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Valdo Calocane Cop Out


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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

It’s an embarrassment wolfie, I’m far too old for this car, I can’t get in or out of it with any dignity, I search for empty petrol stations late at night so I can roll out of it with no one watching. Roops hates it, no one ever lets me out or gives way, rightly so, only a cunt would drive this thing and everyone hates me. I know understand what it’s like being withers. 

Maybe trade it in for a Murciellago. Let’s get a sambo in a Lambo.

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Guest entitled little cunt

Those who allowed the cunt into the country in the first place should be locked in a room with the relatives who  can have a choice of blunt instrument . I assume the ugly cunt  was one of the doctors or engineers let in with zero checks .Those who allowed him to walk the streets , social services who were shit scared of doing anything to stop the violent thug from causing harm should all be stripped of pensions , fined and imprisoned. They are just as  guilty of murder as the perpetrator. 

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5 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The cunt was supposed to be locked up anyway.

Never mind locked up, the black cunt was under a deportation order which was never carried out (human rights  etc. etc. innit). Just like the five paedo leaders of one of the many Muslim nonce grooming gangs in Rochdale who are all out of jail and nonchalantly walking the streets again, smirking at their victims,and receiving legal aid funds to fight in the courts to stay here. All with the help of the growing army of leftie lawyers who are pocketing vast amounts of money to help these fucking deviant, kid fucking savages.

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19 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Unlike olive coon @Frank, you don't strike me as the type who inherits wealth Ed; a badboy-dun-good grafter, if you will.

But I think you'll agree driving that thing in a pair of old Loake brogues is a bit like decanting a bottle of 2012 reserve Chateauneuf du Wank into a £5.99 set of Tesco wine glasses.

So how much is daily hire on such a beast, including insurance?

He don’t bother with car insurance, probably because most underwriters won’t cover stolen vehicles.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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22 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Those who allowed the cunt into the country in the first place should be locked in a room with the relatives who  can have a choice of blunt instrument

The RNLI probably.

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Never mind locked up, the black cunt was under a deportation order which was never carried out (human rights  etc. etc. innit). Just like the five paedo leaders of one of the many Muslim nonce grooming gangs in Rochdale who are all out of jail and nonchalantly walking the streets again, smirking at their victims,and receiving legal aid funds to fight in the courts to stay here. All with the help of the growing army of leftie lawyers who are pocketing vast amounts of money to help these fucking deviant, kid fucking savages.

Apparently under the European Court of Human Rights naccompanied children must be looked after by the receiving country up to the age of 18.

In practise that means

fostering with a fucking lax family for cash

school in a bog standard state school already sinking under the weight of "challenging" kids

extra strain on all the fucking council and social care services which are supposed to be looking after our elderly etc

frequent and increasing involvement with the police and youth services

.... quick boot back on a plane or a boat would save a fucking shed load of mney and trouble. Spain has just been told off by Brussels for sending back 2,000 unaccompanied sub Saharan minors who invaded Cueta awhile ago. Mind you they have a working agreement with Morocco which means they get a padying on both sides of the border if they get caught. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
57 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The RNLI probably.

Those cunts have cost the taxpayer hundreds of millions because of their Uber service for illegals .Fucking appalling .Some fucking old retiree then gets their name stuck on the side of the taxi .The uk should put gun boats in the channel .The country is being invaded by diseased criminals and rapists .

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Apparently under the European Court of Human Rights naccompanied children must be looked after by the receiving country up to the age of 18.

In practise that means

fostering with a fucking lax family for cash

school in a bog standard state school already sinking under the weight of "challenging" kids

extra strain on all the fucking council and social care services which are supposed to be looking after our elderly etc

frequent and increasing involvement with the police and youth services

.... quick boot back on a plane or a boat would save a fucking shed load of mney and trouble. Spain has just been told off by Brussels for sending back 2,000 unaccompanied sub Saharan minors who invaded Cueta awhile ago. Mind you they have a working agreement with Morocco which means they get a padying on both sides of the border if they get caught. 

