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The mysterious disappearance of Kate Middleton

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15 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:


I'm sure Branson,  the peoples champion will be offering his island .Margaret was the wild one of the bunch .What gets me is that the establishment and the rest of the family told her she couldn't marry sime bloke , and it was just accepted .Any normal person would tell them to fuck off .That one who was with wallace Simpson had the balls to tell them to shove it up their ring .

That's about all he did. At the end they all deserve only one fate. Stripped of their assets and retired. Getting back to the Russophobia in this country whipped up by the royalist Norman conquest establishment - it still goes back to 1917. I'm convinced of it. We actuall sent troops to Russia in 1918 to put royal back on the throne and oberturn the revolution. When they talk about illegal invasions let's look at Britain in China (opium) and Russia. 

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22 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I don’t know what Baz’s problem with you is H. I’ve told him that you’re well OK but he doesn’t seem to be convinced yet. Perhaps if you transferred 97p to his bank account it might de-escalate the situation and prevent any further online hate speech which might lead to both of you committing suicide.

Is that how Brokeback Mountain ends? I thought the horse has an accident being ridden by two cowboys. Make it 93 pence I think he'd still be chuffed. 

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On 13/02/2024 at 09:54, PANZER MURPHY said:

First i heard of it doc and all..dum bitches even considering cancelling the game...for dirty arab scum nall..lol



Your womenfolk have gotten badly out of hand Panz. I see footage this morning of your ladies football team ceremonially turning their backs during the Israeli national anthem. Now leaving aside the obvious rejoinder from @Decimus about the danger of turning your back on the Jews, what the fuck has gotten into this bunch of ginger lesbians that they want to advertise their sympathy with the Palestinians? They are presumably aware what your average Palestinian male would do to a lesbian in a football kit? It isn’t convert them, that’s for sure. 

You need to bring back the convents for these lost bitches. Pronto.

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22 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Your womenfolk have gotten badly out of hand Panz. I see footage this morning of your ladies football team ceremonially turning their backs during the Israeli national anthem. Now leaving aside the obvious rejoinder from @Decimus about the danger of turning your back on the Jews, what the fuck has gotten into this bunch of ginger lesbians that they want to advertise their sympathy with the Palestinians? They are presumably aware what your average Palestinian male would do to a lesbian in a football kit? It isn’t convert them, that’s for sure. 

You need to bring back the converts for these lost bitches. Pronto.

Ireland is lost to the ‘woke mind virus’ Doc and there’s no reports of another of those miracle mRNA vaccines coming along anytime soon. 

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On 24/02/2024 at 22:26, Last Cunt Standing said:

I would just like to point out that the Princess of Wales has not been seen in public for 61 days.

The evening news tonight here featured a short item on pictures released of His Majesty King Brian opening cards from well wishers and gurning away over his red Ministerial box, letting the taxpayers know that despite a cancer diagnosis he was still hard at work. 

Contrast this with the now 63 days of absence from the HRH Katie, who has now so deviated from the traditional Royal illness playbook that we haven’t even got a standard shot of her recovering on the sofa under a Harrods Duvet with an Ovaltine while the kids play at her feet. And not a word from the supine media, usually faster out of the investigative blocks than Ben Johnson.

Something very very dark is going on here. Is it time to ask for proof of life?

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49 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Maybe she's got Cushing's Syndrome?

No, that’s Amy Fucking Schumer apparently. Definitely not cake, it’s cortisol. Right?

Even unfunny American moon faced lardarses pop up on the telly from time to time. Not Kate. Spanish TV report she’s in a coma. She was previously dressed, washed and hair done 3 hours after pushing an eight pounder out of her fanny and pushed onto camera. Whatever has gone on here she can’t be seen in public, even from a distance in the back of a speeding SUV. And the ambulance seen leaving Sandringham on 28/12? Not a word….

It’s a nasty business in that family. I imagine there’s a wave of NDAs and Official Secrets Acts being passed around bits of London as we speak. 

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6 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

No, that’s Amy Fucking Schumer apparently. Definitely not cake, it’s cortisol. Right?

Even unfunny American moon faced lardarses pop up on the telly from time to time. Not Kate. Spanish TV report she’s in a coma. She was previously dressed, washed and hair done 3 hours after pushing an eight pounder out of her fanny and pushed onto camera. Whatever has gone on here she can’t be seen in public, even from a distance in the back of a speeding SUV. And the ambulance seen leaving Sandringham on 28/12? Not a word….

