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9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Why would any young person risk their life in a phoney war which the filthy globalist traitors masquerading as Western world leaders are taking us towards?

Why the fuck would any white, male, British patriot  give a fuck when they’ve been denigrated, trodden on and blamed for every imagined grievance that the whining fucking layabout lefties could make up for decades? 
Let’s see how many of the ruling classes offspring would be exempted from being sent to the fucking meat grinder on the front line? A big fat zero wouldn’t be far from the reality.

The vermin in all the major political parties haven’t even tried to hide their contempt for the indigenous population of Britain for at least 30 years and they can go fuck themselves, every last fucking one of them. Imo we should fucking hang them all.

You've nailed it. The British upper classes made sure they'd never make the mistake of the First World War and take a bullet for King and Country. No Siree. Fucking "conscription it just fucking shows how out of touch this self indulgent group of cunts are. In Germany they run a high quality system of national service that includes all expenses paid valuable participation in emergency services, hospitals, policing, social services etc. that this country wouldn't know where to start or how to pay for it. It can't even pay for the existing services. Who would fucking fight for a country that's been sucked dry by a small class and rundown into a shithole. 

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17 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Why the fuck would any white, male, British patriot  give a fuck when they’ve been denigrated, trodden on and blamed for every imagined grievance that the whining fucking layabout lefties could make up for decades? 

Well said KB. Limestone Road UFF.

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20 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

You've nailed it. The British upper classes made sure they'd never make the mistake of the First World War and take a bullet for King and Country. No Siree. Fucking "conscription it just fucking shows how out of touch this self indulgent group of cunts are. In Germany they run a high quality system of national service that includes all expenses paid valuable participation in emergency services, hospitals, policing, social services etc. that this country wouldn't know where to start or how to pay for it. It can't even pay for the existing services. Who would fucking fight for a country that's been sucked dry by a small class and rundown into a shithole. 

They fucking sucked the working class dry in WW1 with their Kitchener posters, Pals battalions and basically bullshit that many soshul medjia cunts of today would be proud of. "It'll be over by Christmas" they proclaimed. Didn't say what fucking Christmas though. I know we should be proud of the men who did volunteer to fight but deep down I can't help feeling how fucking gullible they were. 


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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

They fucking sucked the working class dry in WW1 with their Kitchener posters, Pals battalions and basically bullshit that many soshul medjia cunts of today would be proud of. "It'll be over by Christmas" they proclaimed. Didn't say what fucking Christmas though. I know we should be proud of the men who did volunteer to fight but deep down I can't help feeling how fucking gullible they were. 


The classes did stand together in 1914-18, but after that in every other war involving our troops including 1939, casualties among working class were disproportionately high. The same for the USA - especially Vietnam and the Gulf Wars and Iraq, poor trailer trash whites and blacks were the bulk of casualties. 

I just saw somewhere today that 92% of people would refuse to serve. Anyway, conscription into a regional conflict of somebody elses making and interest is not on the cards and it is fucking Dr Strangelove to say Russia is thinking about attacking Germany or France. It seems to me the whole case for opposing Russia in Ukraine has fallen to pieces and the military and politicians were hoping it would create a nice foundation for some tadty defence spending. We all know any politician with experience and expertise in defence matters or any of the top brass are looking to get some lucrative conultancy work or directorships with arms firms in their retirement. Geoff Horn said it on camera in that C4 sting operation about MPs and outside interests, "I'm hoping to get into the big money in the States after I've served the regulation period aftwr leaving the Common laid down by the Privileges Committee." He was the fucking Defence Minister who with Blair lied our way into the Iraq War. Thatwhen the terrorist attacks started in this country. Cunts. 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The classes did stand together in 1914-18, but after that in every other war involving our troops including 1939, casualties among working class were disproportionately high. The same for the USA - especially Vietnam and the Gulf Wars and Iraq, poor trailer trash whites and blacks were the bulk of casualties. 

