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Where's Abdul ?

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

I'm wondering if its worth creating a "find the Abdul" country wide game of sorts .A bit like an Easter egg hunt .The weather isn't too bad and it's a good excuse to get into the fresh air and search garden sheds , abandoned  buildings , woods and waste ground for the little one eyed critter .It's heartening to see the Muslim population of the UK join in as always to track down the wrong'un in their midst and ours .The human Easter egg hunt could take on an international flavour as I wouldn't be surprised if the object of our attention is now driving a tuk tuk on the streets of  Kabul or some other shit hole .If not he can be safe in the  knowledge there's an army of solicitors ready and waiting to defend him and stop nasty little Englanders deporting the cunt after hopefully a good kicking. 

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On 04/02/2024 at 10:46, mobiduck-the-third said:

Metropolitan Police have offered advice to the public to be prepared...


Galpharm Peppermint Antacid 24 per pack – UK Botiga

That's all well and good if you're drinking the caustic liquid, what do you do when the cunt 'splashes it all over' in a Henry Cooper stylee? 

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The police have now mentioned "associates" which indicates to me a thriving Afghan network both official and unofficial operating in the UK. These cunts are better organised than the Yorkshire miners under Scargill. 

Let’s say it - if you obstruct the law in your adopted country guess what? YOU ARE NO LONGER WELCOME AND CAN FUCK OFF TO RWANDA THE LAND WITHOUT SOCIAL SECURITY OR FREE HOUSING. 

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Guest Basil
On 05/02/2024 at 15:52, and said:

That's all well and good if you're drinking the caustic liquid, what do you do when the cunt 'splashes it all over' in a Henry Cooper stylee? 

When did ol'Henry 'splash it over' exactly?

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On 06/02/2024 at 02:19, PANZER MURPHY said:

If he came here he'd be in a tent if he was lucky or a burning nursing home...spineless cunts..lol


Leo would welcome him with open arms (and an even more wide open and welcoming arsehole), then once Abdul’s tight little Taliban rectum  couldn’t accommodate any more of Leo’s organic home grown protein juice, he’d gently rub the remainder on what’s left of his poor little suppurating face, so he would look nice for his new Irish passport photo in a few days time.

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 hours ago, and said:


Bazza Sheen.What a 70s icon .Fuck knows what he'd think of 157 genders ,  the  mental health frailty epidemic and the country changing from white working class to an Islamic hell hole of one eyed acid throwers, out of date happy shopper sandwich peddlers in black Mercedes   and dusky shop lifters and drug dealers  on a shooting and stabbing frenzy .Once he's taken that all in he'd then realise london is run buy a carpet kneeler who charges us to use the roads we paid to build and let's Arab  terrorist sympathisers drive around waving flags and threatening Jews. I think Bazza would get back on his RG500 , open it up full throttle and in a plume of blue baby killing 2 stroke smoke fuck off back to heaven to fuck a few more blondes and have a post nuptial  fag .Bless him .I miss him ,and James Hunt.

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8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Bazza Sheen.What a 70s icon ....would get back on his RG500 , open it up full throttle and in a plume of blue baby killing 2 stroke smoke

We used hang out at the Murco garage in 70s where mates worked and used to pump Redex up our hot Yamaha RD exhaust pipes and then do a massive burn up and down the Dual Carriageway in massive blue fog heaven!  Plumes da ma tante!


Two-stroke motorcycles could be coming back | Stuff

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1 hour ago, mobiduck-the-third said:

We used hang out at the Murco garage in 70s where mates worked and used to pump Redex up our hot Yamaha RD exhaust pipes and then do a massive burn up and down the Dual Carriageway in massive blue fog heaven!  Plumes da ma tante!


Two-stroke motorcycles could be coming back | Stuff

Cancer causing cunt.

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10 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Bazza Sheen.What a 70s icon .Fuck knows what he'd think of 157 genders ,  the  mental health frailty epidemic and the country changing from white working class to an Islamic hell hole of one eyed acid throwers, out of date happy shopper sandwich peddlers in black Mercedes   and dusky shop lifters and drug dealers  on a shooting and stabbing frenzy .Once he's taken that all in he'd then realise london is run buy a carpet kneeler who charges us to use the roads we paid to build and let's Arab  terrorist sympathisers drive around waving flags and threatening Jews. I think Bazza would get back on his RG500 , open it up full throttle and in a plume of blue baby killing 2 stroke smoke fuck off back to heaven to fuck a few more blondes and have a post nuptial  fag .Bless him .I miss him ,and James Hunt.

If ever your status here could mirror a catchy, truthful slogan for a business, "First for idiocy, last for apostrophes" would be ideal.

You make things sound as though Luton represents the whole of the UK, ffs. Why don't you cook up some more stats which you can't verify with any sort of reference?

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41 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

If ever your status here could mirror a catchy, truthful slogan for a business, "First for idiocy, last for apostrophes" would be ideal.

You make things sound as though Luton represents the whole of the UK, ffs. Why don't you cook up some more stats which you can't verify with any sort of reference?

Luton is of course in the U.K,  but the last time I was there I thought it more like Islamabad, but with more shit. 

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1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

Luton is of course in the U.K,  but the last time I was there I thought it more like Islamabad, but with more shit. 

