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Dib Dib (aaaarrrrggghhhh!!) Dib

Guest Basil

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Guest entitled little cunt
19 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I see you're getting desperate now. After besmirching the Scouting Association with gay slurs you now besmitch me for pointing it out. Wow. There's a lot of pent up aggression there. You need to take a good look at yourself from the point of view of a practologist and calm down. It's only an advert, as Michael Winner used to say. 

(PS He wasn't gay or a paedo if you're wondering) 

I think its to do with the contraceptive pill. Like Abdul, all that estrogen ends up in the rivers , the main source of UK drinking water. I reckon it makes all the melenials aggressive weirdo cunts  and makes them queer .

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Guest Basil
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

A fucking public apology is in order you snivelling oaf. Do yourself a favour and grow up. 

What would I be apologising for? Taking issue with your views about taking young boys into the woods?

You knew exactly what you were posting, and it's implications so stop hiding behind your gibberish and fuck right off the site.

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1 hour ago, Basil said:

What would I be apologising for? Taking issue with your views about taking young boys into the woods?

You knew exactly what you were posting, and it's implications so stop hiding behind your gibberish and fuck right off the site.

Keep it up Baz....One last push, you're almost there.

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

I think its to do with the contraceptive pill. Like Abdul, all that estrogen ends up in the rivers , the main source of UK drinking water. I reckon it makes all the melenials aggressive weirdo cunts  and makes them queer .

If he had big tits to go with it that would be compensation, but I just can't be bothered to explain irony to a fucking 🐽 pig. I wasn't going to pulll him up on the nom because it's live and let live on this site, but I ask you fucking kid walks accidentally off a cliff and then the predictable gay slur on the scouts. What's the fucking point of that? Garbage. 

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Guest Basil
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

If he had big tits to go with it that would be compensation, but I just can't be bothered to explain irony to a fucking 🐽 pig. I wasn't going to pulll him up on the nom because it's live and let live on this site, but I ask you fucking kid walks accidentally off a cliff and then the predictable gay slur on the scouts. What's the fucking point of that? Garbage. 

Your constant deflection is as obvious as it is sickening.

Get of the site you kiddy fiddling nonce cunt.

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5 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

I should imagine young Baz is shitting bricks, with this threat hanging over him. Get real Frank, you feeble cunt.

Frank Kleftico…..’My journey from pathetic Cunts Corner rentboy to feared gangland hitman’.
Available now on Amazon, and very soon in most charity shops and car boot sales.

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2 hours ago, Basil said:

What would I be apologising for? Taking issue with your views about taking young boys into the woods?

You knew exactly what you were posting, and it's implications so stop hiding behind your gibberish and fuck right off the site.

All this deflection from yourself is making you standout like a bright pink Klingon warship with a faulty cloaking shield. Do you have any recommendations of where I can purchase a yew tree, preferably a sapling.

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

If he had big tits to go with it that would be compensation, but I just can't be bothered to explain irony to a fucking 🐽 pig. I wasn't going to pulll him up on the nom because it's live and let live on this site, but I ask you fucking kid walks accidentally off a cliff and then the predictable gay slur on the scouts. What's the fucking point of that? Garbage. 

H I’m not taking sides here but I’ve got to tell you there’s only two l’s in pull. Up your game or I’m going to have to have some serious contemplation about what the fuck is occurring here.

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9 hours ago, Frank said:

You’ve either got a snooker brain, or you ain’t. Do you know what I mean @Dyslexic cnut?

You really are something of a cunt. @Basil has given the corner a lift. Time for you to step up. You’ve seen the demise and even you must be concerned. Even Killa’s come out and we can’t leave Eric to keep the place marginally interesting. Stand up man.

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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

I’m amazed Roops hasn’t descended from on high to deal with this. Must be on the blob.

She’s busy sorting capitalism out and saving the corporate world. But I guarantee that mysteriously, she’ll kick Decs/Baz off tomorrow…during (ahem) business hours. Dow Jones notwithstanding.

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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

H I’m not taking sides here but I’ve got to tell you there’s only two l’s in pull. Up your game or I’m going to have to have some serious contemplation about what the fuck is occurring here.

