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Dib Dib (aaaarrrrggghhhh!!) Dib

Guest Basil

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Guest Basil

Now call me a cynic if thou must, but if you go up on a fucking ledge, with a massive drop, is it really the scouts fault if you plummet to the earth and splatter a hillside with your corpse?


Here's an idea for the family currently playing the blame game - maybe you should have brought the fat, northern wastrel a fucking compass?

I meant what type of thick cunt gets lost, and then tries to find his way back via a jagged edge 200 feet up?

And anyway, if he'd made it back down, he'd of likely had his arsehole fucked into another dimension by a gang of randy scoutmasters.

And finally, what type of 16 year old spends his time on scouting expeditions as opposed to puffing on a joint, getting wasted on cheap cider in the park and attempting to finger unsuspecting classmates?

Which side to take here, a directionally challenged northern wanker or an organisation infested with fucking nonces?

Answer: none

Storm in a teacup 

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5 minutes ago, Basil said:

Now call me a cynic if thou must, but if you go up on a fucking ledge, with a massive drop, is it really the scouts fault if you plummet to the earth and splatter a hillside with your corpse?


Here's an idea for the family currently playing the blame game - maybe you should have brought the fat, northern wastrel a fucking compass?

I meant what type of thick cunt gets lost, and then tries to find his way back via a jagged edge 200 feet up?

And anyway, if he'd made it back down, he'd of likely had his arsehole fucked into another dimension by a gang of randy scoutmasters.

And finally, what type of 16 year old spends his time on scouting expeditions as opposed to puffing on a joint, getting wasted on cheap cider in the park and attempting to finger unsuspecting classmates?

Which side to take here, a directionally challenged northern wanker or an organisation infested with fucking nonces?

Answer: none

Storm in a teacup

Seems like the basic story is that the scout leaders (fully grown men who like to play with little boys in the woods) lost him before he decided to be a stupid twat.

Technically, they are responsible, however, I think it's a bit harsh to expect them to keep cunts this level of stupid alive.

It's the same with cunts getting angry at the Police when adolescent spackers riding around on illegal motorbikes end up smeared across the road - the institution is responsible, but they've really only hastened the inevitable.

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17 minutes ago, Basil said:

Now call me a cynic if thou must, but if you go up on a fucking ledge, with a massive drop, is it really the scouts fault if you plummet to the earth and splatter a hillside with your corpse?


Here's an idea for the family currently playing the blame game - maybe you should have brought the fat, northern wastrel a fucking compass?

I meant what type of thick cunt gets lost, and then tries to find his way back via a jagged edge 200 feet up?

And anyway, if he'd made it back down, he'd of likely had his arsehole fucked into another dimension by a gang of randy scoutmasters.

And finally, what type of 16 year old spends his time on scouting expeditions as opposed to puffing on a joint, getting wasted on cheap cider in the park and attempting to finger unsuspecting classmates?

Which side to take here, a directionally challenged northern wanker or an organisation infested with fucking nonces?

Answer: none

Storm in a teacup 

That's your teacup Basil, not the parents. I was thinking about that nameless numberless world champion marathon runner (who fucking cares?) who died in Africa whilst training. Turns out it was a common motor accident. Nothing to see there....... except we had to endure 48 hours of eulogy and tributes including one from that fucking all time 2012 Olympic Millionaire Gold Medal Winner (in how to make a fortune out of sport) Lord Sebastian Hague Bag Carrier and Goody Gumshoes Tory Sebastian Coe. 

You can guess the scenario. A life intensively scheduled into competing for fucking zillions and non-stop training, with a giddying amount of travelling inbetween, until you are just a brainless pair of legs with no sense of direction unless guided by barriers round a twenty odd mile city running track. 

Of course we won't have the pleasure of that cunts legs in the annual London Marathon and BBC Orgy of live coverage looking increasingly tedious and predictable every year with an itinerary and a layout that has never ever been changed or updated. Always the easy cash cow. In the meantime the good people of East London suffer another day of road closures and disruption to fed the vanity self love and cash tills of the London Marathon Company, a private company that pays the Brashers handsomely. 

By comparison the Scouts are...... 

.... just nice people. 

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Guest entitled little cunt

He was only a kid and we all did stupid things when we were kids .I still do stupid things now .It's tragic. 

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Guest Basil
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

By comparison the Scouts are...... 

.... just nice people. 

Bollocks, they'd be teabagging the little cunt if he hadn't done a tom daley of the cliffs.

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Guest Basil
Just now, entitled little cunt said:

I still post stupid fucking shit now .It's tragic. 

Fixed it for you. Unbearable fucking bore, why not throw yourself off a fucking ledge and do us all a favour?

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6 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

That's your teacup Basil, not the parents. I was thinking about that nameless numberless world champion marathon runner (who fucking cares?) who died in Africa whilst training. Turns out it was a common motor accident. Nothing to see there....... except we had to endure 48 hours of eulogy and tributes including one from that fucking all time 2012 Olympic Millionaire Gold Medal Winner (in how to make a fortune out of sport) Lord Sebastian Hague Bag Carrier and Goody Gumshoes Tory Sebastian Coe. 

You can guess the scenario. A life intensively scheduled into competing for fucking zillions and non-stop training, with a giddying amount of travelling inbetween, until you are just a brainless pair of legs with no sense of direction unless guided by barriers round a twenty odd mile city running track. 

