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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’m only trying to educate about the trick that’s been played on you and millions of other saps Ape. I’m sorry if I’ve panicked you, so please believe me when I say I like you and genuinely hope that you’re one of the lucky 70%. The odds are stacked in your favour, (even taking into account the massive unexplained rise in myocarditis too since the wonderjab).

Wrap your chops round this stick of tea.... 

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20 hours ago, King Billy said:

I can’t deny that’s one of the things which fortunately we don’t have in common, and thanks for pointing it out. So to return the favour here’s another, which I’m very confident (as a non vaxxed ‘pureblood) differentiates between you and I.large.IMG_3201.jpeg.3cd08e9a7b3a51e91b8a5b87e5032053.jpegYou probably aren’t aware of them yet (mainly because you’re still alive and blissfully unaware of what may be happening inside your body), but numerous undertakers are reporting and have been reporting for at least two years now, that embalmers all over the world have been flushing them out of the vascular system of up to 30% of the bodies they’ve worked on since early 2021. Up from zero% though before then, exactly the timeline of the ‘safe and effective’ experimental gene therapies, sorry vaccines roll out 🤔. The scientific/medical community, sorry financially compromised, corrupt, genocidal criminals (the very same ones who in an act of mass cowardice knowingly kept quiet and put their job security before the safety of their patients) are now totally ignoring these ever growing number of what are a previously unknown type of clots being found. Well they would wouldn’t they, rather similar to the huge increase in ‘excess deaths’ worldwide since the roll out of the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental medical interventions. 
And only last week we have our very own ‘oompaloompa’ unelected billionaire PM in the House of Commons, answering a question from Andrew Bridgen MP (one of the tiny minority of decent and honest human beings who possess a backbone in that sewer). “I can assure the house that the Covid vaccines are ‘totally safe’.” Well he couldn’t say ‘effective’ anymore because that would be too much now even for the hundreds of stooges on both sides of the chamber to swallow. 💉

Looks like you've been mugged off by the Stew Peters clickbait factory... you just won't learn will you :rolleyes:

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21 hours ago, King Billy said:

I can’t deny that’s one of the things which fortunately we don’t have in common, and thanks for pointing it out. So to return the favour here’s another, which I’m very confident (as a non vaxxed ‘pureblood) differentiates between you and I.large.IMG_3201.jpeg.3cd08e9a7b3a51e91b8a5b87e5032053.jpegYou probably aren’t aware of them yet (mainly because you’re still alive and blissfully unaware of what may be happening inside your body), but numerous undertakers are reporting and have been reporting for at least two years now, that embalmers all over the world have been flushing them out of the vascular system of up to 30% of the bodies they’ve worked on since early 2021. Up from zero% though before then, exactly the timeline of the ‘safe and effective’ experimental gene therapies, sorry vaccines roll out 🤔. The scientific/medical community, sorry financially compromised, corrupt, genocidal criminals (the very same ones who in an act of mass cowardice knowingly kept quiet and put their job security before the safety of their patients) are now totally ignoring these ever growing number of what are a previously unknown type of clots being found. Well they would wouldn’t they, rather similar to the huge increase in ‘excess deaths’ worldwide since the roll out of the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental medical interventions. 
And only last week we have our very own ‘oompaloompa’ unelected billionaire PM in the House of Commons, answering a question from Andrew Bridgen MP (one of the tiny minority of decent and honest human beings who possess a backbone in that sewer). “I can assure the house that the Covid vaccines are ‘totally safe’.” Well he couldn’t say ‘effective’ anymore because that would be too much now even for the hundreds of stooges on both sides of the chamber to swallow. 💉


What is that. Frank's tattered rectum?

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On 08/02/2024 at 17:11, Mrs Roops said:

Looks like you've been mugged off by the Stew Peters clickbait factory... you just won't learn will you :rolleyes:

Brilliantly clinical and detailed debunk as usual Mrs. Big Brain. 
When will I ever learn my lesson? 👍

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4 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

$370m fine to pay now - absolutely wonderful! 


Grow up Ape. I’m starting to think you’re not actually as smart as Drew often gives you credit for, and I don’t want to entertain the possibility that maybe you’ve pulled a fast one on me all this time.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷

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13 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

$370m fine to pay now - absolutely wonderful! 


How frightened are they of Trump to be prepared to destroy the centuries old institutions of the country to stop him? I’m sure you’ll get the answer (not really) if you keep on watching BBC or Sky News you mask loving fucking moron. Lolololol.

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36 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Grow up Ape. I’m starting to think you’re not actually as smart as Drew often gives you credit for, and I don’t want to entertain the possibility that maybe you’ve pulled a fast one on me all this time.

