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Another boat crossing tragedy


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The theory that "these people cannot go back, they fled their countries in fear of their lives" is now routinely reeled out as the truth of the situation.  I don't see any proof for it, it's untested glossing ovee.   The alternative theory that they ate just seeking a better life seems more plausible to me.   When you see them loitering outside the hotels that have been commandeered for them they all seem to fit the definition of "economic migrant" to a T.  From their cocky attitude, to the constant looking at smartphones messaging and eyeingup the local talent.   The unaccompanied minors element which are routinely picked up from Heathrow and land on the doorstep of West London Council's social services departments also seem to have the street cunning and thieving skills of delinquents who were simply anti social criminal rejects in the countries they came from.  I don't buy the image of Iran or Afghanistan or Western Africa as a tyrannical intolerant prison camp from which the good people have escaped and want to start a new life in our country because of their love of democracy and freedom and our values.   

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On 14/01/2024 at 16:14, and said:

I can't understand why the other dusky cunts that were left standing on the French coast don't take the hint.

Just because you've paid some cunt an awful lot of money for a dinghy, it doesn't automatically guarantee you're going to be eating your next meal in a four star English hotel, at the British taxpayers expense. 

It’s just exaggerated belief in one’s ability to swim to safety clouding their judgement. 
Or it could be the weight of the chains…

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On 14/01/2024 at 19:19, Eric Cuntman said:

They’re easy to keep track of. They’re all sitting in big grey Amazon Prime vans, parked blocking the road and staring at a smartphone with a bemused expression on their face. And they fucking stink.

There is the issue of parcels gone missing. Is the marketing campaign done in the van?

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Guest entitled little cunt

The Greek coastguard have the best way of dealing with the cunts .A  shick horror BBC investigation believes the British will be horrified and morally repulsed by the allegation the Greek coastguard dont lend a helping hand to hoards of murderers   rapists and misogynist pigs trying to illegally enter their territory  by sea .The BBC need to understand that quite possibly the British public would like the Greek coastguard to patrol the Channel .

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The theory that "these people cannot go back, they fled their countries in fear of their lives" is now routinely reeled out as the truth of the situation.  I don't see any proof for it, it's untested glossing ovee.   The alternative theory that they ate just seeking a better life seems more plausible to me.   When you see them loitering outside the hotels that have been commandeered for them they all seem to fit the definition of "economic migrant" to a T.  From their cocky attitude, to the constant looking at smartphones messaging and eyeingup the local talent.   The unaccompanied minors element which are routinely picked up from Heathrow and land on the doorstep of West London Council's social services departments also seem to have the street cunning and thieving skills of delinquents who were simply anti social criminal rejects in the countries they came from.  I don't buy the image of Iran or Afghanistan or Western Africa as a tyrannical intolerant prison camp from which the good people have escaped and want to start a new life in our country because of their love of democracy and freedom and our values.   

They will ignite a worst a civil war and at best severe social unrest .They are on the whole  murderers , rapists and misogynistic religious fanatics  A few of them naybe  OK.Unfourtunately the country will die to whilst weeding out the few who are worth effort. 


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Guest entitled little cunt
6 hours ago, Neil said:

Can we adopt the Greek method of dealing with these cunts? a much better outcome

Well done,  totally agree .I've said the same then noticed your post .

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 14/01/2024 at 18:54, Dyslexic cnut said:


Tea boy wades in with a  typically  profound thought provoking response. One of the 3 " verbose" musketeers , 

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 14/01/2024 at 19:37, Cuntybaws said:

I'd be more kindly inclined towards immigrants if we could exchange them for Scousers.

Or jocks?

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, White Cunt said:

There is the issue of parcels gone missing. Is the marketing campaign done in the van?

The ones who work in coffee shops are the funniest .A month ago they were  walking two miles with a bucket on their head to get a cup of parasite water .Now the silver thing you twist gives water .is  it   god? .The cunts are dumbstruck .No,  its 40 quid from wickes.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 14/01/2024 at 18:57, Greg said:

Doesn't help that Muslims who capsize can't really swim. I emailed an Artificial Intelligence Imam & got the response below.

Question: I am a Muslim woman aged twenty-eight years, and I want to go swimming so that I can lose some weight. Is this allowed?

Answer: Praise be to Allah. Islam takes complete care of the Muslim woman and preserves her modesty, conceals her and keeps her away from places of fitnah (temptation). Muslim women going out to public centres and swimming pools is something that is emphatically forbidden, because it involves a number of evils and negative consequences. 


How progressive and forward thinking .We need more of this in the  UK.Meanwhile Muhammed  drives around in  his BMW convertible at school knock off time  wearing Armani sunglasses and  a Gucci T Shirt .

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 14/01/2024 at 18:57, Greg said:

Doesn't help that Muslims who capsize can't really swim. I emailed an Artificial Intelligence Imam & got the response below.

Question: I am a Muslim woman aged twenty-eight years, and I want to go swimming so that I can lose some weight. Is this allowed?

Answer: Praise be to Allah. Islam takes complete care of the Muslim woman and preserves her modesty, conceals her and keeps her away from places of fitnah (temptation). Muslim women going out to public centres and swimming pools is something that is emphatically forbidden, because it involves a number of evils and negative consequences. 


