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More women may be psychopaths than previously thought, says expert


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When it comes to a typical psychopath, the suited and booted Patrick Bateman from the novel American Psycho might spring to mind, but, according to one expert, the number of women with the neuropsychiatric disorder could be far greater than previously thought.

Psychopaths are generally considered to lack empathy and guilt, exhibit antisocial behaviour, lie frequently and be ruthless, narcissistic and manipulative.


Sounds like @Decimus in a dress 👗



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8 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Well I never!

It should be remembered that 40% of reported domestic violence involves women attacking men. It's believed actual proportion is higher: men are less likely to make a fuss.

Back in Crewe there was a neighbour 6' 5" he was, regularly seen with a black eye after a battering from his wife who was all of 5' tall .. out of interest his wife came from Wrexham.

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2 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Well I never!

It should be remembered that 40% of reported domestic violence involves women attacking men. It's believed actual proportion is higher: men are less likely to make a fuss.

DV from wimmin is usually more dangerous as they mostly use weapons. Mostly. 

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2 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Well I never!

It should be remembered that 40% of reported domestic violence involves women attacking men. It's believed actual proportion is higher: men are less likely to make a fuss.

My father in law asked me one day why his daughter had 2 black eyes? How we both laughed when I explained that she hadn’t listened to me the first two times I told her to suck my cock in the car when she picked me up from the pub at closing time the previous evening.

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Guest entitled little cunt

It's a serious issue that gets no   airtime what  so ever as its not fashionable to highlight that women can be evil , horrible bullying cunts .It's worrying just how easy it may have become for women to pervert the cause of justice. A male is seen as immediately guilty of bullying and harassment where as a woman would be seen as a victim rather than a perpetrator. A woman can be every bit as much a shouty,  manipulative,  shaming , bullying , narcissistic  cunt as any male .Many a man has been ruined by them mentally , physically and financially but suffer in silence as society refuses to admit the problem exists and other thick males chiming in hoping to asert their perceived strength over other males .That wouldn't happen to me shit. Yeah , right .The muscle bound , gym bunny rugby player type are the most easily manipulated . Cunts.

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

My father in law asked me one day why his daughter had 2 black eyes? How we both laughed when I explained that she hadn’t listened to me the first two times I told her to suck my cock in the car when she picked me up from the pub at closing time the previous evening.

What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?

Nothing: she's already been told twice.

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14 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?

Nothing: she's already been told twice.

I love it when someone takes the time to dumb down one of my jokes for the less intellectually endowed members of the corner to enjoy too.

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11 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

In Billiams's case surely it would be "sauce" rather than "source".

Where are you going to get your puberty blockers now that the NHS have been ordered to stop giving them out like free Smarties? Fuck off.

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