I just saw somewhere today that 92% of people would refuse to serve. Anyway, conscription into a regional conflict of somebody elses making and interest is not on the cards and it is fucking Dr Strangelove to say Russia is thinking about attacking Germany or France. It seems to me the whole case for opposing Russia in Ukraine has fallen to pieces and the military and politicians were hoping it would create a nice foundation for some tadty defence spending. We all know any politician with experience and expertise in defence matters or any of the top brass are looking to get some lucrative conultancy work or directorships with arms firms in their retirement. Geoff Horn said it on camera in that C4 sting operation about MPs and outside interests, "I'm hoping to get into the big money in the States after I've served the regulation period aftwr leaving the Common laid down by the Privileges Committee." He was the fucking Defence Minister who with Blair lied our way into the Iraq War. Thatwhen the terrorist attacks started in this country. Cunts. 

Would you have volunteered in 1914? Because some aristo cunt and his missus you'd never heard of got blown away in some country you've never heard of? All the the aristos, including our own Bosch royal family were all fucking related anyway.  Would you have gone to war because we had to jump to the defence of Belgium?  I don't think so Harold. Churchill was the Lord high admiral at the time and he told Asquith that if the Royal Navy was put on high alert, the sausage munchers wouldn't fuck with us. 


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41 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

They fucking sucked the working class dry in WW1 with their Kitchener posters, Pals battalions and basically bullshit that many soshul medjia cunts of today would be proud of. "It'll be over by Christmas" they proclaimed. Didn't say what fucking Christmas though. I know we should be proud of the men who did volunteer to fight but deep down I can't help feeling how fucking gullible they were. 


Lions led by donkeys.

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8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

They fucking sucked the working class dry in WW1 with their Kitchener posters,

I expect we’ll soon be seeing the 21st century version of those posters……OUR NEW WORLD ORDER NEEDS YOU 👆

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51 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Would you have volunteered in 1914? Because some aristo cunt and his missus you'd never heard of got blown away in some country you've never heard of? All the the aristos, including our own Bosch royal family were all fucking related anyway.  Would you have gone to war because we had to jump to the defence of Belgium?  I don't think so Harold. Churchill was the Lord high admiral at the time and he told Asquith that if the Royal Navy was put on high alert, the sausage munchers wouldn't fuck with us. 


It's fucking documented hiw they run away from home, fuckng lied about their age - ANYTHING to get out of this shithole country. Big Mistake! 

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Guest entitled little cunt

In WW1 , young boys , the vast majority working class  and  suffering  from shell shock were put against a wall and shot.The  establishment thought them cowards and used their murder as a threat to others, basically if the Hun doesn't shoot you the establishment  will. Owen , the WW1 poet on the other hand suffered shell shock and was sent to a plush , quiet and  very comfortable clinic to recuperate, admittedly he arrived back on the front and was killed but the difference in treatment of shell shock dependant on the class and education of the sufferer was appalling. The working classes are cannon fodder and always have been .I wouldn't give that cunt Charles the clang ends from my arse not alone risk my life for the perverted pig.

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

In WW1 , young boys , the vast majority working class  and  suffering  from shell shock were put against a wall and shot.The  establishment thought them cowards and used their murder as a threat to others, basically if the Hun doesn't shoot you the establishment  will. Owen , the WW1 poet on the other hand suffered shell shock and was sent to a plush , quiet and  very comfortable clinic to recuperate, admittedly he arrived back on the front and was killed but the difference in treatment of shell shock dependant on the class and education of the sufferer was appalling. The working classes are cannon fodder and always have been .I wouldn't give that cunt Charles the clang ends from my arse not alone risk my life for the perverted pig.