Of course we won't have the pleasure of that cunts legs in the annual London Marathon and BBC Orgy of live coverage looking increasingly tedious and predictable every year with an itinerary and a layout that has never ever been changed or updated. Always the easy cash cow. In the meantime the good people of East London suffer another day of road closures and disruption to fed the vanity self love and cash tills of the London Marathon Company, a private company that pays the Brashers handsomely. 

By comparison the Scouts are...... 

.... just nice people. 

You bitch and moan about cunts not taking your "content" seriously and you've just filled this poor fuckers nice, new and engaging nomination with utter fucking drivel.

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1 minute ago, Basil said:

Bollocks, they'd be teabagging the little cunt if he hadn't done a tom daley of the cliffs.

You must have been harmed in the Cubs or the Scouts to harbour such strange views abiut their activities. What ciuld be more natural than a grown adult man camping with other people's young boys? 

(I'm speaking from the point of view of someone who's never seen Brokeback Mountain)

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Guest Basil
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

You must have been harmed in the Cubs or the Scouts to harbour such strange views abiut their activities. What ciuld be more natural than a grown adult man camping with other people's young boys? 

(I'm speaking from the point of view of someone who's never seen Brokeback Mountain)

You'd better fucking elaborate on that bit.

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1 minute ago, Basil said:

You'd better fucking elaborate on that bit.

I want to know what your beef is with the Scouts and whether it is personally motivated or just journalistic. I just think they're rather harmless but amateurish odd sorts. As for the kid, well that's a tragedy. Shame on you Basil really. When I survey the world of cuntdem this is low on my list but then perhaps I'm too fastidious for CC. 

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Guest Basil
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

I want to know what your beef is with the Scouts and whether it is personally motivated or just journalistic. I just think they're rather harmless but amateurish odd sorts. As for the kid, well that's a tragedy. Shame on you Basil really. When I survey the world of cuntdem this is low on my list but then perhaps I'm too fastidious for CC. 

Fuck all that. I want to know what you meant when you said it's natural for adult men to go into the woods with other people's young boys.

If I were you, I'd make the explanation you're about to give PHENOMINAL.

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1 minute ago, Basil said:

Fuck all that. I want to know what you meant when you said it's natural for adult men to go into the woods with other people's young boys.

If I were you, I'd make the explanation you're about to give PHENOMINAL.

Go into the woods? Where did that fucking come from? So they get their choppers out and collect firewood for the camp? Even I'm not that naive. 

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16 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Go into the woods? Where did that fucking come from? So they get their choppers out and collect firewood for the camp? Even I'm not that naive. 

He's actually got you here, Harold. You need to explain yourself immediately, I hope for your sake it was just you being a naïve spacker:


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23 minutes ago, Basil said:

Fuck all that. I want to know what you meant when you said it's natural for adult men to go into the woods with other people's young boys.

If I were you, I'd make the explanation you're about to give PHENOMINAL.

If you hadn’t fucked up your spelling at the final hurdle Baz you’d have been holding up the trophy, face covered in Lambrusco, with a cheeky girls hand down both sides of your pants by now, but ffs PHENOMINAL? You’ve let H snatch an unlikely victory from the jaws of defeat. Very disappointing tbh. You’ve let everyone down, but mostly yourself.

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24 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

As for the kid, well that's a tragedy. Shame on you Basil really. When I survey the world of cuntdem this is low on my list but then perhaps I'm too fastidious for CC. 

Probably for the best that you weren't here when that Eton schoolboy was killed by a polar bear. I drank a few Crestas that night.

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14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

If you hadn’t fucked up your spelling at the final hurdle Baz you’d have been holding up the trophy, face covered in Lambrusco, with a cheeky girls hand down both sides of your pants by now, but ffs PHENOMINAL? You’ve let H snatch an unlikely victory from the jaws of defeat. Very disappointing tbh. You’ve let everyone down, but mostly yourself.

And the winning ticket goes to.... 😛 

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15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

If you hadn’t fucked up your spelling at the final hurdle Baz you’d have been holding up the trophy, face covered in Lambrusco, with a cheeky girls hand down both sides of your pants by now, but ffs PHENOMINAL? You’ve let H snatch an unlikely victory from the jaws of defeat. Very disappointing tbh. You’ve let everyone down, but mostly yourself.

Sounds like BRITAIN'S Eurovision entry. 

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Guest Basil
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

Go into the woods? Where did that fucking come from? So they get their choppers out and collect firewood for the camp? Even I'm not that naive. 

Stop trying to worm your way out of it, you little paedo cunt. We all know what you meant.

Like fucking little boys in the woods do you?

You and your ilk should be castrated with a blunt instrument. 

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Guest Basil
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

Sounds like BRITAIN'S Eurovision entry. 

You've likely had a few unlawful entries in your time, you fucking dirty little nonce cunt.

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Just now, Basil said:

Stop trying to worm your way out of it, you little paedo cunt. We all know what you meant.

Like fucking little boys in the woods do you?

You and your ilk should be castrated with a blunt instrument. 

I see you're getting desperate now. After besmirching the Scouting Association with gay slurs you now besmitch me for pointing it out. Wow. There's a lot of pent up aggression there. You need to take a good look at yourself from the point of view of a practologist and calm down. It's only an advert, as Michael Winner used to say. 

(PS He wasn't gay or a paedo if you're wondering) 

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