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The lineup on dragon's den

Guest Basil

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Guest Basil

Most of these 'businesspeople' are far too young to have made serious money under their own steam. They've probably inherited it from wealthy boomer parents a la Donald Trump, or are propped up by massive debt in some post modern state sanctioned ponzi scheme. Either way, barrow boys/girls they are not.

I think the cockney jew is back for his 335th season as well. Tis the season for watching supposed business people do supposed business.


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Deborah Meadon being a prime example when she shafted her parents by orchestrating a management buyout of the family holiday business from under their noses. Her and Tuker need to agree to a murder/suicide pact, while utterng the words, "i'm out"

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12 hours ago, Basil Brush said:

Most of these 'businesspeople' are far too young to have made serious money under their own steam. They've probably inherited it from wealthy boomer parents a la Donald Trump, or are propped up by massive debt in some post modern state sanctioned ponzi scheme. Either way, barrow boys/girls they are not.

I think the cockney jew is back for his 335th season as well. Tis the season for watching supposed business people do supposed business.


The two gambits are

Has a well known supermarket expressed any interest? (in terms of stocking it) 

Will it grow sufficiently so a Big Player will take it over with massive pay outs for the original investors? 

Short or Medium Term returns only... no long term commitment

If none of the above fuck off. 

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14 hours ago, Basil Brush said:

I think the cockney jew is back for his 335th season as well. Tis the season for watching supposed business people do supposed business.


Doing business with a Christ Killer is fairly easy if you've got half a cock and wear the same stupid little hat.

As a gentile I wouldn't trust the usury practising cunts as far as I could gas them.

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1 minute ago, Greg said:

@ChildeHarold  @Decimus -  Decimus is increasingly losing the plot over the 'Chosen People'. Wouldn't be surprised if he was a circumcised money-lender himself. I support them & their evil practices. Jesus was a Jew, & my great aunt used to tell me that there is 'Jewish blood' in our family. 

More nonsensical garbage talk from the sausage roll and coffee to go. For fucks sake if you can't comment coherently and relevantly then SHUT THE FUCK UP. 

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1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

talk from the sausage roll and coffee to go.

Prefer bridies. Knew you were a 'Greggs' man. Hanging around St Pancras gents conveniences with a couple of warm sausage rolls, one for you, one for your friend, as Mike Gatting used to say.

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1 hour ago, Greg said:

@ChildeHarold  @Decimus -  Decimus is increasingly losing the plot over the 'Chosen People'. Wouldn't be surprised if he was a circumcised money-lender himself. I support them & their evil practices. Jesus was a Jew, & my great aunt used to tell me that there is 'Jewish blood' in our family. 

There's no Kike blood in my family, but would it surprise you to hear me say that I wish there was?

On our hands, obviously, not polluting our veins. If you're one of them you should probably consider killing yourself instead of living with the shame.

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23 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Oh no. What will I do without the £10 and a pot noodle you pay me for standing in a lay-by all day selling dead trees? 

You haven’t sold a single tree for more than a month now Eric. They’ve been selling like hot cakes on my other sites in London this week (the hot cake stalls). I’m starting to wonder if you’re really a team player? 

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Guest Basil
5 hours ago, Decimus said:

There's no Kike blood in my family, but would it surprise you to hear me say that I wish there was?

On our hands, obviously, not polluting our veins. If you're one of them you should probably consider killing yourself instead of living with the shame.

They say history repeats itself. I sincerely hope that's true where they're concerned.

Even the officers of the British High Command, who helped set up the mandate in 1948, were of the opinion that if they had to spend any more time with the scum helping them build thier 'forever country', they would finish what the Austrian painter started.

Beastly people.

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Guest Basil
1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I was watching her podcast where she was taking the piss out of Kate Garraway. 

Did she do a rendition of Berlin's classic hit 'Take my breath away', in honour of brown bread hubby?

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21 hours ago, King Billy said:

You haven’t sold a single tree for more than a month now Eric. They’ve been selling like hot cakes on my other sites in London this week (the hot cake stalls). I’m starting to wonder if you’re really a team player? 

What do you expect when you ask me to sell Christmas trees in January… in a 94% Muslim area? 
 Which is why I’ve been selling them grey ‘Plasticine®️’ for £600 a kilo. I’m doing well enough to upgrade my evening meal to a ‘Bombay Badboy’. 

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What do you expect when you ask me to sell Christmas trees in January… in a 94% Muslim area? 
 Which is why I’ve been selling them grey ‘Plasticine®️’ for £600 a kilo. I’m doing well enough to upgrade my evening meal to a ‘Bombay Badboy’. 

If I guaranteed you a Ginster’s pastie or even a Pukka pie every day Eric, could I depend on your continuing loyalty as a crucial and highly valued ‘cog in the wheel’ of my vast business empire, rather than a ‘spanner in the works’ lobbing, Pot Noodle loving mercenary?

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

If I guaranteed you a Ginster’s pastie or even a Pukka pie every day Eric, could I depend on your continuing loyalty as a crucial and highly valued ‘cog in the wheel’ of my vast business empire, rather than a ‘spanner in the works’ lobbing, Pot Noodle loving mercenary?

Of course.

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Guest entitled little cunt

I gave that ugly bint  blonde woman who used to be on it the one finger on the motorway for tailgating me in her white Mercedes .The pouting  wrinkled monstrosity was most put out , especially as I lowered my window and called her a cunt  to add effect .She's a cunt of the highest order .

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5 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I gave that ugly bint  blonde woman who used to be on it the one finger on the motorway for tailgating me in her white Mercedes .The pouting  wrinkled monstrosity was most put out , especially as I lowered my window and called her a cunt  to add effect .She's a cunt of the highest order .

Is that Meadon? She charmed some neighbours of hers by insisting on chopping off a foot or two off their back gardens as she'd noticed an error in the boundary fence. Nice. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
24 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Is that Meadon? She charmed some neighbours of hers by insisting on chopping off a foot or two off their back gardens as she'd noticed an error in the boundary fence. Nice. 

Yes that's her .Fucking horrible woman .She is exactly what she looks .

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Guest entitled little cunt

Its gone all woke now like R4 , utter bollocks .Anything and everything on Radio 4 is now about blacks , Africa , Pakistan, trans issues , gay issues , climate change  and plays are only about black issues .The white middle-class , R4's main audience, doesn't exist according to programme producers. 

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20 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Its gone all woke now like R4 , utter bollocks .Anything and everything on Radio 4 is now about blacks , Africa , Pakistan, trans issues , gay issues , climate change  and plays are only about black issues .The white middle-class , R4's main audience, doesn't exist according to programme producers. 

They were pretty double standard from the start. I can’t imagine a white man receiving an offer of investment for his spicy ketchup recipe, after having just demonstrated that he cannot differentiate between 1,000 and 1,000,000.

 What a silly, dreadlocked thick fucking cunt.

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