Exactly. I don’t like the young and their youthful ways but they mostly aren't mugs in that way to be fucking sold the lies that worked with previous generations. I'm wondering (and wouldn't be surprised) if some group of Mad Micks in our army are trying to get Britain involved in the fighting in Ukraine because by all accounts Kiev is on course to fucking lose its shirt by the end of the year and there's a hard core in the West that would rather risk an all out conventional war with possible limited nuclear exchange than concede a settlement favourable to Putin and Russia. In effect, Britain would be sacrificed in a proxy war on behalf of the Yanks. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Exactly. I don’t like the young and their youthful ways but they mostly aren't mugs in that way to be fucking sold the lies that worked with previous generations. I'm wondering (and wouldn't be surprised) if some group of Mad Micks in our army are trying to get Britain involved in the fighting in Ukraine because by all accounts Kiev is on course to fucking lose its shirt by the end of the year and there's a hard core in the West that would rather risk an all out conventional war with possible limited nuclear exchange than concede a settlement favourable to Putin and Russia. In effect, Britain would be sacrificed in a proxy war on behalf of the Yanks. 

Ukraine is more corrupt than even Russia .It does make me wonder if people who make decisions have got money at risk.Why else would they be bothered about some horrible little dump hanging on the arse of Russia?. I just can't believe the majority of those in the  UK could give a fuck  about what happens to to either of the cunts .If they nuked each other into aniliatiation the world would be a better place .

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6 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Ukraine is more corrupt than even Russia .It does make me wonder if people who make decisions have got money at risk.Why else would they be bothered about some horrible little dump hanging on the arse of Russia?. I just can't believe the majority of those in the  UK could give a fuck  about what happens to to either of the cunts .If they nuked each other into aniliatiation the world would be a better place .

That's a good question. The economic fall out has been borne by Europe and Britain in terms of energy costs, inflation and lack of growth. I can't see any strategic interest at stake for Britain now in the 21st century. Dial back to the Crimean War and you could see reasons not least the preservation of Ottoman Turkey. But what the fuck is of any interest to Britain now? Yet  Britain has gone OUT OF ITS WAY to stoke it up and keep it going as if our survival depended on it. I just think it's a genetic hatred of Russia on the one hand and a genetic sheeplike obedience to America that's engrained in the military establishment and British public school system which is running the shop which shows how unaccountable and weak our so-called democracy is. Same with the Iraq War. It's really government WITHOUT consent in this country. That's precisely why people won't fight. Our government does NOT REPRESENT US BUT SOME SECRET CABAL OF INTERNATIONALISTS LARGELY BASED IN AMERICA. 

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22 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Ukraine is more corrupt than even Russia .It does make me wonder if people who make decisions have got money at risk.Why else would they be bothered about some horrible little dump hanging on the arse of Russia?. I just can't believe the majority of those in the  UK could give a fuck  about what happens to to either of the cunts .If they nuked each other into aniliatiation the world would be a better place .

I am the rightful King of this land, so that big eared old cunt fucking Sausage Fingers, his horse faced old slag of a fake Queen missus, his kiddy fiddling brothers Andy and Ed, his multiple BBC SPOTY winning donkey gobbed skin and blister Anne can all go fuck themselves, and I’m not even getting started on young Harry Hewitt and the other fucking bald headed cunt who would both be working behind the refunds counter in Harrods if they were DNA tested, It’s silly little things like this that’s recently made me seriously consider changing my name from William to basically any fuckingthing.

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21 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I am the rightful King of this land, so that big eared old cunt fucking Sausage Fingers, his horse faced old slag of a fake Queen missus, his kiddy fiddling brothers Andy and Ed, his multiple BBC SPOTY winning donkey gobbed skin and blister Anne can all go fuck themselves, and I’m not even getting started on young Harry Hewitt and the other fucking bald headed cunt who would both be working behind the refunds counter in Harrods if they were DNA tested, It’s silly little things like this that’s recently made me seriously consider changing my name from William to basically any fuckingthing.

Don't give up William. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 24/01/2024 at 21:51, camberwell gypsy said:

Please don't make me post the 'Prancing Soldiers' sketch from Monty Python 

Monty python is the only  true bible .It is all coming to pass."I want to be a woman and have babies "Cleese. " wheres it going to gestate , in a box"  

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 hours ago, King Billy said:

I am the rightful King of this land, so that big eared old cunt fucking Sausage Fingers, his horse faced old slag of a fake Queen missus, his kiddy fiddling brothers Andy and Ed, his multiple BBC SPOTY winning donkey gobbed skin and blister Anne can all go fuck themselves, and I’m not even getting started on young Harry Hewitt and the other fucking bald headed cunt who would both be working behind the refunds counter in Harrods if they were DNA tested, It’s silly little things like this that’s recently made me seriously consider changing my name from William to basically any fuckingthing.

