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Hope they're not racist

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

Scotland  sadly has Mr.Yousaf, a gentleman who seems to be constantly on the fringes of wrong doing. The uk as a whole or hole , depending on your point of view has a Mr.Sunak, a man who's best talent is to be able to run backwards after he stumbles into yet another  self generated  difficulty . London has Khan , an openly racist individual who has turned his fiefdom into a no go zone of murderers , shoplifters  and terrorist sympathisers. Wales it's seems will most probably have a Mr Gething , an unknown quantity but given the quality of what the country is used to he'll be another self serving , out of touch cunt who can't explain what defines a woman and will be happy to wield a large stick with which to beat the occupants of his fiefdom.  Very soon there is a possibility that all governed parts of the UK will be lead by those from an ethnic minority. On the face of it they're not doing too well and neither is the white working class who now look upon those who lead  them and ask why is there no one  who looks like me to understand and  represent my best interests. Ironically the very same argument ethnic minorities made that lead to the situation described above and tickled the fancy of the traitorous  radical left.

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Guest entitled little cunt
22 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You mean that Mr White British is now the ethnic minority, in terms of political representation.

No .That is a misrepresentation . The majority  of  members of Parliament  are white males or females.My post  concerns the leaders of political parties and  the  leader of a principality and the leader of the goverment of Scotland  .If you read  my post rather than trying to be clever and shorten what you perceived it to say into one sentence you may understand better my initial posting .

Don't waste your time or mine .

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10 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

No .That is a misrepresentation . The majority  of  members of Parliament  are white males or females.My post  concerns the leaders of political parties and  the  leader of a principality and the leader of the goverment of Scotland  .If you read  my post rather than trying to be clever and shorten what you perceived it to say into one sentence you may understand better my initial posting .

Don't waste your time or mine .

Pompous wanker.

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Ape™️ said:

Pompous wanker.

Thankyou for your response. Your opinion is important to you .

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Just now, entitled little cunt said:

Thankyou for your response. Your opinion is important to you .

You seem to be treating Cunts Corner as a place for hardcore, serious political debate. Name the cunts of the world - don’t bore us all to death with this utter shit. And if you’re rude to my mate @Cunty BigBollox again I’ll cut your fucking jacobs off.

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

You seem to be treating Cunts Corner as a place for hardcore, serious political debate. Name the cunts of the world - don’t bore us all to death with this utter shit. And if you’re rude to my mate @Cunty BigBollox again I’ll cut your fucking jacobs off.

Do forgive me  .I didn't realise you are the Don Corleone type  .I better check under my car before I start it .To be honest I thought you were more the  Don .Cornetto type.Sprinkled with   Nuts and vomit inducing if over consumed. 

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4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Do forgive me  .I didn't realise you are the Don Corleone type  .I better check under my car before I start it .To be honest I thought you were more the  Don .Cornetto type.Sprinkled with   Nuts and vomit inducing if over consumed. 

There are doubtless specialist forums, full of other dull, boring, tedious cunts, where your fascinating political insights would receive the respect and discussion they deserve. Why not fuck off to one of them? 

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44 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

There are doubtless specialist forums, full of other dull, boring, tedious cunts, where your fascinating political insights would receive the respect and discussion they deserve. Why not fuck off to one of them? 

And you @Ape™️?

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

the goverment............ you may understand better my initial posting .


I 'understand better' that government has two 'n's. Didn't they have a speak 'n' spell in the Early Learning Centre, ELC?


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Guest entitled little cunt
29 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

You spectacularly stupid fucking cunt. What possesses you to post drivel like this? 

Now , now calm down boy  .You'll have a brain hemorrhage or quite  possibly  hemorhoids in your case .

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Now , now calm down boy  .You'll have a brain hemorrhage or quite  possibly  hemorhoids in your case .

Don't be too hard on @Ape™️ he just needs somebody or something to keep him amused through the lonely winter evenings, I think he should buy a mirror, and take a good hard look at himself, that always makes me laugh 🤣

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

You spectacularly stupid fucking cunt. What possesses you to post drivel like this? 

To keep you amused obviously .

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, and said:

Don't be too hard on @Ape™️ he just needs somebody or something to keep him amused through the lonely winter evenings, I think he should buy a mirror, and take a good hard look at himself, that always makes me laugh 🤣


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13 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

And if you’re rude to my mate @Cunty BigBollox again I’ll cut your fucking jacobs off.

Even though Drew is most likely surrounded by dozens of empty cider bottles and snoring face down into a huge pile of his own sick right now Ape, you deserve credit for this statement. I’m sure he’ll thank you for it when he wakes up tomorrow (or sometime in the next few days) and sees that you’ve still got his back.

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13 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

There are doubtless specialist forums, full of other dull, boring, tedious cunts, where your fascinating political insights would receive the respect and discussion they deserve.

‘No Friends or Family Reunited’ ?