Unaccompanied  minors .Yeah right most have got beards and are able to  assemble and discharge the contents of an AK47 quicker than a British kid can google "what's an AK47.After an RNLI uber ride they're on the streets of your town wanting to fuck anything that moves .

Get rid of the fucking lot of 'em right now .

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Guest Basil
Just now, entitled little cunt said:

Unaccompanied  minors .Yeah right most have got beards and are able to  assemble and discharge the contents of an AK47 quicker than a British kid can google "what's an AK47.After an RNLI uber ride they're on the streets of your town wanting to fuck anything that moves .

Get rid of the fucking lot of 'em right now .

Enoch was right about that anyway. Ironically his only other intervention/policy of note could arguably be said to be (ultimately) responsible for what went down in Nottingham.

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Unaccompanied  minors .Yeah right most have got beards and are able to  assemble and discharge the contents of an AK47 quicker than a British kid can google "what's an AK47.After an RNLI uber ride they're on the streets of your town wanting to fuck anything that moves .

Get rid of the fucking lot of 'em right now .

Some of them are fucking scum bags that steal and thieve anything not nailed down and the attitude towards women - atrocious. 

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2 hours ago, Basil Brush said:

Enoch was right about that anyway. Ironically his only other intervention/policy of note could arguably be said to be (ultimately) responsible for what went down in Nottingham.

The boys follow the father and treat their own mothers with contempt as second class citizens, they don't fit into our modern school system where a lot of the teachers and staff are female. They just see them as inferior and will even be intimidating. They all end up in communities and schools which have enough problems to deal with without these on top and the refusal of the middle and upper classes to to take their fair share of immgrants or refugees is another reason for NOT fighting for this country. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

The boys follow the father and treat their own mothers with contempt as second class citizens, they don't fit into our modern school system where a lot of the teachers and staff are female. They just see them as inferior and will even be intimidating. They all end up in communities and schools which have enough problems to deal with without these on top and the refusal of the middle and upper classes to to take their fair share of immgrants or refugees is another reason for NOT fighting for this country. 

What Britain used to be no longer exists. OUR country  was the first to abolish slavery and used the Royal navy to police the seas to  end the slave  trade .Those who teach our children are not in possession of such facts of history and prefer to infiltrate  the minds of children with lies and shame should the kid be white .We are British , we welcomed those from overseas who shared our progressive slant .We welcomed their tastes and tolerated their beliefs.We , the white British are the ones who have been wronged .Wronged by the leftist agenda that stipulates we should be ashamed. I will never be ashamed .I am second generation immigrant .We did what was expected and needed  , left the culrural shite that forced ansestors to leave their place of birth behind in the first place ,  started business's,  employed  and added to the economy  and the good of the country.I still love this country because the people are unherently good .When  the leftist nazis they tell you you're worthless don't listen. 


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57 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

What Britain used to be no longer exists. OUR country  was the first to abolish slavery and used the Royal navy to police the seas to  end the slave  trade .Those who teach our children are not in possession of such facts of history and prefer to infiltrate  the minds of children with lies and shame should the kid be white .We are British , we welcomed those from overseas who shared our progressive slant .We welcomed their tastes and tolerated their beliefs.We , the white British are the ones who have been wronged .Wronged by the leftist agenda that stipulates we should be ashamed. I will never be ashamed .I am second generation immigrant .We did what was expected and needed  , left the culrural shite that forced ansestors to leave their place of birth behind in the first place ,  started business's,  employed  and added to the economy  and the good of the country.I still love this country because the people are unherently good .When  the leftist nazis they tell you you're worthless don't listen. 


I was referring to a lot of the refugee minors who end up in our system with a fucking baggage train of psychological and cultural problems that fuck up the schools they are placed in and the communities where they get (free) housing. The tag "Oh these poor kids are suffering PTS" doesn't wash when they have a traumatic effect on everyone else. My Q is why do they not get fostered in Highgate or Hampstead or Chelsea and found a place in one of our "great" public schools like Charterhouse, Oundle or Harrow or Eton or Dulwich College. 