It’s a nasty business in that family. I imagine there’s a wave of NDAs and Official Secrets Acts being passed around bits of London as we speak. 

She certainly fits nicely into the  correct age bracket of the huge number of healthy people who’ve started expiring suddenly and without explanation all over the world. I believe this began to happen around late 2020/early 2021 and has continued until the present day. Very worrying indeed but I’m sure that the medical community will give it the thorough investigation it surely deserves (in between tik tok routines) now that they’ve almost finished injecting billions of people with the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ wonderjabs which they’ve been working flat out administering since late 2020/early2021 as far as I remember. 🤔

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 24/02/2024 at 21:54, ChildeHarold said:

Is that how Brokeback Mountain ends? I thought the horse has an accident being ridden by two cowboys. Make it 93 pence I think he'd still be chuffed. 

It's how it started that freaked me out.I wouldn't have minded but my ex wife's mum and dad had come round for dinner and watch a film , the stupid cunt chose that film, the bumming scene took us all by surprise and a rather awkward silence ensued broken only by the whimpering and moaning  on screen.I thought it was a good old fashioned western.

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16 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

It's how it started that freaked me out.I wouldn't have minded but my ex wife's mum and dad had come round for dinner and watch a film , the stupid cunt chose that film, the bumming scene took us all by surprise and a rather awkward silence ensued broken only by the whimpering and moaning  on screen.I thought it was a good old fashioned western.

Scarred for life and I don’t just mean mentally. 

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

He missed the funeral of his Godfather for this supposed personal matter, just in case anyone is keeping score. 

I’m telling you, there is something very bad going on up there. Kate aside, has anyone seen the three kids lately? Or The Middletons?

The famed British Press need to rediscover their balls. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

He missed the funeral of his Godfather for this supposed personal matter, just in case anyone is keeping score. 

I’m telling you, there is something very bad going on up there. Kate aside, has anyone seen the three kids lately? Or The Middletons?

The famed British Press need to rediscover their balls. 

She's fucked off with the brats to Jaywick sands to live with a heavily  tattooed ex bin man called Dave .I saw her smoking  and swearing her cunting head off outside BetFred the other day and saw a very sparkley Tiarrah in the window of cash converters , how much more proof is needed. 

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

She's fucked off with the brats to Jaywick sands to live with a heavily  tattooed ex bin man called Dave .I saw her smoking  and swearing her cunting head off outside BetFred the other day and saw a very sparkley Tiarrah in the window of cash converters , how much more proof is needed. 

The Prince of Wales is off as well. Camilla, Queen Consort, had to stand in for both Charlie Boy and Little Willy at the Memmmmorimialmmmm Service for the late "King" deposed Constantinople of Greece living off the fat of the British taxpayer (courtesy of Slitty Eyed Phil) attended by the royal heads of Spain, Sweden and Holland that's how important it was. 

So important the service at Windsor wasn't even noticed on the British media. 

At least the fucking Greeks had the bollocks to get rid of these Nazi collaborating cunts. Give them that much credit. 

People forget in 1939 Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Spain and of course the good old Ukrainian nationalists were all fucking nazi sympathising cunt fadcists. As soon as the war end and Russia became "our enemy" this was forgotten and they became our friends and freedom fighters.  Bollocks. As for Macron, he's going nowhere fast. 


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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The Prince of Wales is off as well. Camilla, Queen Consort, had to stand in for both Charlie Boy and Little Willy at the Memmmmorimialmmmm Service for the late "King" deposed Constantinople of Greece living off the fat of the British taxpayer (courtesy of Slitty Eyed Phil) attended by the royal heads of Spain, Sweden and Holland that's how important it was. 

So important the service at Windsor wasn't even noticed on the British media. 

At least the fucking Greeks had the bollocks to get rid of these Nazi collaborating cunts. Give them that much credit. 

People forget in 1939 Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Spain and of course the good old Ukrainian nationalists were all fucking nazi sympathising cunt fadcists. As soon as the war end and Russia became "our enemy" this was forgotten and they became our friends and freedom fighters.  Bollocks. As for Macron, he's going nowhere fast. 


