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American cunts and Donald Trump+NATO


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Guest entitled little cunt

Nothing wrong with Trump .He will win the next US election.People just hate being told what to do . Nuke Iran  because they're cunts ,get close and even more personal  with Israel ,  turn palestine into an open cast mine and let Muslims know that if they dont like  living in western countries  they can quite easily move to an Islamic country of their choice .Air fare all paid for, infact the majority will be waving goodbye .

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10 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Nothing wrong with Trump .He will win the next US election.People just hate being told what to do . Nuke Iran  because they're cunts ,get close and even more personal  with Israel ,  turn palestine into an open cast mine and let Muslims know that if they dont like  living in western countries  they can quite easily move to an Islamic country of their choice .Air fare all paid for, infact the majority will be waving goodbye .

"Nuke Iran".... wow that kid's smaller than me, I'm going to thump him. In fact, I'd looking forward to every country opposed to the dirty Yanks tooling up with nuclear. The bully is basically a coward. 


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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, ChildeHarold said:

"Nuke Iran".... wow that kid's smaller than me, I'm going to thump him. In fact, I'd looking forward to every country opposed to the dirty Yanks tooling up with nuclear. The bully is basically a 

More like and annoying pile hanging out of the arse of the world. Unfortunately Iran seem intent on funding and encouraging  terrorism  that kills people like you and I on our home territory,  so yes , nuke them back to the stone age  oops,  forgot , that medieval belief  system they're keen on  keeps them perpetually in the stoneage .

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21 hours ago, ClitWestwood said:

This braindead amerimutt prick has apparently amped up the anti-european rhetoric in a news article a few days ago where said he wouldn't send the us military to aid 'YEWROPE' in the event of a proper war(apparently nearly 50% of the dribbling subhuman fuckwits in the usa agreed with him in a poll) despite being obliged to due to NATO and also said he'll do his best to get the yank cunts to leave nato if he becomes president again.

These disgusting mobility scooter bound low I.Q troglodytes are a liability and a security issue at this point and are currently leeching off advanced British military technology, designs and British overseas territories, They simply take without giving and we should be making plans to end any alliance with these  parasites at this point instead of joining them in yet another fucking foreign war that doesn't benefit the UK/europe while those scum don't catch the fallout from it and can run over British citizens with impunity then flee the country like fucking cockroaches.They've never been the UK's friends or allies ever and have made it clear now they consider Europe an enemy on the whole.


Time to kick americans out of the UK+British overseas territories+end any leeching of British technology+start beefing up the Royal Navy again big time now please @spineless British government.

Listen here, Reptyle, when I was your age I also felt a swell of patriotic pride and firmly believed in British exceptionalism and superiority. Alas when I reached high school I began to inform myself of the facts and came to understand that we're an old lion without claws. You'll get there yourself when you move up in September.

In the meantime, just who do you imagine we could actually defeat in a conventional war? The Japanese? Highly unlikely. The Russians? Maybe 150 years ago. The Chinese? It would be like the Wealdstone Raider giving it large against two hundred MMA fighters.

Even the Germans, who have next to no military due to their pacifist doctrine, would wipe the floor with us. If the war was protracted they would utilise their vastly superior engineering, industrial capacity and economy which is two times larger than ours, and within a year or two they would vastly outgun the rump military we have been left with after successive governments have metaphorically neutered it.

We're nothing, and the only country I'd fancy our chances against is France, because that obviously goes without fucking saying.

Grow up, we're not playing 'Risk'.

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40 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

More like and annoying pile hanging out of the arse of the world. Unfortunately Iran seem intent on funding and encouraging  terrorism  that kills people like you and I on our home territory,  so yes , nuke them back to the stone age  oops,  forgot , that medieval belief  system they're keen on  keeps them perpetually in the stoneage .

I wouldn't under estimate the weight of medieval history in Europe and UK. After all we still have a hereditary Head of State. Ayatollah Charles. 

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2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Listen here, Reptyle, when I was your age I also felt a swell of patriotic pride and firmly believed in British exceptionalism and superiority. Alas when I reached high school I began to inform myself of the facts and came to understand that we're an old lion without claws. You'll get there yourself when you move up in September.

