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The Death Penalty


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12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

They don't do that shit over here - they wouldn't get away with it once a black lesbian comes down with the shits, but it's actually a real thing over there.

The trouble is that the dark ones keep killing each other and then we have to send the dark killers to prison for at least 20 years at around £600,000 each to keep them in prison .. there are thousand of them inside .. we cannot afford to keep this never ending circus in motion.

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On 09/03/2024 at 05:51, entitled little cunt said:

Make it public, give people  something to do on Sunday rather than argue with a 16 year old shop assistant in pc World. The local economies around the gallows would benefit , coffee shops , restaurants and take away food outlets would do a roaring trade. Let's make Britain great again , hang out to help out .

With exception of half the US, the death penalty remains popular among all Third World shitholes, as well as more recently 'developed' economic lynchpins and dictatorships such as China and throughout the Middle East (despite incredible social inequality within each). 

It appears lost on you (given your obvious Islamophobia – probably because you're a kike) that every single Islamic country in the world embraces capital punishment, from having limbs cut off in public to firing squad, stoning and hanging.

So why not make the UK even more Islamized, making Muslim communities feel even more at home by introducing all forms of public execution I've mentioned above? Is this what you want?

There's an obvious hypocrisy in your pro-death penalty, anti-Islam argument.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Anybody attempting to nuke China would get a nasty surprise. 

 I doubt their weapons of mass destruction are  any better than the plethora  of shit they normally produce, most of which has an inbuilt ability to self destruct .Nuke the cunts .

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, Wolfie said:

With exception of half the US, the death penalty remains popular among all Third World shitholes, as well as more recently 'developed' economic lynchpins and dictatorships such as China and throughout the Middle East (despite incredible social inequality within each). 

It appears lost on you (given your obvious Islamophobia – probably because you're a kike) that every single Islamic country in the world embraces capital punishment, from having limbs cut off in public to firing squad, stoning and hanging.

So why not make the UK even more Islamized, making Muslim communities feel even more at home by introducing all forms of public execution I've mentioned above? Is this what you want?

There's an obvious hypocrisy in your pro-death penalty, anti-Islam argument.

Islamophobia , yep I suffer from that big time .I live in london , I've seen the blood of their innocent victims , have you ? I have this odd irrational fear that some fanatical carpet kneeler cunt will .1) Behead people in the street 2) blow up children  and women indiscriminately 3) drive vans , cars and hgvs into crowds , especially at Christmas time 4) if you're gay and Muslim they'll want you dead  5) the one book that's read is violent and   condones   murder of the "infidel" ( basically anyone who disagrees with what they think ) and encourages sex with young no doubt underage girls , the 42 virgins and all that shit 6) should a person draw a cartoon of the  prophet they will be tortured  and shot .

I can go on and on .It's an irrational fear i know . I really don't know where it comes from  as Islam is such a peace loving,  tolerant cult .I obviously haven't reached your level of understanding and obvious  superior intelligence.When you've seen blood and a little bit of grey matter splattered about in the name of the great prophet maybe you'll get what I'm on about .Until then you can roam this world in complete ignorance .


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5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Islamophobia , yep I suffer from that big time .I live in london , I've seen the blood of their innocent victims , have you ? I have this odd irrational fear that some fanatical carpet kneeler cunt will .1) Behead people in the street 2) blow up children  and women indiscriminately 3) drive vans , cars and hgvs into crowds , especially at Christmas time 4) if you're gay and Muslim they'll want you dead  5) the one book that's read is violent and   condones   murder of the "infidel" ( basically anyone who disagrees with what they think ) and encourages sex with young no doubt underage girls , the 42 virgins and all that shit 6) should a person draw a cartoon of the  prophet they will be tortured  and shot .

I can go on and on .It's an irrational fear i know . I really don't know where it comes from  as Islam is such a peace loving,  tolerant cult .I obviously haven't reached your level of understanding and obvious  superior intelligence.When you've seen blood and a little bit of grey matter splattered about in the name of the great prophet maybe you'll get what I'm on about .Until then you can roam this world in complete ignorance .


Careful with that sort of language ELC, or I might have to ban you from my chain of franchised Super Mosques once the builders have converted them all from their current use as infidel brothels, to fully comply with the incoming Sharia law regulations (which I totally agree with of course).

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 hours ago, King Billy said:

Careful with that sort of language ELC, or I might have to ban you from my chain of franchised Super Mosques once the builders have converted them all from their current use as infidel brothels, to fully comply with the incoming Sharia law regulations (which I totally agree with of course).

