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Dib Dib (aaaarrrrggghhhh!!) Dib

Guest Basil

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Guest Basil
Just now, Frank said:

Reported x2.

You're defending the sick little nonce cunt?

There something really odd about you TBH, and I've noticed it from the start.

You genuinely seem like the type to sell your daughter's cunt to a load of buck toothed south London gollywogs.

You and Harold can both fuck off to nonceland. Pair of beasts.

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Guest entitled little cunt
9 hours ago, Basil said:

Fixed it for you. Unbearable fucking bore, why not throw yourself off a fucking ledge and do us all a favour?

If I did,I'd want to land on you cock first.

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10 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You’re getting coolered for definite. It’s been entertaining though which makes it worth it.

 Try not to worry. If a posh man carrying a bucket of Vaseline approaches you. Just run and find a place to hide. Other than that, it’s a piece of piss until some cunt starts talking about you. 

Won't the said carrier of vaso wack him with a golf club first?

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8 hours ago, Basil said:

You're defending the sick little nonce cunt?

There something really odd about you TBH, and I've noticed it from the start.

You genuinely seem like the type to sell your daughter's cunt to a load of buck toothed south London gollywogs.

You and Harold can both fuck off to nonceland. Pair of beasts.

Consider yourself lucky that I’m on Sabbatical leave. You’ve had a decent run. It’s over now. 

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Guest Basil
9 minutes ago, Frank said:

Consider yourself lucky that I’m on Sabbatical leave. You’ve had a decent run. It’s over now. 

When I'm next up in EC1 I'll cave your skull in with a brick, you scrawny little sex case.

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Guest Basil
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

Now I am up the khazi without a paddle. Could you convey my demand for immediate surrender (ideally in a blubbering quivering pile of abasement) and a full public apology to the besmircher? 😂

It's Sunday morning, shouldn't you be down your local Boys Brigade?

You'll never be let live this down, you fucking freak.

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Fucking hell lads. I'm just waking up after a night on the piss and find all this going on in my absence. First I'm dismayed at finding the England cricket cuntbreeds can't bat against the curry munchers and then I find nonce allegations flying about. @Frankwhat's you're take on all this?

It’s the idiot Decimus, double dumbed-down on a proxy server. To date the longest he’s managed to stay away is around five minutes. 

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Guest Basil
Just now, camberwell gypsy said:

Fucking hell lads. I'm just waking up after a night on the piss and find all this going on in my absence. First I'm dismayed at finding the England cricket cuntbreeds can't bat against the curry munchers and then I find nonce allegations flying about. @Frankwhat's you're take on all this?

I'll give you a brief summary of events: Harold, totally unprompted, said it was natural for grown adult men to spend time with other people's young boys in the woods.

When I challenged him on this he got hyper-defensive and attempted to deflect from his comments, whereupon he was called out for the sex beast he is.

Frank then decided to defend him, which makes him just as guilty in my opinion.

That's about it I think.

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12 minutes ago, Basil said:

I'll give you a brief summary of events: Harold, totally unprompted, said it was natural for grown adult men to spend time with other people's young boys in the woods.

When I challenged him on this he got hyper-defensive and attempted to deflect from his comments, whereupon he was called out for the sex beast he is.

Frank then decided to defend him, which makes him just as guilty in my opinion.

That's about it I think.


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14 hours ago, Basil said:

Fuck all that. I want to know what you meant when you said it's natural for adult men to go into the woods with other people's young boys.

If I were you, I'd make the explanation you're about to give PHENOMINAL.


You thick cunt.

Did you also fall off a 200ft cliff when you were in the scouts, only you landed on your head? It would explain a lot.

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Guest Basil
Just now, Cunty BigBollox said:


You thick cunt.

Did you also fall off a 200ft cliff when you were in the scouts, only you landed on your head? It would explain a lot.

Interesting you totally ignored the point about Harold's views on young boys and woods.

Anything to say about that?

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1 hour ago, Basil said:

I'll give you a brief summary of events: Harold, totally unprompted, said it was natural for grown adult men to spend time with other people's young boys in the woods.

When I challenged him on this he got hyper-defensive and attempted to deflect from his comments, whereupon he was called out for the sex beast he is.

Frank then decided to defend him, which makes him just as guilty in my opinion.

That's about it I think.

Basil, the spirit and culture of this site has always been to encourage any new punters who show the slightest potential. Little RK is a good example. A man of intellect with a talent for mime and crayons.. and exceptional timing. As far as I can see, you have absolutely nothing to offer. You’re an idiot. If you somehow survive this weekend, I’ll come down on you like a tonne of bricks on Monday. 

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15 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

A cunning newly-joined nonce bent on mischief might perhaps call some other cunt a nonce in a deliberate attempt to get coolered, thereby establishing a camouflage within which to lurk on his return, all the while fantasising about other members' grandchildren.

Not saying that's what's happened here, obviously...

Are you suggesting @Basil lives in a greenhouse. Not a bad shout as they do say, "methinks the thick cunt protesteth too much"

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2 hours ago, Frank said:

Basil, the spirit and culture of this site has always been to encourage any new punters who show the slightest potential. Little RK is a good example. A man of intellect with a talent for mime and crayons.. and exceptional timing. As far as I can see, you have absolutely nothing to offer. You’re an idiot. If you somehow survive this weekend, I’ll come down on you like a tonne of bricks on Monday. 

I should imagine young Baz is shitting bricks, with this threat hanging over him. Get real Frank, you feeble cunt.

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Guest Basil
39 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Are you suggesting @Basil lives in a greenhouse. Not a bad shout as they do say, "methinks the thick cunt protesteth too much"

That's rich coming from the cunt whose only issue on this thread is spelling. Fucking nonce sympathiser.

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Guest Basil

@ChildeHarold you're unusually quiet today, none of your regular scattergun shit.

Come on you little freak, say something. Don't go thinking silence will make us all forget what you posted last night.

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1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

I should imagine young Baz is shitting bricks, with this threat hanging over him. Get real Frank, you feeble cunt.

Withers I have been down to Hastings and treated myself to a brace of kippers. For some reason they remind me of your wife 👃

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