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Sleepy Joe Biden

Guest entitled little cunt

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12 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I wonder why nobody talks about dopey old Donald just a few years younger than Sleepy Joe and much further into mental decline that stared at birth. Although I am 71 I would ban anyone over 65 from standing as leader of a country. All these old cunts should be fucked off.

Go and wave your mental illness flag, you fucking daft old train wreck of a cunt.

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10 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:


I think the acid test is this: Would you allow him to drive your grandchildren to school? If not, why should you trust him to be President? 



TBH, he does have an armed guard, and a bullet-proof Humvee, so driving the kids to school would be a no-brainer (which is obviously the case with sleepy Joe 🧠)

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13 minutes ago, and said:

TBH, he does have an armed guard, and a bullet-proof Humvee, so driving the kids to school would be a no-brainer (which is obviously the case with sleepy Joe 🧠)

The Donald is more likely to got rogue and ignore the advisors and  push his way to the button and of course release the fuckwits who invaded congress when he lost the last election.

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10 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I think you're up your arse on this one. With a bit of luck Trump will reinstate the fucking death penalty that the Supreme Court overturned on numerous first degree serial murderers undet the Democrats. May they fucking rot in hell. 

Thank you for letting us know that you are a US citizen. The main all UK political parties are conservative, Labour, Libdem and the various Farage offshoots. The republics and democrats are political parties in the US of A. Do you live with @peglegtwo?

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16 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Thank you for letting us know that you are a US citizen. The main all UK political parties are conservative, Labour, Libdem and the various Farage offshoots. The republics and democrats are political parties in the US of A. Do you live with @peglegtwo?

Shut the fuck up and then kill your self, you fossilised old fucking freak.

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

Shut the fuck up and then kill your self, you fossilised old fucking freak.

The view from Trump Tower must be particularly delightful at the moment. There seems to be a momentum behind Trump that might build into an election triumph. I wonder how the fucking war-crazy Democrat "Liberals" will explain or rubbish that? 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

The view from Trump Tower must be particularly delightful at the moment. There seems to be a momentum behind Trump that might build into an election triumph. I wonder how the fucking war-crazy Democrat "Liberals" will explain or rubbish that? 

It’s a sad state of affairs when the leading candidate to lead the country, who’s got a proven record of sacrificing hundreds of millions of dollars personally, witnessing his wife, children and grandchildren be targeted and vilified by the demonic and deranged MSM and targeted by the corrupt justice system, simply because they’re his family, all for his despicable attempts to call out and try to halt the decades of Washington DC corruption and maybe slow down the international consequences  of that corruption, ie countless US interventions, which inevitably lead to the planned objective ie never ending wars across the globe, which coincidentally 🤔 keep the US arms industry churning out the vast majority of the deadly weapons that both sides of  every conflict need more and more of, in order to keep massacring each others unfortunate citizens with.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷

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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

It’s a sad state of affairs when the leading candidate to lead the country, who’s got a proven record of sacrificing hundreds of millions of dollars personally, witnessing his wife, children and grandchildren be targeted and vilified by the demonic and deranged MSM simply because they’re his family, all for his despicable attempts to call out and try to halt the decades of Washington DC corruption and maybe slow down the international consequences  of that corruption, ie countless US interventions, which inevitably lead to the planned objective ie never ending wars across the globe, which coincidentally 🤔 keep the US arms industry churning out the vast majority of the deadly weapons that both sides of  every conflict need more and more of, in order to keep massacring each others unfortunate citizens with.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷MAGA🇱🇷

The nail on the head. Old Marr on LBC (I think he's developed into a spastic since that stroke) with some old fart (prob an ex-ambassador) calling for putting the whole of Europe and the UK on a war footing citing the American economy during WW2 as the example we should follow. These cunts clearly can't get it into their heads the fucking Ukraine shitpile like Vietnam isn't eorth fighting for, it's a token fight a left over from the Cold War, let it find its own level. Does the fucking cunt think people will tolerate any of that happening? Put UK on a war footing. It's a fucking paranoid joke to have this level of talk on national radio. What it shows is that Liberal alliance with its global capitalist aims is falling to pieces and the real situation in Ukraine is desperate and now irretrievable. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 07/03/2024 at 21:44, ChildeHarold said:

The nail on the head. Old Marr on LBC (I think he's developed into a spastic since that stroke) with some old fart (prob an ex-ambassador) calling for putting the whole of Europe and the UK on a war footing citing the American economy during WW2 as the example we should follow. These cunts clearly can't get it into their heads the fucking Ukraine shitpile like Vietnam isn't eorth fighting for, it's a token fight a left over from the Cold War, let it find its own level. Does the fucking cunt think people will tolerate any of that happening? Put UK on a war footing. It's a fucking paranoid joke to have this level of talk on national radio. What it shows is that Liberal alliance with its global capitalist aims is falling to pieces and the real situation in Ukraine is desperate and now irretrievable. 

Ukraine  is about as important to the world as Herpe's. I just dont know what the fascination  is with the place,  its a shithole and a totally corrupt one at that .Cunt polititions  stating that stop Putin or he'll be goose stepping  through Kings Lynn next is laughable .Why would he want this illegals infested , muslim run outpost .It's fucked .The only factory that makes a profit is Trebor , ironically producing 500,000 black Jack's daily. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 05/03/2024 at 21:58, Penny Farthing said:

I know an old cunt who is 78 he has got two grown up children with him from a mail order bride he bought 30 years ago .. she fucked off to live with another old cunt from a few miles away. He keeps posting stuff on Arsebook about how wonderful the Donald is and about Biden being a dopey old cunt (just like him) and generally supports and cause that will fuck things up for the rest of us .. Like Silly Billy he does not think that Covid exists although strangely he has had the vaccinations each he has had an invitation.

Is their no guarantee  with a mail order bride ? I would have got on to citizens advice about the cunt .I bought a flat screen 42inch , it developed a problem just out of warranty , they got my money back for me .

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6 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Ukraine  is about as important to the world as Herpe's. I just dont know what the fascination  is with the place,  its a shithole and a totally corrupt one at that .Cunt polititions  stating that stop Putin or he'll be goose stepping  through Kings Lynn next is laughable .Why would he want this illegals infested , muslim run outpost .It's fucked .The only factory that makes a profit is Trebor , ironically producing 500,000 black Jack's daily. 

It is so clearly a hook to get a noce slice of extra creamy cash off Joe Public. Trouble is, if Joe Public can see these fucking military antiques for what they are, fucking public school boy maggots, a mile off what must the Russians see through their laser guided artillery viewfinders? These cunts dominated the cultural, media and political landscape right up to the seventies and had a brief flurry of excitement during the Falklands, but ever since have been rightfully made obsolescent:

Britain is no longer a world power

Britain no longer has an empire

Britain can't deal with its own problems let alone anything over the horizon

Britain is just a laughable side kick to the USA and we have to get the nod from them to answer the call of nature let alone do anything else

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