🇱🇷TRUMP 2024 MAGA🇱🇷


21 minutes ago, King Billy said:

How frightened are they of Trump to be prepared to destroy the centuries old institutions of the country to stop him? I’m sure you’ll get the answer (not really) if you keep on watching BBC or Sky News you mask loving fucking moron. Lolololol.

So there’s no possibility, in your little mind, that he’s guilty as charged?

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Guest entitled little cunt
10 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:


So there’s no possibility, in your little mind, that he’s guilty as charged?

Talking of little minds , how's Joe Biden?The geriatric old fuck , that old coffin dodger  has fucked up anything he's actually attempted to do .Could you imagine the fury if Trump had pulled out of Afghanistan in such a chaotic way. Trump was more careful pulling out of stormy Daniels than Biden was that shithole , allegedly. 

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12 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Talking of little minds , how's Joe Biden?The geriatric old fuck , that old coffin dodger  has fucked up anything he's actually attempted to do .Could you imagine the fury if Trump had pulled out of Afghanistan in such a chaotic way. Trump was more careful pulling out of stormy Daniels than Biden was that shithole , allegedly. 

What’s Biden got to do with Trump being a corrupt, bullshitting, narcissistic cunt? Answer? Absolutely nothing. 

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9 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

What’s Biden got to do with Trump being a corrupt, bullshitting, narcissistic cunt? Answer? Absolutely nothing. 

The Donald has his own helicopter Ape with perfectly painted blades, so I understand your bitterness and jealousy. 
And I’m not trying to get you even more wound up but the word on the street is that he’s never been to Tesco’s or eaten value beans either. Sorry.

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27 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Talking of little minds , how's Joe Biden?The geriatric old fuck , that old coffin dodger  has fucked up anything he's actually attempted to do .Could you imagine the fury if Trump had pulled out of Afghanistan in such a chaotic way. Trump was more careful pulling out of stormy Daniels than Biden was that shithole , allegedly. 

1984 USSR invades Afghanistan (only country the USSR ever invaded) Carter aids Taliban and sanctions USSR. USSR pulls out of Afghanistan leaving it a barren wasteland under Taliban control. Osama Bin Laden uses Afghanistan as a base to plot the Twin Towers. US nvades Iraq and Afghanistan to get pound of flesh over Twin Towers. Escalation in Middle East terrorist extremism about the same time. US attempts to undermine government of Syria. US topples government in Libya. Iraq has a Western puppet govt kept in power by ongoing military occupation of the country by the West and US. Afghanistan is under control of the Talban. Libya still in a state of cvil war without a stable government. Syria still wrecked by a civil war prolonged by Western intervention. To date the most destructuve and counter productive meddling fucking state in the world has been the USA and its worse Presidents in that respect have been Democrats with the same hypocritical values as Biden. 

Fuck Biden. Hello Trump. 

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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The Donald has his own helicopter Ape with perfectly painted blades, so I understand your bitterness and jealousy. 
And I’m not trying to get you even more wound up but the word on the street is that he’s never been to Tesco’s or eaten value beans either. Sorry.

Has he? Has he really? Wow! That’s amazing! Imagine that - someone owning a helicopter!

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

Talking of little minds , how's Joe Biden?The geriatric old fuck , that old coffin dodger  has fucked up anything he's actually attempted to do .Could you imagine the fury if Trump had pulled out of Afghanistan in such a chaotic way. Trump was more careful pulling out of stormy Daniels than Biden was that shithole , allegedly. 



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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

1984 USSR invades Afghanistan (only country the USSR ever invaded) Carter aids Taliban and sanctions USSR. USSR pulls out of Afghanistan leaving it a barren wasteland under Taliban control. Osama Bin Laden uses Afghanistan as a base to plot the Twin Towers. US nvades Iraq and Afghanistan to get pound of flesh over Twin Towers. Escalation in Middle East terrorist extremism about the same time. US attempts to undermine government of Syria. US topples government in Libya. Iraq has a Western puppet govt kept in power by ongoing military occupation of the country by the West and US. Afghanistan is under control of the Talban. Libya still in a state of cvil war without a stable government. Syria still wrecked by a civil war prolonged by Western intervention. To date the most destructuve and counter productive meddling fucking state in the world has been the USA and its worse Presidents in that respect have been Democrats with the same hypocritical values as Biden. 

Fuck Biden. Hello Trump. 

They make shitty television programs and their films are shite .Their cars have always been  really fucking awful .Only odd "rockabilly" types who live in Essex but pretend they're in 1950s small town America  and  very small men  actually see any worth in them.The f35  fighter is a load of shit as well.The Harrier was design excellence from a bygone era , the F35 a design fuck up .Sunak has spent a few billion buying the heaps of crap.The Americans did display an unusual level of forward thinking by continuing with the Harrier as well.I can't think of much tbe Americans actually do well other than scales of production.

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