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Another stupid racist Muslim Labour MP

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

There you go , the rather rotund MP for Rochdale has shown his true colours and displayed just what a stupid  cunt he is .I'm sure old Stammer is slapping his forehead thinking the very same  or more likely  "why not save it until after the election?," Once they're in its going to be mayhem.

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7 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

There you go , the rather rotund MP for Rochdale has shown his true colours and displayed just what a stupid  cunt he is .I'm sure old Stammer is slapping his forehead thinking the very same  or more likely  "why not save it until after the election?," Once they're in its going to be mayhem.

Do you know what I mean. That dope EC would vote for the Farage.. if he could. What do you think about that? 

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30 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:


Over the weekend I watched Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love, and American Nightmare.. the Denise Huskins kidnapping. The former is not for you, however, the Huskins case is something else. 

I’d be most grateful if you sat through Words of Love and came back to me with a review. 

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47 minutes ago, Frank said:

Over the weekend I watched Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love, and American Nightmare.. the Denise Huskins kidnapping. The former is not for you, however, the Huskins case is something else. 

I’d be most grateful if you sat through Words of Love and came back to me with a review. 

I rewatched the Tromoville Toxic Avenger recently.

It was very dated .

Awful meta humour that pretends  to be self aware but when viewed under a more conscious eye It's just juvenile and more akin to the sort of shit some  twat like James Corden would pump out.

Your thoughts on this?

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Over the weekend I watched Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love, and American Nightmare.. the Denise Huskins kidnapping. The former is not for you, however, the Huskins case is something else. 

I’d be most grateful if you sat through Words of Love and came back to me with a review. 


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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Over the weekend I watched Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love, and American Nightmare.. the Denise Huskins kidnapping. The former is not for you, however, the Huskins case is something else. 

I’d be most grateful if you sat through Words of Love and came back to me with a review. 

I’ve found myself warming to you over the last few years Frank, but it’s posts like this which still make me hope that one day I’ll get the chance to go to work on your rotten toes with the bolt cutters, then make you eat them.

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20 hours ago, Snowy said:

I rewatched the Tromoville Toxic Avenger recently.

It was very dated .

Awful meta humour that pretends  to be self aware but when viewed under a more conscious eye It's just juvenile and more akin to the sort of shit some  twat like James Corden would pump out.

Your thoughts on this?

You're Mark Kermode aren't you? 

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22 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

There you go , the rather rotund MP for Rochdale has shown his true colours and displayed just what a stupid  cunt he is .I'm sure old Stammer is slapping his forehead thinking the very same  or more likely  "why not save it until after the election?," Once they're in its going to be mayhem.

Starmer is such a plodder - is the plod a vote winner compared to the slick oily Corner Shop Indian?  Maybe. With gaffs like this the expected Tory wipe out may not happen. Who cares I'm not voting! Every time I've contacted Labour Central with a policy Q. I've been blanked. Fuck off cunts you have complete contempt for the voter and to judge by Southwark Council you are no friend to the ordinary average man or woman in the street. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Starmer is such a plodder - is the plod a vote winner compared to the slick oily Corner Shop Indian?  Maybe. With gaffs like this the expected Tory wipe out may not happen. Who cares I'm not voting! Every time I've contacted Labour Central with a policy Q. I've been blanked. Fuck off cunts you have complete contempt for the voter and to judge by Southwark Council you are no friend to the ordinary average man or woman in the street. 

The incoming labour goverment will be the most racist regime  this country has ever known .It will be the final nail in the  coffin for  the white working class.Illegals will arrive in droves and the UK will be one big ghetto full of honour killings , acid throwers , murderers and rapists , the radical left will be able to rule the roost .BLM, Windrush,  renumeration for slavery that the UK abolished and actually policed the seas to eradicate will be demanded and paid , antisemitic  opinions  will be considered correct, radical  Islam will be able spread its evil murderous  agenda and children put in danger  , NHS personnel will be awarded ridiculously high pay awards for no improvement of their abysmal service level and contempt for those they are supposed to care for , trans issues will take precedence, non Caucasian will be able to break the law with impunity because any action of the police will be deemed racist. ALL of this means we're  going to get shafted more than ever before.All this happens now even though the ruling party are opposed,  imagine what it will happen  when the ruling party in general have sympathy for those who wish this country harm.

