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Guest entitled little cunt

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18 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

He'll blend right in with the drug dealers inside. 

What I'm reading into this is that he converted back to his peaceful religion and wanted his woman to cover her face and when she refused he tried to make sure that nobody else would want to look at her face.

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

What I'm reading into this is that he converted back to his peaceful religion and wanted his woman to cover her face and when she refused he tried to make sure that nobody else would want to look at her face.

I think the conversion to Christianity (therefore I will be stoned to death in Afghanistan) argument on asylum applications has now been put to bed. 

But don't worry. It will still carry on being used and used successfully because our system does not learn from its mistakes. 

PS He would be stoned to death in Afghanistan because he's a cunt and The Taliban seem to be able to discover this yet we call them backward? 

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1 hour ago, Penny Farthing said:

What I'm reading into this is that he converted back to his peaceful religion and wanted his woman to cover her face and when she refused he tried to make sure that nobody else would want to look at her face.

According to women's groups its just another sad tale of men's tyranncal behaviour towards women carefully excluding all other issues. 

A. He is not a "typical" man. Most men don't have faces like this. Most men are NOT abusers and have as healthy give and take attitude towards women as women have towards men in traditional mainstream Britain. He os not typical of the average male in this country. So this is a spurious argument. 

B. The peculiar ritualistic nature of this attack is alien to British culture. So no inference can be drawn from his attack which applies to any discussion of men and women in mainstream Britain. 

C Anything that happens outside of the mainstream or do to one another on the fringes I don’t give a fucking flying fuck. It's alien to my values and outlook on life. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

OK, so back these claimed facts up with evidence. I'm all ears but I'd like to see some web links, editorial, graphs et al. to form an opinion.

Who the fuck am I , Jeremy fucking Paxman .

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47 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Who the fuck am I , Jeremy fucking Paxman .

Wolfie is very precise and technical, you can tell that from his posts. On the other hand Wolfie doesn't feel its nessary to make any nominations himself leaving others to do the hard work. 

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29 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Wolfie is very precise and technical, you can tell that from his posts. On the other hand Wolfie doesn't feel its nessary to make any nominations himself leaving others to do the hard work. 

He is a bit of a dog for fine detail .. like Prince Andrew he need to have his teddy bears arranged in exact order on his bed otherwise he can't get to sleep.

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

According to women's groups its just another sad tale of men's tyranncal behaviour towards women carefully excluding all other issues. 

A. He is not a "typical" man. Most men don't have faces like this. Most men are NOT abusers and have as healthy give and take attitude towards women as women have towards men in traditional mainstream Britain. He os not typical of the average male in this country. So this is a spurious argument. 

B. The peculiar ritualistic nature of this attack is alien to British culture. So no inference can be drawn from his attack which applies to any discussion of men and women in mainstream Britain. 

C Anything that happens outside of the mainstream or do to one another on the fringes I don’t give a fucking flying fuck. It's alien to my values and outlook on life. 

He’ll regret his actions one day if the kitchen sink refuses to drain and he realises there’s no caustic soda left.

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23 minutes ago, King Billy said:

He’ll regret his actions one day if he the kitchen sink refuses to drain and he realises there’s no caustic soda left.

He's clearly a square pig (peg) who probably doesn't know what the inside of a kitchen is, never saw a sink in Afghanistan (plastic bowl of pissy water on floor) and has no idea about what the fuck anything is except strutting around (as he does in the video) asserting his gender role. If he's a Christian then I'm a Buddhist monk living in Tibet. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

What I'm reading into this is that he converted back to his peaceful religion and wanted his woman to cover her face and when she refused he tried to make sure that nobody else would want to look at her face.

Who'd  want to , they're perpetually over weight , have a rather odd hue and  have hair sprouting everywhere , especially the  top lip .Utterly disgusting .

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On 04/02/2024 at 17:57, entitled little cunt said:

Who the  fuck am I , Jeremy fucking Paxman .

u still cant get the grasp of  punctuaTion ,  can u dick,head .

You're coming across as a lower set GCSE politics student. Let me quote some of the facts you've bellowed out:

"uk crime rate would finish by 2 thirds virtually overnight
34%of those in prison are of non Caucasian decent
The  mean average of population of these "types"  is under 13%
I think 75% is Conservative"

So, I ask again: where did you source your numbers from? Hopefully they've not been plucked on a whim. Put up some evidence to backup your claim, you slapdash punch-drunk minnow. You're conversing with adults now. And get yourself an avatar.

You've been warned, again.

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19 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

He is a bit of a dog for fine detail .. like Prince Andrew he need to have his teddy bears arranged in exact order on his bed otherwise he can't get to sleep.

It's not usually a problem for @Wolfie most of them are already stuck together with the congealed jizz from his previous 'romantic' encounters.


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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

u still cant get the grasp of  punctuaTion ,  can u dick,head .

You're coming across as a lower set GCSE politics student. Let me quote some of the facts you've bellowed out:

"uk crime rate would finish by 2 thirds virtually overnight
34%of those in prison are of non Caucasian decent
The  mean average of population of these "types"  is under 13%
I think 75% is Conservative"

So, I ask again: where did you source your numbers from? Hopefully they've not been plucked on a whim. Put up some evidence to backup your claim, you slapdash punch-drunk minnow. You're conversing with adults now. And get yourself an avatar.

You've been warned, again.

