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The Brave King

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

Rushed into a private clinic by eunuch cherubs  with fluttering angel wings for immediate  attention .The best of the best consultants who aren't on strike to improve their 250k per annum  salary or playing a round of golf  and a plethora of the best nurses who again are not on strike and actually speak a language understandable by the Indigenous population all of whom are on  hand to attend to the king.He has had to postpone his royal duties of signing pointless documents and hand wavng to multitudes of morons with greying hair who drive electric  cars and live in large houses they paid 4k for 45 years ago and tell everyone how had they've had it .

The rest of us get treated with contempt by militant  NHS arseholes , wait until the point of no return should we become ill and then say "oh thankyou , they have been wonderful ".Spoken to like shite , treated like cattle and we're  told  treatment is  free , which it isn't .It's free for illegals and Africans wishing to fly from Gambia to give birth to their litter in  the UK , for working class brits its not free .We pay for the training of doctors and nurses who upon completion of that training fuck off to Gaza to help the poor  terrorist sympathisers or to Australia to sit on the beach and earn twice as much as in the uk as they believe it morally acceptable to do so .The NHS is taxpayer funded , not a profit making business funded by insurance companies with goverment financial intervention, hence pay is naturally lower .The ordinary British are brave .King Charles elevated position because of pure chance rather than any form of  democratic procedure  is in itself an immoral carbuncle upon human decency .An ordinary pleb gets cancer , you can't work and can't pay the mortgage , your house is repossessed .Simple as .

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I agree it's hard to feel sympathy for any of the fuckers, but you do still have to step back and marvel at the sheer malevolent coincidence that Charlie boy waited his entire life for the throne only for it to give him arse cancer when he sat on it.

As these pampered, living-on-another-plain-of-reality heirs of undeserved fortune go, he's had a rough time of it, comparatively speaking.

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With the media now at defcon red white and blue eagerly awaiting the Middleton womans rightful ascension to the new queenie gig and the accompanying super soar away front pages with full colour centre spread yummy mummy fashion tips and grooming advice.

Nicholas Witchell will be polishing the good brogues and ironing the sombre suit

As for Sunak .." Thoughts and prayers etc., etc. ...    But hey !  Coronation and Election combo boost. fucking get in! "

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45 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

With the media now at defcon red white and blue eagerly awaiting the Middleton womans rightful ascension to the new queenie gig and the accompanying super soar away front pages with full colour centre spread yummy mummy fashion tips and grooming advice.

Nicholas Witchell will be polishing the good brogues and ironing the sombre suit

As for Sunak .." Thoughts and prayers etc., etc. ...    But hey !  Coronation and Election combo boost. fucking get in! "

If its terminal Charlie could still be with us for years .. if he popped his clogs tomorrow the earliest date for a coronation would be well after an election .. it really cannot be during the same year as his death .. I also don't find the prospect of his bald headed heir appealing.

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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Rushed into a private clinic by eunuch cherubs  with fluttering angel wings for immediate  attention .The best of the best consultants who aren't on strike to improve their 250k per annum  salary or playing a round of golf  and a plethora of the best nurses who again are not on strike and actually speak a language understandable by the Indigenous population all of whom are on  hand to attend to the king.He has had to postpone his royal duties of signing pointless documents and hand wavng to multitudes of morons with greying hair who drive electric  cars and live in large houses they paid 4k for 45 years ago and tell everyone how had they've had it .

The rest of us get treated with contempt by militant  NHS arseholes , wait until the point of no return should we become ill and then say "oh thankyou , they have been wonderful ".Spoken to like shite , treated like cattle and we're  told  treatment is  free , which it isn't .It's free for illegals and Africans wishing to fly from Gambia to give birth to their litter in  the UK , for working class brits its not free .We pay for the training of doctors and nurses who upon completion of that training fuck off to Gaza to help the poor  terrorist sympathisers or to Australia to sit on the beach and earn twice as much as in the uk as they believe it morally acceptable to do so .The NHS is taxpayer funded , not a profit making business funded by insurance companies with goverment financial intervention, hence pay is naturally lower .The ordinary British are brave .King Charles elevated position because of pure chance rather than any form of  democratic procedure  is in itself an immoral carbuncle upon human decency .An ordinary pleb gets cancer , you can't work and can't pay the mortgage , your house is repossessed .Simple as .

I hear what you're saying but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. Cancer doesn't care whether you're a monarch or a homeless destitute. I've seen what it does to people and it's horrible. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I hear what you're saying but I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone. Cancer doesn't care whether you're a monarch or a homeless destitute. I've seen what it does to people and it's horrible. 

