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Stephen Bradshaw .. The man with a heavy footprint .. Post Office Scandal


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39 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Blah blah blah - what a clever and highly amusing post. You seem to think you’re in a position to judge others, and clearly believe you’re one of the big boys of CC. I have very little time and even less inclination to spend hours posting on here these days. But when I see yet another moronic load of shit that you’ve drunkenly written, I will always make time to take the piss out of you. Lol LOL. Prick.

Those plastic toy helicopters aren't going to assemble themselves while you're posting on here.

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58 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I bet she is, does she help you make the skin suits like a Fred and Rose meets Wild Bill psychopath team?

Oh, and when you say missus I'm assuming you mean @Ape™️ the manner in which you like each others posts, I thought assembling Airfix toys using his own jizz was his only hobby.

The skin suits that Wolfie's missus makes for him don't protect him from his own very thin skin.

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21 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

One sentence and a lazy BBC link, a ‘good cunting’ does not make. Fuck off Gypps, unless you’re licking it’s dick these days.

Fucking hell. What's your problem? I've never piled into you. If you've got a problem with Pen that's your fucking concern not mine. Don't slag me off because I have the audacity to like the post. And no, I'm not licking her dick. I'll leave that to you to do, you fucking spastic poof.

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18 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

The skin suits that Wolfie's missus makes for him don't protect him from his own very thin skin.

Ask nicely and she may even knit you a willy warmer, Pen. It may take a while, but weeks could be saved with colder weather in mind.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

And by consistent I mean vindictive, manipulative, two-faced, back-stabbing and about as trustworthy as Barry Bennell

Don't be so hard on yourself, we know you're a narcissistic fantasist, but that's stepping over the line, even for a cunt like you.

BTW, how is Canada, getting chilly at this time of year?

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Out of everyone on here at least Withers is consistent. And by consistent I mean vindictive, manipulative, two-faced, back-stabbing and about as trustworthy as Barry Bennell coaching an under-9s football team.

Without doubt he is the real deal and puts the cunt in corner. Imagine having the energy at the ripe old age of 102 to regularly still be the biggest fucking wanker in the room. I don't know what his secret is, but I suspect that the old bastard has an unfair genetic advantage what with him being French.

Bullshit, I'm 97

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33 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Ask nicely and she may even knit you a willy warmer, Pen. It may take a while, but weeks could be saved with colder weather in mind.

Your missus could make one for you using the skin from the thumb..............of Jeremy Beadles hand. Lol


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1 minute ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Fuck off. It's because I buy my 8Ace from a 24/7 and I didn't have a clue what the fucking numbers meant until I started using the 24 hour clock.

Just shop at the 7-11 and you can continue to function in proper 12 hour time.

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Fucking hell. What's your problem? I've never piled into you. If you've got a problem with Pen that's your fucking concern not mine. Don't slag me off because I have the audacity to like the post. And no, I'm not licking her dick. I'll leave that to you to do, you fucking spastic poof.

Spastic poof is a bit 1970's .Just takes me back to Gplan and an orange  Austin Princess.

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17 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Fucking hell. What's your problem? I've never piled into you. If you've got a problem with Pen that's your fucking concern not mine. Don't slag me off because I have the audacity to like the post. And no, I'm not licking her dick. I'll leave that to you to do, you fucking spastic poof.

I may have got too close to home for DC's comfort .. Bradshaw is being perceived as a scouser but his actual voice is not one of those typical of the central Merseyside area .. it more closely resembles that of cunts from overspill areas such a Winsford in Cheshire or in one of those parts of North Wales where scousers have flocked to and bred on.

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On 12/01/2024 at 18:46, camberwell gypsy said:

Fucking hell. What's your problem? I've never piled into you. If you've got a problem with Pen that's your fucking concern not mine. Don't slag me off because I have the audacity to like the post. And no, I'm not licking her dick. I'll leave that to you to do, you fucking spastic poof.

@Dyslexic cnut's right Gyps. While the subject at hand may be worthy of a public shoeing, a one-sentence (and a weak one at that) nom does not make good cunting – far from it. A worthy topic is something which is original, creative etc. and not slothfully cut & pasted from the BBC website's front fucking page. We all have immediate access to precisely the same story, which in no way adds value to the 'topic' that Willy Warmer was attempting to submit. Don't take this personally, but advocating Pen's nom by claiming "great cunting" brings nothing to the site by encouraging one of the least effective and idiotic punters this shithole has ever suffered. Seriously, how many likes did it attract? Like I said: lazy, useless, pointless.

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21 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

Doesn't "self assembly" mean that they assemble themselves?

Interesting concept.

It would be great to go to Ikea, get home with a box labelled 'chest of drawers', you open it up, out pops a few pieces of wood, some dowels and some glue, they then dance merrily around your parlour, before assembling themselves into a smart new furniture addition, a bit like the pots, pans and other junk in Fantasia.

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7 hours ago, Basil Brush said:

Most of these types are nosey ex-policemen with nothing better to do with their time.

He's worked for the post office all his life .. started as a post office counter clerk in 1978. He looks like a snivelling  cunt.

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