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WW3 not far away now. It behoves the cunts on this forum to put their cards on the table. Who's up for it against the commies,/yellow peril/sand-niggers/argies/dagos/frenchies etc. etc.? When Old Blighty comes calling, I for one will be there. For sure, @Old Chap Raasclaat will, as he is already increasingly belligerent & @ChildeHarold is already oiling his old service revolver. Time to come together lads, & shove one up johnny foreigner.

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37 minutes ago, Greg said:

WW3 not far away now. It behoves the cunts on this forum to put their cards on the table. Who's up for it against the commies,/yellow peril/sand-niggers/argies/dagos/frenchies etc. etc.? When Old Blighty comes calling, I for one will be there. For sure, @Old Chap Raasclaat will, as he is already increasingly belligerent & @ChildeHarold is already oiling his old service revolver. Time to come together lads, & shove one up johnny foreigner.

What's the opposite of meglomaniac?

You’re it. 

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10 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

What's the opposite of meglomaniac?

Megalomaniac. What I was trying to get at is whether you would fight for HMG these days, who receive orders from the Yanks/Nato. "Admiral Rob Bauer, the chairman of NATO's Military Committee urged both civilians and governments to prepare for cataclysmic conflicts and the chilling prospect of being conscripted." An argument for telling them to fuck off is that these Yank General Turgidson types wouldn't help us with, for example, The Falklands or Gibraltar. So I don't mind if you want to sit out the next round. 

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2 hours ago, Greg said:

Megalomaniac. What I was trying to get at is whether you would fight for HMG these days, who receive orders from the Yanks/Nato. "Admiral Rob Bauer, the chairman of NATO's Military Committee urged both civilians and governments to prepare for cataclysmic conflicts and the chilling prospect of being conscripted." An argument for telling them to fuck off is that these Yank General Turgidson types wouldn't help us with, for example, The Falklands or Gibraltar. So I don't mind if you want to sit out the next round. 

I would let go of all the Overseas Territories. If the Yanks want to pay for a base in Akrotiri let them negotiate with Cyprus and pat for it themselves. If they want to have some fucking guns permanently trained on the Straits of Gibralter let them talk to the Spanish govt over it. If they want all those fucking bases arpund the world then let them get on with it. It's not our bag or in our interezt anymore in a nuclear age. 

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7 hours ago, Greg said:

WW3 not far away now. It behoves the cunts on this forum to put their cards on the table. Who's up for it against the commies,/yellow peril/sand-niggers/argies/dagos/frenchies etc. etc.? When Old Blighty comes calling, I for one will be there. For sure, @Old Chap Raasclaat will, as he is already increasingly belligerent & @ChildeHarold is already oiling his old service revolver. Time to come together lads, & shove one up johnny foreigner.

You absolute fucking tool.

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7 hours ago, Greg said:

Megalomaniac. What I was trying to get at is whether you would fight for HMG these days, who receive orders from the Yanks/Nato. "Admiral Rob Bauer, the chairman of NATO's Military Committee urged both civilians and governments to prepare for cataclysmic conflicts and the chilling prospect of being conscripted." An argument for telling them to fuck off is that these Yank General Turgidson types wouldn't help us with, for example, The Falklands or Gibraltar. So I don't mind if you want to sit out the next round. 

We have the most stable democracy in the world.

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9 hours ago, Greg said:

WW3 not far away now. It behoves the cunts on this forum to put their cards on the table. Who's up for it against the commies,/yellow peril/sand-niggers/argies/dagos/frenchies etc. etc.? When Old Blighty comes calling, I for one will be there. For sure, @Old Chap Raasclaat will, as he is already increasingly belligerent & @ChildeHarold is already oiling his old service revolver. Time to come together lads, & shove one up johnny foreigner.

I’m with you Greg all the fucking way.


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Guest Basil
8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I would let go of all the Overseas Territories. If the Yanks want to pay for a base in Akrotiri let them negotiate with Cyprus and pat for it themselves. If they want to have some fucking guns permanently trained on the Straits of Gibralter let them talk to the Spanish govt over it. If they want all those fucking bases arpund the world then let them get on with it. It's not our bag or in our interezt anymore in a nuclear age. 

Cyprus is not an overseas territory to the best of my knowledge.

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Guest entitled little cunt

I was called  Islamaphobic .It's an irrational fear that radical Islamists want to explode bombs on public transport and pop concerts, drive artics through crowds at Christmas markets , shoot holiday makers on beaches , behead anyone who doesn't agree with them and treat women like second class citizens .I dont know where the fuck those ideas come from I really dont .Why the fuck would I think such things, totally irrational . 