I agree, what I really despise is that the treatment that pig gets is so superior to what you or I would receive. WHY?.One could argue that many ordinary  people  who do ordinary jobs are far more usefull than that jug eared twat  and the rest of his disgusting family. They believe themselves to be worthy of all that is given to them , it's all a bit Louis 14th , the rightful mouthpiece of God for the plebs to obey and shower with adoration , what a load of  bullshit .As you rightly  say,  I wouldn't wish it on any sole but should it remove him and members of his twisted family  from the scene I would feel no sympathy .Those who produce the doctors,  the nurses , the binmen ,those who keep electricity at a flick of a switch , small business people working hard in the economy,  everyday people basically are worth a million times more than that family of spoilt  narcissistic swine .Ordinary folk are the ones who should be given preference and not made to beg for a GP appointment and treated with contempt.Its  just so fucking backward .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

I agree, what I really despise is that the treatment that pig gets is so superior to what you or I would receive. WHY?.One could argue that many ordinary  people  who do ordinary jobs are far more usefull than that jug eared twat  and the rest of his disgusting family. They believe themselves to be worthy of all that is given to them , it's all a bit Louis 14th , the rightful mouthpiece of God for the plebs to obey and shower with adoration , what a load of  bullshit .As you rightly  say,  I wouldn't wish it on any sole but should it remove him and members of his twisted family  from the scene I would feel no sympathy .Those who produce the doctors,  the nurses , the binmen ,those who keep electricity at a flick of a switch , small business people working hard in the economy,  everyday people basically are worth a million times more than that family of spoilt  narcissistic swine .Ordinary folk are the ones who should be given preference and not made to beg for a GP appointment and treated with contempt.Its  just so fucking backward .

Ooh but yes...but.....look at the money they bring in from tourism!*

*Little old lady drinking tea from her Charles and Di wedding mug.

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8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Rushed into a private clinic by eunuch cherubs  with fluttering angel wings for immediate  attention .The best of the best consultants who aren't on strike to improve their 250k per annum  salary or playing a round of golf  and a plethora of the best nurses who again are not on strike and actually speak a language understandable by the Indigenous population all of whom are on  hand to attend to the king.He has had to postpone his royal duties of signing pointless documents and hand wavng to multitudes of morons with greying hair who drive electric  cars and live in large houses they paid 4k for 45 years ago and tell everyone how had they've had it .

The rest of us get treated with contempt by militant  NHS arseholes , wait until the point of no return should we become ill and then say "oh thankyou , they have been wonderful ".Spoken to like shite , treated like cattle and we're  told  treatment is  free , which it isn't .It's free for illegals and Africans wishing to fly from Gambia to give birth to their litter in  the UK , for working class brits its not free .We pay for the training of doctors and nurses who upon completion of that training fuck off to Gaza to help the poor  terrorist sympathisers or to Australia to sit on the beach and earn twice as much as in the uk as they believe it morally acceptable to do so .The NHS is taxpayer funded , not a profit making business funded by insurance companies with goverment financial intervention, hence pay is naturally lower .The ordinary British are brave .King Charles elevated position because of pure chance rather than any form of  democratic procedure  is in itself an immoral carbuncle upon human decency .An ordinary pleb gets cancer , you can't work and can't pay the mortgage , your house is repossessed .Simple as .

I agree there's a strange almost surreal relationship between the media especially news media, but to judge from the front pages yesterday everywhere soaked in disproportionate sympathy, and the monarchy. It's as if they're joined at the navel. It amounts to a conspiracy and a dangerous one. IPoliticians talk about curbing the excesses of social media but this royal thing is just as corrosive and dangetous to young minds. If they don't travel (except to get blitzed and laid in a slum Spanish or Greek resort) if they don't learn another language, if there education stops short of reading for pleasure and they rely on this utter royal shite what hope is there for this country? It's destined to stay frozen in time a crumbling society hanging on as much for comfort as anything else (but a lack of imagination is what I'm alluding to here) two dfucking ships sent to the Far East to frighten China, a few planes bombing the Yeti in Yemen - give us a break. The whole charade is hilarious. It's to keep the CITY OF LONDON propped up and the fat cats in lucre. Everybody else is disposable. 

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7 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I agree it's hard to feel sympathy for any of the fuckers, but you do still have to step back and marvel at the sheer malevolent coincidence that Charlie boy waited his entire life for the throne only for it to give him arse cancer when he sat on it.

As these pampered, living-on-another-plain-of-reality heirs of undeserved fortune go, he's had a rough time of it, comparatively speaking.

There is the sad realisation it came too late. A bit like when Billy searches Grindr. In earlier times, of course, he would have simply topped Philip and his mother to climb on to the throne. In fact there's a Breaking Bad version of The Crown which is doing well on the dark web. 

Best Wishes and get that large irregular mole on your nose checked out. 

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6 hours ago, colonelkurtz said:

With the media now at defcon red white and blue eagerly awaiting the Middleton womans rightful ascension to the new queenie gig and the accompanying super soar away front pages with full colour centre spread yummy mummy fashion tips and grooming advice.

Nicholas Witchell will be polishing the good brogues and ironing the sombre suit

As for Sunak .." Thoughts and prayers etc., etc. ...    But hey !  Coronation and Election combo boost. fucking get in! "

You've overlooked the traditional period of mourning for the new/old king which should last about 3 minutes in most homes. Just enough to time a medium done boiled egg by. 

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Ooh but yes...but.....look at the money they bring in from tourism!*

*Little old lady drinking tea from her Charles and Di wedding mug.

