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American cunts and Donald Trump+NATO


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This braindead amerimutt prick has apparently amped up the anti-european rhetoric in a news article a few days ago where said he wouldn't send the us military to aid 'YEWROPE' in the event of a proper war(apparently nearly 50% of the dribbling subhuman fuckwits in the usa agreed with him in a poll) despite being obliged to due to NATO and also said he'll do his best to get the yank cunts to leave nato if he becomes president again.

These disgusting mobility scooter bound low I.Q troglodytes are a liability and a security issue at this point and are currently leeching off advanced British military technology, designs and British overseas territories, They simply take without giving and we should be making plans to end any alliance with these  parasites at this point instead of joining them in yet another fucking foreign war that doesn't benefit the UK/europe while those scum don't catch the fallout from it and can run over British citizens with impunity then flee the country like fucking cockroaches.They've never been the UK's friends or allies ever and have made it clear now they consider Europe an enemy on the whole.


Time to kick americans out of the UK+British overseas territories+end any leeching of British technology+start beefing up the Royal Navy again big time now please @spineless British government.

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30 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

This braindead amerimutt prick has apparently amped up the anti-european rhetoric in a news article a few days ago where said he wouldn't send the us military to help 'YEWROPE' in the event of a war(apparently nearly 50% of the dribbling subhuman fuckwits in the usa agreed with him in a poll) despite being obliged to due to NATO and also said he'll do his best to get the yank cunts to leave nato if he becomes president again.

These disgusting mobility scooter bound low I.Q troglodytes are a liability and a security issue at this point and are currently leeching off advanced British military technology, designs and British overseas territories, They simply take without giving and we should be making plans to end any alliance with these  parasites at this point instead of joining them in yet another fucking foreign war that doesn't benefit the UK/europe while those scum don't catch the fallout from it and can run over British citizens with impunity then flee the country like fucking cockroaches.They've never been the UK's friends or allies ever and have made it clear now they consider Europe an enemy on the whole.


Time to kick americans out of the UK+British overseas territories+end any leeching of British technology+start beefing up the Royal Navy big time now please @spineless British government.

You are forgetting our "Special Relationship"? 

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34 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

They've never been the UK's friends or allies ever and have made it clear now they consider Europe an enemy on the whole.

Two world wars and you just don't get it. Houthi cunt.

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Just now, ClitWestwood said:

There never was one to begin with.

There's still a lot of fawning over the Yanks and World War Two in the Midlands and East of England, the main RAF/USAF to all intents bases are there. Funny, same areas have what Jonathon Meades described as non culture - stock car racing, line dancing, rock n roll... 

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2 minutes ago, Greg said:

Two world wars and you just don't get it. Houthi cunt.

Trouble with not bothering with any legaloty or international consensus is similar to the Iraq War and before you know it we'll have refugees from these areas running around stabbing etc. It won't threaten the Cameron cunts because none of them live in the areas they fucking put the refugees. If you get your head out of the Eagle Comic for a few minutes you'll see this sort of bilateral action ups the ante in ways designed to improve these cunts chance's of big money out of the arms industry later on down the road. Geoff Huhne said it on camera in that Channel Four investigation into lobbying a few years ago,  he was waiting for a certain amount of time to elapse then he wanted to get into the US as a consultant for the "big money". These cunts are always out for Number One. 

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12 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

There's still a lot of fawning over the Yanks and World War Two in the Midlands and East of England, the main RAF/USAF to all intents bases are there. Funny, same areas have what Jonathon Meades described as non culture - stock car racing, line dancing, rock n roll... 

They think they're going to trash europe and the Middle East for the past 80 years then fuck off back home to suck up to their little poodle vassal states of japan,australia and korea in the pacific(which the septics are not a part of to begin with) and still think international trade via ships is going to flow in and out of their country as usual and that the dollar with still be the reserve currency.Big fucking wake up call coming for the cunts if they think the status quo will remain the same if they pull out of nato.