The saints of the world , the Ukrainians,  were Nazi's? .Never .Ukraine was and is the most corrupt country in the western world and they're using all the "rebuilding " cash to buy new black Mercedes? No sorry , I dont believe it .That naughty bully Mr.Putin needs to be taught a lesson just in case he gets carried away and invades Guernsey.He's a threat to the entire world with his army that can't defeat a rag bag bunch of grain growers and dodgy bit coin hustlers most of whom ran off like girls blouses and got a council flat in Bury St.Edmunds  .It's amazing just how fucking stupid the general public have become. An enemy of Britush culture ,  Islam  , a cult at odds with every rule written and unwritten in western democracies is left to fester and spread  its evil .As long as we worry about Putin its all OK.

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The saints of the world , the Ukrainians,  were Nazi's? .Never .Ukraine was and is the most corrupt country in the western world and they're using all the "rebuilding " cash to buy new black Mercedes? No sorry , I dont believe it .That naughty bully Mr.Putin needs to be taught a lesson just in case he gets carried away and invades Guernsey.He's a threat to the entire world with his army that can't defeat a rag bag bunch of grain growers and dodgy bit coin hustlers most of whom ran off like girls blouses and got a council flat in Bury St.Edmunds  .It's amazing just how fucking stupid the general public have become. An enemy of Britush culture ,  Islam  , a cult at odds with every rule written and unwritten in western democracies is left to fester and spread  its evil .As long as we worry about Putin its all OK.

The (once) Great British Public are now regarded primarily as

consumer units with varying amounts of purchasing power simply to keep the wheels of profit making scam jobs like the privatised utilities, rail, parts of the NHS sold off to private contractors, local governnment, and a corrupt Westminster establishment turnng and its profiteers and beneficiaries in clover. 

Any diversionary news story, foreign issue, trivial entertainment news or social problem, or fake news about a minority, will be used to take the focus away from how and why this country is run (mismanaged) and for who to benefit. 

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6 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The (once) Great British Public are now regarded primarily as

consumer units with varying amounts of purchasing power simply to keep the wheels of profit making scam jobs like the privatised utilities, rail, parts of the NHS sold off to private contractors, local governnment, and a corrupt Westminster establishment turnng and its profiteers and beneficiaries in clover. 

Any diversionary news story, foreign issue, trivial entertainment news or social problem, or fake news about a minority, will be used to take the focus away from how and why this country is run (mismanaged) and for who to benefit. 

There's a divorce coming and she is being spayed just in case she gets in with an Arab prince so William's kids don't have mussie half siblings.

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Just now, Penny Farthing said:

There's a divorce coming and she is being spayed just in case she gets in with an Arab prince so William and Harry don't have mussie half siblings.

I'm just hoping that the best private medical insurance in the world will enable us to avoid another two weeks of national mourning. It's beyond me how the public puts up with the sponging cunts

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11 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I'm just hoping that the best private medical insurance in the world will enable us to avoid another two weeks of national mourning. It's beyond me how the public puts up with the sponging cunts

TBH listening to and reading all the moaning about them makes them all worthwhile. Getting rid of the festering House of Lords and replacing it with an elected chamber of about 50 members would be far more worthwhile.

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43 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

TBH listening to and reading all the moaning about them makes them all worthwhile. Getting rid of the festering House of Lords and replacing it with an elected chamber of about 50 members would be far more worthwhile.

I think there's 72 or 92 unelected hereditary peers. They are all stooges. Lord Ashburton who lists his interests as shooting, horses etc. the usual landed gentry crap the last of the Baring Banker peerages created by Victoria and he is currently putting a bill through tbe Lords to allow females to inherit peerages. In other words they are fucking fighting to keep their titles. I say abolish the fucking lot along with the monarchy in one swoop. Honours should be honours for service to the people not party and taken out of politics. There has been a deliberate dumbing down of political intelligence and choice in this country over generations and the only way to save democracy in the UK is to completely change the system. Young people are so detached and uninterested in politics it's  actually frightening. 

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

Getting rid of the festering House of Lords and replacing it with an elected chamber of about 50 members would be far more worthwhile.


19 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I say abolish the fucking lot along with the monarchy in one swoop. Honours should be honours for service to the people not party and taken out of politics.

Get rid, don't replace it with anything, it's just another gravy-train for the useless parasites to fleece the taxpayer for doing fuck-all, a shower of self-interested and self-serving cunts, just like they all are in Westminster.

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17 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I lasted two seconds with them on YouTube. Give me Vic and Bob's Mission Control any day. 



Don’t try bullshitting me that you’ve reached a hundred years of age and have never heard of The Three Stooges!

I bet you met Will Hay at some point.

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