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Guest entitled little cunt
23 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

There are doubtless specialist forums, full of other dull, boring, tedious cunts, where your fascinating political insights would receive the respect and discussion they deserve. Why not fuck off to one of them? 

You obviously have problems of one kind or another.What do you think is worthy of discussion on here ?. Seriously I'd like to know . What subject do you think would further debate and get more people visiting this site and taking part? .I just can't fathom why your bile is so stirred .If there's an opinion or a person  that you for some reason dont like , simply don't read their posts .If you feel the need to  respond do so and  state why you disagree so vehemently.Counter an opinion with your opinion .Just "Cunt" is too lacking in detail .You're the product of the world now.You shout and scream like a petulant child , you believe an opinion reflects a whole person ,  you hate and complain without actually thinking or questioning why .You're blinded by it .It's complete and total.Seriously it's really sad .As people mature they refrain from such childish antics but it seems with 15 to 45 year olds the behaviour is locked in for life .Listen Boy, Do yourself a favour and use what's bouncing around in that skull of yours more effectively. Your life will be happier and more prosperous. 

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14 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

You obviously have problems of one kind or another.What do you think is worthy of discussion on here ?. Seriously I'd like to know . What subject do you think would further debate and get more people visiting this site and taking part? .I just can't fathom why your bile is so stirred .If there's an opinion or a person  that you for some reason dont like , simply don't read their posts .If you feel the need to  respond do so and  state why you disagree so vehemently.Counter an opinion with your opinion .Just "Cunt" is too lacking in detail .You're the product of the world now.You shout and scream like a petulant child , you believe an opinion reflects a whole person ,  you hate and complain without actually thinking or questioning why .You're blinded by it .It's complete and total.Seriously it's really sad .As people mature they refrain from such childish antics but it seems with 15 to 45 year olds the behaviour is locked in for life .Listen Boy, Do yourself a favour and use what's bouncing around in that skull of yours more effectively. Your life will be happier and more prosperous. 

It won't work .. ask @Cunty BigBollox.

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45 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

You obviously have problems of one kind or another.What do you think is worthy of discussion on here ?. Seriously I'd like to know . What subject do you think would further debate and get more people visiting this site and taking part? .I just can't fathom why your bile is so stirred .If there's an opinion or a person  that you for some reason dont like , simply don't read their posts .If you feel the need to  respond do so and  state why you disagree so vehemently.Counter an opinion with your opinion .Just "Cunt" is too lacking in detail .You're the product of the world now.You shout and scream like a petulant child , you believe an opinion reflects a whole person ,  you hate and complain without actually thinking or questioning why .You're blinded by it .It's complete and total.Seriously it's really sad .As people mature they refrain from such childish antics but it seems with 15 to 45 year olds the behaviour is locked in for life .Listen Boy, Do yourself a favour and use what's bouncing around in that skull of yours more effectively. Your life will be happier and more prosperous. 

Oi retard. We all know and realise political governance is a cunt and therefore most punters come on here for a little light relief from the the shit-pit the world has become thanks to the elected overlords. Therefore we want something to distract our attention from the fuck-fest by commenting on something that raises a smile like 'Lenny Henry BBC Wankfest', 'Care of the Deceased' or, the all-time classic posted by Dickless, 'The Postwick Hub (roundabouts)'.

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

You obviously have problems of one kind or another.What do you think is worthy of discussion on here ?. Seriously I'd like to know . What subject do you think would further debate and get more people visiting this site and taking part? .I just can't fathom why your bile is so stirred .If there's an opinion or a person  that you for some reason dont like , simply don't read their posts .If you feel the need to  respond do so and  state why you disagree so vehemently.Counter an opinion with your opinion .Just "Cunt" is too lacking in detail .You're the product of the world now.You shout and scream like a petulant child , you believe an opinion reflects a whole person ,  you hate and complain without actually thinking or questioning why .You're blinded by it .It's complete and total.Seriously it's really sad .As people mature they refrain from such childish antics but it seems with 15 to 45 year olds the behaviour is locked in for life .Listen Boy, Do yourself a favour and use what's bouncing around in that skull of yours more effectively. Your life will be happier and more prosperous. 

Wow! You really are a dull, beige, tedious prick. I wondered if it was just a character you were portraying. Evidently not.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Oi retard. We all know and realise political governance is a cunt and therefore most punters come on here for a little light relief from the the shit-pit the world has become thanks to the elected overlords. Therefore we want something to distract our attention from the fuck-fest by commenting on something that raises a smile like 'Lenny Henry BBC Wankfest', 'Care of the Deceased' or, the all-time classic posted by Dickless, 'The Postwick Hub (roundabouts)'.

OK, that's noted .Obviously you feel you are speaking for all those who post on the site .That's your perogative,  it's not everyone's perogative. There's as many  politics based posts on here as there are more distracting posts .There is  something for everyone. Its weird , when people inhabit space , even if it's online they believe they own.That space is their space   and all others other than those who share their opinion should be ousted. Its like getting annoyed if someone parks outside your house .

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