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Cut price funerals

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

Normally in a northern accent because apparently those from the North are salt of the earth ,trustworthy no nonsense types.

When our old Fred passed away we wanted to get the  cantankerous old piss smelling miserable  cunt up the chimney as cheaply as possible .He was wrapped in a cardboard box with a Handful of firelighters to get him going and up he went all for 550 quid .Old Fred bought  his council  house for £2500 and its already on the market for 550k before old Fred is even cold .The grieving family will be driving into the  crematorium in Kia's but will be driving home in black 5 year old RangeRover vogue's now old Fred is gone. Bless the old  cunt , he'll be remembered for as long as the vogue takes to burn a tank of fuel.

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16 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Normally in a northern accent because apparently those from the North are salt of the earth ,trustworthy no nonsense types.

When our old Fred passed away we wanted to get the  cantankerous old piss smelling miserable  cunt up the chimney as cheaply as possible .He was wrapped in a cardboard box with a Handful of firelighters to get him going and up he went all for 550 quid .Old Fred bought  his council  house for £2500 and its already on the market for 550k before old Fred is even cold .The grieving family will be driving into the  crematorium in Kia's but will be driving home in black 5 year old RangeRover vogue's now old Fred is gone. Bless the old  cunt , he'll be remembered for as long as the vogue takes to burn a tank of fuel.

What on earth is this shit?

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5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Can't you read you cunt

A reasonable response, but I’m still not sure what the cunt is in this nomination. You’ve basically described imaginary events that occurred after the death of an imaginary person, with some weird car-related nonsense thrown in. You’ve not actually explained why you feel cut price funerals are a cunt. You stupid cunt.

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3 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

A reasonable response, but I’m still not sure what the cunt is in this nomination. You’ve basically described imaginary events that occurred after the death of an imaginary person, with some weird car-related nonsense thrown in. You’ve not actually explained why you feel cut price funerals are a cunt. You stupid cunt.

One fact that has to be borne in mind which ELC obliquely refers to is how the fuck do they get their trust pilot reviews? Who the fuck writes them since the customer is no longer in a position to give feedback. 

The really sad fuck ones are the ex-pats ashes in a cardboard box after an unattended service flown back to Blighty from the Costas to a non-grieving distant relative to scatter. It's the end of life equivalent of the Tesco frozen meal: serves 1.

I think it's about €2,200. God knows what you get for that, but it seems a lot to me. Realistically, proper cremation service etc one car in London about £5-7K

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

A reasonable response, but I’m still not sure what the cunt is in this nomination. You’ve basically described imaginary events that occurred after the death of an imaginary person, with some weird car-related nonsense thrown in. You’ve not actually explained why you feel cut price funerals are a cunt. You stupid cunt.

Really,  does it matter ?.it's an observation of the  hypocrisy evident in modern society. It's become so endemic its almost unrecognisable.  Society no longer raises an eyebrow or questions what it has become .We are seen as nothing but consumers , from the cradle to the grave ,or chimney .Overpriced  chemical infested baby  formula from infant  to death insurance and cheap funerals at the end .Yes it's bollocks to most, I dont care .We all have something to say , we all have an opinion .It's not about agreeing or disagreeing .It's about understanding the right  to have an  opinion.


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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

One fact that has to be borne in mind which ELC obliquely refers to is how the fuck do they get their trust pilot reviews? Who the fuck writes them since the customer is no longer in a position to give feedback. 

The really sad fuck ones are the ex-pats ashes in a cardboard box after an unattended service flown back to Blighty from the Costas to a non-grieving distant relative to scatter. It's the end of life equivalent of the Tesco frozen meal: serves 1.

I think it's about €2,200. God knows what you get for that, but it seems a lot to me. Realistically, proper cremation service etc one car in London about £5-7K

Those ashes are the sweepings off the crem floor , have an analysis and it'll contain fluff, pubic hair , a kit kat wrapper  and a pizza  takeaway flyer .The ashes of the  friendless old expat who had a sunburnt head was flushed into the poorly designed  Spanish sewerage system .

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Guest entitled little cunt
29 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The end is nigh are thee prepared to stand in front of thy maker? 

I've faced my ex wife , my maker will be a walk in the park compared to that cunt .

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37 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Those ashes are the sweepings off the crem floor , have an analysis and it'll contain fluff, pubic hair , a kit kat wrapper  and a pizza  takeaway flyer .The ashes of the  friendless old expat who had a sunburnt head was flushed into the poorly designed  Spanish sewerage system .

Not before taking a 15% service charge, a 10% per person per night tourist tax and 35 euros for the two minute taxi ride out of the change. Lazy greasy cunts. Always on the cadge for Brussels handouts always on fucking public bank holidays. 

