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Management cuntsultants

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

These shadowy narcissistic fuckwits  earn millions of taxpayers money through goverment contracts.For example , PA cuntsulting group urged the Post Office to accept the flawed  Fugitsu  computer system .PA's CEO at the time appeared at the inquiry and of course managed to slip away with hardly a mention.The British taxpayer foots the bill whilst Mr.Topping , the ex ceo in question enjoys a very comfortable lifestyle.Unbelievably  PA still manage to secure goverment contracts .I think last year they were awarded a 7.6  million £ contract centred around advising how to convince  parents  ensure their children  brush their teeth .You couldn't fucking write it .What a fucking country. Any cuntsultant is indeed a cunt.

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On 27/01/2024 at 22:03, entitled little cunt said:

These shadowy narcissistic fuckwits  earn millions of taxpayers money through goverment contracts.For example , PA cuntsulting group urged the Post Office to accept the flawed  Fugitsu  computer system .PA's CEO at the time appeared at the inquiry and of course managed to slip away with hardly a mention.The British taxpayer foots the bill whilst Mr.Topping , the ex ceo in question enjoys a very comfortable lifestyle.Unbelievably  PA still manage to secure goverment contracts .I think last year they were awarded a 7.6  million £ contract centred around advising how to convince  parents  ensure their children  brush their teeth .You couldn't fucking write it .What a fucking country. Any cuntsultant is indeed a cunt.

Take early retirement and do some consultancy work is a good racket. Just advise  I know a some people who took the money almost 30 years ag when a certain industry was privatised .. some of them were only in their early 40s .. they got into the consultancy game telling the cunt who took over and fucked up how to do the obvious. A lot of them (now in their 70s) are still at it, making £1000s for a few days work .. of course there are also plenty of backhanders from advising cunt cunts to use buggy softwarefrom outfits like fujisu etc.

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On 27/01/2024 at 22:03, entitled little cunt said:

These shadowy narcissistic fuckwits  earn millions of taxpayers money through goverment contracts.For example , PA cuntsulting group urged the Post Office to accept the flawed  Fugitsu  computer system .PA's CEO at the time appeared at the inquiry and of course managed to slip away with hardly a mention.The British taxpayer foots the bill whilst Mr.Topping , the ex ceo in question enjoys a very comfortable lifestyle.Unbelievably  PA still manage to secure goverment contracts .I think last year they were awarded a 7.6  million £ contract centred around advising how to convince  parents  ensure their children  brush their teeth .You couldn't fucking write it .What a fucking country. Any cuntsultant is indeed a cunt.

They used to be called Time and Motion Inspectors and were universally despised. Whenever they appeared on the shop floor it meant the firm was struggling if not doomed and it was time to broaden one's horizons. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Take early retirement and do some consultancy work is a good racket. Just advise  I know a some people who took the money almost 30 years ag when a certain industry was privatised .. some of them were only in their early 40s .. they got into the consultancy game telling the cunt who took over and fucked up how to do the obvious. A lot of them (now in their 70s) are still at it, making £1000s for a few days work .. of course there are also plenty of backhanders from advising cunt cunts to use buggy softwarefrom outfits like fujisu etc.

They really are a special breed of cunt .What fucks me off is goverment departments are full of experts in their field happily  costing the tax payer millions.When it comes to organising a project they then get some other bunch of cunts in to do the job that they're paid to do in the first fucking  place .What the fuck is that all about .Civil servants would get cunsultants in to organise the Christmas party .cunts .

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

They really are a special breed of cunt .What fucks me off is goverment departments are full of experts in their field happily  costing the tax payer millions.When it comes to organising a project they then get some other bunch of cunts in to do the job that they're paid to do in the first fucking  place .What the fuck is that all about .Civil servants would get cunsultants in to organise the Christmas party .cunts .

In the case of most of the industries that they privatised they ended calling the cunts that they sacked back as consultants to explain how things worked to the fuckwits who bought in and then found that there were no real profits.

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

They really are a special breed of cunt .What fucks me off is goverment departments are full of experts in their field happily  costing the tax payer millions.When it comes to organising a project they then get some other bunch of cunts in to do the job that they're paid to do in the first fucking  place .What the fuck is that all about .Civil servants would get cunsultants in to organise the Christmas party .cunts .

The cuntsultancy game seems to be a well organised merry go round that some professions have institutionalised - social care, defence, health, local government and housing, education, business and finance - in order to further pad out the already quite healthy pensions of cunts in senior positions. It's typical British "You scratch my back I'll scratch yours". 

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