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16 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

They think they're going to trash europe and the Middle East for the past 80 years then fuck off back home to suck up to their little poodle vassal states of japan,australia and korea in the pacific(which the septics are not a part of to begin with) and still think international trade via ships is going to flow in and out of their country as usual and that the dollar with still be the reserve currency.Big fucking wake up call coming for the cunts if they think the status quo will remain the same if they pull out of nato.

De Gaulle who seems to be universally hated in Britain called in the Americans after they formed NATO to his office in the Elysee Palace and said "Would I as President have sole decision over use of NATO nuclear weapons on French soil?" When the Americans shrugged their shoulders and iffed and butted he said, "You will never talk to a French President like that again and told them to fuck off with their missiles out of French territory. He gave them an ultimatum. France then developed their own nuclear deter ant which it controls as a sovereign nation today. Only the President can authorise a nuclear attack. The fucking British and Germans just caved in. My reading of this is that Britain was basically occupied by America during and after the War like Germany was an occupied country. Whereas Germany and Europe got Marshall Aid so it was in their interest WE got FUCK ALL. Except that same old minority maggots of fill your boots cunts in politics, our institutions and businesses (the cunts who go to public school) all played along with it. 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

De Gaulle who seems to be universally hated in Britain called in the Americans after they formed NATO to his office in the Elysee Palace and said "Would I as President have sole decision over use of NATO nuclear weapons on French soil?" When the Americans shrugged their shoulders and iffed and butted he said, "You will never talk to a French President like that again and told them to fuck off with their missiles out of French territory. He gave them an ultimatum. France then developed their own nuclear deter ant which it controls as a sovereign nation today. Only the President can authorise a nuclear attack. The fucking British and Germans just caved in. My reading of this is that Britain was basically occupied by America during and after the War like Germany was an occupied country. Whereas Germany and Europe got Marshall Aid so it was in their interest WE got FUCK ALL. Except that same old minority maggots of fill your boots cunts in politics, our institutions and businesses (the cunts who go to public school) all played along with it. 

The French are indeed garlic stinking wankers with delusions of grandeur but at least the French seemingly have enough backbone to appose the yanks and act in their own interests even now, unlike our piss weak government who just roll over and take it.The septics also heavily propped up their favourite little americanised poodle vassal state of Japan after WWII and had made them the second biggest economy in the world by the 80's while continuously trying to fuck over the UK at every turn.Britain got the shitty end of the stick after WWII while our enemies got built back up like you said.

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3 minutes ago, ClitWestwood said:

The French are indeed garlic stinking wankers with delusions of grandeur but at least the French seemingly have enough backbone to appose the yanks and act in their own interests even now, unlike our piss weak government who just roll over and take it.The septics also heavily propped up their favourite little americanised poodle vassal state of Japan after WWII and had made them the second biggest economy in the world by the 80's while continuously trying to fuck over the UK at every turn.Britain got the shitty end of the stick after WWII while our enemies got built back up like you said.

That's the key point made on LBC this evening, if the Houthis are threatening international commerce in the Red Sea then why haven't the French, Spanish or Italian joined in the American attacks? Why is always Britain with its nose stuck up the American arsehole. You can bet your life during that raid, it was the Yanks who were in overall strategic command. 

It boils down to the fucking history of leadership in Britain since 1945. There hasn't been one British leader with any backbone or real leadership quality. They've all been weak as piss, Atlee, Eden, Macmillan etc with poss exception of Wilson who refused to get Britain involved in Vietnam. Subsequently it was revealed there was a serious plot between CIA, certain members of the Armed Forces, Mountbatten was implicated, and Protestant terrorists to assassinate Harold Wilson over this, hatched in Northern Ireland. 


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49 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

It boils down to the fucking history of leadership in Britain since 1945.

Enoch Powell said that in Wolverhampton in '68. If you had listened to him, you wouldn't be in a psychiatric hospital today. 

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See all them shiney nukes ya have..ifn ya peel off the union jack sticker youll find a stars n stripes one..ya need permisso from unky sam to use them..all ya really doin is polishin them..i hope donny gets back into 1600 pennsylvania avenue..itll be hilarious to watch him dry his ballz with yer fleg..lol


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Guest entitled little cunt

Anyone who voted for TrumPie was apparently stupid , those who voted for Biden , a rather silly  old man at the best of times who's in severe  cognitive decline and has no clue as to what's going on are apparently all very clever people.