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Guest Basil
4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I was called  Islamaphobic .It's an irrational fear that radical Islamists want to explode bombs on public transport and pop concerts, drive artics through crowds at Christmas markets , shoot holiday makers on beaches , behead anyone who doesn't agree with them and treat women like second class citizens .I dont know where the fuck those ideas come from I really dont .Why the fuck would I think such things, totally irrational . 

Will these cretins cause WW3 though? My money’s on a mixture of Biden, Xi, Netanyahu and the imminent reelection of trump.

Someone may do something stupid.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, Basil Brush said:

Will these cretins cause WW3 though? My money’s on a mixture of Biden, Xi, Netanyahu and the imminent reelection of trump.

Someone may do something stupid.

Russia is fucked .They can't even slap Ukraine  and its clown president .Its a fucking embarrassment .We should nuke China now rather than putting off the inevitable .They're so busy making buttons and things that break immediately along with eating fried bat it should be a walk over. 


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Guest Basil
16 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Russia is fucked .They can't even slap Ukraine  and its clown president .Its a fucking embarrassment .We should nuke China now rather than putting off the inevitable .They're so busy making buttons and things that break immediately along with eating fried bat it should be a walk over. 


Those are definitely my thoughts on N.Korea, I'll wager the 'nuclear warheads the mowgli tub of lard has contain nothing but rusted tin cans.

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On 19/01/2024 at 10:44, Greg said:

WW3 not far away now.

You accused me of being all doom and gloom the other day, you then write this depressing nomination. 

Cheer up, you fear mongering cunt. 

Anyways, in answer to your rallying call... I'll be there, defending this still great country we're all privileged to be born and live in. I'll be shooting as many cunts as possible... black, white, transbender, transbumder, French, @Frank and hopefully you as well. 

C'mon let's get them. 

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16 hours ago, Eddie said:

I’m with you Greg all the fucking way.


Eddie you spaz, I imagine you turning up for the fight with a bottle of rum and a ghetto blaster while the other side asks inquisitively, "Where's your tool?" as they cave your stupid fucking skull in, just like that other black dopey bastard in Scum.

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4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Eddie you spaz, I imagine you turning up for the fight with a bottle of rum and a ghetto blaster while the other side asks inquisitively, "Where's your tool?" as they cave your stupid fucking skull in, just like that other black dopey bastard in Scum.

Big Bollock, I can imagine you on the battlefield, charging towards the enemy... When in fact you're so pissed, instead of running straight, you veer to left and end up charging towards and shooting your own side. 

You stupid drunken cunt.

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Guest Basil

I see Israel has just launched a strike on Iran, wiping out some of thier military top brass. Come on you silly towelheads, what are you going to do about it? You want the juden walking all over you, do you?

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38 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Big Bollock, I can imagine you on the battlefield, charging towards the enemy... When in fact you're so pissed, instead of running straight, you veer to left and end up charging towards and shooting your own side. 

You stupid drunken cunt.

I would quite happily wipe out some of my team with a 'friendly fire' incident. 

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On 20/01/2024 at 17:03, Basil Brush said:

I see Israel has just launched a strike on Iran, wiping out some of thier military top brass. Come on you silly towelheads, what are you going to do about it? You want the juden walking all over you, do you?

Velkom to ze club, Herr Brusch.

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On 19/01/2024 at 11:32, Greg said:

Megalomaniac. What I was trying to get at is whether you would fight for HMG these days, who receive orders from the Yanks/Nato. "Admiral Rob Bauer, the chairman of NATO's Military Committee urged both civilians and governments to prepare for cataclysmic conflicts and the chilling prospect of being conscripted." An argument for telling them to fuck off is that these Yank General Turgidson types wouldn't help us with, for example, The Falklands or Gibraltar. So I don't mind if you want to sit out the next round. 

If/when Trump gets in he'll pull the yanks out of NATO. So don't be surprised if there's a free for all to bail out. 

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19 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Russia is fucked .They can't even slap Ukraine  and its clown president .Its a fucking embarrassment .We should nuke China now rather than putting off the inevitable .They're so busy making buttons and things that break immediately along with eating fried bat it should be a walk over. 


It'll be a Wok over! Eh? Eh?

Fuck it. I'll get me Hanfu. 

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