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52 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What is this? 

I guess it's a ref to the annual bleat from the defence establishment timed just before the budget to spend more money on the armed forces. This year it was spiced up with images of a colossal military spider threat creeping closer and closer to us (yes us in the British Isles) over the horizon. These are the fuckers who surrendered our independent nuclear deterrent in the 1960s and routinely send what are supposed to be our highly trained professional soldiers into wars started by America without proper 

uniform and kit

weapons or protection

equipment and support? 

Really? Fuck off to the public school First World War Sandhurst cunts applying 19th century foreign policy and ideas to the 21st century. Fuck off cunts. 


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5 hours ago, mobiduck-the-third said:

...Cunt's game....

Cunts thread. We've been over this recently, viz

'"Admiral Rob Bauer, the chairman of NATO's Military Committee urged both civilians and governments to prepare for cataclysmic conflicts and the chilling prospect of being conscripted." An argument for telling them to fuck off is that these Yank General Turgidson types wouldn't help us with, for example, The Falklands or Gibraltar. So I don't mind if you want to sit out the next round.'

"you" refers to @ChildeHarold who is increasingly anti-Establishment & won't be press-ganged by any cunt. I already have a hand in the conflict market & am therefore all-in. I doubt you'd be much use, so no need to worry.

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I got the call.

I claimed homosexuality, it didn't work.


I claimed Trisexuality, that didn't work.


I claimed to be a totally useless fuckin' spastic, no chance.

Just what do you have to be afflicted with to avoid the draft?

I need some answers.

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18 minutes ago, Snowy said:

At least we have the great minds of the world chiming in on the topic, I was wondering what Peter Andre had to say on the matter.

Too true.

And I was wondering why @Decimus hadn't yet engaged him in a discussion about the Gaza conflict.

Probably frightened our Peter would show him up as the know-nothing, faux diplomatist he surely is.

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36 minutes ago, Snowy said:

At least we have the great minds of the world chiming in on the topic,I was wondering what Peter Andre had to say on the matter.

That half hour in Grease (the Musical) every night at the Dominion Tottenham Court Road is taking a heavy toll on the poor boy!

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

That half hour in Grease (the Musical) every night at the Dominion Tottenham Court Road is taking a heavy toll on the poor boy!

His bank account's looking healthy, though!

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

That half hour in Grease (the Musical) every night at the Dominion Tottenham Court Road is taking a heavy toll on the poor boy!

I heard that you lost a contact lens once in that theatre & spent hours on all fours trying to find it. 

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Guest entitled little cunt

The Army is now woke with rainbows  everywhere and fully inclusuve .I have to admit having some 6'4 marine  running towards me with hands like shovels wearing lipstick , miniskirt, stockings and suspenders with a todger bouncing about would make me shit myself and run in the opposite direction pretty fucking quickly .

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4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The Army is now woke with rainbows  everywhere and fully inclusuve .I have to admit having some 6'4 marine  running towards me with hands like shovels wearing lipstick , miniskirt, stockings and suspenders with a todger bouncing about would make me shit myself and run in the opposite direction pretty fucking quickly .

You don't go out very much do ya? 

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Guest Basil
1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

You don't go out very much do ya? 

I think he goes to some ah, shall we say, 'specialist clubs'.

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The Army is now woke with rainbows  everywhere and fully inclusuve .I have to admit having some 6'4 marine  running towards me with hands like shovels wearing lipstick , miniskirt, stockings and suspenders with a todger bouncing about would make me shit myself and run in the opposite direction pretty fucking quickly .

Please don't make me post the 'Prancing Soldiers' sketch from Monty Python 

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17 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The Army is now woke with rainbows  everywhere and fully inclusuve .I have to admit having some 6'4 marine  running towards me with hands like shovels wearing lipstick , miniskirt, stockings and suspenders with a todger bouncing about would make me shit myself and run in the opposite direction pretty fucking quickly .

On the other hand, that's the sort of action that @Wolfie goes out of his way to encounter.

He loves anything in a uniform (or part of a uniform)


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On 24/01/2024 at 12:42, ChildeHarold said:

I guess it's a ref to the annual bleat from the defence establishment timed just before the budget to spend more money on the armed forces. This year it was spiced up with images of a colossal military spider threat creeping closer and closer to us (yes us in the British Isles) over the horizon. These are the fuckers who surrendered our independent nuclear deterrent in the 1960s and routinely send what are supposed to be our highly trained professional soldiers into wars started by America without proper 

uniform and kit

weapons or protection

equipment and support? 

Really? Fuck off to the public school First World War Sandhurst cunts applying 19th century foreign policy and ideas to the 21st century. Fuck off cunts. 


Why would any young person risk their life in a phoney war which the filthy globalist traitors masquerading as Western world leaders are taking us towards?

Why the fuck would any white, male, British patriot  give a fuck when they’ve been denigrated, trodden on and blamed for every imagined grievance that the whining fucking layabout lefties could make up for decades? 
Let’s see how many of the ruling classes offspring would be sent to the fucking meat grinder on the front line? A big fat zero wouldn’t be far from the reality.

The vermin in all the major political parties haven’t even tried to hide their contempt for the indigenous population of Britain for at least 30 years and they can go fuck themselves, every last fucking one of them. Imo we should fucking hang them all.

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