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Guest entitled little cunt
21 hours ago, Snowy said:

I rewatched the Tromoville Toxic Avenger recently.

It was very dated .

Awful meta humour that pretends  to be self aware but when viewed under a more conscious eye It's just juvenile and more akin to the sort of shit some  twat like James Corden would pump out.

Your thoughts on this?

I would have thought the design classics of Dieter Rams  presented by Ant 'n Dec would be more up your street .

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Guest entitled little cunt
22 hours ago, Frank said:

Over the weekend I watched Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love, and American Nightmare.. the Denise Huskins kidnapping. The former is not for you, however, the Huskins case is something else. 

I’d be most grateful if you sat through Words of Love and came back to me with a review. 


23 hours ago, Frank said:

Do you know what I mean. That dope EC would vote for the Farage.. if he could. What do you think about that? 

Yes I like Farage , given Stammer and his lions maine red head smoking Northern bint he holds hands with like a lost little child why wouldn't I ?.If you're white , working class ( defined  by if your in  the shit after 3 months of no salary) why would a person vote for a political party that on every occasion prove they will put you at the back of the que for everything but use youbas a cash cow .You're fucking mad the lot of you .Ukrainians are given the council flats young British should rightly have , illegals are fed and watered in fucking hotels with 24 hour on site medical staff .Given those facts I'd vote for Benito Mussilini given a fucking  chance .

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7 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The incoming labour goverment will be the most racist regime  this country has ever known .It will be the final nail in the  coffin for  the white working class.Illegals will arrive in droves and the UK will be one big ghetto full of honour killings , acid throwers , murderers and rapists , the radical left will be able to rule the roost .BLM, Windrush,  renumeration for slavery that the UK abolished and actually policed the seas to eradicate will be demanded and paid , antisemitic  opinions  will be considered correct, radical  Islam will be able spread its evil murderous  agenda and children put in danger  , NHS personnel will be awarded ridiculously high pay awards for no improvement of their abysmal service level and contempt for those they are supposed to care for , trans issues will take precedence, non Caucasian will be able to break the law with impunity because any action of the police will be deemed racist. ALL of this means we're  going to get shafted more than ever before.All this happens now even though the ruling party are opposed,  imagine what it will happen  when the ruling party in general have sympathy for those who wish this country harm.

They have it in for the traditional Labour voter. There's a reason white working class turned against Labour and it has nothing to do with racism or ethncs or immigrants. They got sick of listening to the history lesson about the Beveridge Report, the NHS and Welfare State. They looked at what Labour Councils in particular were not doing for ordinary people, the state of the NHS the state of the economy and Labour lost its USP as a party of the workng man. It took away, especially pensions and carried on the "stipend" system of the 1930s. The state pension was a miserly "stipend" not a right you fucking paid for. Unemployment was a handout, not a social security insurance scheme entitlement. Everything became a demeaning of its core support. In Effect they are just fuckong tories in camouflage. 

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The incoming labour goverment will be the most racist regime  this country has ever known .It will be the final nail in the  coffin for  the white working class.Illegals will arrive in droves and the UK will be one big ghetto full of honour killings , acid throwers , murderers and rapists , the radical left will be able to rule the roost .BLM, Windrush,  renumeration for slavery that the UK abolished and actually policed the seas to eradicate will be demanded and paid , antisemitic  opinions  will be considered correct, radical  Islam will be able spread its evil murderous  agenda and children put in danger  , NHS personnel will be awarded ridiculously high pay awards for no improvement of their abysmal service level and contempt for those they are supposed to care for , trans issues will take precedence, non Caucasian will be able to break the law with impunity because any action of the police will be deemed racist. ALL of this means we're  going to get shafted more than ever before.All this happens now even though the ruling party are opposed,  imagine what it will happen  when the ruling party in general have sympathy for those who wish this country harm.