As if... Imagine (that's an Alan Yentob Cunt Cut Away) nobody would visit the UK if the monarchy was abolished... Imagine. 

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12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I agree it's hard to feel sympathy for any of the fuckers, but you do still have to step back and marvel at the sheer malevolent coincidence that Charlie boy waited his entire life for the throne only for it to give him arse cancer when he sat on it.

As these pampered, living-on-another-plain-of-reality heirs of undeserved fortune go, he's had a rough time of it, comparatively speaking.

It’s Camilla I feel sorry for Killer. 
What a fucking hideously ugly cunt and no mistake.

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Guest entitled little cunt
13 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

There is the sad realisation it came too late. A bit like when Billy searches Grindr. In earlier times, of course, he would have simply topped Philip and his mother to climb on to the throne. In fact there's a Breaking Bad version of The Crown which is doing well on the dark web. 

Best Wishes and get that large irregular mole on your nose checked out. 

If you do have an irregular mole the chances of having it checked out before it covers your whole face like some quatermass Sci fi monster is about zero .Tarquin wordsworth smythe , your consultant is on strike spending  time at his Dordogne Chateau drinking  vintage Red from his cellar , flying back every now and then for the odd private job. They're fucking saints you know , the NHS.Such selfless individuals .A GP receptionist spoke to me  with a modicum of human decency the other day , gawd bless her .I had been on hold for 13 hours and filled out 12 triage forms explaining I was laying at the bottom of the stairs with a broken leg .Obviously Umboogoo, his wife and 14 children newly arrived  on the RNLI express from Somalia takes priority over any of us .Fucking Angels , the NHS.

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

If you do have an irregular mole the chances of having it checked out before it covers your whole face like some quatermass Sci fi monster is about zero .Tarquin wordsworth smythe , your consultant is on strike spending  time at his Dordogne Chateau drinking  vintage Red from his cellar , flying back every now and then for the odd private job. They're fucking saints you know , the NHS.Such selfless individuals .A GP receptionist spoke to me  with a modicum of human decency the other day , gawd bless her .I had been on hold for 13 hours and filled out 12 triage forms explaining I was laying at the bottom of the stairs with a broken leg .Obviously Umboogoo, his wife and 14 children newly arrived  on the RNLI express from Somalia takes priority over any of us .Fucking Angels , the NHS.

I suppose that out elderly monarch needs to look nice.

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4 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

If you do have an irregular mole the chances of having it checked out before it covers your whole face like some quatermass Sci fi monster is about zero .Tarquin wordsworth smythe , your consultant is on strike spending  time at his Dordogne Chateau drinking  vintage Red from his cellar , flying back every now and then for the odd private job. They're fucking saints you know , the NHS.Such selfless individuals .A GP receptionist spoke to me  with a modicum of human decency the other day , gawd bless her .I had been on hold for 13 hours and filled out 12 triage forms explaining I was laying at the bottom of the stairs with a broken leg .Obviously Umboogoo, his wife and 14 children newly arrived  on the RNLI express from Somalia takes priority over any of us .Fucking Angels , the NHS.

You’re dead right... too dead right for my taste. Access to NHS for a lot of people in a lot of places is blocked by these cluster bombs of our own making:

A when the NHS was set up it should have never compromised with the Tory Opposition and Doctors to allow them to carry on private and NHS treatments (sometimes under the same fucking roof of an NHS hospital) together. Same with Dentists. 

B. We train you at our expense and you're ours for ten years min. after qualification and when you want to go private you leave the NHS with all the support etc the NHS gives. I thought that would have been reasonable but then I'm stupid. 

C. What struck me about Channel 4 News coverage of people qjeuing overnight to register with a new NHS Dentist opening up in Birmingham is that there wasn't a single white person in the queue. So what sort of queue was that? 

D. When you have a country with urban ghettos of ethnic minorities and freshly arrived immigrants  (because that is where they gravitate) not all of whom are living legitimately above the radar, you are going to find a huge shortfall in basic services. Southwark is goid at that. Over-intensive vertical property redevelopment of rabbit hutches (lots of letterboxes for council tax forms for those "whiteys" working in "affordable" homes) with a huge proportion of ethnics living in new flats on housing benefit paid to private landlords or cunt organisations like Notting Hill Housing Association which is actually a privatised property company. The overall effect is that the existing Doctors Surgery for the afea which was built in the Sixties or Seventies might get a modest makeiver but is in reality swamped and completely overwhelmed by the influx of new residents. Given existing long standing issues in nurses and doctors recruitment which have never been addressed by any government the situation is now drastic. We are domestically a poor country with no fucking idea. 


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Guest entitled little cunt
22 hours ago, King Billy said:

It’s Camilla I feel sorry for Killer. 
What a fucking hideously ugly cunt and no mistake.

It's a bloke 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 07/02/2024 at 17:40, camberwell gypsy said:

Well the garlic munchers got rid of theirs and Paris is hardly empty.

Egypt  got rid of theirs  about 3,000 years ago and look at them , very progressive .Hmm, maybe better the devil you know .

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