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American cunts and Donald Trump+NATO


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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I dunno about all that, Pazerchimp, you subhuman homunculus. Surely any country worth its salt is only concerned about having sovereignty over its own borders, which we have and your lot doesn't.

Unless you're stating that the Irish model is preferable, as in being a tiny cog in a vast European wheel where decisions are made about your borders and policies from Brussels and Berlin.

At least when we were in the EU we had a voice, as a fourth rate nation you're told what to do and you do as you're told. Pretty much the same as how it was during 800 years of English rule.

Little subservient, monkey looking cunt lolololol.

I was going to say that lol.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Fair point H. We’d be hard pushed right now to recapture the Isle of Man if the EU emboldened spudmunchers launched a surprise invasion,  as a stepping stone to avenging the centuries of historical tyranny we inflicted on them (while simultaneously  educating, civilising and feeding them (never mind saving most of their eager arseholes from the irreparable damage which the Catholic Church had been telling them was Gods will long before we even got there).

By the time Rishi and Grant Schapps had assembled a Thatcheresque task force  of RNLI and Border Force vessels (leaving the absolutely genuine ‘refugees’ lol) stranded on the beaches of Northern France, with no guarantee of safety if they made it into international waters (100 metres from the Calais beach). 
Lord Horatio Nelson would probably leap off his column, quite rightly be demanding his fucking eye back and fucking off to France on the next P and O ferry with Lady Hamilton in tow if he saw what’s become of what used to be the Royal Navy he made into the most feared fighting force on the planet a little more than a couple of centuries ago.




You can use four fighter jets to in effect bully a third world bunch of renegades but even if you invested half of our GDP in the armed forces you ain't gonna have any impact on China in Taiwan, the Middle East or Eastern Europe. Those days have gone forever. I don't see how running after the USA helps either us or even them in the long run when security needs to be rebuilt on the basis of diplomacy. 

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10 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You can use four fighter jets to in effect bully a third world bunch of renegades but even if you invested half of our GDP in the armed forces you ain't gonna have any impact on China in Taiwan, the Middle East or Eastern Europe. Those days have gone forever. I don't see how running after the USA helps either us or even them in the long run when security needs to be rebuilt on the basis of diplomacy. 

Diplomacy and  kowtowing to tyrants has never ended well throughout history. Strength not weakness, is and always has been the best and most effective way to retain a position of power over your enemies. Geopolitics rule 101.

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22 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Diplomacy and  kowtowing to tyrants has never ended well throughout history. Strength not weakness, is and always has been the best and most effective way to retain a position of power over your enemies. Geopolitics rule 101.

In a nuclear world you have to build up mutual trust based on respect for other state's security priorities and systems. It seems to me the US-UK are constantly causing trouble needlessly and haven't stopped since 1990 creating instability all round the world. They are in a constant state of war or possible war both abroad and at home. It would be a big favour to everybody if the UK fucking gave it a rest and opted OUT of NATO, fucking got rid of most of its inadequate armed forces and declared itself as a neutral country. Whose fucking pot of gold are the cunts in Westminster guarding? 

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4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

if the UK fucking gave it a rest and opted OUT of NATO, fucking got rid of most of its inadequate armed forces and declared itself as a neutral country.

A better idea would be for the U.K. to get rid of the vast majority of its woke WEF/UN owned globalist, puppet politicians, and bought and paid for talking head MSM schills. The U.K. is on a rapid descent into international irrelevance and it will not be long before we are unable to reverse that decline. The ruling class who think they have the divine right to fucking destroy the culture, history and more importantly the future of this country need to be lynched on the nearest lamp post and reviled forever for the damage they’ve knowingly done in the last 40 years or so. 
Scum and they should be held to account for their self serving treachery.



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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

A better idea would be for the U.K. to get rid of the vast majority of its woke WEF/UN owned globalist, puppet politicians, and bought and paid for talking head MSM schills. The U.K. is on a rapid descent into international irrelevance and it will not be long before we are unable to reverse that decline. The ruling class who think they have the divine right to fucking destroy the culture, history and more importantly the future of this country need to be lynched on the nearest lamp post and reviled forever for the damage they’ve knowingly done in the last 40 years or so. 
Scum and they should be held to account for their self serving treachery.



Step out of this tiny island into the big wide world and you will find Britain is ALREADY an irrelevance. 

Nobody wants to be paid in sterling in Africa or anywhere else - the dollar is the only international currency. 

Britain's colonial legacy means many parts of the world do not quite have the high opinion of Britain you have. 