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11 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Anyone who voted for TrumPie was apparently stupid , those who voted for Biden , a rather silly  old man at the best of times who's in severe  cognitive decline and has no clue as to what's going on are apparently all very clever people.

Noisy people do seem to forget that Trump did not actually win the popular vote Mrs Clinton actually won around 2,000,000 more of the popular votes than Trump .. Biden did actually win around 2,000,000 more votes than Trump. As to Biden's "frail condition", many elderley people are frail but alert .. Trump is also elderly and his behaviour suggests that he is delusional an unfit to run any country.

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2 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Noisy people do seem to forget that Trump did not actually win the popular vote Mrs Clinton actually won around 2,000,000 more of the popular votes tha Trump .. Biden did actually win around 2,000,000 more votes than Trump. As to Biden's "frail condition", many elderley people are frail but alert .. Trump is also elderly and his behaviour suggests that he is delusional an unfit to run any country.

The flabby orange arse wipe is unfit to run a fucking pay as you go portaloo

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17 hours ago, ClitWestwood said:

This braindead amerimutt prick has apparently amped up the anti-european rhetoric in a news article a few days ago where said he wouldn't send the us military to aid 'YEWROPE' in the event of a proper war(apparently nearly 50% of the dribbling subhuman fuckwits in the usa agreed with him in a poll) despite being obliged to due to NATO and also said he'll do his best to get the yank cunts to leave nato if he becomes president again.

These disgusting mobility scooter bound low I.Q troglodytes are a liability and a security issue at this point and are currently leeching off advanced British military technology, designs and British overseas territories, They simply take without giving and we should be making plans to end any alliance with these  parasites at this point instead of joining them in yet another fucking foreign war that doesn't benefit the UK/europe while those scum don't catch the fallout from it and can run over British citizens with impunity then flee the country like fucking cockroaches.They've never been the UK's friends or allies ever and have made it clear now they consider Europe an enemy on the whole.


Time to kick americans out of the UK+British overseas territories+end any leeching of British technology+start beefing up the Royal Navy again big time now please @spineless British government.

You stupid fucking cunt.

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17 hours ago, Greg said:

The amount of cowardly pacifists on this forum is astonishing

Not all pacifists are cowardly, it takes balls to mince around this forum with a Poodle and a dictionary.

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18 hours ago, ClitWestwood said:

The French are indeed garlic stinking wankers with delusions of grandeur but at least the French seemingly have enough backbone to appose the yanks and act in their own interests even now, unlike our piss weak government who just roll over and take it.The septics also heavily propped up their favourite little americanised poodle vassal state of Japan after WWII and had made them the second biggest economy in the world by the 80's while continuously trying to fuck over the UK at every turn.Britain got the shitty end of the stick after WWII while our enemies got built back up like you said.

Don't over egg the outside help they got though, they actually stretched their arseholes rebuilding and doing it carefully and properly whereas Britain just fucking dud the two party moaning and blaming each other skipping in and out of office and fuckng doing nothing. Then at the end Thatcher came along and took decisive actions but mostly in the fucking wrong direction with problems we've got today plus  everything else that was never put right. It's really a fuckng workhouse society with out of date throwback attitudes, decrepit system of government local and national, run by people with fucking no brains or flair. 

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13 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

ya need permisso from unky sam to use them..

Utter bollocks. I'm far from jingoistic, quite the opposite in fact. I think our military is an absolute fucking shambles after years of cuts and underfunding. But the fact is the nuclear weapons deployed by the RN can be launched without any prior agreement or code and are not reliant on American GPS guidance. 

Obviousvly in reality we wouldn't be using them as a first strike in some independent war such as if the Falklands kick off again, but if we really wanted to we could fire them whenever we pleased. 

Let's hope some mad Donald type cunt who despises Ireland gets voted in and goes rogue, it's not like your ten Sopwith Camels could do much to stop them. A few megatons of radioactive material would do no end of improvement to the bog-soaked, dismal shantytown you call home.

Ya subhuman ape-creature yiz.


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