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Another stupid racist Muslim Labour MP

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Are you speaking from personal experience EC "AFTER BLACK YOU NEVER GO BACK"? My cock is pigmented darker than the rest of my sickly pallid torso - naturally of course, not because I don't wash it. 

Just some extraneous detail I thought it worth sharing. 

Fuck me no .You've given me ptsd .All I saw in my mind  are cocks and the aftermath of some sordid orgy of cottaging  depravity. Nope hold on , that's a video of the 2022 Tory party conference. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I think there's some good stuff in any government but she was a fucking ideologically driven bitch like Truss (not a fair comparison!) and moved this country in a way I think was damaging. 

Ideogically damaging perhaps,  certainly in someways but materially beneficial for millions .Go back to 1977, imagine telling people then that by 1995/2000 many  working class people would own second homes or apartments or houses somewhere sunny they could fly to cheaper than a national express to Blackpool. We are different people , if we were 20 years younger we'd  probably be telling each other to die or some equally disturbing demonstration of hatred because we have a difference of opinion .Later generations are so fucked in the head .And before you say it , I reckon that's due to social media rather than any Thatcher- esq distopian politically driven consequence. 

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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Fuck me no .You've given me ptsd .All I saw in my mind  are cocks and the aftermath of some sordid orgy of cottaging  depravity. Nope hold on , that's a video of the 2022 Tory party conference. 

On the subject of "brown" heard anything from chirpy Sunak recently? 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

On the subject of "brown" heard anything from chirpy Sunak recently? 

That silly little cunt is keeping his ugly little face under the parapet after his last debacle .The man's a buffoon  and talks like a poof.

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On 12/02/2024 at 22:19, Frank said:

Over the weekend I watched Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love, and American Nightmare.. the Denise Huskins kidnapping. The former is not for you, however, the Huskins case is something else. 

I’d be most grateful if you sat through Words of Love and came back to me with a review. 

It made me cry (I'm dead sensitive, me 😢)

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16 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Oh fucking hell , I think I'm going to be sick,  I just had a word picture of seeping bodily fluids prone on the floor of a gents bog .That's fucking horrible .

Frank loves it, he's still young at heart, can't you remember being 'up for it'?

It's like one of those 'lost weekends' that @Decimus often alludes to and fantasises about, except Frank lives it for real.

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, and said:

Frank loves it, he's still young at heart, can't you remember being 'up for it'?

It's like one of those 'lost weekends' that @Decimus often alludes to and fantasises about, except Frank lives it for real.

I think I've had a sheltered life .A lost weekend for me is looking round a national trust property.George Bernard Shaws house is very interesting.  A bit of Charlie Hawtrey or  Joe Orton todger sausage capers never really did it for me .I feel like I've missed put but I never did like the heady aroma  of bleach and week old piss.

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Guest entitled little cunt
22 hours ago, Alanfi said:

You like Farage. An annoying twat who was paid a million and a half for appearing on a moronic show watched.by morons! Man of the people !!!

And who would you nominate as a true  "man of the people" .Mr. Spanner Stammer ?.The blokes a cunt and  will be the islamists pet poodle .

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Guest entitled little cunt
37 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Shut your cunt mouth you leftie fucking hippie faggot cunt.

welcome to CC.

Well said.

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26 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's always nice to get your Evensong on Ash Wednesday Billy. Are you observing Lent this year or will it be the usual Burger King, Crispy Fried Chicken, Big Mac and Pizzahut merry-go-round? 

Ffs Harold give it a rest. There’s  only so much shit on Earth.

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18 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I never did like the heady aroma  of bleach and week old piss.

So those applications for the caretaking jobs were just a ruse to fool the DHSS goons?

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15 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

We occasionally get these mincy little woke cunts turning up here to blow an insignificant leftie raspberry at the ‘nasty wacists’ and then fuck off back to their safe space.

The Guardian?

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 14/02/2024 at 21:36, Eric Cuntman said:

We occasionally get these mincy little woke cunts turning up here to blow an insignificant leftie raspberry at the ‘nasty wacists’ and then fuck off back to their safe space.

Some cunt called me a far right wing fascist pig , I thought I'd be the bigger person, clicked my heels and goose stepped off without saying a word .

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 12/02/2024 at 23:12, Snowy said:

I rewatched the Tromoville Toxic Avenger recently.

It was very dated .

Awful meta humour that pretends  to be self aware but when viewed under a more conscious eye It's just juvenile and more akin to the sort of shit some  twat like James Corden would pump out.

Your thoughts on this?

Do you mean Torville and Dean? That fucking Bolero makes me well up every fucking time .

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14 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Some cunt called me a far right wing fascist pig

Owen Jones?
I’ve heard he’s done that with several other men in the past  (in the split second between pulling out of his smiling gob and thrusting it up his gaping Frank like arsehole). 
Promiscuity eh? 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, King Billy said:

Owen Jones?
I’ve heard he’s done that with several other men in the past  (in the split second between pulling out of his smiling gob and thrusting it up his gaping Frank like arsehole). 
Promiscuity eh? 

Owen fucking Jones .All those years of education and that's what it produced .He really should have been just an irritant at the back of his mother's throat .He does have a gaping black hole , no light emerges from it. 

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12 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Owen fucking Jones .All those years of education and that's what it produced .He really should have been just an irritant at the back of his mother's throat .He does have a gaping black hole , no light emerges from it. 

Leave the poor lad alone, he's had a really difficult life, it's can't be easy choosing which of this month's woke bandwagons you're going to hitch-a-ride on next.

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