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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

They make shitty television programs and their films are shite .Their cars have always been  really fucking awful .Only odd "rockabilly" types who live in Essex but pretend they're in 1950s small town America  and  very small men  actually see any worth in them.The f35  fighter is a load of shit as well.The Harrier was design excellence from a bygone era , the F35 a design fuck up .Sunak has spent a few billion buying the heaps of crap.The Americans did display an unusual level of forward thinking by continuing with the Harrier as well.I can't think of much tbe Americans actually do well other than scales of production.

They are good at getting other countries to share the cost of their empire. 

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20 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

1984 USSR invades Afghanistan (only country the USSR ever invaded) Carter aids Taliban and sanctions USSR. USSR pulls out of Afghanistan leaving it a barren wasteland under Taliban control. Osama Bin Laden uses Afghanistan as a base to plot the Twin Towers. US nvades Iraq and Afghanistan to get pound of flesh over Twin Towers. Escalation in Middle East terrorist extremism about the same time. US attempts to undermine government of Syria. US topples government in Libya. Iraq has a Western puppet govt kept in power by ongoing military occupation of the country by the West and US. Afghanistan is under control of the Talban. Libya still in a state of cvil war without a stable government. Syria still wrecked by a civil war prolonged by Western intervention. To date the most destructuve and counter productive meddling fucking state in the world has been the USA and its worse Presidents in that respect have been Democrats with the same hypocritical values as Biden. 

Fuck Biden. Hello Trump. 

Why can’t you cut out all the other crap and post more like this Harold? 
🇱🇷TRUMP 2024🇱🇷

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On 08/02/2024 at 17:11, Mrs Roops said:

Looks like you've been mugged off by the Stew Peters clickbait factory... you just won't learn will you :rolleyes:

Are you OK? Reading this, I fear you may have one of those mRNA induced novel large white blood clots restricting the blood supply to your enormous thirsty brain.

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10 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I though that Billy was highly educated .. didn't he go to a special school?

No one gives a fuck now or ever has done what you think, not even your sisters or friends. Oh sorry I forgot, you have no friends and your sisters are thankfully dead. Do yourself a favour and join them tonight.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

No one gives a fuck now or ever has done what you think, not even your sisters or friends. Oh sorry I forgot, you have no friends and your sisters are thankfully dead. Do yourself a favour and join them tonight.

The only highly educated thing on this site is the cockroach that lives behind one of the mainframes of the world wide web server centre.... and his/her family.... 🐜 

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16 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I am not 100% Trump. I am 100% AGAINST THE FUCKING DEMOCRATS AND CRAFTY OLD JOE. Convince me! 

Donald J Trump is the fly in the ointment/the spanner in the works of the ruling US class ie the ‘deep state/military industrial complex/bought and paid for Washington DC swamp career politicians (red and blue). The fact that he’s stood strong against the tsunami of false and hitherto totally unprecedented attacks on himself, his family and his business for the last six years  should be a clear indication to anyone not yet infected with  Trump Derangement Syndrome, that he’s anything but the manufactured ‘bogey man’ that the corrupt ruling elite and their paid MSM scumbags want you to believe he is.

The tragedy is that we don’t have a single politician in this country with the ability or tbh the backbone to stand up for the British people and our culture against the elected traitors who’ve been hell bent on destroying the white Anglo Saxon/Christian heritage and way of life for the last half a century and longer.

It would be difficult to find any factual fault with Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of blood’ speech if you heard it for the first time today, and had a quick look out your window at the appalling fucking state of what used to be known across the world (for very good reason) as ‘Great Britain’.


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17 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Donald J Trump is the fly in the ointment/the spanner in the works of the ruling US class ie the ‘deep state/military industrial complex/bought and paid for Washington DC swamp career politicians (red and blue). The fact that he’s stood strong against the tsunami of false and hitherto totally unprecedented attacks on himself, his family and his business for the last six years  should be a clear indication to anyone not yet infected with  Trump Derangement Syndrome, that he’s anything but the manufactured ‘bogey man’ that the corrupt ruling elite and their paid MSM scumbags want you to believe he is.

The tragedy is that we don’t have a single politician in this country with the ability or tbh the backbone to stand up for the British people and our culture against the elected traitors who’ve been hell bent on destroying the white Anglo Saxon/Christian heritage and way of life for the last half a century and longer.

It would be difficult to find any factual fault with Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of blood’ speech if you heard it for the first time today, and had a quick look out your window at the appalling fucking state of what used to be known across the world (for very good reason) as ‘Great Britain’.


I totally agree with you. I can see what coheres the system: forward motion. The international system is moving in one direction like a global sewer. The question is which direction do you swim in, with the shit or against the shit? I see what you say about the British have a very subtle mind control process. Truss calls herself a "disruptor" when in fact she's actually just ultra global capitalism. She just wants to swim harder with the shit. None of the political or economic institutions set up after WW2 are working properly some are breaking down, there is a tangible and visible breakdown in society. Yet our so called democratically elected leaders simply dish out the same ineffective remedies and soundbites. Hence Starmer. This guy just keeps his mouth shut. 