No Siree the "scholarships" defenders of private eduare so quick to point out don't stretch to off the wall refugee kids with little English and a poxy set of values and absolutely no marketable skills like musical talent. Cunts in a cunt system. 

As for your inherently great people statement. I'm afraid that's all in the padt too. 99 out of a 100 Brits are cunts. 

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

What Britain used to be no longer exists. OUR country  was the first to abolish slavery and used the Royal navy to police the seas to  end the slave  trade .Those who teach our children are not in possession of such facts of history and prefer to infiltrate  the minds of children with lies and shame should the kid be white .We are British , we welcomed those from overseas who shared our progressive slant .We welcomed their tastes and tolerated their beliefs.We , the white British are the ones who have been wronged .Wronged by the leftist agenda that stipulates we should be ashamed. I will never be ashamed .I am second generation immigrant .We did what was expected and needed  , left the culrural shite that forced ansestors to leave their place of birth behind in the first place ,  started business's,  employed  and added to the economy  and the good of the country.I still love this country because the people are unherently good .When  the leftist nazis they tell you you're worthless don't listen. 


Fuck off you foreign cunt. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
27 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I was referring to a lot of the refugee minors who end up in our system with a fucking baggage train of psychological and cultural problems that fuck up the schools they are placed in and the communities where they get (free) housing. The tag "Oh these poor kids are suffering PTS" doesn't wash when they have a traumatic effect on everyone else. My Q is why do they not get fostered in Highgate or Hampstead or Chelsea and found a place in one of our "great" public schools like Charterhouse, Oundle or Harrow or Eton or Dulwich College. 

No Siree the "scholarships" defenders of private eduare so quick to point out don't stretch to off the wall refugee kids with little English and a poxy set of values and absolutely no marketable skills like musical talent. Cunts in a cunt system. 

As for your inherently great people statement. I'm afraid that's all in the padt too. 99 out of a 100 Brits are cunts. 

They are quite happy to dilute and infest working class areas with illegal  effluent .Their own palaces, their  areas of virtue and All that is good remain unaffected .It's no surprise that Linekar and that utter Cunt Bill Nighy  constantly dictate  we should accept even more illegals and share an ever decreasing slice of the cake that we pay for . Quite simply,  It doesn't effect them.I would put both of the cunts in irons .

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Guest entitled little cunt
23 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Fuck off you foreign cunt. 

That took the wind from  my sails 

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8 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

They are quite happy to dilute and infest working class areas with illegal  effluent .Their own palaces, their  areas of virtue and All that is good remain unaffected .It's no surprise that Linekar and that utter Cunt Bill Nighy  constantly dictate  we should accept even more illegals and share an ever decreasing slice of the cake that we pay for . Quite simply,  It doesn't effect them.I would put both of the cunts in irons .

Plus the two faced Lords and the untrustworthy MPs who fucking represent nobody but the hidden puppet masters who regard the military, the "democratic" process and business (we either do business or we don't) as a means to an end: the end being keeping them in power. Everything is lined up for that one aim. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Plus the two faced Lords and the untrustworthy MPs who fucking represent nobody but the hidden puppet masters who regard the military, the "democratic" process and business (we either do business or we don't) as a means to an end: the end being keeping them in power. Everything is lined up for that one aim. 

Revolution is needed .

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39 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

They are quite happy to dilute and infest working class areas with illegal  effluent .Their own palaces, their  areas of virtue and All that is good remain unaffected .It's no surprise that Linekar and that utter Cunt Bill Nighy  constantly dictate  we should accept even more illegals and share an ever decreasing slice of the cake that we pay for . Quite simply,  It doesn't effect them.I would put both of the cunts in irons .

I'm sure a few irons have been in them 

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