While I'm upping it (with coaching by Harry Redknapp) any thoughts about the Don and South Carolina and will the Demoncrats cling to Joe Biden or ditch him. 

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5 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Do you have any recommendations of where I can purchase a yew tree, preferably a sapling.

No chance Drew. Yew trees are like gold dust or hens teeth nowadays, but luckily for you I can let you have a top grade Nordmann Spruce (non drop obviously) at a discounted price you won’t believe (£75 + VAT) delivered free to your bungalow within 2 hours of you regaining consciousness some time tomorrow.

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Guest Basil
Just now, Cunty BigBollox said:

All this deflection from yourself is making you standout like a bright pink Klingon warship with a faulty cloaking shield. Do you have any recommendations of where I can purchase a yew tree, preferably a sapling.

Fuck off sex case

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Guest Basil
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

While I'm upping it (with coaching by Harry Redknapp) any thoughts about the Don and South Carolina and will the Demoncrats cling to Joe Biden or ditch him. 


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9 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

While I'm upping it (with coaching by Harry Redknapp) any thoughts about the Don and South Carolina and will the Demoncrats cling to Joe Biden or ditch him. 

The Don is indelibly, and more importantly proudly tattooed on my back H, so I don’t think I need say anything I haven’t already about him. The Demotwats and their MSM propagandists have already signalled their intention to throw the pissy pants, pervy old kiddie fiddling cabbage under the bus soon. They are holding back until The Don is officially confirmed as the GOP candidate. Nikki Hayley who Trump obliterated in her home state of South Carolina last night (despite the fact that she’s raised (from mostly Democrat donors 🤔)  and spent $74.5m in her total dumpster fire of a primary campaign so far) is the deep state RINO puppet, who for no  logical reason refuses to drop out of the race. Quite simply she’s staying in there to step in if one of the crooked and corrupt  prosecutions against the great man temporarily succeed (pending appeal) and they can invent or twist some law to bar him from the ballot paper in November. 
Vote ‘Michael Obama’ 🤣

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The Don is indelibly, and more importantly proudly tattooed on my back H, so I don’t think I need say anything I haven’t already about him. The Demotwats and their MSM propagandists have already signalled their intention to throw the pissy pants, pervy old kiddie fiddling cabbage under the bus soon. They are holding back until The Don is officially confirmed as the GOP candidate. Nikki Hayley who Trump obliterated in her home state of South Carolina last night (despite the fact that she’s raised (from mostly Democrat donors 🤔)  and spent $74.5m in her total dumpster fire of a primary campaign so far) is the deep state RINO puppet, who for no  logical reason refuses to drop out of the race. Quite simply she’s staying in there to step in if one of the crooked and corrupt  prosecutions against the great man temporarily succeed (pending appeal) and they can invent or twist some law to bar him from the ballot paper in November. 
Vote ‘Michael Obama’ 🤣

Normally I don’t give a flying fuck about US elections but this is different. Biden has shown himself almost uniquely incompetent (Carter?) in foreign affairs and if re-elected would de-stablize the world. Trump under normal circumstances wouldn't be my favourite, but he seems to be cometh the hour cometh the man. He might even help Starmer to grow a backbone. 

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

The Don is indelibly, and more importantly proudly tattooed on my back H, so I don’t think I need say anything I haven’t already about him. The Demotwats and their MSM propagandists have already signalled their intention to throw the pissy pants, pervy old kiddie fiddling cabbage under the bus soon. They are holding back until The Don is officially confirmed as the GOP candidate. Nikki Hayley who Trump obliterated in her home state of South Carolina last night (despite the fact that she’s raised (from mostly Democrat donors 🤔)  and spent $74.5m in her total dumpster fire of a primary campaign so far) is the deep state RINO puppet, who for no  logical reason refuses to drop out of the race. Quite simply she’s staying in there to step in if one of the crooked and corrupt  prosecutions against the great man temporarily succeed (pending appeal) and they can invent or twist some law to bar him from the ballot paper in November. 
Vote ‘Michael Obama’ 🤣

You’re actively engaging with this retarded cuntfuck? Fuck off Bill. You’ve lost it mate.

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