You joke but have you noticed how Ramadan is being touted to the British population as some home grown  cultural must have .No doubt Brighton mumsnet types are knitting little mullahs to put on top of post boxes .If the establishment believe tolerance of medieval , sexist , homophibic and misogynistic beliefs is gained by a pathological nazi like control of free speech they'll be in for a surprise .For 2 millenia the human race has been slowly  breaking free from superstitious,  controlling mumbo jumbo designed to enslave us through shame and fear .We almost got there, it was withing touching distance .Then mass  migration occurred and social enlightenment has been reversed .Its now in some new dark age of state controlled,  mind warping do as we tell you and think as we tell you to think messaging .Its considered illegal to dislike views that are abhorrent to  more rational thinking , its hate speech apparently .Welcome  to 1984, the ford orion is parked out the back and the Smiths are on the radio and the mullah is calling us to prayer,  or else .

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20 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Islamophobia , yep I suffer from that big time .I live in london , I've seen the blood of their innocent victims , have you ? I have this odd irrational fear that some fanatical carpet kneeler cunt will .1) Behead people in the street 2) blow up children  and women indiscriminately 3) drive vans , cars and hgvs into crowds , especially at Christmas time 4) if you're gay and Muslim they'll want you dead  5) the one book that's read is violent and   condones   murder of the "infidel" ( basically anyone who disagrees with what they think ) and encourages sex with young no doubt underage girls , the 42 virgins and all that shit 6) should a person draw a cartoon of the  prophet they will be tortured  and shot .

I can go on and on .It's an irrational fear i know . I really don't know where it comes from  as Islam is such a peace loving,  tolerant cult .I obviously haven't reached your level of understanding and obvious  superior intelligence.When you've seen blood and a little bit of grey matter splattered about in the name of the great prophet maybe you'll get what I'm on about .Until then you can roam this world in complete ignorance .


All you've done is gone off again on some kike-borne rant about Islam and a Muslim minority, while managing to completely avoid tackling the point I raised with you, chiefly a very clear one about Islam's religious ideology and its relationship with the death penalty – a modus operandi which if legalised would further Islamicize the UK.

If you wish to involve yourself in a discussion with me, then discuss, instead of continually repeating yourself like a fucking teenager.  

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11 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Welcome  to 1984, the ford orion is parked out the back and the Smiths are on the radio and the mullah is calling us to prayer,  or else .

🎶Some girls mullahs are bigger than other girls mullahs🎶

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, Wolfie said:

All you've done is gone off again on some kike-borne rant about Islam and a Muslim minority, while managing to completely avoid tackling the point I raised with you, chiefly a very clear one about Islam's religious ideology and its relationship with the death penalty – a modus operandi which if legalised would further Islamicize the UK.

If you wish to involve yourself in a discussion with me, then discuss, instead of continually repeating yourself like a fucking teenager.  

Forgive me but I believe initially  you involved yourself in a discussion with me , you pompous tart. Kike ?Do you have Jewphobia?Do you wake up in a cold sweat after a foreskin removal with a blunt razor blade nightmare .listen mate   if your walking across Westminster Bridge and an HGV is being driven eraticly  along the Road who would you rather see behind the wheel ? Good old Hymie or Mustafa?

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This is what the so-called "Life Sentence" has come to:



"man who killed their friend and disposed of their body in ponds across Harlow has been given a life sentence. Lee Clarke, 56, of Harlow, was told he must serve at least 18 years before being considered for parole.”

18 Fucking Years! The cunt was convicted of capital murder desecrated the corpse and has never co-operated with the investigation. He clearly deserves to be topped and put in an unmarked grave in a corner of the fucking jail. 

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10 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

This is what the so-called "Life Sentence" has come to:




"man who killed their friend and disposed of their body in ponds across Harlow has been given a life sentence. Lee Clarke, 56, of Harlow, was told he must serve at least 18 years before being considered for parole.”

18 Fucking Years! The cunt was convicted of capital murder desecrated the corpse and has never co-operated with the investigation. He clearly deserves to be topped and put in an unmarked grave in a corner of the fucking jail. 

You’ve obviously never been to Harlow. Trust me, he’ll never agree to being sent back there no matter how hard the parole board insist on releasing him.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

You’ve obviously never been to Harlow. Trust me, he’ll never agree to being sent back there no matter how hard the parole board insist on releasing him.

Gone through it on the train. Toyed with the idea (after toying with myself) of jumping off and losing myself in Harlow. Do they accept virgins? 🤔 

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