:48, PANZER MURPHY said:

We're still waiting on the St George's day parade..it keeps gettin cancelled for some reason..is the Londonistan eye lit in green this year..lol


Ya lookin' forward to April 23 Pansy baby, you Michael Collins-wannabe bumcloth and general waste of British para spunk? The event is as English as St Patrick, lololololol!! Laffin.

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Whats that wuggy baby..the Notting hill carnivalé ...that multi inclusive day celebratin the children o the empire thats come home n stab each other up a bit so vanilla faces like you can scribble angry letters to the gunaird ..simperin soyboy ya..lol


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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Whats that wuggy baby..the Notting hill carnivalé ...that multi inclusive day celebratin the children o the empire thats come home n stab each other up a bit so vanilla faces like you can scribble angry letters to the gunaird ..simperin soyboy ya..lol


@PANZER MURPHY we are fucked up .. there is this lovely proud English girl called Shamina, she is proud to be British and wants her passport back and to come home, back to blighty but they won't let her come home .. what's going on?

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

@PANZER MURPHY we are fucked up .. there is this lovely proud English girl called Shamina, she is proud to be British and wants her passport back and to come home, back to blighty but they won't let her come home .. what's going on?

Fuck me it's Franz Liszt in his monastery days on the Corner. 

Request: Side Saddle (difficult version written on three staves) 

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24 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Fuck me it's Franz Liszt in his monastery days on the Corner. 

Request: Side Saddle (difficult version written on three staves) 

I would guess that you would support her return to the UK (the country of her birth) .. The Irish republic actually had a similar issue with an older woman with a British surname but of Irish birth, The allowed her to return and tried her for her crimes and gaoled her .. The British girl in question (who was legally a child when she went to Syria) is simply asking for the same and has said that she is prepared to face trial. She has actually lost three children due to her childish naivety.

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28 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I would guess that you would support her return to the UK (the country of her birth) .. The Irish republic actually had a similar issue with an older woman with a British surname but of Irish birth, The allowed her to return and tried her for her crimes and gaoled her .. The British girl in question (who was legally a child when she went to Syria) is simply asking for the same and has said that she is prepared to face trial. She has actually lost three children due to her childish naivety.

I can't believe this shit. Pen don't go all Tarrantino at this time of the day. Choose your Dusk till Dawn moments carefully. Dog cunt. 

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7 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I can't believe this shit. Pen don't go all Tarrantino at this time of the day. Choose your Dusk till Dawn moments carefully. Dog cunt. 

I am going outside and may be away for some time.

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