You couldn't have left the UK to escape ragheadism, because 8.8% of France's current population is muslim (compare to UK's 3.3%). This accompanies 2,300 French mosques, to the UK's 1,500.

"Je m'appelle Abdul", lol.



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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

If ever your status here could mirror a catchy, truthful slogan for a business, "First for idiocy, last for apostrophes" would be ideal.

You make things sound as though Luton represents the whole of the UK, ffs. Why don't you cook up some more stats which you can't verify with any sort of reference?

I've got one that suits you down to the ground , it's short  and simple, rather like you . Cunt .

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, mobiduck-the-third said:

We used hang out at the Murco garage in 70s where mates worked and used to pump Redex up our hot Yamaha RD exhaust pipes and then do a massive burn up and down the Dual Carriageway in massive blue fog heaven!  Plumes da ma tante!


Two-stroke motorcycles could be coming back | Stuff

2 strokes were and are the hooligan bikes of their era .Small ,light, cheap and insanely fast compared to  4 strokes twice their capacity. Yamaha Rd's, especially the LC.I bought a 350 lc new in 1982 ,  Barry sheen replica paint  by dream machine .Open it up and let that front wheel lift , handled like a dream.Those were the days .4 strokes caught on , the CBX 550 I guess was one of the first fast 4 stroke light weights .Then there was an avalanche of the things but they all lacked that 2 stroke antisocial , uncivilised fuck you attitude ,especially when screaming through  allspeeds or micron pipes .

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Guest entitled little cunt
41 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

You couldn't have left the UK to escape ragheadism, because 8.8% of France's current population is muslim (compare to UK's 3.3%). This accompanies 2,300 French mosques, to the UK's 1,500.

"Je m'appelle Abdul", lol.



 You are once again missing the essential point in a weird cockwaving attempt to prove you're some form of pseudo academic. France has the same population at last count (before illegals flooded in ) but is twice the size in land mass .Its still possible to walk in the french countryside say for instance in the Auvergne,  get lost , not see a soul and expire .That is practically impossible in the UK,  especially England .Maybe you could do us a favour and try to prove me wrong .No matter where you go in the uk there's always some cunt around the corner , not so in France .It is more than possible to escape the evil march of radical Islam in France , it just depends how isolated  the hamlet or villiage is in which you live .The cities are of course a different ball game , as they are in the UK.

est-que tu comprends?

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On 08/02/2024 at 19:53, entitled little cunt said:

 You are once again missing the essential point in a weird cockwaving attempt to prove you're some form of pseudo academic. France has the same population at last count (before illegals flooded in ) but is twice the size in land mass .Its still possible to walk in the french countryside say for instance in the Auvergne,  get lost , not see a soul and expire .That is practically impossible in the UK,  especially England .Maybe you could do us a favour and try to prove me wrong .No matter where you go in the uk there's always some cunt around the corner , not so in France .It is more than possible to escape the evil march of radical Islam in France , it just depends how isolated  the hamlet or villiage is in which you live .The cities are of course a different ball game , as they are in the UK.

est-que tu comprends?

Why would anyone want to prove they were some form of pseudo academic? Lol, you idiot.

While I welcome someone who's got opinions and isn't afraid to vocalise them, your accuracy is appalling – built on nothing other than your strong views. You're like some Alf Garnett-type who's been teleported into modern Britain from the same 70s sitting room armchair. You see everything in black or white, based on an 'either this or that' judgement rather than exploring the possibility of a grey area from both perspectives. But if that grey area is seemingly as small as the one between your ears, you'd better continue to engage with pro-Israel kike and general thickster and, as well as Pen, Harold and the other bottom-feeding dickhead volume posters this site is being overwhelmed by.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Why would anyone attempt/wish to prove they were some form of pseudo academic? Lol, you idiot.

While I welcome someone who's got opinions and isn't afraid to vocalise them, your accuracy is appalling – built on nothing other than your strong views. You're like some Alf Garnett-type who's been teleported into modern Britain from the same 70s sitting room armchair. You see everything in black or white, based on an 'either this or that' judgement rather than exploring the possibility of a grey area from both perspectives. But if that grey area is seemingly as small as the one between your ears, you'd better continue to engage with pro-Israel kike and general thickster and, as well as Pen, Harold and the other bottom-feeding dickhead volume posters this site is being overwhelmed by.

What's wrong Wiffles, you don't sound very happy, can't your best mate come out to play today? 🤣

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Why would anyone attempt/wish to prove they were some form of pseudo academic? Lol, you idiot.

While I welcome someone who's got opinions and isn't afraid to vocalise them, your accuracy is appalling – built on nothing other than your strong views. You're like some Alf Garnett-type who's been teleported into modern Britain from the same 70s sitting room armchair. You see everything in black or white, based on an 'either this or that' judgement rather than exploring the possibility of a grey area from both perspectives. But if that grey area is seemingly as small as the one between your ears, you'd better continue to engage with pro-Israel kike and general thickster and, as well as Pen, Harold and the other bottom-feeding dickhead volume posters this site is being overwhelmed 


1 hour ago, and said:

What's wrong Wiffles, you don't sound very happy, can't your best mate come out to play today? 🤣

What's wrong with him is that he's a bit of a cunt .

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