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Donald J Trump is the fly in the ointment/the spanner in the works of the ruling US class ie the ‘deep state/military industrial complex/bought and paid for Washington DC swamp career politicians (red and blue). The fact that he’s stood strong against the tsunami of false and hitherto totally unprecedented attacks on himself, his family and his business for the last six years  should be a clear indication to anyone not yet infected with  Trump Derangement Syndrome, that he’s anything but the manufactured ‘bogey man’ that the corrupt ruling elite and their paid MSM scumbags want you to believe he is.

The tragedy is that we don’t have a single politician in this country with the ability or tbh the backbone to stand up for the British people and our culture against the elected traitors who’ve been hell bent on destroying the white Anglo Saxon/Christian heritage and way of life for the last half a century and longer.

It would be difficult to find any factual fault with Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of blood’ speech if you heard it for the first time today, and had a quick look out your window at the appalling fucking state of what used to be known across the world (for very good reason) as ‘Great Britain’.



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6 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Anyone tempted to buy a pair of these superb looking “sneakers”? @King Billy - have you placed an order yet?


The Donald must be trying to attract the 'Pink Dollar', faggots will be on their fuckin' knees, drooling, for anything that gaudy.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 21/01/2024 at 22:35, Eric Cuntman said:

I’m getting near the end of my patient and kind thing with some of these little fucking cunts.

You'd only miss me once  I'm dead .

Before I bought my illuminessance  to these pages it was just a few blokes talking utter shite about nothing in particular. Come  on , you have to agree , It's better here now .You all have something to complain about and someone to call  a cunt .

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9 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Anyone tempted to buy a pair of these superb looking “sneakers”? @King Billy - have you placed an order yet?


Of course Ape. I’m wearing mine (and fuck all else) right now whilst admiring myself in my bedroom mirror. Without wishing to appear at all flash, my advice to you is ‘save up and order a pair’. You’ll be the talk of the town if you wear a matching gold face nappy in the queue for your next Covid booster appointment. 🤣

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8 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Of course Ape. I’m wearing mine (and fuck all else) right now whilst admiring myself in my bedroom mirror. Without wishing to appear at all flash, my advice to you is ‘save up and order a pair’. You’ll be the talk of the town if you wear a matching gold face nappy in the queue for your next Covid booster appointment. 🤣

Your idol will have to sell an awful lot of pairs of these ghastly looking things to pay off all the money he owes New York State. Luckily for him he lives in a country with the highest density of thick, gullible, easily manipulated idiots on earth, so his special “sneakers” might actually help him save his habitually lying arse. Let’s hope not though.

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15 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Your idol will have to sell an awful lot of pairs of these ghastly looking things to pay off all the money he owes New York State. Luckily for him he lives in a country with the highest density of thick, gullible, easily manipulated idiots on earth, so his special “sneakers” might actually help him save his habitually lying arse. Let’s hope not though.

Given your view of the average Yank and The Donald don't you think they'll be a match made in heaven? 

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2 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Your idol will have to sell an awful lot of pairs of these ghastly looking things to pay off all the money he owes New York State. Luckily for him he lives in a country with the highest density of thick, gullible, easily manipulated idiots on earth, so his special “sneakers” might actually help him save his habitually lying arse. Let’s hope not though.

You really don’t get it do you Ape? It’s just a PR stunt to send low IQ twats like you and the fake news MSM into an unstoppable and frankly hilarious meltdown and guarantees him 24/7 coverage on the US news networks (those that hate him and those that support him). The Donald is the master at using the media for maximum exposure. Surely you’ve heard the old saying ‘any publicity is good publicity’ Ape?

I’m not trying to argue with you Ape, just trying to educate you so hopefully one day you’ll be able to understand the complexity of current affairs and maybe have a sensible conversation with me. I’m not going to give up on the possibility of that happening just yet as I’ve always looked on you as having the potential to turn things around with a little help.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

You really don’t get it do you Ape? It’s just a PR stunt to send low IQ twats like you and the fake news MSM into an unstoppable and frankly hilarious meltdown and guarantees him 24/7 coverage on the US news networks (those that hate him and those that support him). The Donald is the master at using the media for maximum exposure. Surely you’ve heard the old saying ‘any publicity is good publicity’ Ape?

I’m not trying to argue with you Ape, just trying to educate you so hopefully one day you’ll be able to understand the complexity of current affairs and maybe have a sensible conversation with me. I’m not going to give up on the possibility of that happening just yet as I’ve always looked on you as having the potential to turn things around with a little help.

Approximately how many conspiracy theories are you actively obsessing about at the moment? Can’t just be the theft of Trumps presidency and Covid, surely?

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20 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Approximately how many conspiracy theories are you actively obsessing about at the moment? Can’t just be the theft of Trumps presidency and Covid, surely?

Trump has compared himself to  Navalny  so I assume that he wil soon be dead.

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