In the meantime, just who do you imagine we could actually defeat in a conventional war? The Japanese? Highly unlikely. The Russians? Maybe 150 years ago. The Chinese? It would be like the Wealdstone Raider giving it large against two hundred MMA fighters.

Even the Germans, who have next to no military due to their pacifist doctrine, would wipe the floor with us. If the war was protracted they would utilise their vastly superior engineering, industrial capacity and economy which is two times larger than ours, and within a year or two they would vastly outgun the rump military we have been left with after successive governments have metaphorically neutered it.

We're nothing, and the only country I'd fancy our chances against is France, because that obviously goes without fucking saying.

Grow up, we're not playing 'Risk'.

I think we've all seen and enjoyed Bad Lads Army fact is Germany does have a superb national service system which entails service in one of the emergency arms, ambulance, fire, etc it's a training for life. I came across this with a German Deutsche Bank lodger who insisted on brushing his shoes on newspaper OUTSIDE the flat on the landing. Nobody I've ever come across was more dedicated to his work, immaculate address, well spoken (in English) and pleasant all round. A great chap and a credit to his country. Everyone else was on a sliding scale of cuntdem by comparison. What you said about Germany as a whole (also from my trip to Berlin and what I've gleaned elsewhere) is absolutely correct though they do have their problem areas like the Hells Angels, but that's imported from Yankee land I think. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
34 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I think we've all seen and enjoyed Bad Lads Army fact is Germany does have a superb national service system which entails service in one of the emergency arms, ambulance, fire, etc it's a training for life. I came across this with a German Deutsche Bank lodger who insisted on brushing his shoes on newspaper OUTSIDE the flat on the landing. Nobody I've ever come across was more dedicated to his work, immaculate address, well spoken (in English) and pleasant all round. A great chap and a credit to his country. Everyone else was on a sliding scale of cuntdem by comparison. What you said about Germany as a whole (also from my trip to Berlin and what I've gleaned elsewhere) is absolutely correct though they do have their problem areas like the Hells Angels, but that's imported from Yankee land I think. 

The old krauts do love a bit of authority and to punish those who prefer to live on the fringes of polite society. They are a bit more forgiving now I admit and nowadays tend to give a withering look rather than give you a shovel to dig your own shallow grave .That said , should the right prophet appear I reckon they could delve into their  murky past once  again.After that silly bitch Merkel and her all encompassing every illegal is a wonder of human enlightenment propaganda  who could  blame them.

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Guest entitled little cunt
18 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

'Paddy McGinty's Radioactive Goat'  Val Coonican (aka Eddie).

Lol lol lol Fuck off


And what's wrong with jaywick sands ?Its not as bad as they say , I can find an alcoholic scot to share a needle with at any hour of the day or night and the tattoos are works of art , it's like Tate modern mixed with the national portrait gallery .

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

And what's wrong with jaywick sands ?Its not as bad as they say , I can find an alcoholic scot to share a needle with at any hour of the day or night and the tattoos are works of art , it's like Tate modern mixed with the national portrait gallery .

Look at the post you’ve replied to and accept that you’re fucked in the head.

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Guest entitled little cunt
19 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Look at the post you’ve replied to and accept that you’re fucked in the head.

Oh yes , you're right .Silly me.I made a mistake .I'm going to birch myself until I draw blood .

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On 13/01/2024 at 17:26, Decimus said:

Utter bollocks. I'm far from jingoistic, quite the opposite in fact. I think our military is an absolute fucking shambles after years of cuts and underfunding. But the fact is the nuclear weapons deployed by the RN can be launched without any prior agreement or code and are not reliant on American GPS guidance. 

Obviousvly in reality we wouldn't be using them as a first strike in some independent war such as if the Falklands kick off again, but if we really wanted to we could fire them whenever we pleased. 

Let's hope some mad Donald type cunt who despises Ireland gets voted in and goes rogue, it's not like your ten Sopwith Camels could do much to stop them. A few megatons of radioactive material would do no end of improvement to the bog-soaked, dismal shantytown you call home.

Ya subhuman ape-creature yiz.


Ya clearly dont have a clue about whats goin on in Brexitland..read books instead of wipin yer hole with them..lol


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14 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ya clearly dont have a clue about whats goin on in Brexitland..read books instead of wipin yer hole with them..lol


I couldn't really give a fuck who pushes the button either way, you filthy little ape creature. I just enjoy correcting your shoulder-chip induced errors, consider me your editor if you like. 

