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Popular Tories Launch by Truss


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Given that cunt Truss contributed a mega slice of unpopularity and economic crisis to the offering makes this latest cry for help even more eye watering. It makes the scene in Airplane where the tannoy says "Can anybody onboard fly a plane?" seem like a line from Hamlet's soliloquy. 

Still, the cow refuses to curl up in a ball and die. How I wish..... 

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Guest entitled little cunt
8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Given that cunt Truss contributed a mega slice of unpopularity and economic crisis to the offering makes this latest cry for help even more eye watering. It makes the scene in Airplane where the tannoy says "Can anybody onboard fly a plane?" seem like a line from Hamlet's soliloquy. 

Still, the cow refuses to curl up in a ball and die. How I wish..... 

I miss 1970s Hugh Heffner .Any female , normally blonde who had fallen on hard times , who had (like me on this site) outstayed their welcome  or had become rather tired and needed a public revamp of a flagging career  old Heffner would offer them a million dollars to do a legs akimbo  in playboy .Its does make you wonder if transported back to alpha hairy chest  male 1970s if Liz may have considered any such offer. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I miss 1970s Hugh Heffner .Any female , normally blonde who had fallen on hard times , who had (like me on this site) outstayed their welcome  or had become rather tired and needed a public revamp of a flagging career  old Heffner would offer them a million dollars to do a legs akimbo  in playboy .Its does make you wonder if transported back to alpha hairy chest  male 1970s if Liz may have considered any such offer. 

What could "crazy " kwarti Kwartang do for that matter .He fucked the worlds 8th (I think)  largest  economy more or less single handed and overnight   which if you think about it is no mean feat. Most polititions  take years to do the  very same thing , what  Old "crazy" managed  really should be looked upon as an outstanding  human achievement .No wonder businesses are paying thousands to get him to do after dinner speeches.Any large organisation who want to fail in spectacular fashion must be beating a path to his rather large and impressive front door .

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13 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I miss 1970s Hugh Heffner .Any female , normally blonde who had fallen on hard times , who had (like me on this site) outstayed their welcome  or had become rather tired and needed a public revamp of a flagging career  old Heffner would offer them a million dollars to do a legs akimbo  in playboy .Its does make you wonder if transported back to alpha hairy chest  male 1970s if Liz may have considered any such offer. 

I think your point about Playboy (which today would be a game console) is very clever but not accurate as to her personality she feminds me of that blond Nazi secretary to Herr Flick in Allo Allo. In effect, she's playing some sort of part in every sense of the word

First, that modelling herself on Thatcher

Second, playing a part on behalf of some hypothetical right wing consensus in the Conservative Party when all they are is a rabble of opportunists

Third, this is the sinister Nazi part, on behalf f some barely visible very rich and very dangerous ondivoduals and groups who want to turn Britain into another trailer trash state of America, her most recent itterance or grunts reminded me of McCarthyism and the reds under the bed witch hunts of the 1950s. 


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5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

What could "crazy " kwarti Kwartang do for that matter .He fucked the worlds 8th (I think)  largest  economy more or less single handed and overnight   which if you think about it is no mean feat. Most polititions  take years to do the  very same thing , what  Old "crazy" managed  really should be looked upon as an outstanding  human achievement .No wonder businesses are paying thousands to get him to do after dinner speeches.Any large organisation who want to fail in spectacular fashion must be beating a path to his rather large and impressive front door .

Just imagne the shareholders dismay if he had anything to do with a reputable listed company. He's only future as far as I can see would be in one of those Tory donating shady private companies run by very dodgy nadty super rich cunts, most tax domiciled out of Britain. How this country ever allowed its press to fall into the hands of non UK tax payers is beyond me. And they talk about sovereignty and taking back control. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
53 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Just imagne the shareholders dismay if he had anything to do with a reputable listed company. He's only future as far as I can see would be in one of those Tory donating shady private companies run by very dodgy nadty super rich cunts, most tax domiciled out of Britain. How this country ever allowed its press to fall into the hands of non UK tax payers is beyond me. And they talk about sovereignty and taking back control. 

