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Chinese Slavery


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6 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Not talked about much and the Chinese Government is unwilling to allow it to be talked about anywhere .. including in the UK.


Don't I get a credit for giving you the idea for this nom? (wish I hadn't!) 

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

I am old and forgot.

Keep forgetting - the cunt doesn't deserve any fucking credit for just happening to bring up the Chinese in a conversation.

@ChildeHarold, fuck off you detestable little credit seeking spastic.

As for the subject matter, I'm really not that surprised - the West has given these fuckers an incredible chip on their shoulder over the centuries and then revealed a soft, politically correct underbelly within the last few decades that they're all too willing to exploit. If the fuckers want a Party approved education then they should stay home and learn how to grind Pangolin bollocks into a salve to treat piles or how Xina the Warrior Pingcess can kill COVID with his jizz.

This is what happens when fuckers start altering and censoring history to make themselves feel good, the fucking pros at the game come over and can't figure out why we're doing such a shit job.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Keep forgetting - the cunt doesn't deserve any fucking credit for just happening to bring up the Chinese in a conversation.

@ChildeHarold, fuck off you detestable little credit seeking spastic.

As for the subject matter, I'm really not that surprised - the West has given these fuckers an incredible chip on their shoulder over the centuries and then revealed a soft, politically correct underbelly within the last few decades that they're all too willing to exploit. If the fuckers want a Party approved education then they should stay home and learn how to grind Pangolin bollocks into a salve to treat piles or how Xina the Warrior Pingcess can kill COVID with his jizz.

This is what happens when fuckers start altering and censoring history to make themselves feel good, the fucking pros at the game come over and can't figure out why we're doing such a shit job.

Now WE have the drug problem. Opium Wars Round Two, we lost. 

This needs explaining. If Chinese stuff is so shit, why does it fly off the shelf? I suggest there's more than a whif of inverted snobbery about this discussion similar to the British preference for ownership over renting, south over north, private over public, grammar over secondary school, Oxbridge over Red Brick, etc. etc. 

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5 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Now WE have the drug problem. Opium Wars Round Two, we lost. 

This needs explaining. If Chinese stuff is so shit, why does it fly off the shelf? I suggest there's more than a whif of inverted snobbery about this discussion similar to the British preference for ownership over renting, south over north, private over public, grammar over secondary school, Oxbridge over Red Brick, etc. etc. 

You need to listen to Roadie .. he is young and what the present and future needs .. not bitterness from old cunts like us.

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16 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

You need to listen to Roadie .. he is young and what the present and future needs .. not bitterness from old cunts like us.

Young virile and handsome eh? Do I detect a Death in Venice situation (I know it's been raining a lot recently) developing on the Corner. I say! The Lido opens at 7.00 am. 

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16 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Young virile and handsome eh? Do I detect a Death in Venice situation (I know it's been raining a lot recently) developing on the Corner. I say! The Lido opens at 7.00 am. 

Is that the one where Dirk Bogarde karks it on a deckchair?

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24 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

If Chinese stuff is so shit, why does it fly off the shelf? 

Because it's cheap you fucking idiot. Four year olds can't unionise for better pay or working conditions and Western politicians have started thinking of their constituents as nothing more than "consumers" - stupid fucking cattle to be inundated with the cheapest to manufacture, mass produced products possible.

You don't get to have national pride, you're not allowed to have a negative opinion on immigration, you don't need a family home, or even to buy your mass produced shite for the full price - you just need to rent everything you own and shut the fuck up, because the rich cunts are getting richer and you should be grateful you get to live with the illusion of wealth and get the fuck back to work before it's all taken away.

The common cunt on the street doesn't care where their iPhone was built, and the cunts who sold it don't care that it was made under conditions that would never be accepted in a "first world" country, and the government doesn't give a shit either as long as they get a cut of the profit.

There. The fucking obvious. I've just stated it for you, Harold.

How long do I have to operate on this frequency until it starts feeling like I'm actually saying something interesting?

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12 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Because it's cheap you fucking idiot. Four year olds can't unionise for better pay or working conditions and Western politicians have started thinking of their constituents as nothing more than "consumers" - stupid fucking cattle to be inundated with the cheapest to manufacture, mass produced products possible.

You don't get to have national pride, you're not allowed to have a negative opinion on immigration, you don't need a family home, or even to buy your mass produced shite for the full price - you just need to rent everything you own and shut the fuck up, because the rich cunts are getting richer and you should be grateful you get to live with the illusion of wealth and get the fuck back to work before it's all taken away.

The common cunt on the street doesn't care where their iPhone was built, and the cunts who sold it don't care that it was made under conditions that would never be accepted in a "first world" country, and the government doesn't give a shit either as long as they get a cut of the profit.

There. The fucking obvious. I've just stated it for you, Harold.

How long do I have to operate on this frequency until it starts feeling like I'm actually saying something interesting?

Thankyou for your patience. We value all customer feedback. 🚮 





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11 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Because it's cheap you fucking idiot. Four year olds can't unionise for better pay or working conditions and Western politicians have started thinking of their constituents as nothing more than "consumers" - stupid fucking cattle to be inundated with the cheapest to manufacture, mass produced products possible.


I use Oympus mirrorless cameras .. their quality is excellent .. however taking inflation into account the cost of these cameras compared with the cost of comparable models of 45 years ago is round about a quarter of what the camera would have been back then.