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9 hours ago, Decimus said:

I couldn't really give a fuck who pushes the button either way, you filthy little ape creature. I just enjoy correcting your shoulder-chip induced errors, consider me your editor if you like. 

Pontificatin gas bag..brought up believing ya had sway in the world..well i tell ya now yer in for hardship because yer locked in with a political system that has no voice outside of yer borders and youll be the only thing it can whip ..miggle earner rule takin third country shite bag..lol


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On 12/01/2024 at 21:14, ClitWestwood said:

This braindead amerimutt prick has apparently amped up the anti-european rhetoric in a news article a few days ago where said he wouldn't send the us military to aid 'YEWROPE' in the event of a proper war(apparently nearly 50% of the dribbling subhuman fuckwits in the usa agreed with him in a poll) despite being obliged to due to NATO and also said he'll do his best to get the yank cunts to leave nato if he becomes president again.

These disgusting mobility scooter bound low I.Q troglodytes are a liability and a security issue at this point and are currently leeching off advanced British military technology, designs and British overseas territories, They simply take without giving and we should be making plans to end any alliance with these  parasites at this point instead of joining them in yet another fucking foreign war that doesn't benefit the UK/europe while those scum don't catch the fallout from it and can run over British citizens with impunity then flee the country like fucking cockroaches.They've never been the UK's friends or allies ever and have made it clear now they consider Europe an enemy on the whole.


Time to kick americans out of the UK+British overseas territories+end any leeching of British technology+start beefing up the Royal Navy again big time now please @spineless British government.

‘You’re fired!’


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54 minutes ago, King Billy said:

‘You’re fired!’


Clearly the world has turned to shit since The Donald was robbed of the Presidency. If anybody can dissuade me that voting for a second lot of much older Biden will only make things worse then I'll listen, but until then my vote goes to the Great Orange One. 

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19 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

brought up believing ya had sway in the world..well i tell ya now yer in for hardship because yer locked in with a political system that has no voice outside of yer borders

I dunno about all that, Pazerchimp, you subhuman homunculus. Surely any country worth its salt is only concerned about having sovereignty over its own borders, which we have and your lot doesn't.

Unless you're stating that the Irish model is preferable, as in being a tiny cog in a vast European wheel where decisions are made about your borders and policies from Brussels and Berlin.

At least when we were in the EU we had a voice, as a fourth rate nation you're told what to do and you do as you're told. Pretty much the same as how it was during 800 years of English rule.

Little subservient, monkey looking cunt lolololol.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

I dunno all about that, P, you subhuman homunculus. Surely any country worth its salt is only concerned about having sovereignty over its on borders. Unless you're stating that the Irish model is preferable, as in being a tiny cog in a vast European wheel where decisions are made about your borders and policies from Brussels and Berlin.

At least when we were in the EU we had a voice, as a fourth rate nation you're told what to do and you do as you're told. Pretty much the same as how it was during 800 years of English rule.

Little monkey cunt lolololol.

Oi Deco, where's Jewdy?

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On 13/01/2024 at 19:24, ChildeHarold said:

In the meantime, just who do you imagine we could actually defeat in a conventional war?

Fair point H. We’d be hard pushed right now to recapture the Isle of Man if the EU emboldened spudmunchers launched a surprise invasion,  as a stepping stone to avenging the centuries of historical tyranny we inflicted on them (while simultaneously  educating, civilising and feeding them) never mind saving most of their eager arseholes from the irreparable damage which the Catholic Church had been telling them was Gods will long before we even got there).

By the time Rishi and Grant Schapps had assembled a Thatcheresque task force  of RNLI and Border Force vessels (leaving the absolutely genuine ‘refugees’ lol) stranded on the beaches of Northern France, with no guarantee of safety if they made it into international waters (100 metres from the Calais beach). 
Lord Horatio Nelson would probably leap off his column, quite rightly be demanding his fucking eye back and fucking off to France on the next P and O ferry with Lady Hamilton in tow if he saw what’s become of what used to be the Royal Navy he made into the most feared fighting force on the planet a little more than a couple of centuries ago.




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