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The Death Penalty


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Lets hang a few of the nastiest cunts including the mental serial killers regardless of whether they have been found guilty of murder/manslaughter or not .. in the case of the mental cunts if should be based on whether have been proven to have killed someone.

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8 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Lets hang a few of the nastiest cunts including the mental serial killers regardless of whether they have been found guilty of murder/manslaughter or not .. in the case of the mental cunts if should be based on whether have been proven to have killed someone.

And, while we're at it, hang anybody who lives, has lived, or ever visited Norfolk.

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57 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I am fucked then as I have visited Norfolk several times :(

Me too I’m afraid. The first time was at age 11 or 12 on a week school trip. We went there on a weekday so we got to actually see stuff open, like the bastard mustard shop. Because on Sunday’s, the cathedral mafia had decreed that everyone had to close for their fucking holy day. All except for one shop… the fucking cathedral gift shop. 
 All clergy, nuns, hangers on and followers of every religion should be fucking tortured to death.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

I am fucked then as I have visited Norfolk several times :(

Most of them are over 70 and leave  a trail of rancid piss and fixodent behind them .Save on the rope , they'll be gone soon and the holiday homes in Wells Next to Sea  will be in the hands of the broken hearted family counting the pennies like a bunch of greedy cunt  Fagin's.

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41 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Me too I’m afraid. The first time was at age 11 or 12 on a week school trip. We went there on a weekday so we got to actually see stuff open, like the bastard mustard shop. Because on Sunday’s, the cathedral mafia had decreed that everyone had to close for their fucking holy day. All except for one shop… the fucking cathedral gift shop. 
 All clergy, nuns, hangers on and followers of every religion should be fucking tortured to death.

One old scroat I remember said that he had worked for one of the religious owned insurance societies back in the 1930s and one condition of his employment was that he. his wife and children must attend a church or chapel service at least once  every Sunday and provide proof that they had done so.

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Look no further than this pair of cunts and read the article how they nearly skipped off with nothing and only got ten years after a woman fought against the system. 

If anybody deserves the lethal injection it's this pair of cunts



Hang them cunts with electrified cheese wire.

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God's Country, we should build a fuck off wall around the county lines to keep silly Suffolk cunts out, Cambridge Is full of Pikeys and Lincolnshire full of married family members. Norfolk right fuckin' noice bor

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Look no further than this pair of cunts and read the article how they nearly skipped off with nothing and only got ten years after a woman fought against the system. 

If anybody deserves the lethal injection it's this pair of cunts



The reason the CPS dropped it was probably because there was no money in it. If they'd failed to pay parking fines they'd have a couple of slapheaded "hard men" on their doorstep from the courts collecting it. If it was me I wouldn't have involved the police. My answer would be a van, a couple right vicious cunts, an isolated derelict farmhouse and an assortment of Draper tools. 

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55 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The reason the CPS dropped it was probably because there was no money in it. If they'd failed to pay parking fines they'd have a couple of slapheaded "hard men" on their doorstep from the courts collecting it. If it was me I wouldn't have involved the police. My answer would be a van, a couple right vicious cunts, an isolated derelict farmhouse and an assortment of Draper tools. 

Hopefully the ten years inside will go oh so slow oh so painfully..... But I ask you.... and these cunts are asking me to vote? 

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14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Hopefully the ten years inside will go oh so slow oh so painfully..... But I ask you.... and these cunts are asking me to vote? 

It's interesting to know that wimmim aren't as retributive as men against cunts like these. Apparently Mira Hindley was a celebrity in prison. I mean how the fuck does that work out?

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22 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

It's interesting to know that wimmim aren't as retributive as men against cunts like these. Apparently Mira Hindley was a celebrity in prison. I mean how the fuck does that work out?

I've heard the opposite actually. When it comes to women they take exactly same line as men. No doubt despite the best efforts of all including the screws, these cunts will be assigned a luxury secure suite in a special wing. 

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52 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

It's interesting to know that wimmim aren't as retributive as men against cunts like these. Apparently Mira Hindley was a celebrity in prison. I mean how the fuck does that work out?

Myra Hindley should have met Bea Smith on day one of her sentence. That’d have fucking learned her.

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On 06/03/2024 at 09:30, Penny Farthing said:

Lets hang a few of the nastiest cunts including the mental serial killers regardless of whether they have been found guilty of murder/manslaughter or not .. in the case of the mental cunts if should be based on whether have been proven to have killed someone.

Why not lead by example and string yourself up tonight you fucking abomination?

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It appears I'll be going against the mill of public opinon, as well as the first three dickhead commenters on this thread, but I'll never support the death penalty, no matter what the crime. To me, it's akin to taking a step backwards into the medieval era. We (most) have evolved as a species and it really does seem counter-productive.

In the US, approximately half (27 states) have the death penalty – with no evidence that it actually works by reducing crime or types of crime. Take some of the UK's most renowned killers, for example: Ian Brady, Harold Shipman and Ian Huntley. The first begged time and again for his life to be ended, such was his deep hatred of life incarceration, which put him behind bars for 51 years. The second couldn't bear the thought of this, so he hung himself. The third has tried to commit suicide on numerous occasions, and by all accounts is now 'unrecognisable' after grisly prison attacks as a child-killer target.

So, perhaps the thought of living the rest of their miserable lives among violent prisoners is a more loathsome prospect for these cunts, which ultimately may serve as a more effective deterrent, rather than taking the easy way out via death by injection or electrocution.

That said, I would happily napalm 99% of the Chinese: not only would this promote a better life for most animals in China, it would help reduce world pollution levels considerably while not putting taxpayers at unnecessary expense. And notice I said 'napalm' and not 'nuke', in the knowledge my chosen method of termination will cause the most painful, intense suffering possible.   

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