Of course Leica have kept up with inflation but you are paying for the name and quality of the body .. the internals are made in china by Panasonic and some Leicas are simply rebadged Panasonic Lumix cameras.

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54 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I use Oympus mirrorless cameras .. their quality is excellent .. however taking inflation into account the cost of these cameras compared with the cost of comparable models of 45 years ago is round about a quarter of what the camera would have been back then.


Of course Leica have kept up with inflation but you are paying for the name and quality of the body .. the internals are made in china by Panasonic and some Leicas are simply rebadged Panasonic Lumix cameras.

Naturally. Corporations are happy to put a premium price on items due to their brand name and illusion of quality despite being built with sub par individual components.

Japan is famed particularly for the very high quality of their capacitors, however Japanese companies (like the rest of the world) are increasingly outsourcing manufacturing to China.

You think China and Taiwan are pissy at each other, but China can't get enough of cheap, low quality, Taiwanese capacitors - it's their new opium.

I had a power supply for my old PC made by SeaSonic - a company inundated with reviews of high quality products made in Japan - however this one specific model had been quietly outsourced to China for manufacture, built with the cheapest Chinkie components and proudly stamped with the official company logo. It blew up after six weeks and fried the motherboard, CPU and half of the RAM.

The personal computer industry as a whole suffered similar quality of product issues in the late 90's and early 00's - especially companies like DELL and IBM - who knowingly cut corners on millions of their base models often sold in bulk to other companies.

A lot of this old electrical shite finds it's way back to China and ends up cannibalised on the cheap for components to be used in new "premium" products.

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21 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Naturally. Corporations are happy to put a premium price on items due to their brand name and illusion of quality despite being built with sub par individual components.

Japan is famed particularly for the very high quality of their capacitors, however Japanese companies (like the rest of the world) are increasingly outsourcing manufacturing to China.

You think China and Taiwan are pissy at each other, but China can't get enough of cheap, low quality, Taiwanese capacitors - it's their new opium.

I had a power supply for my old PC made by SeaSonic - a company inundated with reviews of high quality products made in Japan - however this one specific model had been quietly outsourced to China for manufacture, built with the cheapest Chinkie components and proudly stamped with the official company logo. It blew up after six weeks and fried the motherboard, CPU and half of the RAM.

The personal computer industry as a whole suffered similar quality of product issues in the late 90's and early 00's - especially companies like DELL and IBM - who knowingly cut corners on millions of their base models often sold in bulk to other companies.

A lot of this old electrical shite finds it's way back to China and ends up cannibalised on the cheap for components to be used in new "premium" products.

Nice to finally see where and how you are spending funds which should’ve been for Mam. Derelict cunt.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

A lot of this old electrical shite finds it's way back to China and ends up cannibalised on the cheap for components to be used in new "premium" products.

Phones stolen by gangs in the UK end up back in China recycled and often passed off as new.

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3 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Of course Leica have kept up with inflation but you are paying for the name and quality of the body .. the internals are made in china by Panasonic and some Leicas are simply rebadged Panasonic Lumix cameras.

The body of mine is marked both Leica and Panasonic, the lens is Leica. It's very good.

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

Phones stolen by gangs in the UK end up back in China recycled and often passed off as new.

Did you see those videos from that music festival a few months ago? Hundreds of cunts got their phones nicked and almost all of them are saying they're in China on the same fucking street.

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A topical and worthy subject which could have – should have – been a good'un, with plenty of mileage from a better intro. But as usual, it's just another idle Pen nom, typically unimaginative and cuntish, inserting a lazy mainstream news link alongside some succinct fucking gibberish in lieu of anything intelligent or interesting to say.

Stupid fucking rancid, piss-stinking, donkey-schlonged geriatric cunt.

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3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I take it you haven't seen 'Scat Leviathans 3', which I'd assume @and has in his DVD collection.

Is that the one where you and your Poodle have a rabid, scatological encounter in the park, with a Japanese Tosa (obviously well named for a wanking puppeteer like you)

And, while we're at it, get with the programme you cheap fuckin' cunt, it's downloads and streaming Only Fans these days, dvd's are for old people.

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9 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

No, I haven't but I assume that no-one claims that it's "art".

2 Girls One Cup is art, apparently.

I wonder if a young Ms Roops features somewhere? I'm not going to Google it, although Mr Shit is probably VERY familiar with its content and considers it soft porn. Speaking of which, I see it didn't take much of a lure from me for him to respond. I can't see what Fagin's scummy little sausage fingers have unleashed on his spunk-encrusted keyboard, although I'd be amazed if there isn't a mention of a poodle and Sooty somewhere. Predictable little kike cunt.

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7 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

The body of mine is marked both Leica and Panasonic, the lens is Leica. It's very good.

The lenses that I use the most are all Panasonic (Lumix) .. I just get on better with the Olympus bodies.

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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

A topical and worthy subject which could have – should have – been a good'un, with plenty of mileage from a better intro.

‘Only twelve years a bruddy srave and now the brack bastard want lepalations?’

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8 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

One of the most revolting films I have ever had to watch.

You obviously haven’t watched ‘The Greasy Strangler’ then. It took about seven or eight viewings before I included it in my top ten.

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