To be honest, a  dusky hue   and cabinet posts have  never been a good mix .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

I miss 1970s Hugh Heffner .Any female , normally blonde who had fallen on hard times , who had (like me on this site) outstayed their welcome  or had become rather tired and needed a public revamp of a flagging career  old Heffner would offer them a million dollars to do a legs akimbo  in playboy .Its does make you wonder if transported back to alpha hairy chest  male 1970s if Liz may have considered any such offer. 

What is missing here is a beginners guide with an illustration carefully photoshopped of Pamela Stephens fully monty with Truss's face. ELC you really need to hone your digital skills. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 08/02/2024 at 21:58, ChildeHarold said:

What is missing here is a beginners guide with an illustration carefully photoshopped of Pamela Stephens fully monty with Truss's face. ELC you really need to hone your digital skills. 

The difficulty is  finding  a photo of the old bint that looks remotely attractive, she always  looks like she's just rememberd she's left the gas on. Poor old thing .Honestly , anyone would think she trashed the economy or something like that .

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4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The difficulty is  finding  a photo of the old bint that looks remotely attractive, she always  looks like she's just rememberd she's left the gas on. Poor old thing .Honestly , anyone would think she trashed the economy or something like that .

She's a fucking basket case with zero political future but I bet she gets returned at the next election. 

Apparently it's South West Norfolk or the low IQ cabbage and turnip country that was so Brexit in 2016 so she's prob a pin up girl round there. Itthe scrag end of gentrified NIMBY Norfolk and Suffolk coast taken over by second homers. tThe fucking two faced cunts are all card carrying environmentalists but don't want a wind farm or green electricity infrastructure "ruining" the views of their "beautiful" countryside. Truss's lot are fucking ignorant beetroots living in Jaywick conditions. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

She's a fucking basket case with zero political future but I bet she gets returned at the next election. 

What amazed me was that the Conservative party  actually voted for the twat to lead them.They've made some idiot decisions  but that was just hilarious.It was like watching group suicide , African religious cult style. 

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1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

What amazed me was that the Conservative party  actually voted for the twat to lead them.They've made some idiot decisions  but that was just hilarious.It was like watching group suicide , African religious cult style. 

It's a bit like the Democrats in America the tories are completely bankrupt. Could anybody see an Indian or Turk or Asian becoming Chancellor or leader in Germany or France? How about an Arab leading Spain? Fuckng Britain is bankrupt. 

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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I like liz ..blonde..bit stoopid..wears boots ana skirt...track record of strayin..she'd be in the ladies gettin hammered by the interval..lol


How many years do you reckon to re-unification? .. I'm thinking early 2030s

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Guest Basil
On 13/02/2024 at 02:22, PANZER MURPHY said:

I like liz ..blonde..bit stoopid..wears boots ana skirt...track record of strayin..she'd be in the ladies gettin hammered by the interval..lol


You would wouldn't you? You filthy beast!

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On 13/02/2024 at 09:20, Penny Farthing said:

How many years do you reckon to re-unification? .. I'm thinking early 2030s

Never..itll be unification in all but name..youll never be rid of this 12 billion pounds a year barnacle..lol


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4 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Never..itll be unification in all but name..youll never be rid of this 12 billion pounds a year barnacle..lol


But if you re-unified you could dissolve the UK comedy parliament and rule the UK from Dublin.

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

when we inevitably rejoin the EU it will be as prisoners of war not on equal terms. 

You are a humour vampire .. you have an incredible ability to entirely destroy the humour in any nomination .. you really should join forces with @peglegtwo and form an anti-comedy double act.


Mirthless cunt.

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

when we inevitably rejoin the EU it will be as prisoners of war not on equal terms. 

Ya got that right harry baby..supplicunts instead of applicunts...they'll never let the narseholes near the steerin wheel again..lol


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