In a few paragraphs you used the following terms dick head , slap dash , punch drunk minnow , commented upon punctuation, warned me ( of what ), accused me of bellowing out (which would be rather difficult as we are dealing with the written word ) , called me a lower GCSE politics student ( I dont think GCSE actually exist anymore ) and I think you'll find most students would not hold the same opinions as myself to put it mildly .Oh , and then told me to get an avatar .  The above really does make it appear you have a  inflated opinion of yourself and a rather disparaging view of others who only  wish to state an opinion to which you are opposed to .Quite why you feel it necessary for me  to appear as an avatar is beyond me , I fail to  see what difference that would  make other than to you for some bizarre reason.Percentages of minorities with  in the uk population are well known and  available for all to see as is the   prison population percentage  and the percentage of minorities with in it .Given 1.The relatively low percentage of minorities in the population and 2.The extremely high percentage of minorities in the judicial system  it is simple to deduce they commit more crime , simple as .That fact does seem to be plainly evident to most , you being one of the few exceptions .Minorities per capita  of population are responsible for more crime  than the indigenous population.The left would argue it is because of lack of opportunity and racism .Maybe that has something to do with it .If by 2024 reasons for such matters are not known or not agreed upon reflects that all sides of the argument fail to grasp the reality of what's  actually happening .

So fuck off 

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Guest entitled little cunt
23 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

He is a bit of a dog for fine detail .. like Prince Andrew he need to have his teddy bears arranged in exact order on his bed otherwise he can't get to sleep.

Quite possibly he needs to get out more. 

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22 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

In a few paragraphs you used the following terms dick head , slap dash , punch drunk minnow , commented upon punctuation, warned me ( of what ), accused me of bellowing out (which would be rather difficult as we are dealing with the written word ) , called me a lower GCSE politics student ( I dont think GCSE actually exist anymore ) and I think you'll find most students would not hold the same opinions as myself to put it mildly .Oh , and then told me to get an avatar .  The above really does make it appear you have a  inflated opinion of yourself and a rather disparaging view of others who only  wish to state an opinion to which you are opposed to .Quite why you feel it necessary for me  to appear as an avatar is beyond me , I fail to  see what difference that would  make other than to you for some bizarre reason.Percentages of minorities with  in the uk population are well known and  available for all to see as is the   prison population percentage  and the percentage of minorities with in it .Given 1.The relatively low percentage of minorities in the population and 2.The extremely high percentage of minorities in the judicial system  it is simple to deduce they commit more crime , simple as .That fact does seem to be plainly evident to most , you being one of the few exceptions .Minorities per capita  of population are responsible for more crime  than the indigenous population.The left would argue it is because of lack of opportunity and racism .Maybe that has something to do with it .If by 2024 reasons for such matters are not known or not agreed upon reflects that all sides of the argument fail to grasp the reality of what's  actually happening .

So fuck off 

pipe down i  knew , you wouldnt be able to clarify  you.number sn percentages withany kind of evidence  ( you made them up) .,If your goin to get involved.in a worthy discussion then you   need to verify your  arguments with proof ,not clutch at numbers you believe to be correct because you (and I quote) "fail to  see what difference they would  make"  ..    I thought you were an idiot. in the making from outset.I was willing to give u a  chance , but youve proven me correct.

You  colossal thickwit , prepare you're asshole .

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32 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

pipe down i  knew , you wouldnt be able to clarify  you.number sn percentages withany kind of evidence  ( you made them up) .,If your goin to get involved.in a worthy discussion then you   need to verify your  arguments with proof ,not clutch at numbers you believe to be correct because you (and I quote) "fail to  see what difference they would  make"  ..    I thought you were an idiot. in the making from outset.I was willing to give u a  chance , but youve proven me correct.

You  colossal thickwit , prepare you're asshole .

That could of been Snatch that writ that.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

pipe down i  knew , you wouldnt be able to clarify  you.number sn percentages withany kind of evidence  ( you made them up) .,If your goin to get involved.in a worthy discussion then you   need to verify your  arguments with proof ,not clutch at numbers you believe to be correct because you (and I quote) "fail to  see what difference they would  make"  ..    I thought you were an idiot. in the making from outset.I was willing to give u a  chance , but youve proven me correct.

You  colossal thickwit , prepare you're asshole .

I think you need to calm down slightly , cut down the insults and read my response without behaving like a rabid 16 year old .At last count minorities  made up 13% of the uk population .That has no doubt increased as our fuckwit goverment seem intent on letting every  sexual offender , misogynistic  pig  and utterly uncivilised waste of skin reside in the uk simply because they made their way here.There are presently 81, 806 persons in uk jails.Minorities make up a whopping 34% of that total.As I said in my last response , crime does not stop at the offender or the offence committed, it spreads like ripples from a pebble dropped into water .One offence can effect countless amounts of people and businesses. A minority drug dealer sells to an  addict , that addict then mugs to pay for his addiction,  he  and countless others shoplift to make money to pay for supply  , the shop goes out of business , people lose their jobs , they lose their house and so on.The cost to society is enormous but all that's studied is the offender and the single offence rather than the other costs that, it  could be argued,  are far higher.If the goverment stopped entry of undesirables,  deported all illegals and asset stripped those who commit crimes then deport them surely that would be cutting the head off the snake before it has a chance to turn and bite the hand that feeds .You wont read this far because I don't think you're the sought, your rabid response proves that .It's just so typical , I dont agree therefore you should die, you're an idiot , you're stupid , you're this , you're that, bla bla fucking bla . NO .I have an opinion that  is different to yours, thats all .Adults have turned into 5 year olds , throwing tantrums in some narcissistic orgy of ego masturbation .I've not insulted you  and no matter what your response,  I still wont .Its all rather silly. 


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Is he STILL on the loose? A bit odd. Perhaps the Old Bill are waiting for the smell to track him down. Seems to me he's pretty well being covered by a guerrilla organisation which I suppose is what you get when you import a crew of war hardened Afghans into the country for no good reason other than "they were traitors to their own people and collaborated with us when we illegally invaded their country". 

What goes around comes around. 

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