They're a bunch of wrong'uns .Nazi sympathisers , bullies , sexual perverts , misogynistic pigs who treat women as baby factories to keep the line going , any member of the family who doesn't tow the line is ostracised or done away with ,  fake war hero's aplenty they just love a medal , they all despise ordinary people which is understandable , who ever believes its acceptable to prop up an anachronistic  regime of nobodies to the tune of billions a year must  be a bunch of cunts .That Middleton woman is becoming thinner and looking more ill everyday .That will all come out soon. I wouldn't be surprised if she's ramming her fingers down her throat and throwing up the royal luncheon.Ffs, she's told what to say , how to act and given a round of applause for spelling her name correctly. The French realised  Royals  are damaged fuckwits, it would be like trying to rehabilitate  Peter Suctcliffe , that's why they got rid   of the lot of them  including the hangers on.


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Guest entitled little cunt
On 24/01/2024 at 17:02, and said:

I got the call.

I claimed homosexuality, it didn't work.


I claimed Trisexuality, that didn't work.


I claimed to be a totally useless fuckin' spastic, no chance.

Just what do you have to be afflicted with to avoid the draft?

I need some answers.

Claiming you're a gender fluid gender bender queen who's only happy when every orifice is filled and both hands busy would get you fast tracked straight into Sandhurst. Should you be denied,  sue the defense  ministry. The BBC would rally around your  cause until substantial damages have been awarded .Given  unparalleled financial freedom will then allow the  visiting of  glory holes all over the world .Infact the BBC would make a TV program about it called glory holes revisited  with Jane Mcdonald and Susan Callam. I think that's her name , that short fat jock lesbo that's as funny as a hardened  stool stuck half in and half out of the sphincter. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 24/01/2024 at 17:02, and said:

I got the call.

I claimed homosexuality, it didn't work.


I claimed Trisexuality, that didn't work.


I claimed to be a totally useless fuckin' spastic, no chance.

Just what do you have to be afflicted with to avoid the draft?

I need some answers.

Claiming you're a gender fluid gender bender queen who's only happy when every orifice is filled and both hands busy would get you fast tracked straight into Sandhurst. Should you be denied,  sue the defense  ministry. The BBC would rally around your  cause until substantial damages have been awarded .Given  unparalleled financial freedom will then allow the  visiting of  glory holes all over the world .Infact the BBC would make a TV program about it called glory holes revisited  with Jane Mcdonald and Susan Callam. I think that's her name , that short fat jock lesbo that's as funny as a hardened  stool stuck half in and half out of the sphincter. 

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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

They're a bunch of wrong'uns .Nazi sympathisers , bullies , sexual perverts , misogynistic pigs who treat women as baby factories to keep the line going , any member of the family who doesn't tow the line is ostracised or done away with ,  fake war hero's aplenty they just love a medal , they all despise ordinary people which is understandable , who ever believes its acceptable to prop up an anachronistic  regime of nobodies to the tune of billions a year must  be a bunch of cunts .That Middleton woman is becoming thinner and looking more ill everyday .That will all come out soon. I wouldn't be surprised if she's ramming her fingers down her throat and throwing up the royal luncheon.Ffs, she's told what to say , how to act and given a round of applause for spelling her name correctly. The French realised  Royals  are damaged fuckwits, it would be like trying to rehabilitate  Peter Suctcliffe , that's why they got rid   of the lot of them  including the hangers on.


Don't worrry there's enough cunts in England who will keep them going. They are clearly at the top of the list of things that need to go before this country stands any chance of progressing. 

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8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

as funny as a hardened  stool stuck half in and half out of the sphincter. 

Try ramming a slightly smaller one up there next time if you manage to extract it, and maybe wait till you’ve had the stitches taken out.

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