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Britain's armed forces can no longer put a brigade in the field

Guest Basil

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35 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Well, those mangos are devilishly sharp. 

I've just hit upon the link that gets me going about these Parole Board/Appeal cunts and the cunts illegally or legalky immigrating into this country en masse. One lot are trying to BREAK OUT of prison using the system, the other lot are trying to BREAK INTO the UK using the system. Both are devious crafty crimminal cunts. If you don’t want the time don't do the crime. If you're not happy with your country don't look at going to someone else's, stay in your own country and fix it. Both cunts. 

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9 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The cost of Ukraine has gone over $35 billion. Fancy chipping in a bit more out of our defence budget? 

I like Putin. He seems a pretty decent sort of bloke to me and I’m usually spot on about people. Definitely not a poof or a paedo and he doesn’t put up with any of the sky fairy bollocks from the ‘peaceful’ sandal wearers. What’s not to like?

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8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I like Putin. He seems a pretty decent sort of bloke to me and I’m usually spot on about people. Definitely not a poof or a paedo and he doesn’t put up with any of the sky fairy bollocks from the ‘peaceful’ sandal wearers. What’s not to like?

He's never done me any harm and I can give you a list IN THIS COUNTRY as long as your arm. 

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9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I like Putin. He seems a pretty decent sort of bloke to me and I’m usually spot on about people. Definitely not a poof or a paedo and he doesn’t put up with any of the sky fairy bollocks from the ‘peaceful’ sandal wearers. What’s not to like?

Let’s start an "I Like Vladimir Putin (So Fuck Off)" nomination. 

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9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I like Putin. He seems a pretty decent sort of bloke to me and I’m usually spot on about people. Definitely not a poof or a paedo and he doesn’t put up with any of the sky fairy bollocks from the ‘peaceful’ sandal wearers. What’s not to like?

It's alright Bill, he can't monitor everyone's internet comments. He won't come after you with a syringe full of noddychoc if you called him a slap headed midget. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
18 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The cost of Ukraine has gone over $35 billion. Fancy chipping in a bit more out of our defence budget? 

Plus the cost of housing them , feeding them and bowing to their every fucking need in the uk.Fuck all to do with us but the left made it something to do with us .

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Guest entitled little cunt

I think Putin is misunderstood .He sorted the carpet kneelers out in Syria when no one else had the balls to .OK, his agents were a bit careless where they dropped their litter , but that was in Scotland , land of the junkies so it doesn't matter.I do remember that nice public school educated Mr. BLAIR  didn't like it when  a person said things that were uncomfortable .They were found  dead propped up against a tree .Instead of being a tyrant  he's made a sir and joined the after dinner speech circuit .How very British .

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3 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Plus the cost of housing them , feeding them and bowing to their every fucking need in the uk.Fuck all to do with us but the left made it something to do with us .

It's worse in Germany, there's no end to their Nazi guilt trip. If Trump could do one good thing it would be frogmarching Zelensky and his corrupt little band into immediate peace talks with Russia drawing up new borders and a plan that will NOT involve any more "reconstruction" money from UK or USA. Then we repatriate all the UK Ukrainians back to Kiev with a bit of pocket money to cover their first few weeks back HOME. Unfortunately for them it's the EU's neighbouring bottomless pit. 

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13 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I do remember that nice public school educated Mr. BLAIR  didn't like it when  a person said things that were uncomfortable .They were found  dead propped up against a tree .Instead of being a tyrant  he's made a sir and joined the after dinner speech circuit .How very British .

The most amazing part of the Tony B Liar story was after taking our country into an unnecessary and illegal war in Iraq with his bestie George Dubya (clad in identical homo erotic flying jackets), resulting in the death of maybe a million people (sorry I meant to say Muslims) and destabilising the entire Middle East to this day, instead of being tried at The Hague and hung by his scrawny fucking neck for war crimes, he reappeared on the world stage (after a short sabbatical) as The UN’s Middle East ‘peace’ envoy ffs. 
What next? Gary Glitter as Secretary of State for Education? A hologram of Adolph Hitler as Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Board of Deputies?




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Guest entitled little cunt
3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The most amazing part of the Tony B Liar story was after taking our country into an unnecessary and illegal war in Iraq with his bestie George Dubya (clad in identical homo erotic flying jackets), resulting in the death of maybe a million people (sorry I meant to say Muslims) and destabilising the entire Middle East to this day, instead of being tried at The Hague and hung by his scrawny fucking neck for war crimes, he reappeared on the world stage (after a short sabbatical) as The UN’s Middle East ‘peace’ envoy ffs. 
What next? Gary Glitter as Secretary of State for Education? A hologram of Adolph Hitler as Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Board of Deputies?




Jobs for the boys me old mate. 

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Good. Because they are fucking trouble makers and only fucking go anywhere or do anything at the behest of the Yanks and with their nod of approval. Spineless fucking cunts. Can't even have an equal extradition treaty. I feel like a used toilet roll living in this sell out country. OK a few Russian traitors deserted to the Ukrainians, on the other hand our whole govt and military deserted to the Yanks  and take their orders from them. 

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14 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

I think Putin is misunderstood .He sorted the carpet kneelers out in Syria when no one else had the balls to .OK, his agents were a bit careless where they dropped their litter , but that was in Scotland , land of the junkies so it doesn't matter.I do remember that nice public school educated Mr. BLAIR  didn't like it when  a person said things that were uncomfortable .They were found  dead propped up against a tree .Instead of being a tyrant  he's made a sir and joined the after dinner speech circuit .How very British .

Oh yeah! The bloke who sat against a tree and slashed his wrists and bled to death. Despite the fact that there was no fucking blood anywhere near the body. 

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8 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Oh yeah! The bloke who sat against a tree and slashed his wrists and bled to death. Despite the fact that there was no fucking blood anywhere near the body. 

So we all agree like Robin Cook who mysteriously dropped dead half way up a Scottish mountain he was bumped off. You know the fucking cunt Western governments are all lned up like ducks in a row with their Navalny tributes and conspiracy theories. Yeah, they want you to believe their freshly baked conspiracy theories. I still think the Salisbury affair was a set up and a probable virus leak from Porton Down. Anyway the fucking Skripals were traitors, rats. They were troublemakers being harboured by the UK at our expense to do America's bidding in its perpetual imperialist wars. 

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

What next? Gary Glitter as Secretary of State for Education? A hologram of Adolph Hitler as Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Board of Deputies?

How about a Catholic IRA-apologist woman as the First Minister of Ulster?

What is it the Chinese say? May you live in interesting times. Damn right. 

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55 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

So we all agree like Robin Cook who mysteriously dropped dead half way up a Scottish mountain he was bumped off. You know the fucking cunt Western governments are all lned up like ducks in a row with their Navalny tributes and conspiracy theories. Yeah, they want you to believe their freshly baked conspiracy theories. I still think the Salisbury affair was a set up and a probable virus leak from Porton Down. Anyway the fucking Skripals were traitors, rats. They were troublemakers being harboured by the UK at our expense to do America's bidding in its perpetual imperialist wars. 

Robin Cook went back to the Troll Kingdom at the request of Troll King Mick Jagger.

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

I feel like a used toilet roll living in this sell out country.

Don’t sell yourself short Harold.  It’s not uncommon to peak too early in life these days. Shame you’re not a Buddhist as you could set the goalposts a little higher next time.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Salisbury is in Wiltshire you utter, utter moron. 

Was it ?oh well , I thought it was in Scotland,  never mind , nothing too serious .you utter , utter cunt .

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