The Gibraltans have been fucked by Brexit - excluded from Schengen their economy and quality of life had been undermined - UK might as well give up the pretence and pass it back to Spain and stop looking after it for the Yanks. 

Do you honestly think any of our armed forces would last five minutes in an all out war with China? 

As a safe place to park vast sums of money - often corrupt money illegally got - London and its off shore network is still important. 

But for everything else we have next to no influence. The govt operates its foreign policy for Brits heads bragging about our power and influence to appease the fucking minority of cunts in the UK who are still living in the past or had somebody in the family serving in the past. It's all a fucking lie. 

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2 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

More septic I think. Pot holes, pox, pansies, and dodgy politicians. Vive la France.





Public standards and decency have gone in Britain. The only places that maintain the infrastructure now are rich cunt areas like K&C and Westminster. Everywhere else is a fucking shit hole slum plus no police. 

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6 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

trump will leave NATO and all you Europeans  will be  at the mercy of Russia

No 'europeans' on here just British and a couple of non-entities from australia, however if you're a fucking amerimutt I'd leave this site as no one wants you cunts here.If china goes ahead with it's invasion plan of muttmerica which it has drawn up it's going to be hysterical seeing PLA soldiers driving down incestville ave, in Cuntsville state dragging little fat american kids out of their houses and shooting them in the face in front of their diabetes ridden, white trash trailer bait parents.


Fuck off.

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On 13/01/2024 at 19:14, Decimus said:

Listen here, Reptyle, when I was your age I also felt a swell of patriotic pride and firmly believed in British exceptionalism and superiority. Alas when I reached high school I began to inform myself of the facts and came to understand that we're an old lion without claws. You'll get there yourself when you move up in September.

In the meantime, just who do you imagine we could actually defeat in a conventional war? The Japanese? Highly unlikely. The Russians? Maybe 150 years ago. The Chinese? It would be like the Wealdstone Raider giving it large against two hundred MMA fighters.

Even the Germans, who have next to no military due to their pacifist doctrine, would wipe the floor with us. If the war was protracted they would utilise their vastly superior engineering, industrial capacity and economy which is two times larger than ours, and within a year or two they would vastly outgun the rump military we have been left with after successive governments have metaphorically neutered it.

We're nothing, and the only country I'd fancy our chances against is France, because that obviously goes without fucking saying.

Grow up, we're not playing 'Risk'.

No one mentioned Britain going to war with anyone and i don't think not wanting a bunch of foreign leeches who've made it clear they want to leave NATO having access to British technology like 'ranged plasma weaponary' and the AI being used on BAE tempest among a load of other tech we're letting them have access to currently makes me 'jingoistic', it's common sense.Know what I mean carrot cruncher?



Also the UK would fuck Japan+germany out of existence at the same time with a single Vanguard submarine, that's their entire purpose.

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7 hours ago, peglegtwo said:

trump will leave NATO and all you Europeans  will be  at the mercy of Russia

Just like he left NATO when he was President? The fact is that he pointed out to the NATO members in his own unique manner that the US was done with funding the shortfall of several European countries to the NATO budget that they had been blatantly doing, in breach of their treaty obligations for decades.

And guess what? They suddenly started paying up.

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11 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

@Eddie, I'm glad you agree, as he does have a point. Sort yourself out.

Withers it’s true, I just don’t have the heart for it anymore, a fuck off here, a thick cunt there is about all I have left. Anyway Fuck off you thick cunt. 

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Withers it’s true, I just don’t have the heart for it anymore, a fuck off here, a thick cunt there is about all I have left. Anyway Fuck off you thick cunt. 

I am glad that you do still have a heart as some of the cunts cunts here are heartless (and without souls).

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18 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Public standards and decency have gone in Britain. The only places that maintain the infrastructure now are rich cunt areas like K&C and Westminster. Everywhere else is a fucking shit hole slum plus no police. 

How true, but maybe that's because the only places that can afford to have the police are where the rich cunts live.

The Tories have been cutting the police budgets for years, but they cry like fuckin' babies when some dusky cunt on a scooter robs them of their £50k watches, because there's no coppers on the beat to protect them.

Fuck 'em!

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9 hours ago, Eddie said:

Withers it’s true, I just don’t have the heart for it anymore, a fuck off here, a thick cunt there is about all I have left. Anyway Fuck off you thick cunt. 

Quality Ed. You’re the best (black man) on here. 

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9 hours ago, and said:

The Tories have been cutting the police budgets for years

Quite right. Have you noticed all the CID are now birds? In Harold's day you to be over 6ft & demonstrate you could smack about some villains in places like Camberwell.

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