‘Lego Head’ Starmer, although pretty certain to be the next PM won’t last more than 2 years imo, as the Labour Party are, just like the Tories a party with no core values and nowadays exist for one reason only ie to be elected into power. As soon as they achieve that all the internal divisions which they’ve sort of kept in check, will open up again like Franks ruptured anus when he regains consciousness, soaked in piss and other bodily fluids, on the floor of the gents bogs after a normal Saturday night lock in at The Admiral Duncan.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, King Billy said:

‘Lego Head’ Starmer, although pretty certain to be the next PM won’t last more than 2 years imo, as the Labour Party are, just like the Tories a party with no core values and nowadays exist for one reason only ie to be elected into power. As soon as they achieve that all the internal divisions which they’ve sort of kept in check, will open up again like Franks ruptured anus when he regains consciousness, soaked in piss and other bodily fluids, on the floor of the gents bogs after a normal Saturday night lock in at The Admiral Duncan.

Oh fucking hell , I think I'm going to be sick,  I just had a word picture of seeping bodily fluids prone on the floor of a gents bog .That's fucking horrible .

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7 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:


Yes I like Farage , given Stammer and his lions maine red head smoking Northern bint he holds hands with like a lost little child why wouldn't I ?.If you're white , working class ( defined  by if your in  the shit after 3 months of no salary) why would a person vote for a political party that on every occasion prove they will put you at the back of the que for everything but use youbas a cash cow .You're fucking mad the lot of you .Ukrainians are given the council flats young British should rightly have , illegals are fed and watered in fucking hotels with 24 hour on site medical staff .Given those facts I'd vote for Benito Mussilini given a fucking  chance .

You like Farage. An annoying twat who was paid a million and a half for appearing on a moronic show watched.by morons! Man of the people !!!

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

They have it in for the traditional Labour voter. There's a reason white working class turned against Labour and it has nothing to do with racism or ethncs or immigrants. They got sick of listening to the history lesson about the Beveridge Report, the NHS and Welfare State. They looked at what Labour Councils in particular were not doing for ordinary people, the state of the NHS the state of the economy and Labour lost its USP as a party of the workng man. It took away, especially pensions and carried on the "stipend" system of the 1930s. The state pension was a miserly "stipend" not a right you fucking paid for. Unemployment was a handout, not a social security insurance scheme entitlement. Everything became a demeaning of its core support. In Effect they are just fuckong tories in camouflage. 

Its what they were not doing for the ordinary person but more than willing to do for illegals and any other cunt washed up into the shores of the UK that fucked them.Blair is the biggest traitor cunt this country has ever produced , apart from me of course.

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16 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:


Yes I like Farage , given Stammer and his lions maine red head smoking Northern bint he holds hands with like a lost little child why wouldn't I ?.If you're white , working class ( defined  by if your in  the shit after 3 months of no salary) why would a person vote for a political party that on every occasion prove they will put you at the back of the que for everything but use youbas a cash cow .You're fucking mad the lot of you .Ukrainians are given the council flats young British should rightly have , illegals are fed and watered in fucking hotels with 24 hour on site medical staff .Given those facts I'd vote for Benito Mussilini given a fucking  chance .

Frank likes to be ‘down with brown’.

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4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Its what they were not doing for the ordinary person but more than willing to do for illegals and any other cunt washed up into the shores of the UK that fucked them.Blair is the biggest traitor cunt this country has ever produced , apart from me of course.

Well Blair killed a lot of support. But Brown would have just narrowly got in except for that gaff when he was caught taking the piss out of a woman asking him a question. That was a real moment in politics because it was the third strike coming after the Iraq War lies and the Banking (Yankee) Crisis. The rise of the Red Wall really came after that - what people saw was Labour feeding fresh of the boat immigrants, mostly Commonwealth cunts, and in the other hand big subs to the Canary Wharf mob in London. My personal experience of Labour isn't positive because it relates mainlty to the monkeys at Southwark Council. On the other hand the single most despicable govt this country has had was Thatcher's in terms of national politics, thoroughly wicked, but even THEY had some good features compare to Southwark Council. There isn't a single Laboue Council in London that's worth keeping. The Tories aimed all their firepower at the GLC and ILEA which were great organisations with a lot of indepth expertise and good stuff being done in London. Totally pernicious just revenge politics really destructive. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
17 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Well Blair killed a lot of support. But Brown would have just narrowly got in except for that gaff when he was caught taking the piss out of a woman asking him a question. That was a real moment in politics because it was the third strike coming after the Iraq War lies and the Banking (Yankee) Crisis. The rise of the Red Wall really came after that - what people saw was Labour feeding fresh of the boat immigrants, mostly Commonwealth cunts, and in the other hand big subs to the Canary Wharf mob in London. My personal experience of Labour isn't positive because it relates mainlty to the monkeys at Southwark Council. On the other hand the single most despicable govt this country has had was Thatcher's in terms of national politics, thoroughly wicked, but even THEY had some good features compare to Southwark Council. There isn't a single Laboue Council in London that's worth keeping. The Tories aimed all their firepower at the GLC and ILEA which were great organisations with a lot of indepth expertise and good stuff being done in London. Totally pernicious just revenge politics really destructive. 