How progressive and forward thinking .We need more of this in the  UK.Meanwhile Muhammed  drives around in  his BMW convertible at school knock off time  wearing Armani sunglasses and  a Gucci T Shirt .

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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

They will ignite a worst a civil war and at best severe social unrest .They are on the whole  murderers , rapists and misogynistic religious fanatics  A few of them naybe  OK.Unfourtunately the country will die to whilst weeding out the few who are worth effort. 


Every fucking fibre in this country under our corrupt puppet governments is bent in the service of the Yanks.  I just don't believe these people are fleeing regimes which the unceasing propaganda is teaching us to hate and despise are worthy of UK residency.  I think their countries are OK and the cunts running away, to our shorrs, are cunts who can't fit in there but for some strange reason think they can flourish and thrive on our Wild West streets and lawless society.   The whole thing is a set of fake arguments stuck together.   It's gone on for years and people have had enough of it now.  I think the Iraq War and the ignoring of our people's wishes by Blair was the turning point.  The Yanks are doing the same thing now with Ukraine.  The Germans fucking booed Rod Stewart when he tried on the old support for Zelensky gimmick on his tour.   He's got most of his money in the USA and pays fuck all tax has got nothing to do with it.... every now and again he let's out a bit of info publicity which suggests his a British patriot.   Look at Tom Jones he hasn't paid a fucking £ in UK tax for decades.

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52 minutes ago, Prints Harry said:

surely there must be some good people amongst them

As the swivel-eyed, piano-pounding cunt, Billy Joel said, 'only the good die young'.

Oh, I see, you're talking about the immigrants, I thought you were talking about tax dodging 'rock stars'!



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Guest entitled little cunt
On 18/06/2024 at 10:53, ChildeHarold said:

Every fucking fibre in this country under our corrupt puppet governments is bent in the service of the Yanks.  I just don't believe these people are fleeing regimes which the unceasing propaganda is teaching us to hate and despise are worthy of UK residency.  I think their countries are OK and the cunts running away, to our shorrs, are cunts who can't fit in there but for some strange reason think they can flourish and thrive on our Wild West streets and lawless society.   The whole thing is a set of fake arguments stuck together.   It's gone on for years and people have had enough of it now.  I think the Iraq War and the ignoring of our people's wishes by Blair was the turning point.  The Yanks are doing the same thing now with Ukraine.  The Germans fucking booed Rod Stewart when he tried on the old support for Zelensky gimmick on his tour.   He's got most of his money in the USA and pays fuck all tax has got nothing to do with it.... every now and again he let's out a bit of info publicity which suggests his a British patriot.   Look at Tom Jones he hasn't paid a fucking £ in UK tax for decades.

People are fucked off, but why vote for Stammer , raynor , lammy , Abbott and chackrabati ? Do they enjoy having their arses violated by illegals ?.

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1 minute ago, entitled little cunt said:

People are fucked off, but why vote for Stammer , raynor , lammy , Abbott and chackrabati ? Do they enjoy having their arses violated by illegals ?.

Totally agree.  Starmer is depressing.  The toadies around him depressing.   More than that.   In ten or fifteen years people will be voting the tories back in.   Social alzheimers allows these cunts to get away with it.   The "great" British pig ignorant population voted against proportional representation when they had the chance.   They voted against Corbyn and somereal left wing policies a fresh start.  The fucks deserve everything they get.  the cunts with the Sun under one arm, a pint of milk under other, and a Ginster sausage roll in their face at 10.00 am coming up the street. 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Totally agree.  Starmer is depressing.  The toadies around him depressing.   More than that.   In ten or fifteen years people will be voting the tories back in.   Social alzheimers allows these cunts to get away with it.   The "great" British pig ignorant population voted against proportional representation when they had the chance.   They voted against Corbyn and somereal left wing policies a fresh start.  The fucks deserve everything they get.  the cunts with the Sun under one arm, a pint of milk under other, and a Ginster sausage roll in their face at 10.00 am coming up the street. 

After ten years of libtard labour, people won’t be voting the tories back in, they’ll be looking for ways to resurrect Adolf Hitler. Lol lol.

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Guest entitled little cunt
6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

After ten years of libtard labour, people won’t be voting the tories back in, they’ll be looking for ways to resurrect Adolf Hitler. Lol lol.

By then it will be too late .Stammer is a puppet .Abbot , lammy and the rest of the ultra left wing hug an illegal brigade have got a hand up his rectum operating his mouth. We're fucked as a nation.They'll be welcoming illegals at Dover .

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11 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

We're fucked as a nation.They'll be welcoming illegals at Dover .

“This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end. We will fight them on the beaches, and on the landing grounds.
We will fight them in the car parks of The Premier  Inns and the Travelodges, and next to Mr Whippy’s halal ice cream vans outside our girls Sharia schools. For this is our darkest hour and we will NEVER SURRENDER”.

Rishi Sunak 18/6/2024 (outside the US embassy in London after renewing his green card and heading off to Heathrow in a taxi).

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Guest entitled little cunt
5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

He didn't start the fire. 

He's an innocent man 

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