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59 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Really,  does it matter ?.it's an observation of the  hypocrisy evident in modern society. It's become so endemic its almost unrecognisable.  Society no longer raises an eyebrow or questions what it has become .We are seen as nothing but consumers , from the cradle to the grave ,or chimney .Overpriced  chemical infested baby  formula from infant  to death insurance and cheap funerals at the end .Yes it's bollocks to most, I dont care .We all have something to say , we all have an opinion .It's not about agreeing or disagreeing .It's about understanding the right  to have an  opinion.


Overpriced chemical-infested baby formula? What the fuck has this got to do with cut price funerals? Are you mental?

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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

A reasonable response, but I’m still not sure what the cunt is in this nomination. You’ve basically described imaginary events that occurred after the death of an imaginary person, with some weird car-related nonsense thrown in. You’ve not actually explained why you feel cut price funerals are a cunt. You stupid cunt.

Take no notice Ape. Any day now the 5G will be suddenly switched on and the lights will go out for all you lot. I guess me and the rest of the ‘purebloods’ will have to clear up the streets and just hope all those Zombie movies were just fantasy.

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, King Billy said:

Take no notice Ape. Any day now the 5G will be suddenly switched on and the lights will go out for all you lot. I guess me and the rest of the ‘purebloods’ will have to clear up the streets and just hope all those Zombie movies were just fantasy.

Sounds like a tarrantino-esq 1933 brown shirt extravaganza you're wishing for .

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Overpriced chemical-infested baby formula? What the fuck has this got to do with cut price funerals? Are you mental?

I feel like an over optimistic teacher living in hope a pupil who displays zero imagination will suddenly suffer a penny dropping episode and state something even remotely worthwhile .Alas , in your case I think that wait is in vain , you've had many chances to add rather than detract from opinion or debate .It's quite sad really.You're an intelligent person so why present yourself with  such a contrary disposition.

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11 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Overpriced chemical-infested baby formula? What the fuck has this got to do with cut price funerals? Are you mental?

He's making the cradle to the grave point but failed to make use of his brain inbetween. Mind you his general point is true. People are just grazing animals sort of domesticated crowds of humans. Every now and again the system makes a mistake as with Gorgeous George beating the two arse cheeks in Rochdale. I suppose they start with a function of an individual with certain characteristics (age, sex, gender etc) with (say) £10 a week, how do they spend it, how do they behave, what do they think?  

There's no Big Thinking anymore just research groups. No leadership no long term. When was the ladt time you heard a political leader describe this is where I want Britain to be in fifty years time this is what I believe our country should look like. No it's just bumble along. Hoping for the best while continually reacting to fake crisis of our own making because we have no imagination. 

Ukraine fake. Gaza fake. Bollocks in Balkans fake. Immigration fake. All of these are either problems we could have solved and prevented years ago or not got involved in. Are we still to have the current two party system in fifty years with a monarchy and a house of lords, private schools supplying most of our judges, civil servants, army chiefs etc? It's all a cunt. 

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10 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I feel like an over optimistic teacher living in hope a pupil who displays zero imagination will suddenly suffer a penny dropping episode and state something even remotely worthwhile .Alas , in your case I think that wait is in vain , you've had many chances to add rather than detract from opinion or debate .It's quite sad really.You're an intelligent person so why present yourself with  such a contrary disposition.

I’m deeply sorry for being such a disappointment to you - I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.


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Guest entitled little cunt
26 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

I’m deeply sorry for being such a disappointment to you - I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.


You're more of a dissapointment to yourself . Cock.

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 hours ago, southerncunt said:

I like a drink as much as the next bloke. 

As long as the next bloke isn’t ELC. 

Rambling pisswreck.

I dont drink so thankfully I to would be spared the unfortunate experience of your company.Quite possibly 10 minutes of it would actually drive me to the bottle .

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9 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Ukraine fake. Gaza fake. Bollocks in Balkans fake. Immigration fake.

Obviously, but the jury is still out on Katie Prices tits. Tbh a couple of my most trusted sources of reliable information (Sid Slackjaw and his elderly Mum) have told me they have proof that Harvey shares an exact DNA match with the vinyl rear seats of most Ford Mk.3 Cortina’s (excluding 2000E’s which came with ‘velour’ as standard and weren’t manufactured at Dagenham).

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26 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Obviously, but the jury is still out on Katie Prices tits. Tbh a couple of my most trusted sources of reliable information (Sid Slackjaw and his elderly Mum) have told me they have proof that Harvey shares an exact DNA match with the vinyl rear seats of most Ford Mk.3 Cortina’s (excluding 2000E’s which came with ‘velour’ as standard and weren’t manufactured at Dagenham).

Could you take Wolfie aside and have a quiet talk with him. Then kick the fucking cunts head in. Dispose the body at the Lakes Frimley. 

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