Thatcher was the last great leader , the last mover and shaker in British politics .She did more for the working class brit than any other primeminister .Home ownership at last gave the working class a stake in their community  and   importantly ,an asset. She fucked off a few northern cunts down t' Pitt  but who gives a fuck about them.Honestly,  it's this stupid working class bollox , they hated their jobs quite understandably .They universally swore they would not let their children work down t' pitt, close the shitholes down and they were bleeting about their kids not being able to following in the family  tradition of being afflicted with lung disease .What that woman did lifted millions, the majority,   out of  pointless work with no reward and able,  mainly due to their asset , to  enjoy a life thought impossible just 20 years before .The woman changed this country that was in terminal decline , infact it was a basket case .If you're working class you're not supposed to like Thatcher.Its just the same old leftist shite teachers and cunt lecturers pedal today , they can Fuck right off .That  typical leftist smug shit , comply and conform . Be part of the system we create ,  go to university  and be an academic , join our exclusive group and all will be well.What  a load bollox. At last kids with very few qualifications  with a brain and fire in their belly could be what they wanted to be if they proved up to it . The left quickly wrapped their deadly tenticals around their neck and began to squeeze demanding only those with a degree could be a success. With Thatcher  People at last saw the possibility of owning their own business  and forging their own path free from the chains that secured the working class to humdrum , grey boring lives with no reason  to believe anything will ever change .A few northerners falling to the wayside was worth the benefits .

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47 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Thatcher was the last great leader , the last mover and shaker in British politics .She did more for the working class brit than any other primeminister .Home ownership at last gave the working class a stake in their community  and   importantly ,an asset. She fucked off a few northern cunts down t' Pitt  but who gives a fuck about them.Honestly,  it's this stupid working class bollox , they hated their jobs quite understandably .They universally swore they would not let their children work down t' pitt, close the shitholes down and they were bleeting about their kids not being able to following in the family  tradition of being afflicted with lung disease .What that woman did lifted millions, the majority,   out of  pointless work with no reward and able,  mainly due to their asset , to  enjoy a life thought impossible just 20 years before .The woman changed this country that was in terminal decline , infact it was a basket case .If you're working class you're not supposed to like Thatcher.Its just the same old leftist shite teachers and cunt lecturers pedal today , they can Fuck right off .That  typical leftist smug shit , comply and conform . Be part of the system we create ,  go to university  and be an academic , join our exclusive group and all will be well.What  a load bollox. At last kids with very few qualifications  with a brain and fire in their belly could be what they wanted to be if they proved up to it . The left quickly wrapped their deadly tenticals around their neck and began to squeeze demanding only those with a degree could be a success. With Thatcher  People at last saw the possibility of owning their own business  and forging their own path free from the chains that secured the working class to humdrum , grey boring lives with no reason  to believe anything will ever change .A few northerners falling to the wayside was worth the benefits .

I think there's some good stuff in any government but she was a fucking ideologically driven bitch like Truss (not a fair comparison!) and moved this country in a way I think was damaging. 

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Frank likes to be ‘down with brown’.

Are you speaking from personal experience EC "AFTER BLACK YOU NEVER GO BACK"? My cock is pigmented darker than the rest of my sickly pallid torso - naturally of course, not because I don't wash it. 

Just some extraneous detail I thought it worth sharing. 

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